They’re the four-piece boyband ready to represent the Emerald Isle in Liverpool. And now, Wild Youth are amping things up. The Irish rockers have released a new revamped version of their Eurovision 2023 entry “We Are One”.
On Wednesday evening, Wild Youth — that’s David Whelan, Conor O’Donohoe, Ed Porter and Callum McAdam — premiered the newly revamped version of “We Are One” alongside the official music video and a perplexing new look.
In their new music video, the boys don silver hoods covering their faces. Their fashion choice symbolises the themes of unity present throughout the song — the people we share the planet with aren’t all that different.
Ireland Eurovision 2023: Wild Youth release “We Are One” revamp
This revamped version of “We Are One” changes up the momentum of the song, bringing in some light drums in the first verse. The production is more polished, with each instrument having its own place in the mix.
The boys formed the band in 2016 in Dublin, and released their debut single “All Or Nothing” in 2017. Following the success of their first single, Wild Youth went on to tour with superstar names including Niall Horan, Westlife, and Lewis Capaldi.
They earned the prestigious Irish Eurovision ticket upon their victory at The Late Late Show Eurosong. They picked up top marks from the national jury and the public televote and placed second with the international jury, scoring a grand total of 34 points and beating out fan favourite Connolly by a slim two point margin.
Wild Youth will perform “We Are One” at the first semi-final of Eurovision 2023 on Tuesday 9 May.
What do you think of the “We Are One” revamp? Do you prefer the new version or the original version? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
Should have finally been the year for My Lovely Horse.
This isn’t a video competition it’s.a song contest – songs contain lyrics and messages
Remember this
50 euros budget on the video. Still had change left. How to make a poor song even worse.
I like this song. Hopefully it will be great on stage. Good luck Ireland.
To be fair this song is no worse than the other garbage songs – but Europeans here are so BIASED and twisted views who cares really as wiwibloggs never gets anything right
So they revamped the song to sound even worse? They even put in a clap part at the end. I don’t think these fellas know Eurovision tbh. The video can be forgiven as RTE are cheapskates. But I’m just very let down by this revamp. I thought the original song wasn’t actually as bad as people were saying it was. I’m probably thinking they have something else up their sleeve for the night but who knows really.
I wish the average fandom here could understand that not every single entry is gonna be a gay or a diva with an uptempo song. Rock, pop rock, indie or alternative music have a place in Eurovision whether you enjoy it or not. This isn’t by any means as bad as some want it to be. It wouldn’t be too out of place in a Coldplay or One Republic album. I don’t see you getting so analytic when it comes to other music videos. I for sure can get at least five meaning to them wearign the masks. And yeah,… Read more »
I gotta agree with most of the things you mentioned. Like there is no need to bodyshame someone for not having a sixpack or that not every song has to be gay or divalicious BUT in my opinion this is still a “bad” entry for ireland….the song has cheesy lyrics, it doesnt stand out in any way and tbh it sounds a bit datet to me….
And what frustrates me the most is the potential Ireland has to be great at Eurovision again …
There are no gay songs, ever.
Y’all are getting annoying with this homophobic bullsht. Not everyone who is gay loves diva or uptempo songs. We want good songs and this is just bad.
So true!
I really thought last year that even though there were obvious issues, RTÉ was at least on track having found a singer with tons of charisma and a bop of a song… but who in that building is it that keeps looking back at Nicky Byrne and going “You know what, that was great, let’s do that again”. SMH.
Just a shame she couldn’t sing in tune and dance at the same time
Is this a joke? And I’m not sure the singer can pull off the shirtless open jacket look, but the revamp has added a bit of energy to the song, so that’s good. But the video is a puzzle.
Last year the Australian singer made a lot of sense wearing that mask, but this is a cheap attempt of trying to give depth to a song with a very str8 forward message. The masks create contradiction, and look look like grandma’s underwear. Get rid of the masks and show your beautiful faces!
I really like the revamp. This is going to be amazing in the big arena. Don’t rule Ireland out of the grand final. The video is terrible but that will be irrelevant if Ireland has great staging and qualifies for the final. Conor has already confirmed on a twitter Q&A that the hoods will not be part of their staging.
Well this is something else now –
It’s way beyond the minds of the average wiwibloggs blogger so it doesn’t matter what people think here – this is simply outstanding and the message is subtle in light of current world events – without saying it explicitly
Well done Ireland love it
Barely a revamp! Horrible music video! If they come to Eurovision with THOSE masks and NEVER reveal themselves, they’ll come last in semi final one with ZERO points!
I really like this song. The video not so much but as I go though the 37 songs, this is definitely one I will look forward to.
Actually one of the worst videos I have ever seen. So woefully dull and joyless it sucks energy from you while watching. Who signed off on this? The lyrics are an utter embarrassment to have been written by a native speaker. Cliché city. I’m mostly disappointed that a band – that is actually really good – would turn their back on their authentic sound – give the keys of their career over to some bland ten-a-penny Swedish producer – just at the moment when they’re about to get the biggest exposure of their career. This blandness is what they will… Read more »
Indeed, and it’s such a shame bc I had already listened to them before and I thought they’re cool, but this is just ruining their image big time 🙁
The song is really growing on me, i hope it will qualify to the final.
People are giving this way more hate than it deserves.
People giving out about the video… At the end of the day it’s not the video that counts, it’s the performance on stage and we all know the leader sing can sing his bleeding heart out. The average person that sees them on stage probably won’t have even looked at this music video. The song really isn’t that bad. I’ll wait to the rehearsals to decide whether I should keep defending them haha
Covering their faces because the song is garbaj and they are embarrassed – smart move.
Not gonna lie – this video kinda creeps me out. Also I don’t feel this revamp helped the song.
If I was singing a song as bad as this, I’d want to cover my face too.
Much better!
Hopefully mask wearing won’t be mandatory for the live shows I was in favour of a live tv Irish Eurosong final show I’m not sure now as connelly may have edged it if it was judges only decision it’s a good song well performed but hardly a winner
If this does manage to qualify I think its safe to say its a bottom 5 finisher in the Grand final.
Just watched the video on YouTube and the comments are a TOTAL contrast to here. Almost all 500 of them showing lots of support for the new changes to the song. #haters
The video is poor-agreed- but I think the revamp is more dynamic, adding more build and pace to the song!
The only Eurovision video where there’s active hate on YouTube in the comments section is Blanka’s Solo.
I agree with your comment. Malta is also experiencing the same comments. Wiwiblogg didn’t bother to mention Malta’s revamp.
Still a NQ…
They can’t even give the Irish Eurofans an interesting music video to hold onto. Does RTE just flat out hate this contest or something?
I think they do, but for some reason they still insist on taking part of it, they be weird fr
RTE only seem to facilitate the selection process and cost of staging in the final. It’s up to the artist/record label to look after everything else
That’s extremely sad ?. They spend money of crap shows like dancing with the stars week in week out and they can throw a couple of quid for a show that is beyond anything they show?
Well I think it’s a good song and the band is great, The mask thing , We Are One, we all look the same with the mask’s on. we are not different , Apart from that I think it’s great to see Irish people saying bad stuff about their own entry, yet i seen a few other video’s from other countries lets say im still trying to figure out what they are about. emm sounds like we are not one,
But you have people here not being able to find the meaning of the masks… Not the sharpest pencils in the cup.
This is not a step in the right direction. This song did not need to hoods. The most sellable thing was the lead singer’s faith and that he actually had a decent a voice and could hit notes and was feeling the song. Now we get nothing with this. It’s like the masked singer. These guys need to own the song and lean into its Irish U2 vibe because there’s plenty of people around the globe that would buy into that, but instead they seem to be trying to make the Eurovision fandom bubble happy—and guys—they will never come around… Read more »
I meant *face. Not *faith*. Man, I miss the edit button.
“We are one” by covering up our faces/doing away with our individuality? No thanks Trotsky!
My opinion of the song hasn’t changed (it’s not good). What draws my attention is that this might be the single worst music video I’ve ever seen.
“lets do an experimental edgy video to distract people from the fact that the song is boring”
and the experimental edgy video being putting cheap fabric on our heads
They didn’t even polish this turd, they just threw glitter on it and called it a day.
…Blood and glitter…
…It’s still one of the blandest songs of the year. Sorry, it’s a no from me. It’s textbook generic with nothing interesting nor catchy about it
Honestly it hasn’t changed anything for me. It’s still the same bland, boring, mediocre song it was the first time I heard it. I’m Irish and really sad to have to say such things about my country’s representative.
So long story short is that the band was too busy to film the music video, so they gathered a bunch of random guys and put them in those costumes?
For the love of god, don’t wear the hoods on stage in Liverpool.
Audiences connect with performers through the eyes.
They say you can’t polish a turd.
They’re right.
But you can put a sparkly sack over it and call it a revamp 🙂
I wouldn’t have noticed any change had not it been mentioned, and I’m not being sarcastic. Feels pretty tame (pun intended)
I thought revamps were meant for improvement.
There’s no improvement here.
I like this song, among my favs, the MV is cool, but I don’t see many differences between the original and the revamped version but also I’m not a musical expert so maybe there are more than I think.
I’m still amazed with the fact that while the band has “Wild” in their name and the song has lyrics that say “We might be different, we might be unique (…) I might be a freak” their sound is the more vanilla one can get from an Eurovision 2023 track.
Mild Youth
Mild Couth
Filed Tooth
Soiled Vermouth
Unspoiled Truth
Smoked Trout
Okay, I concede…
They don’t even look different!
It’s almost as if, unable to pull out or change the song, they’re now wearing veils.
Hide your true self! Assimilation and conformity are the only way to be “one”.
Still too sickly and safe as a studio cu, but on a Eurovision stage it might find its audience.
Is RTE still in debt for hosting 7 Eurovisions?
This video is cringe.
They might say they are but they all spent a million euro on a flop of a musical in December and pay their main presenters a lot (people have given out about it before)
Ireland should take a break from Eurovision asap, they’re just further bastardizing their legacy year after year
You mentioned the word “legacy” and I think it’s time to spill some very hot tea: *Our Eurovision “legacy” is a farce.* Yes we won it seven times, but that was when we were one of the only ones allowed to sing in English and most of our wins were clustered in the 90s (when it was a smaller contest). Our bubble burst when the language rule was dropped. Since then, we have suffered terribly from a disastrous cocktail of musical and artistic jetlag, arrogance and cynicism towards the contest (both rooted in our legacy, which, again, is bogus), and… Read more »
Thanks for the insight, it was pretty revealing, I mean it. But even then, I think you guys should take a break for a while, you do have the means to do great at the contest but you need to make up your minds and stop wasting your taxpayers money this way :/
In fairness the songs that we won with were very good and some of our winners are national legends here (Dana, Johnny Logan, Linda Martin), and rightly so. Nobody can take that away from them. However, what people fail to understand is that our winning streak was also down to us sending songs in English and not being the UK, so by and large, yes, our record *is* a farce. Sweden and Ukraine have very impressive records in the contest, but they’ve never needed any leg-ups to do well, so their success is actually genuine. Ours is not! Why is… Read more »
Why didn’t Malta win in 1993, 94, 95, 96 if that’s the reason?
Because Malta doesn’t have the same name recognition abroad as Ireland or The UK. But if you look at their results, Malta systematically did well in the 90s. All of their songs in the 90s were in top 10, if not top 5, apart from the vocal disaster from 1999, which still managed to avoid bottom 5. That said, Malta was a strong contender to win in 1992. I love that song.
They haven’t reached the same heights since, either. They haven’t finished in the top 5 since 2005 (when they came 2nd) and their qualification record is up and down.
The revamp is better, music video is just strange lol
Out of three songs released today, this is the best. Nice revamp. Good job, Ireland.
I’m sorry Ireland, but the video is distractingly boring. I respect that they didn’t want to do what everyone does with this type of mass empowerment anthem, and avoided having as many diverse people singing along (hello, Emma Muscat!), but this isn’t a better alternative. This song needs a colorful and energetic performance in order to have *any* chance in an increasingly competitive semi 1. Use Conor’s charms instead of hiding his face. The song seems similar, but I’ll have to listen to it again, as I was fixated on how static the video is.
The masks are a really stupid idea very distracting and if they wear them in the qualifiers they won’t get through
Just Makes the band look stupid and dare I say sinister
Honestly, I can’t really tell the difference between the original and revamp versions. I may have to listen to both back to back to detect differences, but they must be so subtle because I can’t really detect any change.
These are the most obvious changes I heard:
They had a guitar bridge into the second verse which replaces some lyrics, there’s a lot more emphasis on the drums in the first verse, first chorus has better mixed instrumentals, extra drums into second chorus with heavier backing vocals, accapella/drum solo outro chorus for extra audience singalong potential.
Might have missed something.
Weird video aside, I really like the changes made and I think they really elevate the song.
I absolutely hate these sacks over their heads and truly pray that this is not their idea for Liverpool. The song itself doesn’t feel very different from the pre-revamp version, it’s still bland.
Main guy confirmed that they won’t wear the masks in Liverpool on twitter
Praise the Lord!
Did the idea with these glitter masks come up at 3 a.m., when everybody just wanted to go home?