Going into Super Saturday we had eight confirmed songs for Eurovision 2023. During that very long night we added another seven — from Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Italy, Latvia, Malta, and Romania — taking us to 15. Now that you’ve had time to sleep and pop a few painkillers, we just have to ask: Which Eurovision 2023 act is your favourite so far?
In our last poll, Norway’s Alessandra came out on top. But who will snatch the crown in the increasingly crowded field this week?
Vote in our poll below and let us know. If you need a reminder of the new acts that have entered the frame, scroll down for the video and a brief description.
Who is your favourite Eurovision 2023 act so far? (February 12)
Super Saturday: The 7 Confirmed Acts
Five-piece rock band Let 3 are known for their shocking live performances and vulgar lyrics. Their Dora performance was wild — but it’s only a hint of the outré style they’re known for. They appear to be mocking totalitarianism and authoritarian leaders. Will Europe get the joke?
Danish voters went for Reiley — the first singer from the Faroe Islands to ever represent Denmark. Ahead of the show, Reiley told us that his electronic number “Breaking My Heart” really captures his sound and emotions. “It’s one of the songs I wrote a while ago — I remember it was very relatable to me at the time ’cause I had gone through some stuff.”
Eesti Laul winer Alika topped a field of 12 acts with her smooth and dramatic ballad “Bridges.” She sings of building a path out of heartache and trouble and toward a new tomorrow. It starts with you. “I forgive myself for all the lies I said before,” she says. “Now I see the road of healing lights, showing me where I should go and what to leave behind.”
Ten years after he last made a turn on the Eurovision stage, Marco Mengoni is back with “Due Vite,” a dreamy Italian ballad. As you’d expect from Marco, the tender song carries deep emotion: “I should phone you, tell you the things I feel, but I’ve run out of excuses.”
Four-piece band Sudden Lights bring an exciting mix of sounds in “Aija,” which reads like a contemporary lullaby. They sing: “Don’t cry, I’ll try to sing the right words at the right time…please don’t wake up.”
At the end of Malta’s marathon national selection, one act remained standing: The Busker with “Dance (Our Own Party).” The saxy opening gives way to a playful, feel-good number that mixes funk, dance and a whole lot of quirkiness.
Theodor Andrei’s performance of “D.G.T. (Off and On)” was a lot of things — a rock performance, a strip tease, a statement against war. Our readers have asked how to define where gimmick ends and art begins. You decide.
Who did you vote for and why? Let us know in the comments box down below!
There are a lot of countries (including mine) in which communism is part of the government, so make jokes about Lenin is, for sure, a political issue.
I love Mama Š?! I keep liking it more and more the more I listen to it. Thank you Croatia for the breath of fresh air you’re bringing to the contest.
Other countries: take note! Especially the eastern European countries who like to send songs in “English” (you know who you are).
Croatia being brash and bold in their offering is much appreciated. And thanks for sending something in Croatian.
Not 1 of his song is good. It’s awful. it’s gonna be tight in the bottom this year
Croatia will certainly not be at the bottom judging by the number of views in the official ESC Youtube channel
But Everybody dosnt like it
I see you’re Everybody?
Croatia will qualify and do very very well in finals. Stop hating. You don’t speak on behalf of “everyone”.
Let3 is getting better and better here and in my personal fav list too.. LOVE IT!
Is this poll for real? Croatia being most favourite is just a huge joke. My breakdown of the act after painfully watching it: Costumes – childishly silly Make up – ridiculously slapped on Act – atrociously static and wooden Lyrics – too cliche-like and nonsensical Composition – made my ears bleed Message of the song – the only redeeming factor – but message in a song is not enough. Besides it is too blatantly political and as per EBU regulations should either be changed or be disqualified. EBU either you act or else no one will take your decisions seriously… Read more »
Your are not EBU… i like the song and I love the performance! So please be polite and accept that other people like this and maybe some other think that your favorite entry is rubbish!
Rubbish is always rubbish. Some people just like rubbish.
And you must accept when other dont like this cra its the worst i ever herd. I be angry when i herd this. -10/10
You obviously do not understand satirical expression but world is more complex and not one minded. Also, we can all try to think that world is a beautiful, perfectly organized and pretty (an what is pretty is very subjective) but we all know that it is not
I do not understand why you need to use such hard / borderline rude and insulting words. Yuu don’t like it.. fine. No one is making you to like it. But calm down
Tom I am absolutely calm. Others who seem to have been triggered by my biting honesty seem to not be so calm.
As to understanding satire, well some satire is actually good, some just are not.
Did you expect exact replicas of the dictators uniforms and Kardashian full glam make up on them? The ugliness, weirdness and overexagerating has something beautiful to it. The costumes are pretty creative in my opinion.
The song is catchy and has an interesting progression, it’s definitely not predictable. Anti-war and anti dictatorship messages are not political themselves, they don’t tell you what to think, or who to vote for, do they? And quite opposite, people who they sing about deserve to be mocked. Absolutely not a discussion if they should be banned.
Now you are being quite silly and over-defensive. No I did not expect anything as you suggested but I expected something which does not pretend to be art when it isn”t. If you find this noise as catchy and interesting then by all means enjoy it. Everyone to his/her own taste and weirdness. No, anti-war, anti-dictatorship messages in art are in fact political but I do not have any problem with that. On the contrary I am all for it. But first of all it has to be done tastefully and artistically. Secondly blatant partisan politics is banned by the… Read more »
So you’re breakdown of the song is more relevant than others? You may not like it, many others do. You must sit there all day and just totally deconstruct a song? lol, get a life dude.
I think you should follow your own advice and try to get a life yourself as you sound quite triggered and concerned with trolling people who do not agree with you. So it seems only opinions which agree with yours are relevant? As to sitting all day listening to a song – no thank you! Three minutes were more than enough and then maybe two minutes more to deconstruct it.
Slovenia is currently very close to overtaking Norway in the poll. Keep on watching this alternate universe…
I like Slovenian’s more than Norway’s song.
It has happened; Slovenia’s now received more votes than Norway.
The truth about the Cristian entry that no one dares to Tell. The song, the staging and everything around is just a Big, huge shhhhh but not any kind of shhhh, a dinosaur (the biggest one that ever was) kind of shhhh. And yes the message, the anti war and the symbolism… Everything a very Big, huge massive shhh… The tractor, the tractor WoW so hilarious… Are you 12 years old? Just asking…
Haha no Christian, Croatian. Predictive is like this Croatian entry totally unnecesary.
I would say your comment is totally unnecessary. As I said to few others here, it is ok that you do not like the song, but your way of communication is only big shhhh here 😉
So that makes two big shhhhhs.
Well, I am glad that at least you admitted that the way you communicate is big shhh… for your opinion of the song… it is as it is. Have fun!
To Phoebe’s “My eyes, My eyes!” when she finds out about Monica and Chandler in the sitcom Friends, I add “My ears, my ears!” after I accidentally listened to Croatia’s entry.
Another Friends quote (when Ross is playing keyboard) is perfect for Croatia’s song
Phoebe: I loved it! It’s just, it’s so different from the stuff you usually hear.
Chandler: You mean like, music?
I always imagined people with bad taste quoting Friends, so thanks.
Troll level high in this vote
How can I take this poll seriously with Croatia at the top? FFS.
You can downvote me as much as you like. You know Croatia’s song is 100% gimmick 0% quality. I appreciate the sentiment and the message, but sentiment does not equal quality. This song made my ears bleed.
It wasn’t that bad. There are worse in the running already . . . (of course, good revamps could make them tolerable)
It’s ok Dave’s had a bet on Spain I reckon. Just running scared at the polling. Which isn’t to be trusted currently.
Norway is most popular among the viral charts online by far wether you like or hate the song
You can see it as therapy, something you should have done long time ago
I totally agree with you. My ears bleed everytime I hear it. I agree and applaud its message but a message on its own does not make a song. Besides I gather that this is also a highly political song and as songs in the past were disqualified or were asked to be changed so should this song be equally penalised. But as usual EBU, two weights, two measures. Some people seem to believe that weird is good, even a masterpiece. Weird is just weird. If this is considered a good song then what I sing in the showers is… Read more »
Why do you keep listening to it? I mean if your ears blead? You like to punish yourself or what? You accidentally keep clicking on it on YouTube? I dont get it 😉
Again you Tom? No I am not a masochist so I do not keep listening to it. It obviously comes up when I check You Tube tops. Niw calm down Tom do not take it so much to heart.
Oh I am very calm. Just worried about your ears 🙂
Thank you for the concern but there is actually no need to. I will just shut out this noise every time it comes up. I am just very worried about you and not just the damage caused to your hearing.
It is funny how many people is brainwashed by the contemporary media and could not recognize great music among all this generic pop garbage even it was punching in their face. This Croatian postmodern camp neo glam punk rock is absolute masterpiece and something that cannot be processed by many zoomers and that is kinda sad. Luckily, they are not the only ones to vote…and this will win. For sure.
Yes this piece of garbage is my ass. This piece of garbage is just garbage and you think you are very modern, Brave and alternative because u wet ur pants with this huge piece of shhhh. You are just a kid pretending to be bold and daring. Grow Up.
You are just jealous
Of what exactly?
Calm down boy. You don’t like the song? Fine. But the only garbage here is the way you talk. Have some manners!
Why do you assume I am a boy?
You are right. Apologies for my assumption. But it does not matter if you are a boy, girl, man, woman or whatever, still… manners!
If u consider this garbage “great music” i can fart in your face and u can call me Beethoven.
I consider entire Let 3 performance great. Also, I’m into fart fetish too. Can I get your number? .)
Of course u are into fart fetish… U have already said you LOVE this entry
You are also full of anger. It will eat you.
You had me in stitches with that comment.
Get ready for EŠ? this year
I congratulate Croatia and see that Slovenia is catching up
How about the maltese song ? such a good song this year gor eurovision what do you think guys .
I voted for Malta and Spain on this poll 🙂
Croatia? lol
Last year many complained about Ukraine winning Esc (maybe) because the “sympathy” vote and this year It seems to be perfectly fine that Croatia wins for the “sympathy vote”?? Weird logics.
There’s no sympathy vote. There are bots. We have them every year at these surveys.
I dont think that IS It only. This entry IS getting support now. When It was released, It was a total WTF but now, there are lots of comments everywhere praising the message, how “brilliant” It is, the symbolism and whatnot. Funny that they dont speak about the song or staging.
I’m pretty sure that sympathy vote is not on their mind, or any vote for that matter. They’ll be perfectly happy with last place as long as they put a good performance in their mind. As per song meaning we are all guessing, its not like they themselves explained every lyric, they did mention that its about Putin and all other Putins on this planet. You should know that they mocked power through their career (since 1987) and that during communism you could end up in prison for doing that and in war years 91-95 you could just disappear or… Read more »
Are we really 12 years old now? Ooo the song is mocking dictators, It is so brilliant .. come on man dont give me that sheet. Do u really think that the people Who lose their pants about this vomit really give a dam about war/dictators?? Just kids pretending to be daring… Been there, done that
If they don’t give a them about war/dictators, they should. You as well. For obvious reasons.
Alternative is pretending that everything is fine, all is love peace and happiness. Can we hold hands and sing Kumbaya together. Maybe the world will change.
Believe me. No way that Croatia is going to win Eurovision with this song. This poll is a joke.
Never question the supidity level of people
A huge respect for Croatia to send that kind of song. Song is the best. Hi from Brazil!
We were slowly showing to the neutral viewer that the contest was gaining in credibility and overall quality and then this happens. If Croatia do well it could be a disaster for getting the average viewer to take this contest seriously. I’m all for a diverse range of songs but this is a mess. Forget the message. It’s just a very poor song and very poorly sung.
Gave you a plus vote, because a song like this doing well would leads to the contest not being taken seriously anymore. No one anywhere in the world would listen to this garbage outside Eurovision.
It is a song from their rock opera, they are established artists 35 years now, but I don’t expect for you to understand that, your bad, tho…
Sorry to burst your righteous fan bubble, but the average viewer watches Eurovision EXACTLY for THIS kind of entries. Otherwise, who else except fanatic fans would sit through 3-4 hours of bland pop ballads? This is what made Eurovision famous and one of its trademarks. OK, no need to have many of them, but a year without quirky acts is a sad Eurovision year. In any case, Eurovision does not have to be a posh, stuffy festival, but that what it has always been – a funny, messy, entertaining party. :))
Who exactly is the average viewer? The one that likes to listen to same old pop ballad garbage singing about love, angels, holding hands and happiness they would never listen to outside of the ESC? This is also about Croatia finally sending a band that is truly popular.In Croatia, everyone knows about Let 3 and what kind of music they do, even if they don’t listen to them. I think that’s a step in the right direction, not just for Croatia but for other coutries as well. Let’s have a competition between artists that people actually listen to in each… Read more »
Croatia ? Really Europe? ESC is going to be a trash contest.
People voting Croatia either bots or just sick. You can explain it’s meaning all you want it should not be in the contest it’s disgusting
Reading through the comments here as well as on other sites (e.g. Youtube), reaction to Croatia is mostly positive (except few, like yourself, which are being very aggressive and insulting everyone). But here is a question for you, if majority likes the song, then majority is sick? Or maybe …?
Eurofan without any taste in music insulting other tastes funny
Wow did not expect such a landslide. I voted Croatia. I understand why some people aren’t getting it and I tried listening to it in the car and it wasn’t the same, but I am obsessed by this performance, we need this!
We really really don’t.
The lineup as of now is so cringe and bad, I can’t.
Definitely lacking so far, but there are three songs that good. A couple OK ones. A couple gawdawful and the rest already forgotten.
If the poll result is to he believed, then at least around 25,000 people have read some of this blog post. Hmmm…
Oh, it’s 28,046 apparently
The rockets stand for the nuclear war that Putin always say to bang it to Europe or Ukraine! The bomber man is Lenin and the singer is Staljin. Armageddon grandmama is a metaphor for the TV shows in Russia with their msg about that russia have to send nuclear weapons to the west. This is a anti war song who show what one Psycho can kick the world. The tractor stands for the gift of Lukashenko for Putins 70s birthday! Mama Š? is Russia she loves the moron! The chaotic part when he sing Mama I’m gonna to play I’m… Read more »
That’s all fine, we have read it million times by now… but where is the actual song?
So anything unique with exclusive arrangement choices are not music, only swedish song written by same authors are music?)
Thank you for explaining this. Now I get the message and this song is growing in me even it is not between my top 10, but it is getting closer.
cool but the song is a big NQ
Wow! I really needed your explanation to interpret it … not!
I’m sorry, but there’s nothing quality or subtle about this. It’s garbage. But yes, it will pass to the final, sadly, as there’s always that troll song which does.
Very interesting contrast with the eurovision scoreboard app, where Croatia is last.
You are holding your phone upside down.
That scoreboard is well known for not having taste.
This app is for boring eurofans who lllisten only to cliche pop
This show can be fun and viral in Croatia, so enjoy the party over there, but this won’t be long in Eurovision and Europe. Semifinal again.
If Croatia qualifies for the Final, sadly It Will get many votes from televote. The “joke” vote. We always assume people take Esc seriously and they vote for whatever likes or moved them but people might also vote just for “laughs”.
Only croatia entry deserves vote, nobody cares about cringevision dude
So how can Croatia have like 11 thousand more votes than the second-best song, but in the scoreboard app being the absolute last?
This survey is so rigged… Everyone can vote and clearly, Croatians (and maybe people who want to show solidarity with whatever is happening in Ucraine) are voting, commenting and downvoting everyone who says that this survey is rigged. I know we don’t have a winner song at the moment, but the other 12 songs are not that bad, at least not all of them.
Maybe the other one is rigged? ?
Mama Š? is the best!!!!
You can cast all the votes you want just by reloading the page. Polls usually don’t allow such things. I think there’s is a problem with this website poll system.
WordPress polls aren’t great and very cheap.
Have you checked official esc odds!?
Because only deaf eurofans use your app
I doubt that there are any bots here in play; for sure an article in one of leading news portals in Croatia did give it a boost. But in general I believe people do like this song once they are over the initial shock. Just look at most of the Youtube reaction vides… it usually goes like this “WTF – is this serious” to “well actually not that bad” to (some) “it’s actually great”. Especially once people do learn what it is all about. I do not remember any song in recent history that caused so much controversy and caught… Read more »
Czechia music video is released in VESNA official channel, it almost has a million views,the reason why it took so long for it to get these many views is because of it being released later on to the channel
Don’t get me wrong, I love Czechia song. Maybe I should have not used it as a reference. Point I wanted to make is that Croatia song is trending and viewed many times. Probably the reason why I chose Czechia is because I wanted to make a comparison to another great song.
Croatia is on fire! I voted for them. Hi from UK!
Eurovision is slowly returning to a song contest in which low musical quality is liked 🙁 Hopefully, there would be juries who would downvote Croatia’s entry because it’s really trash.
Your music taste is trash, eurovision was always about low musical quality, Croatia is better then your awful cheap eurovision pop
And your deluded
No, i am just not eurovision twink and open minded to new sounds
Agreed the fact it looks like hitler is disgusTANG as well!
Mockery of dictators is disgusting? You ate such a nazi then
Oh, so you think ESC was at some point high quality music?
How many of the previous years winners actually did well in European music charts?
Only two come to mind, Arcade and Satellite. That’s not really a lot considering it’s “high quality music” show.
ESC was always about low quality music and youmg girls and boys with questionable singing skills showing as many body parts as they can without violating the EBU rules, nothing else
How many ESC winners have topped european music charts in the last 30 years if ESC is such great quality music?
I can totally understand hype about croatia. At first I was wtf is this!? Two days later I’m like trajj-naj nina armagedon nona. But this is wild entry, it could be top 5 or last one.. time will tell, but you cant say that it got unnoticed, that’s for sure.
After their glory years in 1990s, Croatia has been (undeservingly) struggling at Eurovision in the past years so all this-pent up frustration has led to the selection of this song. The thinking goes ‘we tried everything and nothing worked. ESC is a joke/camp festival so lets send a joke/camp entry’. The problem is that ESC has evolved so much over the past years that even joke entries need to be sophisticated and well produced (e.g. Subwoolfer). The Croatian song is simply cheap and outdated (though probably very funny to the local people). Songs like this reduce the reputation of ESC… Read more »
And what was nettas chicken song? And Moldavia last year? They came Second in televote and with no Ukraine they would come first ! Deserved! I don’t want to listen to 40 songs all polished and produced Swedish. We need this kinda songs in the contest. Don’t forget diversity my friend. Let 3 doesn’t mind if they qualify or not why are you so scared about? Don’t get it
It’s not such songs that reduce the reputation, it’s 90% of songs that nobody ever listens to outside of the ESC.
ESC (Eurovision Song Contest) has turned itself to ESC (Eurovision Staging Contest) step by step. Live orchestra removed, pre-recorded back vocals allowed… What is Next: Allow autotune like Norway did? Allow playback for the main vocals too?
That’s why the last placed song in San Remo 2023 is much better than almost all the entries selected so far and that’s why Croatia may win the trophy this year with “something” (no, it is not a song!) which has no melody. I feel sorry for a show that I used to love so much.
As Croatian I’m pretty sure we will not win the trophy, so no need to worry
You are hypocrite, last placed sanremo song also had autotune
Croatia is a song, and you just typical deaf eurofan who only listens to the same cliche songs and cant appreciate anything unique, but you are dying out minority
Hopefully there will be some great surprises among the internal selections this year,… Unfortunately I dont have very high hopes for Austria, Switzerland or even Israel (Unicorn is a bad title for a Eurovision track, and seems to be a track that only plays into the LGBT fandom craze)… I am hoping that I will be proven wrong though… So its up to UK, France, Netherlands, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan to amaze us now. Of the national selections that havent selected I think only Sweden, Serbia and Germany that are left that have a chance to challange in Eurovision –… Read more »
One hlf of Austria’s duo, Salena, can sing and perform very well. Seen her live.
Go Croatia! 12 points from France 🙂 Mama SC
Iam from Germany ( no Slavic roots) and votet for Croatia. For now it’s the best package and it’s catchy. You can say what you want. If it’s not your cup of tea ok. But respect others taste.
I love when we have bots in this surveys, hahaha.
Guys there are no Croatian bots here its much simpler- major Croatian news portals have articles about this pool and wiwibloggs so naturally much more people came here to vote. Croatia is small country with great sense of community and Let 3 is quite popular in more urban and liberal centers (which actually read the news) so its not hard to see why so many votes, and its not a conspiracy of any kind. Todays article on index.hr (most popular cro portal) is stating that Let 3 is winning by large margin so expect more votes 😀
As Danish I can confirm this. I was in Croatia summer 2018. when they had great success in world cup (football, I think silver medal). I have never seen so many happy people celebrating on streets without any incidents (and lots of them were drinking). I was explained that big part of that is because of the war in 1990s, which obviously with all its tragedies, brings people together afterwards. So I kind of like this entry and anti war message because its from one country that has gone through this to another one which sadly is going through it… Read more »
Well let them vote for themselves! Won’t work in May!
Tbh, none
Im from Denmark and I think that Croatia has the best song.
Your insane then
Wiwi should make a poll B4 poll season: which countries will spam the poll? Last years, Spain, Albania, Malta, Armenia, Croatia,.. were successful spammers, but no influence on Live-Performance of contestors @ ESC. 98% of televoters even don’t know about wiwi. So let’s have fun in our bubble. BTW voted 4 Croatia, Czechia and Estonia. Austrian here ?
Obviously this is the result of a Croat campaign and probably bots. Sigh.
Here’s what I want from Wiwi.
The ability for people to make unique profiles to be used for:
Is that really so much to ask for?
Sir, this is a Wendys.
I have no idea what that means.
Also, carry on with the downvotes. Jesus. Probably the same Croats and but that are rigging the poll anyway.
Lol @ Croatians massvoting their pathetic entry.
Kao drugi ne glasuju za svoju pjesmu????????
Noone votes for ukraine but they are assured a win anyways, standard…..
Yeah… true…
Obviously, many people here have something against Croatia. Conclusion that Croatia is first in this poll does not make sense. Croatia has small population and wiwibloggs is not so famous there. Also, saying that Croatian song is joke and trash tells me just about your low knowledge of music. I mean, just because you do not understand Croatian and can not understand context of song does not mean it is joke. Let 3 belongs to upper class of Croatian music and their songs are not for everyone, IQ is important factor I guess
You can say everything about the brilliant message, thoughtful lyrics and their huge IQ, but the song musically is low quality, it’s unlistenable. As simple as that.
Everything is relative. You can listen to catchy love songs or war inspired song that has purpose to think about our world. Your choice, I listen to both themes. Btw many artists through history were not realised in their time and were saying something is unlistenable or ugly.
There are quite few ways to manipulate these polls and it can solely be done by even one person, but judging by the amount of votes this was done by scripting.
I just don’t see a valid reason to do this, except for the sake of drama and pissing people off.
I’m not Croatian but I voted for Croatia just for the lulz