Photo: Corinne Cumming / EBU

The health and safety of Junior Eurovision acts always comes first. That’s the important message that the European Broadcasting Union has sent in a statement confirming that the U.K.’s Freya Skye won’t perform in Saturday night’s dress rehearsal. This rehearsal serves as the jury final. In a statement sent to members of the press corps, the EBU said:

“For medical reasons UK artist Freya Skye will not perform in the 2nd Dress Rehearsal of the Junior Eurovision Song Contest on Saturday 10 December. A recording of her performance from the 1st Dress Rehearsal held earlier in the day will be used instead. The health and well-being of all participants is always our top priority. All the Junior Eurovision family send her their best wishes and are looking forward to Freya returning to sing in the live show on Sunday 11 December.”

As you’ll recall, online voting opened on Friday evening. Because Freya was unable to sing live during an earlier rehearsal because of her health issue, her recap clip used playback audio.

Our team watched her in Yerevan during the Saturday afternoon rehearsal. Although she only sang the first part of the song live, her choreography and charisma were ON POINT. She is ready to nail the performance as soon as her health improves. 

The last line of the EBU statement gives us hope that she’ll be able to take the stage and show off her full talents on Sunday.

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2 years ago

sorrry amaze

2 years ago

wow freya is amae

2 years ago

they should consider live-on-tape if more kids get sick UNLESS they move the contest to September or April.

2 years ago

If the ukranian girl would compete with playback… You wouldn’t be sooooo nice. Hypocrisy.

2 years ago
Reply to  Eurotoxic

Lol my guy you made up a situation and got mad at it. Try to stay positive, I think that we all want the kids to be healthy

2 years ago
Reply to  Eurotoxic

Lying. It happened with other artists too see Iceland 2021 when they had to self-isolate and came 4th.

2 years ago

The Irish girl is also very sick

2 years ago
Reply to  mark

She looked and sounded fine at the most recent conference when they had contestants answer questions from the audience.

2 years ago

Por girl. I hope she can perform tomorrow.

2 years ago

OH NO… poor girl!! 🙁

2 years ago

Freya get well soon!!! How hard could be a contest for children… I am sure that Freya puts herself under pressure because she is representing her own country and this is the moment of her life.
I support JESC but my heart breaks when I think how hard this could be for a kid who is ill while the others are enjoying.
Go Freya! Europe loves you!

2 years ago

You really think it’s unfair? She will probably be penalized ny juries… it’s sad when you know she was a great contender for the win. I think it will be for Armenia again this year.

Frisian esc
Frisian esc
2 years ago

France won with playback in 2020 though. It can also work in your favor.

Esc addict
Esc addict
2 years ago
Reply to  Frisian esc

And here we go again…he can’t prevent himself…

Frisian esc
Frisian esc
2 years ago
Reply to  Esc addict

I have no idea what you mean. Just stating a fact xD

2 years ago
Reply to  Frisian esc

Facts are backed by evidence and clearly, Valentina was a capable singer who can sing live.

2 years ago
Reply to  Frisian esc

This again? It’s been two years, move on.

2 years ago

How tf is penalising someone because they have a sore throat fair? sometimes it feels like ye want her to do bad, give her a break.

2 years ago
Reply to  esc

She has a sore throat and clearly its impacting her to the point she can’t even perform. Idk why you’re being so cruel about a child not being able to sing.

2 years ago

So are the juries gonna vote based on playback? That is unfair to both Freya and to other contestants. It is unfair to Freya because she might lose a lot of points because of the playback, as she could be very good live, but we would never know. It is also unfair to other contestants, because Freya’s performance will sound perfect, and she might get an advantage. Anyways, I wish her a speedy recovery. I agree with some points below, that Junior Eurovision should be more of a festival than a contest. But since it is still a contest, competition,… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Edgar

Apparently the clip they showed in the jury show didn’t use playback. I just hope the jury take into account her illness when they vote.

2 years ago
Reply to  Edgar

It says she performed earlier live and theyll be basing their judgement on that performance. If anything, its unfortunate for her because she’s singing with a sore throat which will probably affect where she places.

2 years ago
Reply to  esc

Yeah, I agree. If they showed the live performance where she is sick, then she is unfortunate. I just hope juries can understand how her actual voice would be without a sore throat

2 years ago
Reply to  Edgar

Her first rehearsal had her singing live so that was the footage shown in the jury rehearsal.

2 years ago

I understand. I would hate it so much for the adult contest, but for children, it’s okay. The best thing that could happen to this show is to drop the contest aspect completely, just make it a festival. They say the health of the child always come first… if this was actually true, they would not be put through so much pressure, stress and scrutiny. They obviously only mean physical health, not mental health.

Only teardrops
Only teardrops
2 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

Hell no. Junior Eurovision is already a festival of friendship among the children because the atmosphere here is more friendly than on an adult one. But the contest is a contest. It teaches children to work hard, very hard, to achieve something. They should know that life itself is not always as… simple as you want it to be.

2 years ago
Reply to  Only teardrops

They can learn that in many other ways. If their life depends on a song contest, something is very wrong.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

Yes, make it a festival where the audience awards a few prizes like “favorite song”, “favorite staging”, “favorite outfit”, “most charismatic”.
There should she be one winner for each category and no ranking of the other contestants so there’s no last or bottom places, yet there are a few rewards for the 1-4 who stand out and wow the audience.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

They could go back to the old system. For the first ten or fifteen years of the junior contest, the winner is not what decided. To help avoid pressure on the children. That was then abandoned for whatever reason.

2 years ago

maybe they should consider live on tapes for junior eurovision as well.

2 years ago
Reply to  Aaa

No, because it would be too disappointing to make a child drop out at the last minute.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

Dadi Freyr seemed to take it rather well

2 years ago
Reply to  Jofty

He is a frickin’ grown-up!

2 years ago

I hope UK doesn’t get penalized horribly for it, but I do appreciate that they’re all being transparent. Better that than have people speculate about if playback was used.

2 years ago
Reply to  BadWoolfGirl

You wouldn’t say the same if it was Ukraine!

2 years ago
Reply to  Eurotoxic

What about Ukraine?

2 years ago

Hope she’s good to sing tomorrow, one of my fav songs in this edition. Anyway, I don’t think they should use the 1st rehearsal footage, instead of the playback one, which, of course, it’s unfair to the other participants.

2 years ago
Reply to  Héctor

Okey, I’ve read they have cut out the playback from the video, only remaining Freya’s voice. I was the fairest decision. Though it would have been better the UER used the first rehearsals when Freya could actually sing.

2 years ago

Oh nooooo… she’s my favourite. Wish a speedy recovery. Hope to see her tmr…