The first national final of the Eurovision 2023 season is almost here. Vidbir 2023 will see ten acts compete for the right to represent Ukraine in Liverpool next May.

Before the participants perform live at Kyiv’s Maidan Nezalezhnosti metro station on Saturday 17 December, we want to here from you.

Which song has struck a chord with you? Who should follow in Kalush Orchestra’s footsteps and wave the Ukrainian flag at Eurovision?

Scroll down to vote in our poll

Vidbir 2023 participants

If you need a refresher of the songs before voting, then you can do so below. Click on each song title to listen to the entry, or watch the full playlist.

Poll: Who should win Ukraine’s Vidbir 2023?

In this poll you can vote for as many of the ten acts that you would like to. However, you can only vote once — so make sure you’re confident with your choices before hitting the ‘submit’ button.

Who is your favourite from Vidbir 2023? Do you think any of these acts could give Ukraine another Eurovision victory in 2023? Shout out all your thoughts below.

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2 years ago

KRUT’ – “Kolyskova” is for me.. it’s just too beautiful

2 years ago

Hoping for Fiinka, really cool song. I think Hail will spur a lot of controversy if she wins. It’s overly “lecturing” about the horrors we now all know all to well, and after a freezing winter for a lot of Europeans, I think that may rub a lot of people the wrong way. So not a stategically good choice for Ukrainie. Should she win, she should really consider singing in Ukrainian. It will make the song less intrusive, and, i believe, also more beautiful.

2 years ago
Reply to  Anne

as a Ukrainian I would give everything so that freezing would be my main issue

Mr X
Mr X
2 years ago

In my opinion Jerry Heil´s song is very average.

2 years ago

My only favourite here is KRUT?. Moisei is my #2. I don’t like Jerry’s song at all.

2 years ago

None only sympathy will again

2 years ago

I hope I will be Krut’. She has a meaningful song with a good stage potential

2 years ago

I am a Ukrainian and here is my prediction. Krut? will win. Jerry and Tvorchi will flop, because of a bad live singing. Fiinka could be second. Tender blanche could be a dark horse like oy sound system (not gonna win tho)

2 years ago

The winner of it will also be the Eurovision 2023 winner.

And they ban russian spoken by half of their population just to have half english songs. No comment…

2 years ago
Reply to  Doris

You should have left no comment.

2 years ago
Reply to  Doris

How can you be so stupid? I am a russian speaker in Ukraine and I am like the most of us against russian song representing us.

2 years ago
Reply to  Doris

you’re obviously not Ukrainian, maybe you should let actual Ukrainians speak on their thoughts

2 years ago
Reply to  yaremturkiye

How many countries do speak now the langage of their primary colonialismcountry ? Has Mexico banned spanish ? to backward speak precolombian langage ?

2 years ago
Reply to  Doris

Damn, don’t be ridiculous! You can’t compare, most precolombian languages were only oral and have no written form. Of course, Spanish had clear advantages over them…

2 years ago
Reply to  Doris

I don’t think they will win again, to be honest.

Jack Needham
Jack Needham
2 years ago
Reply to  Doris

Well just to let you know Doris, I guarantee you that whatever song Ukraine chooses, Ukraine will not win next year, especially not in a political way, and even if we might get a revamp for one of these songs Ukraine still won’t win next year, you can downvote me if you like but it’s your word against the Eurovision fandom.

2 years ago
Reply to  Doris

You are spreading lies. Ukraine hasn’t banned Russian. Ukrainians speak Russian because it was forced on them by the Rus. colonialists. This is just like how the English forced the Irish to speak English. Anyway, plenty of people grew up speaking Russian in Ukrainian, only now they are *choosing* to speak Ukrainian instead because they don’t want to speak the language of the colonizers.

2 years ago

Krut!!!! Jerry Heil is so mediocre it huuurts.

2 years ago

Lol, Eurovision fans are so predictable and are taking the bait with this Jerry Heil’s song which is pretty average, already seen and heard before and has tragically bad lyrics. BuT iT mIxEs TrAdItIoNaL aNd MoDeRn sOuNdS therefore basic esc fans are already salivating all over it.

2 years ago
Reply to  123

Boring song with bad vocalist and it’s not even a song, just repeating sound from 5th element and spoken word and only 2 minutes

2 years ago
Reply to  123

omg look at mr “im so quirky and not like other euorvision fans” acting as if his opinion is supreme. kindly cry harder

Jack Needham
Jack Needham
2 years ago

To me, I say Jerry Heil

2 years ago

My pronostic :

Winner : Jerry Heil !!!
2nd : Krutb
3rd : Oy Sound System (darkhorse 🙂 )
4th : Fiinka
5th : Moisei

Ukraine have a strong selection this year and I Hope to see good lives performances !!!

2 years ago
Reply to  Roro31

Jerry will not win, she cannot sing live

2 years ago

Ukraine could possibly win again with Jerry Heil.

The staging possibilities for such a unique-sounding song are endless. Jerry is also a fantastic human with an amazing personality, she’d make a great winner.

2 years ago
Reply to  Thallo

She will not sing this live

2 years ago

Was really excited about KRUT and she did not disappoint. Gorgeous song– just a marvelous balancing act between delicacy and grit. FIINKA is wonderfully fun and I could see it doing well. There are moments when Moisei’s voice and/or violin seem to slice through straight to my soul; it doesn’t seem like an ESC winner but it’s definitely quality. Jerry Heil – if that’s the best you can do in English, please please please use Ukrainian instead.

2 years ago
Reply to  Zanoni

What’s so bad about the lyrics? I don’t really care about a clumsy translation, I like the theme. Better than Vincent Bueno’s attempt at the same last year.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

The rhyming on the chorus (the door-war-floor stuff) is very basic and very relentless in a way that makes it hard for me to think about anything else. I find it extremely unpleasant to listen to and I can’t imagine it would be acceptable in native-English pop.

2 years ago
Reply to  Zanoni

This is true. I’m not convinced “sure” even rhymes. Violence/violins… I don’t know what to think about that. Still, none of it really bothers me. Maybe because I see anything that’s not “Say Na Na Na” as a step up.

Midnight Gold
Midnight Gold
2 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

Pretty much anything sounds better in comparison to Serhat 2019, it’s true, but we could have probably written an entry along those lines ourselves over a cup of tea or something.

Graham B
Graham B
2 years ago
Reply to  Zanoni

I personally think #Vegan is a better song. Far more catchy with some very witty lyrics!

2 years ago

I’m genuinely freaked out that Ukraine will win Eurovision again. Jerry Heil’s song is already giving me 1944 vibes and will probably win Vidbir given the fact that it has far more YouTube views compared to all of the other songs.

2 years ago
Reply to  ESCFanGA

Relax. Even if it does win, there is no need to panic. It could be “sympathy”, or it could be just that this is the song with the most power in these turbulent times we live in.

2 years ago
Reply to  ESCFanGA

The gap between the popularity and quality of “When God Shuts the Door” worries me. I’m definitely not on the side of those who reflexively complain about Ukraine, but if it wins the whole thing… well hmm.

2 years ago
Reply to  ESCFanGA

To be honest, I feel like when god shut the door feels like a pale imitation of 1944, but I don’t feel winners vibes out of it for eurovision. I think it will win vidbir, but I don’t think it’s strong enough for a consecutive Eurovision victory. Of course, it depends on the other songs that are competing in May, but I am getting really sick of people throwing their hands up and saying Ukraine is going to win again next year. We don’t know what’s gonna happen next year. Wouldn’t it be frustrating to win again and you still… Read more »

Midnight Gold
Midnight Gold
2 years ago

KRUT sounds like more of an ESC winner than Kalush ever did, at least to me. OY Sound System could also be a really interesting choice, Jerry Heil would be a very disappointing one considering those first two great options.

2 years ago
Reply to  Midnight Gold

I like the production of the Jerry’s song but I really dislike the song itself. I’d like Krut to win but Jerry will. I’ve accepted that already. What can ya do.

2 years ago
Reply to  Stevia

Of Jerry’s song not the Jerry’s lol*

Midnight Gold
Midnight Gold
2 years ago
Reply to  Stevia

I don’t think it’s that clear yet, KRUT could pull off a 12 from the jury, if they’ve got any sense, and a 10 from the public, so Jerry would have to match that score first.

Mr X
Mr X
2 years ago
Reply to  Midnight Gold

This procedure could likely happen ….

2 years ago
Reply to  Midnight Gold

I’m hoping this will be the case.

2 years ago

Wrong poll. Should be who wil win Eurovision 2023 ?

2 years ago
Reply to  Mati


2 years ago
Reply to  Mati

I hope ukraine win even more now thanks to bitter comments like this, thank you! I will now vote for Ukraine multiple times like other will, all thanks to Mati’s encouragement

2 years ago


2 years ago

I would love for Jerry to win, overall her song is my favorite. I do hope that if she does win, she does a slip revamp (she probably will have to remove “war” from the lyrics) but I would love to hear more instrumentals during the beat breakdown and add more bass. But regardless, it is a great song that has so much staging potential

2 years ago
Reply to  Matt

It probably could use a little more work if it wins vidbir next Saturday but I think we should regard it as a miracle that it even got made at all considering the circumstances, along with all the other songs here.

2 years ago
Reply to  Matt

Jerry’s song should be in Ukrainian as the English lyrics are very badly written. I like the production and her voice but the lyrics ruin it for me.

2 years ago

Jerry Heil or FIINKA for the win!
Best of lucks to them.

2 years ago

KRUTb all the way. If Ukraine sends “Kolyskova” to Liverpool, they have yet another out if the box act, serving cultural elements carried in a distinctive way by this women and her bandoura. The title (Lullaby) embraces perfectly the aerial atmosphere created as this song transports me into the summit of a mountain emerging from a see of clouds, giving the feeling of calm and peacefullness after a challenging ascent. After taking some days to get into the songs of Vidbir 2023, I see a variety of genre represented. I’m really intrigued by some of the propositions : Oy Sound… Read more »

2 years ago

I’d like Krut to win.

2 years ago

“Oy, tuzhu”, “Heart Of Steel” or “Kolyskova” for me.

2 years ago

Considering the hype, I assume that Jerry Heil would have to botch her live a lot not to win the televote. The juries are likely to award her too. If not by 12 points, by 10 for sure. But the question is not who will win, but who should. And Jerry really has a strong case for her entry. It mixes folk, rap, opera, and pop in a coherent way, leaving a lot of room for great staging options and wow moments. It feels like the obvious outstand. Tad too obvious, perhaps? But how to argue against the fact that… Read more »

2 years ago

My favorites is Jerry Heil and FIINKA. I hope one of them will win

2 years ago

Jerry Heil.

In other news, Céline Dion deserves an article. How sad.

2 years ago

Jerry Heil or KRUTb, although I have found myself listening more to “When God Shut the Door”. It has something so euphoric and ecstatic that just pulls you in. I really hope we can see WGSTD on Eurovision stage coming May. Kolyskova is not a bad entry by all means, it would still be an amazing entry, but WGSTD is just something else.

Fast Food Music Lover
Fast Food Music Lover
2 years ago

Jerry Heil or FIINKA would be a perfect addition to the list of great Ukraine representatives in Eurovision.

Amar pelos dois
Amar pelos dois
2 years ago
  2. KRUTb
  3. OYSoundSystem
  4. Jerry Heil
  5. Moisei
  6. 2TONE
  8. Angelina
  9. Tember Blanche
2 years ago

It’s KRUT for me. Her song is so enchanting, and could be an incredibly powerful moment on the Eurovision stage. I’ll be honest though, and admit I find Jerry Heil’s a little overrated. Don’t really think it’s as great as people say it is

2 years ago
Reply to  Vivian

I get what you’re saying, krut Is also my favorite from this selection of Vidbir, But I’ve accepted that Jerry Heil Is likely going to get the ticket. Her song is the most viewed Out of the 10 so at the very least the televoters are gonna go for it (489K As of the time of this post— No other song is even close to that).

2 years ago
Reply to  Vivian

As much as eurofans are salivating over Jerry Heil, I can already see Ukrainian jury giving her crumbs in points lol. It just doesn’t feel convincing, everything about her song feels fabricated and studio-polished. Krut on the other hand is just fascinating. Her song flows like a river, builds up beautifully and bursts in the end as if the birds got set free. Top notch songwriting.