Photo: AMPTV / Robert Koloyan

The Wiwi Jury — our in-house team of music unprofessionals — is reviewing and rating the 37 competing songs in Eurovision 2023. Next we review Armenia, who have chosen Brunette with “Future Lover”.

Have we already fallen in love with the song in the present? Read on to find out!

Brunette – “Future Lover” (Armenia Eurovision 2023)

Review: Brunette – “Future Lover”

Deban: An orchestral ballad with melodic twists. “Future Lover” is part high-art, and part street — a heady mix that Brunette serves brilliantly. A visually arresting package cemented with an undeniable hook, this bold choice should secure Armenia another Top 10 finish with ease.

Score: 8.5

Rick: I expected something completely different from Brunette. After putting those expectations aside and trying to accept the song choice, I can now really appreciate the song for what it is. The rap part is something you don’t expect and this is what makes this ballad very unique, which I like. Also, the use of Armenian towards the end makes it even more mystical and special. Still, there’s something missing for me to really fall in love, but I hope it will happen live.

Score: 5.5

Tom: Right, the first time I heard “Future Lover”, I was a little underwhelmed – the lyrics, especially in the first verse, gave me the ick. However, the more I listen to Brunette, the more I enjoy her performance. The chorus is strong, the rap segment is excellent and the music crescendos brilliantly. I am looking forward to her live performance in the second semi because that’s when I think the track will really come alive. It needs an injection of passion that a studio cut just can’t quite manufacture. Armenia are in the considered ‘weaker’ semi-final, so this should qualify without too many problems. 

Score: 7

Kristín: Armenia has had their ups and downs throughout the years, but they always bring something fresh to the table. “Future Lover” is undoubtedly a force to be reckoned with and is definitely one of the more unique entries of this year. However, I always find myself drifting away when I try to listen to the song. It just doesn’t hold my attention for three minutes. I’m fairly certain that Brunette will nail this from beginning to end and bring Armenia straight to the finals, but personally, I’m going to pass.

Score: 2

Pablo: A song with two halves, a strong and a weak one. “Future Lover” is attempting a Woodkid-like angle of combining classical elements that grow into a booming cinematic experience, but since the first part is not truly engaging, it doesn’t quite achieve that build-up effect. The bold, quick breakdown and thumping rhythm that comes halfway is fantastic and makes me wish we had the whole three minutes as this epic and intense speak-sing number. That would have hit the spot and could have made it one to watch out for. Overall, great ideas, but the potential is not fully realised, and it really makes me ask “What could have been?”

Score: 6.5

Armenia Eurovision 2023 ranking

In the Eurovision 2023 Wiwi Jury, we have 20 jurors but only have room for five reviews. The remaining scores are below:

Antranig: 7

Cinan: 8.5

Dayana: 4.5

Diego: 8.5

Forrest: 5.5

Jonathan: 6

Lucy: 6

Luis: 9.5

Oliver: 2

Renske: 6

Ron: 7.5

Ruxandra: 7.5

Samuel: 4

Simon: 6.5

William: 7.5

We have removed the highest and lowest scores prior to calculating the average. This is to remove outliers and potential bias. We have removed a low of 2 and a high of 9.5.

Wiwi Jury verdict: 6.36/10

What do you think of Armenia’s Eurovision 2023 entry? Share your own score and review for Brunette’s “Future Lover” below!

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1 year ago

I have no issue with Kristin giving a 2, but justify it. It doesn’t hold your attention. How so? What does the song do to put you off it.

Very unprofessional.

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
1 year ago
Reply to  Catriona

The Wiwi Jury is supposed to be unprofessional because it’s a bit of fun. Hence this description: “our in-house team of music unprofessionals.” 🙂

Poul Rissen
Poul Rissen
1 year ago

The song is nice, she looks good, too. The video is engaging. However, I saw some live performances of the song and it did not connect with me at all. It felt kind of soulless. Brunette seemed she was just trying to sing well (she was on point), but magic was lost. Plus, the usual problem with some singers whose English pronunciation is weird and you can’t understand a word when they sing.

For me:

  • song 8/10
  • performance (Ok, from the parties or whatever) 6/10

Good luck, Armenia! Most probably see you in the final!

Solfrid Holte Johansen
Solfrid Holte Johansen
1 year ago


1 year ago

Boring and bad.

1 year ago

This isn’t connecting with me in any way and it goes a bit annoying, so I’ll give it 3/10.

1 year ago

So underestimated! 6.36 really? I mean… really?

1 year ago

Way too messy and all over the place IMO. She’s a singer with great potential but still lacks experience and direction in her career. Could’ve worked with a better writing/production team for a better song

1 year ago

Wiwi is deaf

1 year ago

I love this song so much. The arrangement is really beautiful, and I love how the structure of the song feels like a story being told, slowly building up from the slow piano intro, to the addition of strings in the chorus, to the explosion in the bridge leading to a climactic outro in Armenian. Simple and straighforward lyrics that feel heartfelt and follow the emotions of the melody, narrating about seeking love while fighting with your inner fears. “I decide to be good, do good, look good” or to find a way to love myself, body and soul. Brunette… Read more »

Yerevan calling
Yerevan calling
1 year ago

Underrated …. but ok… Armenia sent the best song in 2014 and they black P.R.-ed and exhausted Aram MP3 with scandals. Last year Armenia sent a world hit….. It was still underrated . 22nd in Eurovision and then all the songs got forgotten except the Snap. Well in this contest you need to be Scandinavian or atleast to have scandinavian team for doing well . But Future Lover has great potential for doing well. Just like Lovewave many things depend on live stage performance. In pre-parties we have seen that Brunnete is one of the best live singers. Hopefully the… Read more »

1 year ago

Aram MP3 was homophobic, said slurs and called sexual minorities disgusting. Last year Snap only got attention on Tiktok and Future Lover sounds boring as hell. NQ would be best for this mess.

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
1 year ago

This is an interesting song. According to, the structure is: Verse 1, Bridge, Verse 2, Chorus, Verse 3 (alternate melody), Chorus, Outro. At last, some songwriting innovation in ESC 2023! 🙂 I’m moved by this song, because the music in the softer section is dramatically mournful and sweet all at the same time. The orchestral arrangement is very well done too. The more powerful “Verse 3” is engaging and a complete contrast to the start of the song. Then there is the Outro, which nicely builds on the Chorus melody, changes up the language and adds more depth to… Read more »

1 year ago

The dislike bots are downvoting our positive criticism towards specific songs, once again, like here in this post. Someone is feeling salty that Armenia will score higher than their own country’s entry! 🙂

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
1 year ago
Reply to  Efthymios

Those downvote bots are goin’ down didi down down down.

1 year ago

Wasn’t expecting that score from you tbh. I do believe it deserves better. I have the feeling that it will be very impactful on stage.

I’ll give a 7/10.

Armenia is in my 11th place:

10. Ireland (7)
11. Armenia (7)
14. Moldova (7)
15. Estonia (6.75)
17. Australia (6.75)
23. The Netherlands (6.5)
24. Italy (6.5)
25. Malta (6.5)
28. Iceland (6.25)
30. Denmark (6)
32. Ukraine (5.75)
36. Albania (3.5)

1 year ago

Way too low of a ranking, doesn’t deserve anything below a 7. This is one of the more interesting entries this year and Brunette is a great live performer. Fully believe she will bring Armenia back to the top 10.

1 year ago

I didn’t get this at the start, but it’s really grown on me. The lyrics and the rap are my only issues here. ”Drink smoothies at near cafes” annoys me so much.

It’s amazing to see how much Armenians love this song and support Brunette though!

Overall, this is a solid entry and I hope Armenia continues to send polished acts.

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
1 year ago
Reply to  Thallo

They probably couldn’t use Starbucks because it’s a brand name. 🙂
(Although, the UK got away with “Benz” this year, which is half a brand name.)

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
1 year ago
Reply to  Purple Mask

Or apparently it was supposed to be “neat cafés”!

1 year ago

I’m currently working on the PIN TOP list, and there’s a lot of playing with codes. During the national selection season, PIN visitors had a chance to give their votes country by country. The target group was 999 for the following reasons: one, as a five-star system is being used, some entries would have received a relatively huge boost (for instance, X country’s song would get 5K votes and Z country’s song would get 200 votes, giving some imbalances), and 999 is there to ensure the results are not the same (for songs to not get the same result). If… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Devito


  1. NORWAY – Jone – “Ekko inni meg”
  2. SWEDEN – Loreen – “Tattoo”
  3. NORWAY – Alessandra -“Queen of Kings”
  4. BELGIUM – Chérine – “Ça m’ennuie pas”
  5. NORWAY – Elsie Bay – “Love You in a Dream”
  6. BELGIUM – The Starlings – “Oceanside”
  7. SPAIN – Alice Wonder – “Yo Quisiera”
  8. AUSTRIA – Teya & Salena – “Who the hell is Edgar?”
  9. SWEDEN – Smash Into Pieces – “Six Feet Under”
  10. FRANCE – La Zarra – “Évidemment”
1 year ago
Reply to  Devito

7 Spain Alice Wonder?? Havent we already moved on?

1 year ago
Reply to  Jonkonfui

I believe the voting for Spain was pretty early, sometime around the Semis. That might have influenced the result of Alice’s placement. Still less dramatic than Belgium getting 2 spots in the TOP10 (Cherine and The Starlings), but ultimately picking the 369th-placed song.

1 year ago
Reply to  Devito

It’s wild to see Jann down there in the 200s. Not sure what’s up with that.

1 year ago
Reply to  Zanoni

Indeed. And how relatively close it’s to Blanka’s “Solo”! Although I should not be surprised, I told you people that “Solo” would become a hit in Lithuania due to the summer vibes. In the last week, on the TOP40 of one of the most popular radio stations in the country, M-1, “Solo” was ranked 14th. The other Eurovision 2023 songs to appear on the list were Monika’s “Stay (Ciuto Tuto)” at 4th place and Mae’s “I Wrote A Song” at 9th place. Monika rose up by 3 positions, Mae rose up by 2 positions, and Blanka fell by 8 positions… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Devito

Fascinating stuff!

1 year ago

I’ve been through a journey with “Future Lover”. From finding it interesting but not feeling much about it to almost dismissing it as a midtable filler when I was listening to the whole playlist. And then, one day, the song caught me in the right mood, I paid closer attention to the whole and now I’m quickly falling in love with it (so, in a sense, this one has always been my “Future Lover” in Eurovision 2023? :D). It for sure has some clumsy lyrics on the first verses and maybe some people will never get over them, but it’s… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Sabrina

I’m so glad you like this song, and that you rated it so high! It’s in my top 10 too, and I can actually sense it might get even higher after the show. It indeed feels cathartic and emotional. Yes, some of the lyrics may be less than complex, but I actually like them as they are. Sometimes the most straightforward language works the best.

PS. I may get back to Albania with another review. I am happy with how I ranked Armenia and Ukraine today.

1 year ago
Reply to  Colin

The funny thing is that when I made my first ranking, I would give this 7. Then I readjusted it to 6.75, 7.5. And it finally clicked with me. To the point it just got to my top 5 (or 6, there’s a song I still can give the same grade yet).

1 year ago
Reply to  Sabrina

Glad you also like it. I think the whole meaning of this song plays an important role in me liking it. It’s a topic that has bothered I believe most of us one way or another. One can view both the eternal anticipation and perhaps the try to dismiss all the stress regarding finding the future lover in the lyrics. Even if they could be better phrased, I think they do give food for thought.

1 year ago
Reply to  Thanos

I’m having a lot of fun attributing more meaning to this song than it’s probably aiming for and seeing its lyrics entirely through the lens of social media usage. It’s a good way of being more at ease with some of those “cheesy” phrases at the beginning of the song anyway. (Who really aspires to going to bookstores and drinking smoothies in cafes?) Basically, I’m seeing it more as how one presents themselves through social media profiles and building up this image in the hopes of attracting that “future lover”. “Doing good, being good and looking good” doesn’t mean much… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Briekimchi

I don’t think it’s a strecht to imagine the lyrics carrying some social commentary about social media. I’ve read somewhere that the smoothies sentence was taken from an online post, I don’t know if it’s true. But if that’s the case, couldn’t it be this year’s version of the “What’s the secret behind Meghan Markle’s hair?” in terms os being inspired by a silly thing and creat a concept over it? Though, obviously, Konstrakta did it with much more wit and depth. Idealizing romantic love is something that comes from a long time ago. From the lovers exchanging letters to… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Briekimchi

I’m 100% on the same page with you here regarding the lyrics.

1 year ago

one of the best

Scott Jackson
Scott Jackson
1 year ago

This is an interesting entry. I find it a song of two personalities and it’s the grimey street style of it that takes it to a higher level. It’s not quite in my top ten yet but it’s growing on me.

now that i see the light
now that i see the light
1 year ago

Since ATHENA MANOUKIAN i’ve been adoring every Armenian release in ESC&JESC . She started a golden era and disappeared

1 year ago

Don’t you be excluding Srbuk now. I won’t let you!

1 year ago

I find this to be a very sad song. I suppose the chorus is somewhat empowering, if we take it as a decision to live for herself and not strive for a lover. Brunette doesn’t need a significant other to be complete, nobody does. Just live life, and if somebody comes along, great. If not, it’s still possible to be happy.

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
1 year ago
Reply to  Jonas

Without the lyrics, the music alone is also very sad, yet sweet and super dramatic all at the same time. Link for context:

1 year ago


1 year ago

25. Brunette – Future Lover (Armenia) – 5.5/10 – a quirky, almost unnerving, opening promises something that doesn’t quite deliver when we get to the chorus. Then the rap comes out of nowhere which makes me yearn for the quiet piano once more and it only returns for a couple of brief notes right at the very end. Overall, this ends up being quite messy and unnecessarily noisy.

1 year ago

Obviously, “Future Lover” has three major building blocks – the intro/outro, the rap verse and the chorus. Each of them is focused on a different feeling – hope, angst and fortitude. Together they form a kind of an atmospheric curve, or, as the song puts it, “a volcano” (intro-chorus-rap verse-chorus-outro), that takes us from the gentle haven of prospects up to the boiling point of uncertainty and back to where we’ve started. The lyrics clumsily yet effectively expose the naivety and innocence of the protagonist’s dreams – smoothies and old bookstores and other cute stuff. Sorry for another Bjork comparison,… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Skiwalko

I don’t find “look good” to be very inspirational. Who’s to judge? Herself or her future lover? My own future lover will take me as I am, or else no thanks.

1 year ago
Reply to  Skiwalko

I don’t think worrying about looking good will help her anxiety. Just one more pressure that nobody needs.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jonas

Maybe I’m reaching but I’ve been struggling with anxiety and panic attacks for at least the past 10 years, and one of my coping mechanism is to “look good” (so to speak) when I don’t want people to know about it. I’m not saying that it’s inspirational, or a good idea to do the same (obviously not, it’s much better to talk about it with someone who understands the situation) but I do relate with that part of the lyrics actually.

1 year ago
Reply to  Dani

I’m sorry to read that. I wish I could offer some helpful advice, but I can’t. Only listen to a responsible medic, not people like me on the internet. I personally do not feel like “keeping up appearances” is a good coping mechanism, or that changing your look to fulfill the expectations of others is healthy.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jonas

Oh I definitely agree that it isn’t the healthy thing to do. But it’s more of a “I don’t want to worry others about me” case and that’s what I got from the lyrics in a way. You put on a mask and decide to “be good, do good, look good” despite the anxiety/the panic attacks. To me it’s more relating a living experience than giving advice. And thank you for the kind words! After years of struggle I am working on it with a great therapist now 🙂

1 year ago
Reply to  Jonas

It’s not the healthiest thing to do but sometimes you just hide behind a mask to not worry others or to appear “well”. That’s what I got from the lyrics actually, she hides all that’s happening inside of her and decides to use this coping mechanism for her future lover despite her emotions being out of control (and I feel like the rap part enhances just that, as the emotions start to flow and the panic to grow, the music gets more frantic with the rap part).

1 year ago
Reply to  Dani

If people can take some solace from it, knowing they’re not alone in this, that’s a good thing I suppose. Still not a good example to follow, however… I hope you both get whatever happy endings you need. I’m glad things are improving for you, I could see your comments that went into moderation before they dissapeared completely!

1 year ago
Reply to  Jonas

(Oh good, I thought they just litteraly disappeared. Thank you for your kind words!)

1 year ago
Reply to  Jonas

Downvoters, what part of what I said do you disagree with?

1 year ago
Reply to  Jonas

Seems like a lot of comments are getting random downvotes… nothing that you said was offensive or out of place as far as I’m concerned.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jonas

I don’t think you said anything wrong Jonas, it just came across as not very empathetic. Don’t worry, my best friend is doing the same with me and I find it helpful to land me to reality.
PS. There are many ‘lazy readers’ in the comment section, including many of the ones that engage heavily. I take everything in here with a pinch of salt.

1 year ago
Reply to  Dani

Hey, it’s self-care to me so I understand the feeling. More power to ya, Dani.

1 year ago
Reply to  Emily

Thank you Emily <3

1 year ago
Reply to  Dani

That’s a very interesting interpretation – I guess there are at least two ways of looking at it – “look good” either means “be happy with my own appearance” or “act as if I’m fine”, which changes the meaning drastically. I appreciate your comment 🙂

1 year ago
Reply to  Skiwalko

Only the artist knows what she meant but I really appreciate reading everyone’s perspective on the song and lyrics. I wish I could write a longer review but other comments have done it a lot better than I would. 🙂

1 year ago
Reply to  Skiwalko

My main understanding there, as explained in my review, is about growing to accept yourself, but to be fair it’s a process until you ‘decide to look good’ for yourself, and that doesn’t mean you don’t want to look good for others until you get there. (I wrote a comment that it’s still awaiting approval explaining how I relate with Dani – when you suffer from anxiety everything that can give you time and space to breath can be life saving sometimes).

1 year ago
Reply to  Dani

You’re not alone on this Dani. I’ve been fighting with anxiety and panic attacks as well for a long time and yes ‘looking good’ IS a coping mechanism – you shift the attention of others away and that gives you space and time to breath. The most important thing for me is to turn this into a process where you accept and love yourself, including the way you look. All the best and keep working with your therapist – I’m doing the same.

1 year ago

Anyway this is really random but there’s been rumours going around here in armenia that yellowheart lily could be our representative for 2024, she is a great artist and I wouldn’t mind her going.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lucille

I got intrigued and listened to one of her songs just to have an idea. I’m not sure how well it would do at Eurovision but she has a voice that would be perfect on a trip-hop song.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lucille

Why Armenian delegation hates Athena ?

1 year ago

Masterpiece. Armenia has been on a roll since 2020. Such a wonderful, unique, SPECTACULAR, orchestral ballad. The music flows both with elegance and secrecy in the song’s opening, which could easily be assimilated with belonging in a Shakespearean play and it utterly errupts in an intense shift to a melodic, incredible orchestral rap part that captivates your emotions and pulls you into the greatness of the entry. Brunette’s voice is phenomenal and she’s so charismatic when it comes to translating the song’s doleful and dramatic emotions onto the stage, as we saw in the Madrid pre-party. I sincerely believe this… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Efthymios

Forgot to mention that the lyrics are perfectly fine, they do not suffer from the same fate that Georgia is struggling with, despite some people implying that.

Leif Christensen
Leif Christensen
1 year ago
Reply to  Efthymios

They’re particularly lifted from the internet.

Also, I personally resent the lyric about “deciding to look good”.

You can decide to look your BEST and that’s great – but not everyone can simply “decide to look good”. If that were a thing we’d all be 10’s.

Now that I think about it you also can just decide “ to be good”. You can try and work on it… but some people just aren’t.

It may be mostly semantics but these do lessen an otherwise decent song for me.

1 year ago
Reply to  Efthymios

I also believe the lyrics to be deliberately chosen and self-aware. They do serve a purpose. Really glad you also attributed “Masterpiece” to it. Though, now, I’m curious as to the other four masterpieces you’ve found this year!

1 year ago
Reply to  Briekimchi

I do hope I surprise you with my choices, hehe.

1 year ago

Musically, this is one of the most ambitious songs of the season, with its massive shifts on style and tone. Lyrically, it’s the most perceptive meditation on the social media era that I’ve heard in a pop song. Interacting with people’s idealized avatars all the time leaves psychological scars. What begins as a modern fairytale ends with an imaginary person, palpably close but impossibly far away. There’s real tragedy here, not just personal, but generational and societal. My second place, 9/10.

1 year ago
Reply to  Zanoni

Here’s one impression I have of the lyrics: I don’t think “be good, do good, look good” is inspirational at all, just like I don’t think the Tumblr quotes were chosen for the first verse because they are good poetry. I think they are meant to be representative of social media aspirational bull.

1 year ago
Reply to  Zanoni

Or perhaps, a facade.

1 year ago
Reply to  Zanoni

I like this idea, it’s plausible. If this listener takes it at face value, though, does the idea fail? If people here are taking it as inspirational, it seems to have backfired.

1 year ago

She delivered live in Madrid, created an intimate fine atmosphere, so different to the Video, that gives me the feeling, I d never want to b the future lover of that well singing but manipulating female.

1 year ago
Reply to  Chupacabra

Were they un Madrid? When?

1 year ago
Reply to  Jonkonfui

Sorry i thought this was the ukranian thread. Created an intimate what? We were like 2000 people sweating N jumping N sweating what intimate what?

just an esc fan
just an esc fan
1 year ago

Armenia clearly aimed high with Brunette and it shows. Unfortunately, rap mostly isn’t for me so this does spoil a really great entry. Surely lyrics are not getting an originality award though. It’s a shame they literally copied random quotes. Apart from these flaws, a well produced and perfectly executed entry, I expect a great staging and a highly likely Top10!

Rating: 7.5/10 (17th)

1 year ago

Don’t steal anyone’s work next time, thanks. NQ and 0/10.

Benito Camelo
Benito Camelo
1 year ago
Reply to  Tina

Is there something I missed out on? I’ve been reading comments like yours and I don’t get what’s going on

1 year ago
Reply to  Benito Camelo

She plagiarized the lyrics from Tumblr posts, apparently.

But even then, she did a sloppy job at it. It was supposed to be “drinking smoothies at neat cafés”, not “near cafés”. lol

Esc addict / Shut up and watch my ...
Esc addict / Shut up and watch my ...
1 year ago

Again OT but somebody knows if there’s a live stream somewhere for Eurovision in concert this evening?

1 year ago

There’s not going to be any since it’s not allowed, but they’ll post 1 minute clips of each performance.

1 year ago

Yes on

1 year ago

I think this song IS nice. I have only listened like 15 seconds of It though, the bit when she kneels down and the bells ir something. I am drunk now btw.

1 year ago

I honestly don’t believe what I just read. As every year, Armenia is completely underestimated by the Wiwi jury. Future Lover is a contender for the top 5 in the finals in my opinion. The song is very calm at the beginning and really builds into a real explosion. In PrePartyEs we already saw that Brunette sings live just like she does in the studio. With the right staging, the song will land very high!

1 year ago

I don’t like the song but ….this get a lower score than Ukraine…like how….

1 year ago
Reply to  Stephanie

You know u are a hater, right?

1 year ago
Reply to  Jonkonfui

How exactly am I hater? So I’m no longer allowed to have an opinion…okay, good to know.

1 year ago
Reply to  Stephanie

I dont know. I am drunk and i have been banned from Twitter. And i am gay. A gay person banned from Twitter… This might be the end of the world as we knew It. Twitter IS fascist

1 year ago

Sure NQ… giving me “hvala ne ne” vibe..

1 year ago
Reply to  Noam600

That qualified though…

1 year ago
Reply to  Noam600

Hvala ne ne qualified buddy

Harutyun Hovhannisyan
Harutyun Hovhannisyan
1 year ago

Are u kidding me ,?this is awful what I read , this is one of thr most unique enteries that Armenia have ever sent , great and lovely chorus with great vocal ability. This is the contender for Top 5

1 year ago

While instrumentally this song is not half bad, I cannot deny how stupidly hilarious this song’s lyrics are, to a point where I would not be surprised if it was solely written through Chat GPT. Bad lyrics aside though, I do see potential in this entry, and I get why people like it so much. I’m not quite in that same boat, but it’s still a solid entry.

It’s a 7/10 for me

1 year ago

ARMENIA – Both classy and slick, Future Lover continues the Armenian legacy of having resonating instrumentals and interesting structures. Sometimes their final product fails to ignite the spark set by the creative ingredients, but this time they decided to be good, do good, and judging by their video and usual staging concepts, look good as well. It starts as a dreamy ballad, opening with some nice piano sounds. Then we get a lovely chorus with a relatable mantra about practicing self love, while also yearning for true human connection. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, yet well-planned, we get a shift.… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Colin

I like the comparison with similar Sanremo entries. I had never thought of it this way, but the classical orchestration of ‘Future Lover’, alongside the modern rap could remind of a song that could take part in Sanremo. It would be tremendously elevated by a performance alongside a live orchestra, since the fact that it’s a modern song with musical depth and orchestration is one of the main reasons I like this song a lot. We will have to do with the pre-recorded track at ESC which is also great of course.

1 year ago
Reply to  Thanos

I feel like both Armenia and Estonia would have benefited from the full orchestral backing Sanremo-style. However, if they just manage to create that vibe on stage, I think that they are qualifying. After Austria, they are rounding my top 3 for semi 2, and I’ll keep my fingers crossed that all 3 will make it through.

1 year ago
Reply to  Colin

It’s still so strange that “Snap” despite being such a success, is so much more safe and less ambitious than the Armenian entries of 2019, 2020 and 2023 now. You’d have thought it doing so well would’ve changed the direction that they go long-term but am so glad that it didn’t.

1 year ago

Ngl my thoughts of this song are very similar to Tom’s review. I think will become even more impactful live. This seems to be a common theme for me this esc season, I didnt notice the lyrical content on first listen *facepalm*, I did on the second though. This song has a lot of potential to make an impact with jurors, if the vocal is good and the staging is impactful, this could be contending for a top 5 placement, atm it’s a solid top 10 placer for me. I do like the beginning of the song, very dreamy, almost… Read more »

1 year ago

This ranked lower than Denmark and Australia is absolutely insane to me. Putting the lyrics aside this song is pure quality and I don’t understand how it can get such an average ranking since a lot of people see it as potential top 10 material.

Harutyun Hovhannisyan
Harutyun Hovhannisyan
1 year ago
Reply to  Donkey

thats awful

Leo M
Leo M
1 year ago

I feel this is really underappreciated. It’s not the kind of song you’d have on a loop but this very well executed. If Brunette can sing live and staging is done well, it should be a dark horse for a top 10 finish

1 year ago
Reply to  Leo M

I just had in on a loop while cleaning my windows. And I have a lot of very big windows … 😉

1 year ago

We have several tracks this year with an unconventional song structure. In some instances it works well, in others not so much. “Future Lover” is, in my opinion, one of the former. Although the song has several distinct parts, it never feels choppy but flows smoothly from start to finish. I particularly like how it starts immediately in the thick of it, without an exposition. The first verse has a beautiful piano arrangement that is not just repeating the vocal melody, both seamlessly interweave each other, then the strings join in, but it’s not just an orchestral built, there’s some… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Tibor

I’m glad it did so well in your ranking, Tibor! Am in agreement about this being one of the most modern and ambitious songs of the year, and definitely one that tends to get better with each listen.

Esc addict / Shut up and watch my ...
Esc addict / Shut up and watch my ...
1 year ago

OT but Amsterdam in concert starts in 4 hours now! And I’m over excited! 5000 people in the audience, it will be huuuge.

Esc addict / Shut up and watch my ...
Esc addict / Shut up and watch my ...
1 year ago

First time I listened to it, it didn’t click at all with me, I found the lyrics weird that I didn’t take in account the melody at all. Now after weeks, the lyrics are still special but I like the melody and the be good, do good, look good stays in mind, I can’t tell that it’s among my hot favs of this year but I like to listen to it. After seeing her singing it live I think she was good, not outstanding but really good, the qualification and a good score in the Grand Final is more than… Read more »

Esc addict / Shut up and watch my ...
Esc addict / Shut up and watch my ...
1 year ago

As for Alika I find this ranking a bit harsh, you can dislike it but you just can’t ignore the musical quality of this track.

1 year ago

Here I have to agree with the lowest score of 2. Can’t help it, but keep on jumping over that one at my ESC 2023 playlist. Doesn’t hold my attention for 3 minutes.

1 year ago

7th place: ARMENIA: ‘Future Lover’ confused me at first but as time went by I grew to appreciate it a lot. It has an unusual structure that I believe once one gets into, they can be captivated. It starts off in a slow, mellow, dreamy way until the powerful rap part begins and from then onwards the song is at its full power. The Armenian chorus at the end is the final amazing piece in the puzzle. The lyrics in the verses speak to me a lot (even if some word choices could have been better especially the be good,… Read more »

1 year ago

The two people who gave 2 are disgusting

1 year ago
Reply to  Lucille

Bruntte is good, but I respect their opinions.
Nonetheless, when Armenia, like many other entries, gets harsh marks like two 2s, a 4, and a 4.5, while the lowest for Ukraine is one and only 5.5, this really sheds some doubts on the overall consistency/credibility.

1 year ago

not one 2 but two 2’s? I’m not saying you need to give it a 10 but a 2? What kind of messed up taste do you have to have to give this song such a low score. Brunette alone as a performer and artist deserves at least a 5. Even though I’m not the biggest fan of the rap part, the song as a whole just works. And it has so many different parts that it makes it really interesting from the very intimate beginning, to the rap part, to the powerful chorus that is then sung in Armenian… Read more »

1 year ago

Yeah personally, I’d only be inclined to give a song a rating of two if I found it borderline offensive or I felt uncomfortable listening to it and ofc I thought the song itself wasn’t particularly great. I think 2 for this is incredibly harsh.

1 year ago
Reply to  Escfan

Absolutely the same reasoning here. I very rarely give below a 3, only if I absolutely find a song completely unlistenable/offensive to the ears.

1 year ago

Kristin shares my thoughts exactly. I just don’t understand what people are seeing in this and it’s just a little dull and bland backing noise to me, even if it’s performed really professionally. I don’t connect with it.

1 year ago

Talk about a grower. I was okay with this song, a little lukewarm upon first listen. And then it clicked, somehow. And this is the song that has moved up my rankings the most out of every single one of them, currently sitting in my 3rd place.