Buonasera, Torino! Eurovision 2022 first rehearsals wrap up today, with the Big Five automatic qualifiers taking to the stage for their first run-throughs.
We’ll get our first sneak peek at how the acts from France, Germany, Italy, Spain and United Kingdom decided to stage their entries. Will they live up to expectations? Follow our live blog to find out!
5 May: First rehearsals at Eurovision 2022
The Big Five — countries which are automatically qualified for the grand final — will also have their first rehearsals today.
Listed below is the Big Five first rehearsal schedule. All times are listed in CEST (BST + 1).
- 15:35 – 16:05 France: Alvan & Ahez “Fulenn”
- 16:15 – 16:45 Italy: Mahmood & Blanco “Brividi”
- 16:55 – 17:25 United Kingdom: Sam Ryder “SPACE MAN”
- 17:35 – 18:05 Spain: Chanel “SloMo”
- 18:15 – 18:45 Germany: Malik Harris “Rockstars”
First rehearsal footage will be exclusive to the official Eurovision TikTok account for 24 hours.
Each video will be a maximum of 90 seconds, and will include:
- Artists getting ready backstage
- First reaction to seeing the stage
- Wide shots of the first rehearsal
- A short interview about their first performance
🇫🇷 France: Alvan & Ahez “Fulenn”
@wiwibloggs_official #stitch with @eurovision #France’s @ALVAN & @ahezmusic set the stage ablaze in their first #Eurovision rehearsal 🇫🇷 #ESC2022 #Eurovision2022 #TheSoundOfBeauty #Fulenn ♬ original sound – wiwibloggs
🇮🇹 Italy: Mahmood & Blanco “Brividi”
@wiwibloggs_official #stitch with @eurovision #Italy’s @mahmood sings in front of shimmering lights at his first #Eurovision2022 rehearsal (without @BLANCO) 🇮🇹 #ESC2022 #Eurovision #TheSoundOfBeauty ♬ original sound – wiwibloggs
🇬🇧 United Kingdom: Sam Ryder “SPACE MAN”
@wiwibloggs_official #stitch with @eurovision #UK’s @Sam Ryder brings a mega structure to his first #Eurovision rehearsal 🇬🇧 #ESC2022 #Eurovision2022 #TheSoundOfBeauty #SpaceMan #UnitedKingdom ♬ original sound – wiwibloggs
🇪🇸 Spain: Chanel “SloMo”
@wiwibloggs_official #stitch with @eurovision #Spain’s @chanelterrero brings the heat to her first #Eurovision rehearsal 🇪🇸 #ESC2022 #Eurovision2022 #TheSoundOfBeauty #SloMo ♬ original sound – wiwibloggs
🇩🇪 Germany: Malik Harris “Rockstars”
@wiwibloggs_official #stitch with @eurovision #Germany’s @Malik Harris brings a multi-instrument show to his first #Eurovision rehearsal 🇩🇪 #ESC2022 #Eurovision2022 #TheSoundOfBeauty #Rockstars ♬ original sound – wiwibloggs
Which act are you most excited to see? Will the Big Five surprise us? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
France released the video clip !! The witches and the devil finally in the woods !
Just four (and even five with the dancer Soleïla Chaou ) young artists who will magnificently represent France and this beautiful region that is French Brittany. This year the stage costumes are a collaboration between the Breton stylist and embroiderer Pascal Jaouen (who has already worked for artists such as Cécile Corbel, Nolwenn Leroy…) and Lia Dillenseger, the stylist of the show “Eurovision France : c’est vous qui décidez”. Even though he was preparing a fashion show at the same time, Jaouen and his team mobilized because they wanted to do high quality work on the embroidery. For the staging, Alexandra… Read more »
So S10 grew a beard for UK?
Unpopular opinion: I never thought I’d say this (before down votes pour in I gotta say that my opinion can and will probably change), but Italy was the one that impressed me the least among the Big 5
Some comments are underestimating Chanel’s full potential. Remember, those TikTok snippets do not display the staging’s splendor to the fullest. Besides, in an interview with RTVE (Spanish public broadcaster), she stressed this was just a “taster” of her GF’s performance and, metaphorically speaking, “Chanel doesn’t need a sun to shine”. Anyway, I hope she stuns fans and jurors alike, as it IS Spain’s most promising entry since 2014 (with Ruth Lorenzo’s “Dancing in the Rain”) I think we all agree on one thing: the United Kingdom WILL receive their best placing in years! Sam Ryder’s mind-blowing staging reminded me of… Read more »
After reading so positive reactions I watched the snippets of Uk rehearsal and I have to admit I liked the song more but why is it ‘amazing’ and spectacular the fact he is singing from within a big metal cage? If the structure is supposed to be a rocket, well you know ‘Space man’ and he is in a rocket wow how witty!.
I dont like nonsense props on stage that are there just to be there and I think Uk’s thingy is one of those and a huge one.
It must really hurt that even the UK have finally bothered to send something worthwhile to the contest while you’ve just got some booty shaking over a boring reggaeton track in the background, don’t think about it too much…
France can really pull of a suprise win with that staging! Got the same “this is the one” vibes as from Måneskin last year and no other staging from the rehearsals gave it! Don’t factor France out yet 😉
That’d be great! Minority/Endangered languages aren’t usually featured and it’d be something pretty big if one wins! :O
Spain, UK, France, and Germany all look and sound great. I’m not sure if I can take Italy as a finished product, as Blanco isn’t here, and the chemistry between the two is crucial. Overall a really strong group of songs among the Big Five this year. 🙂
For me it was:
I like all songs, but I have to agree that Italy had the least impressive staging today. UK and Spain both deserve a top 10 result (finally!), and France is likely my personal favorite. Germany is so cute and underrated. I would be happy if he finishes somewhere in top 15, and surpasses the odds. I agree, the lyrics are so good.
Spain is the real and fair winner this year ,but everybody knows that Politiclandia go to win 🙁
So much toxic jealousy in this post… if its meant to be Spain will win. If not this year then next or the one after.. If they not gonna win then not gonna win. Where is the problem? Goodness
Of course is not a problem that Spain win or not ,what i mean is that this year in particular you like or not the politic go to win ,:)
There is politic every year unfortunately Greece, France, Italy, Sweden and Ukraine (maybe Spain too) are always on the top and being hyped about but the others like Lithuania or even Poland, etc don’t stand a chance to get there. Ukraine would have had a real chance at winning despite unfortunate situation in the country as they do every year no matter what they send. I guess it is better to accept this and enjoy the show and be as much positive and supportive as you can and avoid this toxic comments as they will get nowhere 🙂 . Ukraine… Read more »
For comments like this we have this image of toxic fandom. Por favor, no.
We live a time that at certain point we all are toxic, sexist or homophobic so having a toxic image is not really big deal.
I think this is the most depressing post I have read in a while. Go crash against the wall if you like but don’t drag the rest of us into it.
English classes, babe. At least try to pretend that you’re not stupid. Fake it until you make it!
Why Spain is the real winner? She can dance, show off her butt, but vocals are not mesmerising. I truly don’t get that hype I’ve Spain
Damn I really don’t understand Spaniards. When she won everyone hated her and were complaining about tanxuguerias and rigoberta. When they realized she become fan favorite everyone was and is like omg chanel ganadora. But if she doesn’t go well they’ll start complaining tanxu or rigoberta would do better. Btw I find it decent but not winning material
I don’t like Slomo, but I think Chanel is a good performer. I feel sorry for her: she is among the favorites this year, but I think that the toxic comments from a part of the Spanish community will make her lose votes (like the stage and the organisation will probably take points to Mahmood and Blanco)
I’ve got nothing against chanel. I don’t like the hypocrisy of some people. When it was released it was placed low in fan channels. When they saw the performance for the first time (including me) I was shocked how charismatic she is). From the one side it’s the Spanish haters/fake fans that make me doubt. And in the other side, eurovision juries have proven that they prefer ballads or songs with a deep meaning
Yeah, I know that you’ve got nothing against her. I was agreeing with you ahahah
There is no charisma, it’s a sex drive. Fine line between them two. One has taste and the other one not so much. I see the other one
Well, Eurovision has a huuge following in Spain even if we are used to lose big time every year and TVE is an obvious underperformer. When things get exposure then comes the haters and here in Spain we got plenty of them and very toxic, and not only in Eurovision. The fact that we have been irrelevant for ages at Eurovision makes us insecure and many people react like this because they don’t understand that the fact that you don’t like a song doesn’t mean that you hate a whole country. The bad command of English we usually have doesn’t… Read more »
Yes, I understand. But I saw a lot of toxic comments about Italy (for example). They were xenophobic and cruel (some people are waiting for some earthquakes in Italy lol).
So, I think that it isn’t only a problem linked to “the bad command of English you have”…I’m italian, I can understand this problem ahahah
Anyway I understand your comment and I’m happy to see a good Spanish part of the community
Well, generally speaking, the Spanish consider Italy as one of its closest buddies and nobody is wishing you bad. What you see is toxic fandom out of their minds. This is very usual in social media here (in politics, in football, on tv shows and also in Eurovision which is also a state issue in Spain nowadays). Toxicity is everywhere and the fact that you don’t really understand what’s going on because you don’t speak English well makes you insecure, some people retreat and some others attack with whatever stupidity comes to their minds. I think the main difference between… Read more »
I understand, I love Spain and I have a lot of friends there. I also know that not all the Spanish fans are toxic, but online I see only them. I know that finally being one of the favorites can have this effect, but it’s not good lol.
Anyway I really love your 2019 entry (Miki)
Have you considered the possibility of not being the same people? It’s just different groups of people being loud at different times. Tanxu and Rigo fans shut the f* up when Chanel started doing fine among Eurofans after they said over and over “Europe won’t like Latin music” a million times. And they’re waiting Spain to flop to start whinning again.
You don’t need to be so conspiratorial or arrogant. This year Spain is appreciated by many people, isn’t enought for you? I’m Italian and I really loved our entries in the last years (often acclaimed as winners, but in the end they didn’t win until 2021), but I have always recognized the talent of the other artists and I have always been respectful. Why is it so difficult for some people to act in a correct way? There is no an absolute winner when we talk about music, the most important thing is to be proud of your representative. Don’t… Read more »
This sounds like a British Daily Mail comment lol.
Anabel Conde’s was the last Spanish entry that would have actually been a worthy winner, that’s almost 30 years ago… Chanel is nowhere near that, not even close, it’s the only one out of the current favorites that would really drag the contest backwards if it somehow did win, back to the 2000’s to be exact. Anything but SloMo, please (yes, even Ukraine), as far as I’m concerned.
I’m very disappointed in Italy and I don’t want the song to win. Mahmood performed today completely tired and partially disinterested because he gave a different concert yesterday. Blanco didn’t even show up because he was playing another concert. Mahmood was also very tired and disinterested at the press conference. That will not do! I know Mahmood and Blanco are big starts in Italy – but they should take the necessary time for Eurovision. Others do too. My favorites today were UK, Spain and Germany. Sam Ryder showed so much joy and good humor. He has an amazing voice and… Read more »
Absolutely Germany dont deserve to be in the botton this year,is unfair
Shame on him for feeling tired, that’s now allowed according to the social media police…
It’s not a shame but in the past weeks and months we saw all Eurovision artists preparing for the big moment. We saw them performing in preparties, giving interviews to the fan press, we saw them interacting with the eurovision fans online and taking part in various formats. But with Mahmood and Blanco i have the feeling that they treat Eurovision just as another concert between their tour. It gives me the impression that Blanco doesn’t care and that Mahmood knows he already did Eurovision and doesn’t need to stress about anything. That was seen in the rehearsal. So for… Read more »
It’s just a rehearsal and they have performed together several times. Cancelling or postponing a concert may cause a lot of impact in some people’s work and income, it’s more than “just cancel it and move on”.
You may have the impression that they don’t care about the contest, while I’m pretty sure that this is just one more reason to be overdramatic.
Plus the fact that Mahmood literally slept only 2 hours but still went to rehearse today shows commitment, but you didn’t notice that, only the negative side of it. Not that I really care tbh, as an Italian ESC fan I just want this all to be over soon.
If they don’t have time to take part in Eurovision because you they other concerts coming up – that is totally fine. Mahmood and Blanco are big starts in Italy. They would have been okay even if they didn’t agree to go to Eurovision. But they still did and now they don’t have time for preparties, interviews, interaction with Eurovision fans and even rehearsing at the Eurovision stage. They should have given another, new artist the opportunity to go to Eurovision. Now they just treat it very awfully by showing up there partly without sleep and no power.
Preparties are not part of the contest, and there is no obligation to give a thousand interviews.
At least not until they get to Torino, then they are expected to give six hundred and stay up half the night doing it. Not before then, though.
I’m sorry but how does not getting enough sleep = treating the contest awfully? The fact that he turned up to rehearse through lack of sleep shows the EXACT opposite of that. You don’t know why he’s so tired, but he got up there and rehearsed and somehow that’s not good enough for you? JFC I despair at some people sometimes.
I’m sorry to tell you that, but Italy will always send big stars to eurovision because they usually choose the winner of Sanremo. Also, pre parties and interviews are great, but you don’t have to take part of them. Mahmood slept 2 hours and he did the rehearsal and the meet and greet, isn’t it commitment for you? Blanco has a sold out tour in all Italy scheduled before Sanremo. He didn’t choose the Eurovision week, but he had concerts this week. He will join mahmood for the second rehearsal and I think it’s ok, in this months they probably… Read more »
Yes, Mahmood had a concert here in Madrid yesterday and it finished late, he must have been returned today.
Sorry, *must have been back
The UK will finish between 7th-14th, Spain will finish between 5th-10th. Italy won’t do well because delegations are mad at how Italy has handled eurovision, so Italy will score low with the juries. So which are the 3 countries that will compete for the win? Sweden, Greece, and Ukraine. If the competition turns out super political, Ukraine will win. BUT… because the EBU really emphasizes that politics does not define eurovision, EBU will not let Ukraine win. So either Greece or Sweden will win, and Ukraine will finish second. I predict Norway, serbia, Netherlands, and France will be in the… Read more »
You weren’t in the arena it’s closed to press ??
and on Twitter you said people told you Spain didn’t have a chance of winning based on her performance before they even performed as they were running late. You are a joke bestie x
What are you talking about? I don’t even use Twitter. I think you are confusing me with someone else
I’m not the press, I work there
How did you see the UK/Spain closed rehearsals? Hi Eurovisionfun.
1. I don’t understand your comment? Eurovisionfun? What?
2. I work in the arena, I have seen everything even stand in rehearsals
Eurovisionfun is the website you work for.
You posted about the rehearsals before they had happened yesterday they were running behind schedule so sorry bestie you’ve been rumbled x
I gotta give props to my girl Chanel, she really came out here and slayed the stage. Im not gonna make any predictions because anything can happen, but this is a performance that Spain can be very proud of. I might go as far and say this is the best spanish entry ever
I mean… ever is a very long time. The best Spanish entry ever for me is Sergio Dalma, 1991 hahaha
I just wanna clarify before people start disagreeing with me. Yes the song is not anything exceptional but the performance is so exceptional, she is not your typical eurovision diva, she is on a super mega star level. I could see Chanel after eurovision become the next big thing in spanish/latin music, maybe even as big as Rosalia or Anitta
I agree with you. She is just bringing to ESC the kind of music and performance having success from Latin countries in the whole world. I think it was about time that Spain brought something like this, even if this is not my favourite type of music.
The best Spanish entry ever for me is Miki 2019
He did have the most authentic and intimate staging of the big 5 rehearsals.
This is something Germany did for a couple of times and always did better than people thought like in 2012 or 2018. So i think they will do better than many people think.
Poor Germany, this year it isn’t that bad
It’s not that bad, but we know what happens with Big5 when they are not great…
Oh I’m Italian and I know it very well, especially this year lol
Anyway poor Germany, it’s so underrated this year only because it’s Germany lol
Not just because it’s Germany, it’s because of the song. Very flat, very 2012.
Yes the song isn’t in my top 10, but neither at the end of the list. I think that Germany is usually too much underrated.
There are worst songs this year
A Big5 song at the position 25 out of 40 is like a Big5 song at the end of the list.
Lol ok, anyway it’s a good song, not amazing but good
United Kingdom= why is everyone so excited about him? He will be on top 10 but a victory isn’t the most possible scenario
Germany= number one contestant for last place
Spain= girl, we like booty but not so much booty. I think she might not be on top 5 as I previously thought.
Italy= no double win for various reasons. And that’s for the best.
France= kind of forgot them, but its good they are back on my memory. They will need much luck to be on top 10.
United Kingdom: Best UK entry in a very long time. Amazing voice and positive guy. Not much to say. Germany: For me the most authentic song and staging. Why do you think it will be last? because he has no pyro and no crazy outfit? I think he will be the surprise of the night. Spain: That girl knows how to perform. She just gives us positive vibes and i’m so looking forward to see her perform. Italy: Absolute dissapointment of the day. Both artists don’t seem to give a sh*t about Eurovision to be honest. The song is good… Read more »
Oh, Matty, just stop putting Malik down like that. Just because you don’t like him. It’s almost sickening for you.
Omg yes! can not agree more about Spain
Top 10 would be a big victory for the UK make no mistake about that
Am I the only one who thought that Spain paid Rob Sinclair the minimum fee?
Too soon to speak without the whole performance posted, but the lighting seems to me a bit cheap and generic.
With that stage everything will look cheap this year.
Personally I am annoyed that Blanco is not there for the reherasals. This is so disrespectful for all the other competitors.
Agreed, and why is Mahmood tired? He more than anyone else should know what the contest involves. He should be raring to go.
I am also very proud how these replacing singers are actually so brilliant in this instance with Mahmood, but also last year with GO_A.
You know, it is easy to speak without knowing stuff. Blanco has a following of younger fans that were the most affected with the pandemic and finally they are allowed to have some fun. Do you think it would be fair to cancel these concerts just for you to not be annoyed with his absence more than a week before his actual performance? oh please.. you are entitled to your opinions but there is too much lack of information and selfishness on these.
So far the odds have not favoured the UK. Sam is not moving in any direction, Greece is not either moving a lot since yesterday when they gained a little bit. Italy is loosing some.
Greece is actually a little bit further away from Spain than they got yesterday.
We actually gained a lot of ground yesterday but only managed to surpass Poland. On the other hand, I still don’t understand why Spain keeps moving up the odds, considering the song they have. It’s like they bribed the gambling markets in an attempt to seem to people that they are considered contenders, when in fact they’ll earn maximum 200 points on a good night, lol. Sames goes for Finland (a bit out of context, I know) , some places lower, in the top 15. They’re literally up there in the odds because of the Rasmus’s fame, not because of… Read more »
So if you personally don’t like a song and it does well, the delegations brive the gambling markets…. Aha, very logical assumption. Listen, I just do not like the Greek song, but I see many people liking it and I realise it is just a matter of different tastes.
Just to make you know that Eurovision betting is not allowed in Spain as it is very restricted by law. You can do that on a VPN only. And TVE isn’t that aware of such possibilities like Maltese TV or maybe the Bulgarian one in previous years. They have just figured out how to chose a song people like to talk about.
Wait, you cannot bet on Eurovision in Spain? Your laws, people (honestly, not even ironically) ,are way smarter, if I was to compare them with the comical situation here in Greece, where gambling in general almost works sometimes as a way of income, lmao.
In the last few years, there has been big restriction laws on betting in Spain.
That’s because of very little information leaking. The first rehearsals didn’t make any difference and only after the second one odds started to move. I bet it’s gonna be the same.
Normally after rehearsals the odds change a lot. But this year, almost nothing is changing. We are going to see lots of surprises
First rehearsals move very little. Second rehearsals yesterday is where we saw a shift. Expect one for UK and Spain.
So why are all the fans here so sure about The UK? I have not seen anything yet.
Because we are anxious, lol. The bookies need more info than what is given at the moment and they may be too old to use TikTok.
Just to clear up, when the favourite (in a field of 40 entries) has winning odds that equate to 40+%, and the next two both have winning odds of 10+%, unless one of these entries falls significantly, there isn’t much room for other entries to make significant jumps in the odds.
Odds-wise, this might be the most static a Eurovision competition has ever been.
The odds can’t change that much when Ukraine have 43%…
When we will understand that butts are not that cool? So past era
The Kardashians would disagree :)!
Rigoberta Bandini said I don’t know why you are so scared from our tits. I see that you are scared from our butts as well.
Ha ha, you wish 😀 not scared, just not interested. You know the feeling when you watch smth and want to switch the chanel? This is exactly that. Have seen so many better butts :DDD
Are you a woman?
Are you a hetero man?
Are you an oil painting?
Yet no one ever complains about shirtless men on Eurovision EVERY YEAR. Misogyny doesn’t really want to go away, uh.
If Sweden had the UK song it would be a winner. I say that as an Irish man (non UK person) ?.. I can see the UK top 5 with the jury and mid table with the public.. Best of luck to the UK
No way. Sweden is foten judged harder than others.
I am not sure if Sam would would have won melodifestivalen. The song is not that good.
Disagree! An Example: In 2019 Sweden got 240 jury votes and 90 public votes. Sweden have constantly been handed votes by the juries and they pick up the easy Scandinavian vote every year. In a weak year Sweden always have a chance to win.
I totally agree with you! When there Is not a potencial winner, SWEDEN wins!!! Excepto EUFORIA!!!
I agree.
I can still see UK winning. It’s the song and not the country!
Sweden is moving into second place in odds now. Will the odds get it completely wrong this year ? Will Ukraine win ?
Ukraine will definitely win the public vote with a landslide.. the question is can Sweden gain enough enough public and jury votes. I personally don’t think it’s strong enough to beat Ukraine
I have a feeling Spain can win. She’s got the whole package. Even though there were opinions that her song isn’t that good on the radio and I’ve agreed to that as well, today I have a different opinion after having a fun zumba choreo class in Chanels song 🙂
You think people will spend their money just to vote because of solidarity? If the song was something like 1944 then sure, but this way I honestly think they will perform like Lithuania 2021.
Yes, people will vote. Every Eurovision commentator from every country will highlight the significance of Ukraine performing at the Eurovision. Every country in Europe has Ukrainian flags on their streets. People want to support Ukraine. And people will vote. it will be a landslide televote.
do not forget they are 5 mln of Ukrainian refugees in Europe now. Who would not vote for their country if they could?
I LOVE UK STAGING OMG it screams winner vibes all over i cant wait to see the whole performance
Also France they improved so much i wasn’t expecting to be surprised. People seem to underestimate them but i see it top 6 easy
I would love to see UK win!
All I saw tonight, with those glimpses at the rehearsals, is two absolute favorites for the win, Spain and Italy, getting their chances trashed by the much better prepared supposed “runner-ups” of the big-5, UK and France. Simply incredible overall job, vocals and staging by both the latter mentioned.
France? Really? As per Italy, I just think they don’t want to win Eurovision again this year.
France is the no for me still messy. But UK is great! I also think Spain has chances.
we know that you don’t want italy to win lorena. you can speak about something else in your comments.
When will we know what half of the grand final the respective big five countries (excluding Italy) will perform in?
We’ll know Saturday during the press conferences following their second rehearsals
I think it will be in the purple carpet on Sunday the same as last years!
Does Chanel not have a prop?? Her chances really might be hampered if they were relying on the LED screen backing like in all of her other performances. Little sad for her.
She is the show. A proper performer doesnt need propa or leds
I thought people have stopped voting for bodies
I read that they keep an other dance break routine and some surprises for the final
I can see it on right side of the final board, nothing from juries and not much from public. I know you all afraid of thruth 😀
Everything from Sam’s outfit to the staging prop is superb! I am expecting this to be the UK’s best result in a long time an really hoping for a top 10 finish!
Sam’s jumpsuit – I don’t Like it. It actually makes me think less of the song. It makes me cringe since it does not scream sophisticated Like His voice And his song do. So sad.
Sam is Sam and he will be authentic to himself
I’m sure the BBC will have other outfits for him, just as they did for James last year. Though I seem to be the only one who liked that coat with all the zips.
I think its a very clever outfit choice. I think its supposed to be like a sky diving kind of outfit to fit in with the “space” theme. Well thats my take on it anyway.
Well people hated on Ochman for wearing a suit, so.
I can’t believe how good Sam’s staging is. Just wonderful 🙂
Today certainly makes it feel like the UK are the strongest of the Big 5 this year.
France si amazing ! Definetely one of my favorite ?
my ocd is literally in trouble with the pictures of chanel an the lights behind her who look like an intern plugged them and are not in the same order, seriously this organization is killing me
Medication and cognitive therapy is your friend.
humor is not your friend obviously
Not when joking about serious mental health conditions, no.
Sharona was better than Natalie.
Uk on the other hand did a great job. I love the guitar, I hope they keep it, and Sam’s outfit looks cool and sexy!
Chanel wore so many cute outfits everywhere to pick that super kitsch one for Eurovision??? Also, her whole b*tt being out is not gonna help with the juries. She should have kept it sexy but classy.
Why cant you write butt??
Ultra mega super political correctness.
UK staging looks amazing, finally we have a quality entry from them again
I think I just weeeed a little with excitement seeing Sam’s stage. OMG UK we are actually going for it this year, looks amazing, I was so worried we’d of been relying on the LED graphics with space like animations behind it for the staging. Also he is very nearly hitting all those high notes, can’t wait to see how we do, even if we flop I’m just happy having such a lovely artist to be proud of on the stage. On another note, Mahmood looks about as excited to be at Eurovision as I am writing my dissertation right… Read more »
If Sam manages to do for U.K. that Anouk did for Netherlands’s then that will be an achievement in it self . Then again I said that about Jade Ewan and was Hopefully for Molly
She coped well when that violin went into her head.
Yeah, I feel she wrote the lyrics thinking it was for an American Idol winner or something.
Obviously not ALW or Diane Warwick’s greatest work, but part of me wonders if it was intentionally simplistic, to cross language barries. However it was a bit like Peter Kay’s ‘Winners song’ parody from a few months before!
Bit of a shame as Jade is hugely talented performing uptempo songs whilst dancing, and didn’t really get to do that at ESC.
Where is Blanco?
Doing a concert
In my bed.
He just became 19 in february.
I guess teens are your thing?
UK delivering on staging and singer , excellent vocalist. It’s a pity the song isn’t just a little stronger. Still can’t tell how it will do
the song is epic, man! but I agree with all your other points.
Do you find it a little too average, or not really going anywhere? How would you improve the song?
Sam is doing too much and looks too eager imo. And Italy.. seem to have an incredibly boring staging.
Really??? I don’t doubt for one second his excitement to be performing at Eurovision!
He’s been waiting months for this and he said he was very excited to be on the stage for the first time… your comment is weird .
Eurofans: UK doesn’t try at Eurovision
Eurofans in 2022: that’s too much
Is Sam going easy on his vocals for rehearsal? I want him to save his best for the finals.
his vocals always sound amazing, I think he is just that good and doesn’t need to hold anything back (in my highly unprofessional opinion)
I hope so, he did not sound too good in Madrid, but I read there were other reasons for that.
He wasn’t great in Madrid because he was on strong painkillers. He fell off an electric scooter that had no brakes and hurt his leg quite bad.
and also the microphone he had didn’t work properly
LOVE LOVE LOVE What Sam has done for space man, judging on the pics alone.
I am buzzing to see a video
Best of luck Sam. You make me so so proud.
and I’m hearing the esc blog announced an alternative outro for the song. All my dreams are coming true xxx
Is not a litle to overreacted?,,well dont look bad U.K.,but honestly what i see is soooo much lights ,i become nearly blind,but ok ,
Beats a black hole.
What about the „new“ version Sam’s singing on stage? Did they keep the „nothing but nothing but nothing“ part? Yes please!!
I think that France could be THE Dark Horse for this 2022 contest, even though a lot of people here seem to be obsessed with Chanel from Spain?? or Sam Ryder from the UK??.
Don’t forget France??, dear friends?
I love France and Alvan & Ahez. I love this atmosphere ! It’s different ! It’s unique !?
You could be very surprised on May 14th
Yeah it’s your opinion and thanks god we don’t all have the same. I like french song but not enough to be in the top 10.
OH MY GOD, SAM AND THE UK DELEGATION ACTUALLY DELIVERED! THE STAGE LOOKS EPIC, THIS CAN GIVE THEM THE RESULT THAT EVERYBODY CHASES OF THIS YEAR! It would make me so happy to see them winning considering Sam’s song is my personal favorite for 2022. 🙂 <3<3<3
(Shall we be worried that) GRAVITY KEEPS PULLING THEM DOOWN!
(I’m here killer punch moment when the beat drops out for the) I’M UP IN SPACE MANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN…..
Honestly I’m amazed by Sam’s staging. It looks epic.
I was afraid that UK’s performance would be over the top, but it actually looks all very good. If Lucie Jones was 15th in 2017 I guess UK will be on left-hand side of a scoreboard after 10 years.
WTF? France is much better ?? you have good taste???,definitive, you are really kidding
It is well known that aria has good taste. He tells us all the time.
2 big trumpets?
I wonder if Sam’s heard that before.
The song seems very popular among the fanbase to me. It may be a bit overshadowed as all the big five (other than Germany) are good this year with a chance of winning. I think most people are just assuming that the juries will give France a low score like they always do to these types of folk entires.