From Zagreb to Liverpool, the Croatian rockers are ready to make a splash in Liverpool. But first, they’re making a pitstop in London to tune up the tractor. Croatia’s Let 3 join the lineup at the London Eurovision Party 2023.
On Sunday 16 April, the “Mama ŠČ!” maestros will perform at the UK’s biggest and best Eurovision warm-up party. At our state of the art 2000-capacity venue at HERE at Outernet, Let 3 joins a star-studded lineup as they perform their Eurovision track on British soil for the first time.
Let 3 to perform at London Eurovision Party 2023
Let 3 — that’s Damir Martinović, Zoran Prodanović, Ivan Bojčić, Dražen Baljak, Matej Zec — are a provocative rock band from Rijeka, Croatia. They secured the Croatian ticket to Eurovision 2023 after their landslide victory at national final Dora 2023.
Their song “Mama ŠČ!” mocks warmongering leaders, with explicit anti-war messaging in the accompanying visuals. The repetitive “Mom bought a tractor” lyric is allegedly a reference to Belarus’ Alexander Lukashenko gifting Russia’s Vladimir Putin a tractor for his 70th birthday.
The Croatian five-piece will perform “Mama ŠČ!” in London on Sunday 16 April.
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London Eurovision Party 2023
London Eurovision Party is the UK’s biggest Eurovision warm-up show. The party will see a selection of artists from the class of 2023, and song contest alumni, descend on the British capital. The London show will be a chance for our stars to perform for a British crowd before they make the trip up north to Liverpool in May.
The London Eurovision Party takes place on Sunday 16 April at HERE at Outernet. More tickets to the sold-out show may be released at a later date.
Confirmed performers so far include:
United Kingdom: Mae Muller (Headliner)
Slovenia: Joker Out
Ireland: Wild Youth
North Macedonia: Tamara Todevska (2008, 2019)
Austria: Teya & Salena
Australia: Voyager
Lithuania: Monika Linkyte
France: La Zarra
Norway: Alessandra
San Marino: Piqued Jacks
Poland: Blanka
Moldova: Pasha Parfeni
- 🇪🇪 Estonia: Alika
There are lots of surprises yet to be announced, so stay tuned to wiwibloggs to find out who else will be joining the roster.
Press accreditation applications are open now.
Are you excited for the London Eurovision Party? Who else would you like to see join the lineup? Let us know below!
Well, you always need a time to go to the washroom….
At least we now all know how to pronounce “Š?”
? Croatia
Again, gross.
We should all be laughing at the Soviet Union (and other Communist states) much more often. All that it gave the world was sadness and poverty and it has left only paranoia and inferiority-complexes in its wake. I thank God every day that our Eastern cousins cast off this system and have done so well rebuilding their nations.
No qualification, actually this should be banned from Eurovision because of its insulting bad taste. Expect a lot of complaints from the public to their national broadcasters when this goes on air. Even though the lead singer is supposed to be Stalin, he looks like Hitler in drag and this is what everyone will see. Lest we forget. regardless of what age we don’t humorise or give time and place for dictatorships past or present, or people who caused pain and suffering, which is happening now with a song. There are other ways to be critical. Croatia may find this… Read more »
Do you feel the same about “The Producers”, by Mel Brooks. That won Oscars, Tonys and more.
Halleluyah! I expect all countries who suffered deportations because of Stalin will give Croatia zero points. I am talking about Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Moldova, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia etc… all these country given by Churchill to Stalin as a guarantee the Soviets will not attack Britain. And let’s not forget about the german minority from the Soviet Union, most of them being repatriated by Stalin after Germany paid a lot of money for them to be spared.
You do realize that Slovenia was a part of the same country as Croatia during the reign of communism? Also, it was both Churchill and Roosevelt who agreed to allow Stalin to reign over the countries you listed.
Actually most of Europe loves this song apart from few ignorant people like you, that are not able to see past their own frustrations. And of course Putin supporters hate it too
Tom, it’s not frustration, that would be easy, it’s pain. I very much believe in the initial values brought by Eurovision: humanity, love and equality.
Most of Europe???? And you call him ignorant? Dude, they care of your sophomania….
I would argue differently. We need more satire of dictators because they are fundamentally ridiculous while projecting an image of strength and we need to pierce that image they project because that is why people are still willing to allign with them and their ideology. Look at Putin. He has projected an image of masculinity and strength for years and many were willing to buy it. He had many sympathizers despite being very much criticized in many serious ways because he was perceived as masculine and strong. For lack of a better word, for years, Putin was cool. Yet, arguably,… Read more »
I also think that this song and mainly performance should be banned from Eurovision.
I find it funny. Banned because you don’t like the joke? that is not how free societies work. I know that cancel culture is becoming quite popular, but that is a weapon used by dictators. Humour has virtually no boundries – you can either find it funny or insulting. Let us decide.
The costumes. Is this an attempt to emasculate these dictators? There’s nothing wrong with a few sequins, it shouldn’t mean losing respect for anybody. Or… is it just a way of showing that all of these hardcore military pomp and spectacle displays are really just drag?
“So what if I love each feather and each spangle… why not try to see things from a different angle?”
Different angle? This song is not a painting by Mondrian or a poem by Carol Ann Duffy, it’s a major flaccid w*nk( pardon me) interpreted by some guys as a shout for peace. Let’s keep it real. I am sorry for using the W word. I won’t do it again.
Knowing Let3, I would guess both and then some more. Their work is very often incredibly layered. Military pomp and spectacle are indeed a drag and just for show, but dictators often don an image of traditional masculinity to portray strength and attract a following. To them, regardless of the objective truth, sequins are emasculating. They clash with their image and pierce it far more efficiently than any serious critique. Same as the child who speaks the emperor is nude. It divests the dictator of his projected untouchability. Even the slightest bit of ridicule, makes the entire thing collapse. Both… Read more »
Thank you, that all makes a lot of sense.
I think this is awful.
Now it’s a party Š? ???
Let the show begin.
A party with Stalin impersonators? This should not have happened. Stalin deported my great grandparents and all their family to Siberia. Only my grandfather survived, the rest of them were shot in Vorkuta labor camp. This brings back sad memories.
relax, they’re a satire rock band.
Rock band? .-.
It’s simply rubbish, but it will qualify.
Ciao Bella, you obviously don’t understand the song.
I struggle sometimes to understand Shakespeare, Wordsworth or Sylvia Plath, but this…? Without those hideous costumes, there is no song. And the costumes are the way they are…Jon Ola Sand would have never allowed this song on the ESC stage.
Ciao Bella, I feel sorry for your family history but I don’t understand your logic. A band that’s speaking out against dictators, mocking them should be banned? Is it better just to keep quiet?
Thank you, Tom. I don’t like the idea of bringing on the ESC stage historical characters who killed millions. I think it’s unsensitive and deeply wrong. Mocking dictators? For what? What’s the use of it? Let’s mock Ted Bundy next year! Or Hitler. Or Anders Breivik. Or Idi Amin.
Understood, but this does send a message. If you act like Stalin, this is how history will remember you. It will mock you and make fun of you. So, no, Stalin will not turn in grave but message is still strong.
Someone already suggested you look towards Mel Brooks’ Producers. I would also suggest contrasting it with American History X. Both deal with Nacism. One lifts propaganda elements directly from Leni Riefenstahl with little to no modification (German film director famous for directing Nazi propaganda). One deals with NeoNazism very seriously and explicitly anti. Reason I suggest that is that one of the two has a major positive following in the NeoNazi circles. I leave it to you to investigate which and why to perhaps understand why satire matters. You don’t have to like Let3, but you are willfuly misunderstanding them… Read more »
They’re not impersonating him as fans love, they’re mocking him.
I’m pretty sure Stalin would be very upset from his grave.
Yaaaas…so happy to see them live
They should be banned and disqualifyed. Awful political song.
I agree with you, but Mr Österdahl has a different view…He’s the boss.
@escismylove, it’s ok if you don’t like this song (music, performance etc.) But I assume you did not bother to read a single line what this song is about, and I am sure there are hundreds if not thousands of articles about it in probably every European country, as well as multiple comments here on wiwiblogs. That’s makes you ignorant. If, however you did read them, and know the message, and you still call this political song that should be banned then you are a supporter of dictators (and we all know who I am talking about) and war that… Read more »
Nooo…I don’t agree with you
It is such an amazing song
I am pretty sure you love it too and listen to it all day every day…admit it