The Wiwi Jury — our in-house team of music unprofessionals — is reviewing and rating the 40 competing songs in Eurovision 2022. Next we review Serbia, who have chosen Konstrakta with “In Corpore Sano”.

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Konstrakta – “In Corpore Sano” (Serbia Eurovision 2022)

Review: Konstrakta – “In Corpore Sano”

Luis: Right when you thought Serbia was running out of ideas after exploring a wide variety of ballads and ethno-bops, they come with something completely out of the box. There are so many things to unpack in “In Corpore Sano” that you keep on noticing new stuff every time you watch Konstrakta perform. This artist is not only healthy, but has a mind that’s out of this universe. This is just too good to be true.

Score: 10

Robyn: Of all the things that delight me about this song, my favourite is that the song critiques the cult of celebrity beauty and haircare at the same time that Eurovision’s main sponsor is a haircare brand. Zing! “In Corpore Sano” is unusual for a Eurovision entry, but Konstrakta has a clear vision and delivers a performance that elevates it to an art-pop experience. It’s a catchy tune that adds many layers of social and political commentary to the simple act of handwashing.

Score: 7.5

Antranig: Get your hand sanitiser ready and make sure your health insurance is in order because Konstrakta is not playing around. This is a fantastic commentary on its chosen subject matter and Konstrakta sheds light on an important topic that can often be easily overlooked. The national final performance was striking and clever in equal measure – they can easily copy and paste all of that to the Eurovision stage. I’m notoriously awful at predicting Eurovision winners but I’m going to stick my neck out here – my money’s on Belgrade 2023.

Score: 9.5

Sebastian: “In Corpore Sano” has taken me on a journey from absolute confusion, to steadily growing earworm. The performance is both ritualistic in routine and song, and at times, is infuriating in its repetitiveness. But the more I listen to it, whether by choice or by automatic placement on my Spotify playlist, I can’t skip it. It’s hypnotic. And this hypnotism might just be the appeal to win over a European audience. Hats off to Serbia for choosing different.

Score: 6

Deban: Critically important social messages interspersed with a cracking modern beat, “In Corpore Sano” is more than a three-minute pop song, it’s a movement! Health (physical, mental, emotional) has been a global headliner during the pandemic, but it’s been largely off-topic in music. But Konstrakta dives in head first to unlock a wider discussion. Access to healthcare, the disconnected realities of fairy tales, and debunking obsessive compulsive disorders are some of the themes unpacked here — done in a way that allows your senses to develop your own story. A true contender for the Marcel Bezençon Awards, and a sure top five Eurovision finish.

Score: 8.5

Serbia Eurovision 2022 ranking

In the Eurovision 2022 Wiwi Jury, we have 18 jurors but only have room for five reviews. The remaining scores are below:

Angus: 9

Cinan: 9

Jonathan: 6.5

Josh: 5.5

Lucy: 4.5

Natalie: 7.5

Oliver: 6

Pablo: 7.5

Renske: 8

Ron: 5.5

Suzanne: 5

Tom: 7

William: 8.5

We have removed the highest and lowest scores prior to calculating the average. This is to remove outliers and potential bias. We have removed a low of 4.5 and a high of 10.

Wiwi Jury verdict: 7.28/10

What do you think of Serbia’s Eurovision 2022 entry? Share your own score and review for Konstrakta’s “In Corpore Sano” below!

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2 years ago

As Serbian youth, I am very glad and happy that turbofolk music didn’t represent us this year (didn’t wanna use word “embarass” as singers from last year), but it’s rather something with relevant actual meaning. At first I didn’t really like the melody, but it became contageous anyway, I now like Konstrakta’s sarcasm and realistic opinions in metaphors in this song. And the most important thing: she doesn’t sound as comercial boring pop-copy, she’s very outstanding and original in a good way.

Amy Kelly
Amy Kelly
2 years ago

I can’t believe Suzanne only gave it 5! It’s all about tending to your mental health as much as your physical health, and inequities in health care!

2 years ago

Brilliant. It is going to be Serbia’s best result in a long time. It’s just such a genius entry because of the absurd amount of appeal it has in multiple demographics. I’m happy to list them. Firstly, already Eurovision fans have taken Ana to heart as one of the big pre-Eurovision personalities this year (probably alongside Monika and Ronela in that regard) so she’s already going to get some support in the semi final televote based on merely being herself. Secondly, the staging concept is incredibly memorable. There’s like this dark foreboding atmosphere that is completely at odds of the… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Briekimchi

Rating: 8.0/10.0

bee bee
bee bee
2 years ago

amazing one

2 years ago

I don’t think Europe’s going to get the genius of this song and alot of you will be dissapointed

2 years ago

Easily one of the most interesting songs this year and quite possibly my favourite. It’s impossible to ignore and deserves to do well, the kind of song that reminds me why I love Eurovision so much.

2 years ago
Reply to  Richard

This year will have the best edition in terms if the entries quality.
I find very strange that you consider this top of the top.

Interesting Votes
Interesting Votes
2 years ago

Mens vote high, but Women gave low scores. Why?

2 years ago

Why is this being down voted? It’s a genuine question and I’m curious to know too

Deven O'Kearney
Deven O'Kearney
2 years ago

Here’s what I think; There is nothing like it in Eurovision this year, there is nothing like it in Eurovision history, the staging is so simple and yet so effective, and it is such a brave effort because it takes what is an everyday experience (healthcare and personal hygiene) and adding socio-political commentary to it. It might even be read as a criticism of healthcare in Serbia, although I am absolutely not qualified to prove that as I am not Serbian. If anyone from Serbia reads this, please confirm whether I might be right or wrong here. Either way, Serbia… Read more »

2 years ago

Healthcare in Serbia ? This song is definitely not about that. Serbia has Universal Health system free for all citizens. Serbia has a number of covid hospitals which were made specifically as a response to the pandemic.
I live in Australia now and gere its all nice and modern in hospitals with latest technology, but many doctors in the west are driven by money and there is no universal health system.
Im not sure where you came to that conclusion?

2 years ago
Reply to  Jelena

Yes it is.. because artists in Serbia don’t have health insurance.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jelena

Jelena is right, everyone in Serbia can apply for free health insurance. (It is another question how effective our public healthcare system is, but I was pleasantly surprised by its COVID response.)

2 years ago

Masterpiece 10/10

2 years ago

This will qualify, but too risky a song to win. The fans have heard it so many times now and yes I agree its very good, The concept grows on you. It is a clever act and original. But your average viewer will see it for the first time and think ‘what is this’? Will go either way. Personally, id be happy if this qualifies reaches the top 10, but a winner, i will not.

Sir Stevia
Sir Stevia
2 years ago
Reply to  MartyMcCu

Being too risky means this could NQ but also win. I think it will qualify easily and maybe even win but it could also come like 13th in the semi or something. Who knows? I don’t know. We will just have to wait and see.

2 years ago

7.5/10 At first I think like many others I was unsure about this entry, I had loved Zorja and Sara Jo’s entries in the NF, but I quickly started to love this song it’s catchy and has a really important message! 🙂

2 years ago

I’m not sure what Deban meant by “debunking” OCD.

2 years ago

As a dog lover I gotta say that the dog in the video clip is super cute.

ESC Stan
ESC Stan
2 years ago

Okay so this has gone from WTF to an earworm that keeps me awake. I’m sure this will qualify and do well, though my main concern is will people get it on first listen or love her performance and be cool with it on first listen at Turin. They SHOULD, but will they? The jury is out, pardon the pun.

2 years ago

i LOVE this song but i fear for it based on what happened when portugal sent an artistic , out-there entry in 2019. i can see this coming top 10 in the grand final and bottom 3 in its semi at the same time. running order doesnt help konstrakta , but a lot of serbias “friendly” countries are in its semi. its really too hard to tell for me , but i hope she can make it ?

2 years ago
Reply to  locoloco

Well, the difference between Portugal 2019 and Serbia 2022 is that Portugal had a very bad staging – it seemed as if their performance was too abstract and rather “art for the purpose of art.” However, Konstrakta establishes direct address and communicates important messages to the audience (even those who do not understand the lyrics will figure out that she talks to them) which makes her art more engaging and mesmerizing. In addition, tight camera angles, beautiful backdrop, Latin chant, clapping moments, and the dramatic ending will surely make the performance stand out.. I am convinced juries will appreciate this.

2 years ago

It was originally my 23 place but now it’s my 9th place Event though I think that Sara Jo or Zorja would have done better however this is artistic and interesting. I think it will do great with the televote however I’m worry that it will be difficult to understand however Serbia knows how to stage give a message so I not to sure. 8.5/10

2 years ago

7.28 is a realy low score for this amazing song, i know that you guys wont a Sara Jo or Zorja to win (i am too) but now, i am obssesd with Konstrakta and In Corpore Sano. What you wont from Serbia? If we send a balkan ballad its boring to you, we send last year a fast song again is not good enigh, and now we send something different for us and for Europe, a realy unique entry and again is not good for you….

2 years ago

Very original concept and catchy tune. I hope Europe understands it, though. For me it’s a 7/10.

2 years ago

It’s awesome that Serbia is taking a risk this year! Although at first I was a bit bitter about Sara Jo not winning, I do understand that the message of this song is really important for the world right now. Plus, it’s insanely catchy! Obviously the fandom will have divisive opinions about this, but that’s what is called taking a risk. Although I’m quite afraid that the meaning of In Corpore Sano would be lost to the audience in Turin. I hope Konstrakta will make a huge impact and probably come in top 5!

2 years ago


2 years ago

what i feel is overstated in the commentary of this song is the “social message”. if you listen to all of her songs (there are about 5), it’s very clear she doesn’t at all critique (or criticize) anything. she genuinely only observes. her mind skips from one thought to another, and if such a journey is coherent in the sense that it produces a point, then it becomes a song. she isn’t a cynic, because she’s too is a participant (e.g. in “in corpore sano” she moves through the motions of attaining a healthy body, so revered by the world).… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  ogi

You can’t deny Marina Abramovic deep vibes here in her performance and lyrics. Maybe she is not that conceptual but it shows off as such. Perhaps another staging then would benefit her song.

2 years ago
Reply to  Marina

“art must be beautiful” can be a part of this, there’s no reason against it. it’s part of the thought process. it doesn’t mean that this song isn’t about social commentary as much as it’s someone’s observation of what’s going on and what’s going on through their head. this staging is probably the best we’ve seen in eurovision to date.

2 years ago
Reply to  ogi

Your point is closest to how I experience this song. For me, she is literally a smart observer and contemplator inviting us all to think with her: So now what (do we do about it)?

Pablo Nava
2 years ago

Went from “oh….” to “oooooooooh” with this one.

2 years ago

It is a song contest and not an art contest. I really think this is something more for an art gallery. The so called ”deep meaning” is a kind of inwards looking. It doesnt give me anything. So for me used to going to art gallerys I am not sure it would capture my interested there either.

2 years ago
Reply to  Helene

i think it’s a load of fun, and people have actually gone too far with calling it “high art”. it’s actually a very good beat and a fun song – extremely catchy. the performance is unique in eurovision history. it definitely deserves its place.

2 years ago
Reply to  ogi

I think some here are childish. Downvoting serious comments, Puhh. I think I have seen similar things in performance art. But in Eurovision the song must for me be the main thing. I don’t think this is that good as a song. Moreover her message is a kind of blurred. I cannot relate to the idea at all. Some kind of comment on the Serbian health care system in combination with some kind of critique of contemporary ideas about the body and soul. It is not getting me.

2 years ago
Reply to  Helene

Woman, your analysis is supercicial. Song and singig is art by itself. The point is that singing you dont see as art. In such case u obviously see it as daily dose of kitch which u need to pass through life?

2 years ago
Reply to  gigi

It is not superficial. In serious art critics you are allowed to have different opinions on a art without being attacked for being superficial. Instead of insulting my intelligence you say something intelligent about this song yourself. What is your interpretation?

2 years ago
Reply to  Helene

Well, the point of the song is not explicit in first lines. Yet it gets ultra explicit in last lines. Do translate last lines from latin. It is a critique of the contemporary mind, shallowness, superficiality, and a mindset in whivh only looks matter – which is global thing, and which has ZERO things to do with serbian health system.

2 years ago
Reply to  Helene

people can downvote what they want, princess, you sound so entitled, pipe down

2 years ago
Reply to  kira

I am sorry about that. I was just expressing my opinion. I am not saying that the song is bad or trying to insult someone. I never do that. Not offensive to anyone like Gigi was to me. I am sorry if that is how it is perceived.

2 years ago
Reply to  ogi

It’s fun and it’s serious at the same time, and that exactly makes it so great. It’s just not preaching nor just a silly joke.

2 years ago
Reply to  Helene

Were it a song contest, we would not need stage shows at all, or any live singing. The contest could be a radio show. But, for some reason, it is not. And yes, I love that performance.)

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
2 years ago

Sometimes a song is written that totally defies songwriting conventions and has become its own phenomenon. The best thing I can do in this situation is sit back and enjoy the experience. Konstrakta is mesmerising to watch, and I hope she qualifies for the final.

John Vulnicura
John Vulnicura
2 years ago

The song and performance together are incredible. This could lead to some potential surprises with how high it ends up on the leaderboard. It is a risky entry especially since the unique message of the song is part of the magic and there is a chance it won’t be understood by the audience… but then, we just saw how much love Konstrakta received at Israel Calling and even scored 4 points in Israel’s OGAE Poll… So, in summary… I have no idea what on earth will happen with Konstrakta’s entry at Eurovision, but with Serbia having the sense and courage… Read more »

The Voice of Reason
The Voice of Reason
2 years ago

If this somehow wins, I won’t be mad AT ALL. All our healths will be improved!

Polegend Godnova
2 years ago

a full 10 from me. my favorite this year. it’s just brilliant

2 years ago

Everything from the lyrics to the music and the staging is so different that you can’t help but stop and stare for 3 minutes straight. “In Corpore Sano” won’t go unnoticed, that’s for sure, and that can only be good when we talk about Eurovision. Not only the song is catchy and hypnotic but also the staging, if that makes sense. The claps, the chorus, her eyes, the hand washing, the 4 backvocalist surrounding her, the Latin words… I honestly see Serbia in the top 10 this year and will totally deserved it. This is quality, it is weird but… Read more »

2 years ago

Serbia is stunning this year. For Serbo-Croatian-Bosnian speakers, the song has a hypnotic element that takes you to some dark places and then brings you back at the end. It is absolutely great. If Serbia manages to translate this properly in Torino: I think we might get a proper dark horse to ruin front runner favourites.

just an esc fan
just an esc fan
2 years ago

The artist, she can be healthy..

Honestly, I feel like this is Konstrakta’s world and we’re just living in it. It’s just out of this world. This is not just a song, this is not just a performance. It’s a whole story of the corruption and in general the problems of modern societies. I feel obliged to stare at her just washing her hands and clapping. Honestly, can’t even describe it.

Rating: 9,5/10 (7th)

2 years ago

I can seriously believe the Wiwi jury has placed Ireland above Serbia (and many other entries) I mean…

2 years ago
Reply to  Ethan


2 years ago


2 years ago

Its just a class above everything else this year, although I dont think it can win

2 years ago

2. Serbia I’ve already praised this song enough times, I’ll do it again. What an absolute masterpiece, the artistic aspect hides not in the music but in the ingenious and creative lyrics. Almost everything behind them is a metaphore for a problem of the modern society. From the unhealthy dependence to social media hygiene standards and the obsessive hands-washing, to criticising the entire function of the healthcare system’s treatment towards artists, pointing directly at the fact that even the priests may still remain unaware of the situation, because it’s not affecting them (“God, grand us health.” A popular saying amongst… Read more »

2 years ago


From Holland
From Holland
2 years ago

I love this song. It’s artistic, catchy and if you read the translation it’s also very gripping. The message appeals to me, and moves me. I hope this get rewarded at the Eurovision Show!

2 years ago

Screaming at this song being ranked lower than Ireland. Please!!!

2 years ago

There is something special with this song but thrre is no way it’s gonna win. This is too out of the box to be in public or jury’s top 5.
I remember when people were saying that Portugal was a contender for top 5 in 2019. Well it’s the same here except that I think In Corpore Sano has more potential than Telemoveis. I’m pretty sure Serbia will be in final but the result won’t be as good as people pretend.

Midnight Gold
Midnight Gold
2 years ago

Favorite Serbian entry of all time, got hooked the very first time I saw it live during their SF. Just hoping juries don’t decide that there’s not enough going on for them on the vocal side and rank this below generic waffle like Malta or Azerbaijan, that would be too much…

2 years ago

To me is one of my four 10s this year. I’m just obsessed with Konstrakta’s artistry. She’s a contender.

Frank Arthur
Frank Arthur
2 years ago

I hope to see her in the final ,go to be anecdotic, no more than top 20 ,

2 years ago

I think I love this, I hugely respect the artistic vision at work here and it’s a brilliant and bold entry.
But also, I’ve read the lyrics many times and I still don’t know exactly what point they’re trying to make? (The fact all the reviews vaguely mention “commentary on these issues” makes me suspect the reviewers don’t either). I also wish the song was little more engaging to listen to as an audio experience. But this is a televised contest after all.

2 years ago

Mesmerizing, and proof that you don’t need to sing in English to captivate an international audience! I love how this year both Serbia and Spain are optimizing staging and live performance to elevate their songs, both in very different styles.

2 years ago

in corpore sano is not only my winner by a longshot this year but it’s probably one of my favorite eurovision songs of all time. there is nothing about this song that i’m not diehard obsessed over. konstrakta is truly one of a kind and is destined for great things, hopefully the top 5 at eurovision because i think that is within the realm of possibilities!
my rating: 1,000,000/10

2 years ago

I’m afraid this may became this year’s “Telemóveis” (Portugal 2019 entry): a lot of hype with an “artsy” performance that ultimately falls short of all the expectations. Eurovision fans may get it, but the average viewer with just a few minutes to soak it in may find it too strange and confusing.

2 years ago
Reply to  Prc

I hope it will be more like this year’s Russian Woman instead.

From Holland
From Holland
2 years ago
Reply to  Prc

Telemoveis was such a great song! But the beard-wig estranged the audience 🙁
I often listen to this song on Spotify!

2 years ago
Reply to  From Holland

I really like it too, but I’m sure some people saw it as a joke or an experimental over-the-top performance

Lil Krumpy
2 years ago

6.Serbia – This has a hypnotic quality to it. Delivered well and it’s just special.

2 years ago

I guess I’m the black sheep in the herd because I can’t enjoy this at all. I’m really not into these “artsy fartsy” abstract songs I can’t really wrap my head around. I have doubts about how well this will do, as much of this song just comes across as weird to those who don’t get it, of which there will be many. I do like Konstrakta as a person, she’s funny in interviews, but for the song I just don’t connect with her. If I base everything in this entry only on what I hear, and not the ‘clever… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Vivian

it’s much less pretentious than everyone made it out to be

2 years ago

10/10, I hope this will be the winner…

2 years ago

In my opinion, “In Corpore Sano” is the most sophisticated and well constructed entry of 2022. I’ve read that Konstrakta has a background in architecture and it’s cool how we can sense this in her music and in the aesthetics behind it. It combines performance art, social satire, a charming deadpan attitude and a catchy chorus that many mainstream pop songs would die to have. It’s thought-provoking for those who know the message and visually intriguing for those who’ll be watching in the dark. The ultimate wildcard of this Eurovision. 9.5/10

2 years ago
Reply to  Sabrina

You did say that Serbia is in your top 10 at one point, but this feels like a potential winner (or a top 3 entry at least). I am glad that Konstrakta proves to be a grower. 🙂

2 years ago
Reply to  Colin

Let’s say this is my rational winner, but I have an emotional one also. Both were growers actually.

2 years ago

Er, uh, hellz no! Lower than Brooke’s “That’s Rich”? What is this review panel smokin’?

2 years ago
Reply to  CookyMonzta
