It’s almost time for round two in Portugal. Semi-final 2 of Festival da Canção 2023 takes place this Saturday, with another ten acts vying for six qualifying spots to the grand final (or perhaps seven spots if there’s another technical issue…).
Before the Portuguese public and jury makes a decision, we want to hear from you. Which acts are you hoping to see again in the grand final?
Scroll down to vote in our poll
Festival da Canção 2023 semi-final 2 competing songs
Click on the song titles to listen to each entry.
- Bandua – “Bandeiras”
- Bárbara Tinoco – “Goodnight”
- DAPUNKSPORTIF – “World Needs Therapy”
- Edmundo Inácio – “A Festa”
- INÊS APENAS – “Fim do Mundo”
- Ivandro – “Povo”
- Lara Li – “Funâmbula”
- Teresinha Landeiro – “Enquanto é tempo”
- The Happy Mess – “O impossível”
- Voodoo Marmalade – “Tormento”
Poll: Who should qualify from Festival da Canção 2023 semi-final 2?
You can vote for a maximum of six songs, as that is how many will make it through the semi-final. Plus, you’ll only be able to vote once, so make sure to choose wisely before submitting your votes.
Show details
Semi-final 2 is scheduled for 4 March. We’ll be guided through by Sónia Araújo and Jorge Gabriel.
Six songs from the semi-final will qualify — a 50% jury and 50% televote combination will determine the first five, then a second round of 100% televote will choose the final sixth qualifier.
On 11 March, the grand final will take place. This will be hosted by Filomena Cautela and Vasco Palmeirim. The result will be determined by a 50:50 split between a jury and the public vote.
Which song is your favourite from semi-final 2? Do you think any of these acts will go on to win Festival da Canção 2023? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
Edmundo Inacio and Barbara Tinoco. I don’t care too munch about the other as none of them really interest me.
I hope The Happy Mess come up with a suitably whimsical and floaty staging, and breeze smoothly through to the final.
Edmundo , Bandua and Happy Mess
Edmundo Inácio is really the best in this 2nd semifinal. He even deserves to represent Portugal. His voice and song are mesmerising! I’m rooting for him to Liverpool.
For me :
– Barbara Tinoco
– Ivandro
– Edmundo Inacio
– Bandua
– Voodoo Marmalade
6th :
– Teresinha Landeiro.
Whereas SF1 only had one act I felt strongly about going into it, there are five acts here that I clearly want to qualify and that’s going to make it difficult as my chances of them all getting through are slim.
Teresinha, Bandua and Bárbara HAVE to make it. I also want Ines and Ivandro to be in the final, too.
This semi final has the potential to be the one singular show to rival Finland’s this year for me. It is stacked!
Bandua and Edmundo Inácio are my favorites in this semi. “Bandeiras” is my favorite song in this year’s FdC, I hope it has a convincing performance. But something tells me “A Festa” will be the stronger contender coming from this one.
Bárbara Tinoco, Inês Apenas and Ivandro would also be qualifiers in my books. But the other 5 haven’t left a strong mark on me yet with their studio versions.I agree with L’oiseau, the first semi was stronger.
I love Lara Li’s song and diction, it is as if she’s making love with the words. I was so astonished back in January when the singers were presented. I hope she qualifies.
something about INES’ song is so interesting, the only song I keep going back to and listen from this selection.
Lara Li has a beautiful song, interesting composition
Barbara and lara li plss
Bandua’s Bandeiras is actually my favorite entry of this entire season and one my favorite ever ESC-related songs, it would make for another amazing Portuguese entry in a row after Saudade x2.
Voodoo Marmalade and Lara Li are my other big favorites here, hoping they at least qualify. Also like all of The Happy Mess, Edmundo Inacio, Ivandro and Ines Apenas. Only 6 can make it through and one of them will surely be Barbara Tinoco tho, so I’m bound to lose at least 2 of my top 7 before the final. The fact that I’ve even got a top 7 for just a SF is really good too.
Agreed. I hope it wins
Lara Li is underrated 🙁
I’ll take the top 5 in this poll and then “O impossivel!” as the lighter underdog I’m pulling for.
Honestly, Edmundo Inácio deserves not only to qualify from this semifinal, but also to represent Portugal, if they want to occupy a good position in the Final rank. Plus, he’s really, really hot guy!
I am really rooting for Bandua and I’m sure they will do an incredible performance. They are great live. I am also rooting for Lara Li. The song is beautiful, her voice is still crystalline as 40 years ago and there is a stark nostalgia effect for many Portuguese about Lara Li. The rest I am relatively agnostic. (BTW, Am I the only one finding SF1 much stronger than SF2?)
Glad to know they’re great live, because since I’ve listened to Bandua’s song, I keep worrying it’ll have the same fate as Karetus’ “Saudade”.
I am expecting something more conceptual between Surma and Conan Osiris, but with better vocals. The lead singer is an excellent vocalist and has a lot of on live experience.
I only remember Edmundo from this semi final whilst the last one had two strong female acts.
At the time of writing, my # 1 & 2 in this semi are last in the poll, while my four NQ are in the Top 6. Shows that I’m a weird Eurovision fan 😉
In this semi there is less wiggle room for me personally than in the first one. Bandua are my absolute favourite entry of this year’s FdC, I’ll be very sad if they don’t make it at least to the final. Additionally, I’d like Edmundo Inacio, Ines Apenas, Ivandro and Teresinha Landeiro to qualify. And since I assume that Barbara Tinoco’s advancement is non-negotiable, that’s what I’d like to see.
Fully agree on Bandua. On Barbara Tinoco, I wouldn’t be so sure on her passing. We have seen other super popular acts not making it to the final. DAMA and Blind Zero come to mind, but also now with the April Ivy debacle (also very popular in Portugal). Also Áurea last year only barely made it…
I’m relieved to hear that, because personally, I don’t need Barbara Tinoco in my final, I’d prefer Lara Li to go through instead. I didn’t know that April Ivy was so popular, but to be fair she had by far the worst vocals of the first semi, so that might have played a role.
Yes vocals were horrible
April Ivy “very popular”? Not a chance.
The Happy Mess for me, such a good feel to the song with a bit of retro vibes. Underrated. Makes one smile a lot 🙂 Good vibes Portugal.
Totally agree with you
Edmundo, Ivandro, Barbara, and two with the best performances out of the rest, apart from Dapunksportif, because their song isn’t that good in comparison.
I’m curious to see how this goes this week given that I was shocked that Neon Soho didn’t automatically advance to final. The top 5 on this poll seem like the right 5 with the final spot up for grabs—likely driven by staging, performance and voice. Saturday’s show saw some songs be elevated by staging.
Inês is miles ahead of the competition for me
I hope for Edmundo, he is my big favorite for Liverpool
mine too, that song is mesmerizing!
Same – he’s my winner of this nf.