She’s the Polish pop princess ready to sing her heart out at Eurovision in Liverpool. And now, the “Solo” hitmaker is taking a tour of the British capital. Poland’s Blanka will sing at the London Eurovision Party 2023.On Sunday 16 April, the Tu bije serce Europy champion will perform on the HERE at Outernet stage at the UK’s biggest and best Eurovision warm-up party.
Blanka to perform at London Eurovision Party 2023
Blanka earned the right to fly the Polish flag in Liverpool after winning Tu bije serce Europy 2023.
She’ll sing summertime bop “Solo” in semi-final 2 this May.
London Eurovision Party 2023
London Eurovision Party is the UK’s biggest Eurovision warm-up show. The party will see a selection of artists from the class of 2023, and song contest alumni, descend on the British capital. The London show will be a chance for our stars to perform for a British crowd before they make the trip up north to Liverpool in May.
The London Eurovision Party takes place on Sunday 16 April at HERE at Outernet. Tickets are available to purchase now.
Confirmed performers so far include:
Slovenia: Joker Out
Ireland: Wild Youth
North Macedonia 2008, 2019: Tamara Todevska
Austria: Teya & Salena
Australia: Voyager
Lithuania: Monika Linkyte
France: La Zarra
Norway: Alessandra
- 🇸🇲 San Marino: Piqued Jacks
There are lots of surprises yet to be announced, so stay tuned to wiwibloggs to find out who else will be joining the roster.
Are you excited for the London Eurovision Party? Who else would you like to see join the lineup? Let us know below!
Princess? More like ball and chain
In Poland, her career ended sooner than it began. And in the world, he won’t gain anything for lack of talent and personality.
Your comment is rude, but it’s not far fetched :/
i usually don´t condone rude comments, but it’s what she deserves. don\t think for a second that the robberry didn’t happen without her knowing
Awkward if the crowd boos her.
I hate this
i love a good trainwreck, and this one is derailed with oil spill
Everyone it’s time to move on. Yes the NF was a bit shady and yes Solo isn’t the best song in the world but come on. Just give this lady a chance to perform. You don’t have to like it but commenting rude things about her in every blog, YouTube video and Twitter post just shows how immature you all can be ?
have you seen her performance in the NF? she has the weakest live vocal out of all the acts. the fact that the jury awarded her top points and essentially gave her the win is highly suspicious, so yeah people are mad. YOU MOVE ON
f u Blanka. she’s nothing but a spoiled girl with rich parents who have been pushing her into everything
Lol, a nice 0 points in the semi result is waiting for her
Nah. Compared to other songs in her semi finals which as a whole are weak, she’ll likely qualify to the Grand Final. Deservedly so with a great and catchy song that everyone will like, as well as a potentially amazing performance!
lol no, have you ever heard her sing live? its gonna be a trainwreck, everyone is going to laugh at Poland
Then I heard her song it sounded somehow similar to me and then I listened to my playlist I found why. It sound suspiciously similar to Up-INNA
Ur hate on the poor girl is not acceptable. She is an okay singer and and great dancer with a catchy, fun and amazing song. I’m happy either way of Blanka or Jann winning! Her performance will be better and vocals will be improved. Everyone deserves a chance to be better and she’ll blow us away! You’ll maybe like her and her song later. Nothing was pushed in entering the contest and winning it which she came 2nd in public televote. Shows she has support and you should cope and accept her. F u blanka haters and misogynist trolls.
Okay singer? Okay, Patrick…
Let’s wait and see!
Yeah Poland is 100% going to withdraw next year after this debacle huh. And here was me thinking they would come with a winner song this year feeling motivated by the ukrainian win.
Nah they will just pick their favourite internally. Which means that we’ll never win.
What I find really bizarre is how well Poland have done at Junior Eurovision over the past few years. Someone should probably do a study.
well there’s elections in Poland this year, should the current government lose there will be definitely changes within TVP as it’s currently used as a propaganda tool. Hopefully they lose and we will be back to transparent national final.
Good luck trying to change the government. I wouldn’t be surprised if the ruling party wins again.
Not to be noticed that there’s a suspiciously high amount of “people” praising a generally disliked entry, idk pretty sus
I recall that LEP had a somewhat similar situation in 2017 after Manel Navarro had won a competition in Spain but did not win the public vote. I was concerned that Manel would be treated poorly by some fans, but I was happy to he proved wrong that evening. Londoners loved Manel, from what I could see. Manel was super-charming and knew how to entertain the crowd, so as long as Blanka can do that in London then she should be fine, I hope.
Without wishing anything personally bad to Manel or Blanka, or supporting any kind of harrasment towards them, I do feel like questioning how either won their selection is justified. Both won only the jury vote in a relatively small jury. Both had professional ties with two of the jury members each. Both selections suddenly changed rules for the jury vote to outweight the televote in a case of a tie. Both juries significantly brought down the televote winner without an explicit explanation why. Again, I’m not condoning booing or actively making their time at ESC feeling less, but putting both… Read more »
Thank you Colin, for explaining the situations better than I ever possibly could. In other words: I was trying to be positive, and fans downvoted me anyways, but Colin makes all our lives better. 🙂
I upvoted you to being with, Purple. 🙂 I see no reason to be upset at someone tyring to make things more peaceful now that the selection is over. I just hope that the future editions would be more transparent.
And thanks for the compliment.
Welcome to the club Purp. I shared similar feelings annd apparently now I’m Blanka in disguise. ? Colin you make a good point as well by the way 🙂
As far as I know Dziennik Eurowizyjny is very supported by Fonobo (Jann label). Since very beginning the owner was supporting Jann and hating Blanka. Thanks to Dziennik Eurowizji award Jann was included in linup.
You know who also was supportive of Jann and not impressed by BLANKA? 98% of fanbase. Just rewatch preselecrions and listen to audience You don’t have to make up conspiracy theories while already having unsolved voting riggory.
As much as I am not impressed with the jury “situation” from the Polish national final or with a certain liked comment by the winning artist about Jann, I think it’s important to take a page out of Jann’s book when he said that he doesn’t want people to bully the winner (whether it was rightfully earned or not). If we are displeased or have a problem with the way things turned out at the Polish nf, then let’s just make that clear in May when it comes time to vote for the songs to go to the finale, rather… Read more »
Blanka? Is that you?
He expressed in an interview how his feel songs more powerful to him now after this all in a “wink wink” expression to people watching he knows what’s going on but can’t clearly speak out loud because he’d be under scrutiny for such.
Bow and smile
And nod your head
Approve, applaud
Agree, don’t ever
Question the decisions of
The high almighty
God society
Crossing the fingers she ll learn to sing until May. After that live performance in Poland still in my bottom 5. Anyway, cheap wannabe latino songs never been my cup of Team.
Neither they’ve been mine as a Spanish speaker, most of the time they feel childish and gimmicky.
Ps: As a Mexican, I hate the “Latino,” label, feels super generic and deprived of a national identity, like if we’re lumped in just because we speak the same language.
I agree with you
Why do gays reject the gayest song in the current ESC lineup? Stop contradicting yourself guys.
So gay people need to like a song someone random claims is the gayest in the current ESC lineup?
Her song is a “bop”, isn’t that what everybody wants every year?
This song isn’t “gay”. She did, however, rob a gay man (with a much better song) of his place by mobilising homophobia.
There is no such thing as a “gay” song. She did, however, rob a gay man (with a much better song) by mobilising homophobia.
Is Jann gay?
Jann never said he’s gay stop spreading fake info.
He’s never said he is not gay. He lives in a country where homophobia is the government’s official policy, what do you expect?
So don’t call him gay, straight or whatever if it’s not confirmed. Okay?
This is laughable. Straight people always assume that everybody is straight. But the gay people cannot assume that everybody is gay? Double standards and uncontious bias all the way.
Your thinking process is laughable. People assume that someone is straight because 95% (if not more) people are straight. And it’s natural, because of probability.
Please wait until it is “confirmed” before deciding if somebody is hetero. We are owed an explanation.
I just explained why people usually assume that someone is straight. I’ve never said that Jann is straight or gay, Marlinken did.
Let’s just never assume. Deal?
Whatever Janns sexual orientation is, his loss was directly a result of homophobia being normalized.
Stop being a twat and use your brain! It is not your job to our somebody and force him out of the closet! If he is and then it’s up to him to tell it and when….. Period…..
Your comment makes as much sense as asking “why Italians reject frozen pizza”?
Please Wiwibloggs cover Blanka’s relations to the jury. You have a huge platform and not using it to cover a violation of democratic principles is more of a statement than doing it is.
They just published an interview with her, full of praises.
I didn’t expect them to be so on her side, wtf
They’re on everyone’s side when that person can hear them
are you joking xd they post reaction saying her song is utter shet and then interview where they say she’s amazing
what do you really expect from wiwibloggs? xd
Go Blanka! The Eurovision echo chamber is only a small part of the fandom and usually the loudest (their opinions are usually wrong). People who will tune in for your performance on the 11th of may will be positively surprised, which will then reward you a one way ticket into the grand-final (leaving the malcontents gobsmacked). Sky is the limit Blanka the silent majority is with you!!!
She will disqualify easily and I‘ll love to see that ?? It will be so funny to laugh at her extremely poor performance ???
Please, those 26 fans that support her can’t be call a “fandom” 😀
Easy semi-final 2 qualifier.
Let me recite Mrs.Obama: «When they go low, we go high!»
One can disagree with someone’s value, that’s ok. But keep your head up high, behave and don’t give your opponents reason to get their prejudies confirmed.
Agreed 100%
Blanka is the Goat… If Jann sent his song to UMK or Melfest, he would have been rejected. Maybe San Marino would had invited him into their 106 song NF.
A Goat?
Great Of All Time (GOAT).
But Helloman spent Serena William wrong.
spelt! Dami Im it!
She sounds like a goat all right.
No, she is a human
i mean, sings kinda like one
I’m cracking up imagining her failing that opening “Baby” line even harder than in her NF, especially when I imagine her giving a performance while holding a drink at one hand, hahahahaha.
Guys please, give her what she deserves… 😉
I had felt ambivalent for her before.
But with the suggestion from other comments, I searched and found she liked the ins comment which attacks Ochman and Jann for their social background, saying ‘People like Jann from margins of society should never even perform in such competition.’ Honestly, I feel her despicable.
The reddit thread:
The comment also used a slur for gay people in describing Jann and Blanka liked it
Poor Blanka.
Oh and another tip when she comes to sing, chant gladiator instead of singing her bland ass song.
To anybody brave enough to go there, go to a supermarket, but tomatoes and throw them at this insta b**ch
Now that’s brave. Or clueless.
Pretty much came here to post that. Like, I don’t tend to watch London Eurovision Party videos that much, but I’ll probably watch the video of her performance there, just because I’m so curious as to what kind of treatment she’ll be getting from the crowd.
That’s your cue to go to the bar or take a bathroom break. Save your ears.
ABBA, Loreen, Johnny Logan… all failed on their first attempt. Jann will be back!
I think for most Poles, it’s not really a question of Jann or not at this point, but more about their broadcaster scamming them and promoting conservative values they don’t agree with. Jann might be back in a NF at some point, but there’s no telling TVP will not pull the same strings again (and from what I’ve read on comments from Polish people, they would have been fine with Dominik Dudek or Alicja winning, but Blanka has a different hstory behind her)
Vote! Elections have consequences, hopefully people might learn from this and it will backfire. Sad.
Oh I can only agree with that, trust me, as someone who dislikes politics in both my home country (know for having one of the strongest and most vocal homophobic movement in western Europe) and the country I live in now. Hopefully they’ll manage to change things eventually. 🙂
I’ve been voting in each selection i could. I’ve never voted current goverment or their candidates yet they’re crushing it, because they give people small part of money they take in taxes and they’re too dumb to realize it
Election xd
Just a heads up, if you’re getting contestants to talk to live stream viewers like last year, probably the safest bet with this is to not have Blanka go on a livestream. I dont condone what TVP have done in any way but there will be a lot of negativity in the chat if she would be in the building or joining the stream.
As I said, im not defending what happened, its bs that nothings been done about it after other situations of breached rules resulted in consequences such as (Belarusian jury 2019, 6 juries in the 2nd semi 2022). Im. just saying, Blanka reading comments such as ” I h*te you”, “You don’t represent us” or “withdraw” and im sure others in that same bracket could ig land any esc site in trouble. I want the ebu to find TVP guilty of fixing the selection and selecting Jann instead, I do because what happened was not right and im honestly disgusted that… Read more »
Don’t hate on people please. I’ll just pretend she’s representing Vatican City or something
The irony of there being more of a Christian message in ‘Gladiator’ than there is in ‘Solo’.
I mean, i said that we shouldn’t hate on people and got downvoted. I guess i should start spending death threats to her too
I am not sure about the first part. What happens now is more likely exactly what she has sown.
But I do not really get it about the second part, maybe because I am not of the same cultural background (and I am not Christian.) But why ‘Vatican City’?
basically “i’ll pretend she’s representing different country”
Yeah, had the same thought too, lyrically Gladiator sounds way more trad than solo XD
I’m practicing my booing already. 😛
All the pity I had for her disappeared when she started liking comments of people calling Jann slurs. She is a sore winner and an awful person.
Haters suck. Blanka deserves better.
Does she tho? Does she?
I don’t enjoy the song but didn’t mind her at first (her vocals, tho…), only TVP shenanigans. Then the gaslighting Instagram post and her liking derogatory comments towards Jann and Ochman made me dislike her as well. The Polish NF situation needs some transparency at least.
I mean, she deserves better than getting death threats for her and her family. She doesn’t deserve that win though
Accordingly, there is a comment attacking Ochman and Jann that ‘People like Jann from margins of society should never even perform in such competition.’ And Blanka liked it. I mean, yes, she should not be threatened with death. Before this, I personally do not have enough evidence to claim she bribe for the win, either (as Deban said in the reaction video, though suspicious, there is a possibility of the bad taste.) But just for these manners – and I will not bother to contrast hers with Jann’s very civil reactions ever since the result was announced – she really… Read more »
i mean, i literally said “people shouldn’t wish her and her family death” and got downvoted for that, so clearly people here wish her dead
Jann is a prophet. The fact that the lyrics to Gladiator describe Blanka perfectly…