The Eurovision 2023 season was once again filled to the brim with national finals. A total of 24 countries used a show to select their entry for the contest. Although we now have 24 winners who will move onto Eurovision, many of the other entries that didn’t make it will remain on our playlists for some time. To celebrate these acts, it’s time for our countdown of Team Wiwi’s top 50 national final songs of Eurovision 2023.
As usual, the team from wiwibloggs have voted for their favourite songs that competed in the national finals for Eurovision 2023 but were not selected. Note this is not an objective list, but is determined by the personal votes of a panel of wiwibloggers. We encourage you to share your own personal favourites in the comments below.
After reviewing the 100s of songs that were entered into this year’s national finals, we finally settled on our top 50. And now we’re ready to share it with y’all. We’ll reveal ten tracks each day until we reach the winner.
Let the countdown continue!
Team Wiwi’s top national final songs of Eurovision 2023: 40 to 31
40. Portion Boys – “Samaa taivasta katsotaan” (UMK)
What we said: A tongue-in-cheek geography lesson with a cracking melody! Portion Boys have carved another mega party hit whilst attempting to represent their country at Eurovision. Although “Samaa taivasta katsotaan” comes off as a gimmick, it holds enough charm to offset its critics. It’s pop, it’s rock, it’s anthemic schlager. But most of all, its underlying message is its greatest strength: Despite all our cultural quirks, we all look at the same sky. (Deban)
39. Paulina Paukštaitytė – “Let Me Think About Me” (Pabandom iš Naujo)
Paulina Paukštaitytė wants to think about herself for a moment, and our minds are on the Lithuanian star as well. Taking to the stage alone, Paulina delivered a sassy pop offering with an eye-catching light show. This took her all the way to the grand final of Pabandom iš Naujo 2023 and a respectable fifth-place finish.
38. Mr.Rain – “SUPEREROI” (Sanremo)
After trying to reach Sanremo on a number of previous occasions, Mr.Rain finally made his debut performance at the Ariston Theatre in 2023. And what a debut it turned out to be. He quickly turned into a favourite for his performance of “SUPEREROI” alongside a children’s choir. Eventually taking home the bronze medal, the outcome was sunny and bright for Mr.Rain.
37. Eline Thorp – “Not Meant To Be” (Melodi Grand Prix)
What we said: By far the biggest surprise for me at this years MGP. In a very good final, with nine great entries, this is my favourite. It’s difficult to explain why, I just love the beat and the feeling. It feels modern, at the same time nostalgic. The lyrics are great and she is an excellent vocalist. In a close and unpredictable final, this should score very well with the international juries and could also have enough public support for a very good result. (Jacob)
36. Jon Henrik Fjällgren & Arc North feat. Adam Woods – “Where You Are” (Melodifestivalen)
Soak it up, because this is the last time we’ll see Jon Henrik Fjällgren on the Melodifestivalen stage. The Swedish-Sami jojkare revealed this ahead of his performance in the grand final, where he finished fourth alongside Arc North and Adam Woods. The trio mixed joik and dance beats to bring us a Nordic party anthem like no other.
Previous top national final songs: “En värld full av strider (Eatneme gusnie jeenh dåaroeh)” (#9 in 2017), “Jag är fri (Manne Leam Frijje)” (#16 in 2015)
35. Lazza – “Cenere” (Sanremo)
What we said: This is such a timeless piece. “Cenere” sounds 2003, 2023 and 2323 at the same time, and it’s just what Italy needs to showcase in the contest. This hard-hitting urban banger flows like fine wine, and it’s very easy to get hooked replaying it. (Pablo)
34. Lxandra – “Something to Lose” (UMK)
What we said: A really lovely ballad. The lyrics are haunting and heart-breaking, but still sweet and tender. “Something to Lose” is utterly relatable and hits that spot in your brain that makes you consider your past relationships. Then your heart joins in, yearning for someone — and maybe someone to love. Gorgeous. (Tom)
33. Laurell – “Sober” (Melodifestivalen)
Laurell Barker has featured at Eurovision as a songwriter on multiple occasions. But now she was trying to reach the contest as a performer. The Canadian-born, Sweden-living singer got us all seeing things with her trippy performance of “Sober” at Melodifestivalen. The bop unfortunately didn’t make it out of heat three, but we won’t be forgetting those teddy bears in a hurry.
32. AIDAN – “Reġina” (Malta Eurovision Song Contest)
Eurodrama claxon! After finishing second at MESC 2022, AIDAN was one of the hot favourites going into this year’s edition. Things seemed to be going as expected with his performance at the quarter final. But then came the shocking news that the Maltese star had been disqualified from the contest due to his promotion on social media. We’ll never know how AIDAN would have fared if he had continued in the competition. But he at least remains the “Reġina” of our playlists.
Previous top national final songs: “Ritmu” (#18 in 2022)
31. Cláudia Pascoal – “Nasci Maria” (Festival da Canção)
Returning to the Festival da Canção stage this year was Cláudia Pascoal. Having won in 2018 with Isaura, this time the Eurovision alum performed a song she penned herself. “Nasci Maria” showcased Cláudia’s contemporary style and new dual hair colour. In the end, Cláudia took home the bronze medal, so we won’t get to see her back at Eurovision just yet.
Our top national final songs of Eurovision 2023 ranking is determined by independent votes from a panel of wiwibloggers. They are: Oliver A, Simon, Oliver R, Lukas, William, Ruxy, Lucy, Luis, Forrest, Pablo, Antony, Cinan, Freddy, Dayana, Antranig, Youyou, Jonathan, Deban, Mario, Sebastian, Edd, Padraig, Ron and Tom.
Which songs do you think should feature on the list? Are you surprised by our Eurovision 2023 national final top 50 choices? Let us know in the comments.
Amount of awful songs that normal people should forget existed is terrifying
Half of the WIWI-picks in this group managed to make my top 50 list as well. The most from any of the groups so far (just waiting for the 1st to 10th now).
Here is MY 31-40th, based either by the song only (a bad performance doesnt make a song bad), or song combined with performance (a gret performance can indeed make a not great song feel way better). 31: Eline Thorp – «Not Meant To Be» (NORWAY) 32: Beatrich – «Like A Movie» (LITHUANIA) 33: Andrei Dutu – «Statues» (ROMANIA) 34: Hunter Falls – «Ooh La La» (BELGIUM) 35: Gala Dragot – «T’inquiete» (BELGIUM) 36: Lxandra – «Something To Lose» (FINLAND) 37: M Els – «So Good (At What You Do)» (ESTONIA) 38: Kreso i kisele kise – «Kme Kme» (CROATIA) 39: Panetoz –… Read more »
Ngl, at least Lxandra, Lazza, Claudia and Mr Rain should be higher up this list imo
Glad to see Jon Henrik Fjällgren and company on the list. Not his best entry but one of my favorites this year.
I am a firm believer that Lazza’s song would be a contest-winning package.
So….not two spots below “Sober” for you then, Pablo? XD
He’s high up for me, all I’ll say, haha
Lazza, Lxandra and Mr Rain should be higher in my opinion.
My 40th to 31st places:
31. Gala Dragot – T‘inquiète – Eurosong (Belgium)
32. Eline Thorp – Not Meant to Be – MGP
33. Portion Boys – Samaa taivasta katsotaan – UMK
34. Celebs – Doomsday Dancing – Söngvakeppnin
35. Elsie Bay – Love You In A Dream – MGP
36. ADGY – Too Good for Your Love – Ireland
37. Vicco – Nochentera – Benidorm Fest
38. René Miller – Concrete Heart – Unser Star für Liverpool
39. Sal – Viver – Festival da Cançao
40. Maella – Flood – ESCZ
Lazza, Mr. Rain and Ultimo should top this Rank. San Remo was by far the best “National Final” this year, even better than the actual Eurovision itself.
If only Sanremo were a national selection/final. It’s Italy’s own song contest.
I would have ranked Cláudia, Lazza, Aidan and Mr Rain MUCH higher. In my list of national final songs, they are probably in the top 10 or at least 5! Lazza, Aidan and Mr Rain for sure were the best of their national finals!
Happy to see Eline here, though I would put her even higher. Not Meant to Be has been my most played MGP song after the final. It’s so good. And to think this was her return to the stage after years of stage fright
I though Lazza would be top 5 at least… curious to see who will make the top 10 now
Wiwibloggs, we are in sync this year! I wasn’t into Paulina Paukštaityt? and Eline Thorp at first. But, by their grand finals, I was hooked (and still am). Also, with Serbia’s Eegor, we were treated to creepy/trippy/amazing teddy bears twice this year. I hope that becomes a thing 😉 Oh! And, I don’t know if anyone caught the footage of Lazza roaming through the Sanremo audience and finally finding his mother to hand her the bouquet. That moment was magic.
I hope Madame and Jann will be in the top ten
My Top 40: 40 – Gabrielius Vagelis: Šauksmas (Lithuania) – My favorite song in the actual finals of PIN 2023. He’s such a versatile performer, and this just adds to the quality of his products. He’s one of the people who should represent Lithuania at some point. 39 – Pam Rabbit: Ghosting (Czechia) – Her attempts at representing her country are better and better each time. This slick, playful, and humoristic song with a striking hook is also the best performed entry at the NF stage live. I hope her day will come. 38 – Anica Russo: Once Upon a… Read more »
Rezarta Smaja’s music is absolutely nowhere to be found, not on iTunes, not on Spotify, not on Bandcamp or anywhere else, I don’t get it,either.
And judging by the live performance, I thought the hip hop duo was the obvious choice for Ireland, but I guess, I’m pretty alone with this opinion …
Rezarta’s songs don’t have studio versions on YT either for some reason. Me jemja nuse had one, because RTSH published them all together last year. But other than that, nope. I don’t know if she has difficulties regarding production houses and contracts, or is she just unwilling to publish them. Too bad… Also, I noticed how some countries, notably Sweden, Portugal, Serbia, Albania, and Denmark, very rarely have official videos for their songs. Most often it’s either a lyric video or a studio version over a static image. This year Claudia Pascoal, Reiley, and Vanesa Sono being exceptions. Albina and… Read more »
Good list Colin, we did a snap on Connolly, both in 36th place which probably means we have a very similar love for it. Tresko also started off high in my list but I found it kept slipping the more I listened to, it ended up in 62nd which still means that I enjoy it and appreciate it.
Thank you, Kosey! Connolly being exactly 36th to both of us is a cool coincidence. I might list my honorable mentions in a random order right before the top 10? In any case, those are all songs I appreciate very much too. I’m sure that top 100 or even 150 could be made out of solid entries.
We share two selections in this section. Out of the ones you have that I don’t, I probably find Anica’s to be the most impressive. That was on of the nicest stagings I saw this whole season and it really elevated the song. We get very Colin picks in Bradley, Anduel and Rezarta. I grew off Anduel’s song a bit as the season went on and there always feels like there’s a bit of a ceiling for Rezarta with me because of the lack of a proper studio version to listen to each time. I think Connolly making the top… Read more »
I agree about Rezarta not having a studio cut makes it more difficult. I really like her song, though. Could I place her above Anduel and Vanesa if the impactful music video of N’Eden makes its late appearance? Maybe I could. As for Connolly, I am fully aware of the flaws on that stage, yet I kept on listening to the studio cut. I see a massive potential here, but I’m not fully locked on my order in this section. This is where songs I really like meet songs that are currently on my NF playlist, and a tweak or… Read more »
The mere inclusion of Laurell Barker’s horror show (let alone above a song like Cenere) just shook the readers to the very core!
Rather unpopular opinion but Eline Thorp deserved a top-20 here.
Very popular opinion. Should be in the top 10.
Mr. Rain deserves top10, not this.
I agree, if not top 5. It’s one of my favourite songs from Sanremo this year.
I get that Laurell is one of the few actually willing to drop everything and give this place the time of day but to include her in this list with THAT song/performance is incredibly disrespectful to artists who didn’t completely embarrass themselves. Hang your heads over that one and try to demonstrate some level of professionalism, seriously. Surprisingly, even though Lxandra’s song wasn’t for me, the rest of this batch was ok. Which makes your stupid decisions stand out as being even more stupid. My top 31-40 40: Robin Packalen – Girls Like You (Finland) 39: Kiana – Where Did… Read more »
Good picks! Three of these will be featured further down my list. 🙂
And I agree about Laurell. I actually quite like a few of songs co-written by her, but her Melfest 2023 song is a guilty pleasure at best. The entertainment value is here because the musical depth isn’t. It can be acknowledged as such, but not on this list.
0/10 cross-over this time Briekimchi, which I suppose is reassuring that at least we are consistent year on year! Rakky Ripper made it to 58th, so it’s definitely one that I liked enough to get onto the list but not quite enough to get to top 50. I’m still holding out that we will connect going into the top 30, but in a way, I’m also hoping our tastes continue to diverge as that is also fun!
The complete lack of shared songs in parts of these lists make those we do share mean even more. XD
Some of my top 10 of the national final season are in this list (lazza or madame wouldve been amazing in esc, two songs ive listened to a lot since Sanremo). Also love Eline’s and Lxandras song, cant forget about Aidan’s either.
Im aware Madame isnt here, just those two songs are my most listened to of Sanremo
Eline Thorp really needed better styling. The whole “Hillary Clinton in hotpants” look didn’t suit her or the song. I would have put her in something casual and less polished, to stand out from the other songs. Maybe grunge fashion, a t-shirt and ripped jeans.
italy would have smashed esc 2023 with lazza
Lazza and Rain in the 30s doesn’t make sense with my fantasy. They are both top fivers for me
Lazza – “Cenere” 35th? did we hear the same song?
And Supereroi 37th. Like what the hell?
Guess Madame and Ultimo are higher on the list. If not, I’ll call it a crime! But not misundersand me, Lazza and Mr. Rains somgs are also very good.
I can only guess they don’t want the entire top 10 to be like 6 or 7 Sanremo tracks.
It works for me. Thank you very much.
I’m sorry I’m doing this backwards, but here are my songs 28 through 50. I’ll probably write up a top ten at the end. Fiinka, “Dovbush” 2TONE, “Kvitka” MeriCler, “Souvenirs” Kuumaa, “Ylivomainen” Juste Kraujelyte, “Need More Fun” Ella A, “Waist” Ameerah, “Armageddon” Barbara Tinoco, “Goodnight” The Happy Mess, “O impossivel” Inger, “Awaiting You” Karmento, “Quiero y duelo” Vicco, “Nochentera” (Accidental DJ moment of the season: this song sounds fantastic after “Samo mi se spava”) Rasmus Thall, “Tresko” Eline Thorp, “Not Meant to Be” Celebs, “Doomsday Dance” Egret, “Ako shvatim kasno” Elodie, “Due” Rosa Chemical, “Made in Italy” Cugina Di Campagna,… Read more »
I believe the rest of UMK23 will be among the top 30, and I hope Benjamin can make it to the Top 10. (Dear Jann will definitely be there!)
Meanwhile, I bet Spain and Serbia, with some Estonia, some Belgium, and some Latvia will dominate the rest of the board. They have many very competitive entries and fantastic finals.
Have you never seen a wiwilist before? Sweden and Norway will almost certainly get the lion’s share of the remaining 30 spots.
What about Portugal?
40 Sara Kapo, Para Teje: One of these very pared back minimalistic slow songs that usually only I like, but everyone else finds super boring. The live vocal wasn’t really on point, but I listen to the studio cut all the time. In my opinion, it should have at least made the final in FiK. 39 Patrisha, Hush: Very well sung, a stomping beat, a catchy hook. Patrisha left a very good first impression on the Supernova stage, I hope to see her back some time with an even better song. 38 Fusa Nocta, Mi familia: Current, well produced upbeat… Read more »
I love The Divine Comedy!
Neil Hannon is one of my favourite artists, I have already seen him live several times and I plan to see him again, if the opportunity arises. 🙂
I saw him about five years ago, and loved it. I can’t remember the name of the tour, but it was around the time of the Foreverland album. He came out dressed as Napoleon. I would definitely go back!
Yeah, I saw that show, too. The song which he performs as Napoleon is called “Sweden” from the “Fin de siècle” album. I had never really paid attention to it until that live performance and afterwards I immediately downloaded it. 🙂
I know you don’t like musicals, but are you looking forward to the new “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” movie? Maybe it will be Neil Hannon who makes you a believer.
I didn’t know there was a new Charlie and the Chocolate Factory movie, but I really like the book, so if Neil is in it or wrote the soundtrack, I’d definitely check it out.
I just went on the Wikipedia page to refresh my memory. I got it wrong. It’s actually a prequel, called “Wonka”, with Timothée Chalamet as the young Willy Wonka. From the director of the two Paddington films, so it could be good. Neil Hannon has written original songs for it. Scheduled for release in December.
Great choices, Tibor! With 400/450 songs in the running, I don’t see how putting someone 37th could be considered low. Especially if that’s not your usual genre. I am happy to see Elsa Lila, Fusa Nocta, Madame, YCWCB, and Meelik included. The first two will be featured quite high on my list, while Madame and Meelik already were. I agree about the comment on Fusa’s performance (it’s objectively flawed, so there’s not much to add), but I do like the lyrics myself. Silja & Kjalar are my winners of Songvakeppnin, so it’s nice to see them too.
If this was an objective list, not a personal one, Elsa Lila should be higher, that’s why I thought it was necessary to explain my thought process. 😉
Nice list Tibor, you’ve got two entries which appear very high up on my list, I’m really pleased that you connected with a couple of songs I absolutely love!
I’d say you’re a Meelik kind of guy, but what could be the other one …? With these additional two, we’re already on 4 matches, at the moment that’s double the amount of my matches with the wiwilist. Not too shabby, is it?
Four entries from my list (all in my top 20 no less) contained within this ten of yours! Hush and Tuju are probably the two you have here that I don’t that I think the most of. Hush is liked, not loved by me because I didn’t find it a fantastic listening experience solely based on the studio cut but they got the performance of this one perfect. Similar comments for Tuju, really. Two of the biggest growers based on the live performances. Tokimeki was the complete opposite of that and had that live performance not happened, they would’ve remained… Read more »
I always had the impression that our lists were to some extent mutually upside down – you often have songs I have high up rather at the end of your top 50 and vice versa – one of the faint gasps was certainly yours, wasn’t it? -, but I can already tell that we will have a fair amount of matches – which makes the shocking blanks on both sides all the more inexplicable.
Laurell ahead of Lazza is a choice.
They overrate acts that are willing to sit down and talk to them. Think of all the articles they’ve put out about the likes of Senhit in previous years. The level of quality is never in line with the level of coverage provided here.
31. Melanie Wehbe – For the Show (Sweden) – unexpectedly emotional, the yearning chorus hammers my heart every time, there is an authentic sadness in this track, which made the very smiley performance on the stage all the more strange, but nevertheless it is a song that I care for very much. 32. Barbara Munjas – Putem Snova (Croatia) – from the fuzzy bassline to the blazing trumpets and punchy drums this track is filled with eclectic sounds which work so well together. 33. Luna Palumbo – Battuciore (San Marino) – buried in the gluttonous volumes of Una Voce per… Read more »
Marcus and Martinus were just outside my top 50 so seeing them at this position is no mistake. I have Ariete MUCH higher so happy to see her make your list. It’s one of the best pure songs in San Remo this year, even if the live performance didn’t make it *that* special.
Barbara Munjas is probably the most interesting of your other choices and I also respect the song put forward by Gift, even if it’s probably not got enough quality to crack into my own top 50.
Nice to see somebody else enjoyed Harmony Scuffle!
Also Ariete and Barbara Munjas, but man, that one really made me feel out on an island.