Your daily Eurovision news bullet has landed. Every day in the lead up to Eurovision 2023 kicking off in Liverpool, the team here at wiwibloggs is bringing you all the latest updates — big and small — from the song contest world.
In today’s daily digest, Iru and Brunette share a moment, and Let 3 get saucy in Madrid. But first…
Eurovision 2023 news round-up: Friday 7 April
Gustaph covers Joker Out’s “Carpe Diem”
Eurovision is just around the corner, and the class of 2023 are sharing the love. Belgium’s Gustaph shared his rendition of Joker Out’s “Carpe Diem”, performing the English version of the Slovenian boys’ track.
@gustaphofficial @Joker Out Official you’ve got to teach me how to sing the slovenian version! #jokervision #carpediem #eurovision2023 #pianocover ♬ original sound – Gustaph
Iru and Brunette dance together
Last week, Brunette shared a clip of her dancing to Iru’s Eurovision song “Echo”. Now that the two have met at the Madrid pre-party, it’s time for a double slay. The Armenian and Georgian stars took the opportunity to dance the routine together and deliver some Caucasus region unity.(Jonathan) 🇬🇪 Georgia x Armenia 🇦🇲 #eurovision #prepartyes2023 ♬ original sound – Brunette
TuralTuranX cover Mor ve Ötesi’s “Deli”
Even when they take a rest, TuralTuranX can’t help but sing. Whilst lying on a bed, the Azeri duo took a moment to cover Mor ve Ötesi’s “Deli” – Turkey’s entry for Eurovision 2008. They sing the chorus softly whilst strumming on an acoustic guitar. The twins note that it’s one of their all-time favourite Turkish songs. (Jonathan)
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Victor Vernicos covers Amanda Tenfjord’s “Die Together”
Following in the footsteps of greatness, Victor Vernicos paid tribute to Greek’s Eurovision 2022 singer Amanda Georgiadi Tenfjord by covering her song from last year. With nothing more than a guitar and a microphone, Victor played “Die Together” to a crowd of fans.
@victorvernicos Following in the footsteps of… #eurovision2023 #eurovision2022 ♬ original sound – Victor Vernicos
Pasha Parfeni and Loreen reunite in Madrid
Loreen and Pasha Parfeni reunited at PrePartyES in Madrid, as celebrations begin at the Spanish Eurovision warm-up show. The two return to Eurovision 11 years after their song contest debuts, where they represented Sweden and Moldova respectively.
@pashaparfeni Such a nice moment❤️ Can’t wait to rock the Eurovision stage again✨🇲🇩 #eurovision2023 #PrePartyES2023 #pashaparfeni #soarelesiluna #moldova ♬ original sound – Pasha Parfeni
Let 3 get saucy with wiwibloggs
Here’s something you didn’t see coming. Over in Madrid, our blogger Luis got a chance to chat with Croatia’s golden tractor-driving icons Let 3 — and things got a little steamy. Damir Martinović, also known as Mrle, unbuttoned his trousers and flashed his underwear to the camera. He also teased us with a little bit of chest action. We won’t repeat what they said on their Instagram, but you can check out the caption below.
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Additional reporting from Jonathan Vautrey
But Loreen was using auto-tune, how can you say “at least she ušes her voice” then?
She did not use it during Tattoo however which is very obvious if you check online clips of her singing it. Everyone kmows that she can sing.
Armenia using backtrack through out the whole performance makes me question why even attend? To mimic?
I get these fan parties are fun and that is the focus but why is the sound always bad on these? Always technical issues on these? It is like they are done by amateurs and I know they are not.
Are we really expecting HQ & HD material filmed in a bar, that simply can’t have the latest equipment to use? Let’s get realistic people!
That is not what was asked. Just that they provide equipment that actually works..
That is indeed what was asked, but let’s simplify so it won’t be too difficult to understand:
“sound always bad”
-> It’s a bar, even tv studios have sound issues time to time.
“Always technical issues”
-> Less expensive equipment won’t work so well and is most likely outdated.
“done by amateurs and I know they are not”
-> So you are expecting HQ & HD material, since they’re not amateurs.
just nq already Luke
Käärijä is a rapper and still holds a tune better than some of those “singer” we heard perform last night. And the crowd still went crazy…so I wouldn’t worry about him much.
Netherlands on the other hand…that was disappointing. I expected so much more from the duo.
Finland 2023 screams televoting magnet with average -at best- jury appeal. That’s the only reason he most likely won’t win this year.
Juries are unpredictable and many times aren’t even made up of music professionals, so I wouldn’t just predict him doing badly with juries
Not necessarily badly, but I can’t see it placing higher than a mid to lower Top 10 spot which won’t be enough for a win. You’re absolutely right about the juries – there are not many music professionals nowadays indeed, but there are going to be enough (I guess) that will mark Finland very low in their ranking and bring their overall score and respective jury points down. On the other hand I do feel that he’s going to win the televoting ahead of Sweden.
Every performer for Greece since Katerine Duska is a huge improvement compared to the likes of Sakis, Sarbel, Kalomira or Eleftheria Eleftheriou. Greece has decided to take a turn in becoming musically relevant instead of sending the stereotypical televote-friendly cheap ethnic dance number every year and I’m really glad they did. I hope that this won’t change even if Victor fails this year.
Very good analysis Ari. I was watching it live yesterday and I agree with everything you said there. I was especially impressed with Armenia and Austria – they are excellent performers and I think they deserve a good result in May, since I find their songs deserving a Top 10 or even Top 5 spot. La Zarra proved, despite the technical issues, that she has full control of a very strong song, without any diva attitude whatsoever, and I’m positive now that she’ll do well. All the Baltics and Slovenia were solid and comfortable as always and Australia was also… Read more »
Netherlands were perfect, winner material!
awesome live
bring on the downmarks lmao, haters gonna hate and Netherlands keep on dominating
Bruh, we don’t hate the Netherlands. We only hate your pedantic comments.
I am still counting on the Netherlands to improve. I mean they always come up with classy and introspective stagings for their more esoteric songs (S10, Duncan) and they have time to improve a lot. I agree about the UK. No matter the odds, I think the UK will most probably be right hand side of the scoreboard and actually pretty low there as well. Brunette sang well and I am glad about it, but i am still worried about the staging as this is a difficult song to stage. Hope they pull it through as the song is in… Read more »
I think that Mia Nicolai is the strong half of this duo – I’d rather have her performing on her own. Dion seemed to be too nervous and by the time Mia joins in is too late – I’ve already lost my interest and there’s no chemistry between those 2 to bring me back to the song. Denmark 2010 or even better Norway 2015 are good examples of how chemistry can work on ESC stage.
I will still wait for Mia and Dion’s Eurovision live to fully judge their chemistry. Maybe the pre-parties aren’t a clear indicator. On another note, S10 was my winner last year so I am glad you also like it!
I mean, de Diepte was a masterpiece tho
IMO Voyager slayed that performance. I love most rock songs this year, Aija is even my #1 song but most bands this year do the regular chaos routine, jump around, grind with each other’s guitars, etc. Voyager showed how a little showmanship and a lot of experience can really elevate a song. I’d love to go to one of their concerts even if I only know 2 of their songs lol
These pre-parties are impossible to watch anymore: constant technical problems with sound and lights, mikes don’t work, singers cannot hear themselves. It’s been year after year like that in almost every city every pre-party destination.
Wonder why we have not had the “Madrid: Who gave the best live performance?” thread. I don’t think anyone was bad but for me, Mimicat really stood out.
Anyways slaynette and slayreen and blanka slayoma and slaya and slayena and noa slayrel are all slay this should be the top 5 with kaarija left out for 6th lol.
I completely agree with you on this
I enjoy Kalomira, even if the entry is not close to my top 3 in 2008. In fact, it’s in a similar category as Andorra and Czech Republic for me, only staged better. They are all fun bops, but not outstanding in any way. I didn’t like either of the Sakis’ entries, especially not Shake It. Even in a weak year as 2004, this bounces on the edge of my bottom 10, and I’m just not seeing why it’s still regarded as one of the most hyped songs of that year. Greek entries since 2018 have found a new level… Read more »
Let3 did have some problems with sound (at least in YouTube video). But when, after the sing, the whole crowded sings in Croatian. Wow, just wow. Many will not understand, but when you have a band coming from a country that has less people than some european cities, and you hear foreigners sing in your language, it makes your heart full. Fly high Let 3!!!
Is there any update with Loreen’s LED screens in Liverpool? Will they replicate the Melfest staging?
No updates yet, but yes they have to replace the LED screens, they can’t hang up things from the roof simple as that, so she will have a changed stage number in ESC for sure
Who kows waht EBU wants? They change rules every year. in 2021 Cyprus could hang a mirror from the ceiling. So it looks like hanging is now allowed. Someone from SVT even confirmed that. But maybe that LED screen is to heavy?
Victor from Greece said in an interview that Liverpool won’t allow anything suspended from the ceiling. So expect changes.
Well on her Reddit question page she said staging is ready and that she will do her best for you guys. For me it sounds as if the concept will stay the same even if it can be hung from ceiling. But what is most important is not staging but Loreen herself. She is a very captivating performer that draws you in
Wow! Brunette is such an awesome dancer.
Ivi Adamou was there too with Loreen & Pasha! Reunion 2012
Random but when are we going to get the Wiki jury review for the songs this year? The competition starts in a month, so it seems like it would be starting sometime soon
Some calculations here: The Wiwi Jury used to do two song reviews per day, and there are 37 songs this year. So, 19 days are required to get through them. If I count back 19 days from Monday 8th of May, then the latest start date for the Wiwi Jury would be on the 19th of April.
That makes sense, thank you! I wasn’t sure if they were planning on doing 2 a day or 1 a day. I think last year they sometimes did 3 a day, so that would make sense. I would think they would want to finish a few days before the competition starts
I think they usually finish the Wiwi jury just before the first rehearsals. So given that the first rehearsals start on 29th April they may start the reviews from this Monday. I have written my own reviews and I am waiting to post them in the comments when the time comes 🙂
Thanks Thanos. I should point out that the Wiwi Jury was only ever meant to be a bit of fun and wasn’t to be taken seriously. I hugely admire the work that was put into it, the humour and the friendships that were made. But, for several different reasons, it wasn’t always fun. I would understand if it were to be discontinued. Let’s see what happens, or not.
I get that sometimes the fun is lost due to people taking it a bit too serious or due to other people being toxic about it but I wouldn’t want it to be discontinued. It’s always an opportunity to discuss with others here about the songs. As long as we respect each other’s opinions it’s quite fun. And it’s also an opportunity for me to listen to the songs in more depth so as to form a collective review about them.
Wow I really manifested it lol