Finland's Kaarija

The Wiwi Jury — our in-house team of music unprofessionals — is reviewing and rating the 37 competing songs in Eurovision 2023. Next we review Finland, who have chosen Käärijä with “Cha Cha Cha”.

Are we joining the crazy party? Read on to find out!

Käärijä – “Cha Cha Cha” (Finland Eurovision 2023)

Review: Käärijä – “Cha Cha Cha”

Dayana: It’s crazy, it’s catchy, and it sends an important message – we don’t need alcohol to have fun. And Käärijä manages to serve all of these effortlessly, along with his unmatched style. What else could you wish for? The staging is already perfectly suited for Liverpool, but I’m hoping to see some surprises from the Finnish team.

Score: 10

Kristín: I love Finland. That has never been a secret, and I’ve never hidden in the shadows regarding that. And I won’t this time either. Holy green puff-sleeves Batman, this slaps and it slaps hard! Käärijä is in the house and he’s about to cha cha cha the whole effing building down, leaving few, if any, survivors! This song is filthy, gorgeous, cute and disturbing, all at the same time, and I’m eating every single second up. I hereby bow to Käärijä’s greatness and hopefully we are heading to Helsinki next year. Kiitos.

Score: 9

Deban: A crowd-pleasing techno romp blending elements of K-pop, chants and VGM (video game music). Clustered in parts, but at the same time musical, this is a welcome assault. Finns would love this for staying faithful to their language, and fitness freaks will be adding this to their workout playlist. There is so much to appreciate here, including Käärijä’s striking appearance and his energetic performance.

Score: 6

Ruxandra: Finland is the living proof of how a good live performance can change somebody’s opinion about a song 100%. When the song appeared in UMK, my first reaction was “What is this?”. The live performance made me change my mind; I find Käärijä one of the best performers of this year. The song is a banger, the musical transition that appears in the song is iconic, the vocals are on point and I see a contagious charisma when I look at Käärijä. There’s no better description for this song than “it’s crazy, it’s party” — and we need craziness in Eurovision. With a green bolero and some easy to follow dance moves, Finland is so ready to conquer Europe!

Score: 10

Simon: This is a kind of song you would only hear in Eurovision and only from a few certain countries. Finland and Iceland are those kind of countries (hello Hátari!). Although Käärijä didn’t get me cha-cha-cha’ing from the first listen, I’ve surrendered to the visual overflow and the catchy chorus by now. Love the shift mid-song from the hard-pumped intro to the almost 80’s schlager vibe at the end. I will be shouting my cha-cha-cha’s out loud and proud in Liverpool.

Score: 9

Finland Eurovision 2023 ranking

In the Eurovision 2023 Wiwi Jury, we have 20 jurors but only have room for five reviews. The remaining scores are below:

Antranig: 9

Cinan: 10

Diego: 9

Forrest: 7

Jonathan: 9.5

Lucy: 9.5

Luis: 10

Oliver: 9

Pablo: 10

Renske: 8.5

Rick: 9.5

Ron: 3

Samuel: 9

Tom: 8.5

William: 9

We have removed the highest and lowest scores prior to calculating the average. This is to remove outliers and potential bias. We have removed a low of 3 and a high of 10.

Wiwi Jury verdict: 8.97/10

What do you think of Finland’s Eurovision 2023 entry? Share your own score and review for Käärijä’s “Cha Cha Cha” below!

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1 year ago

I’m going to laugh so hard when the juries destroy this in the final and it doesn’t even get top 5. Possibly the most overrated song in the history of the bubble.

ESC Commentator
ESC Commentator
1 year ago

I am pretty sure it will win public vote (over Loreen), HOWEVER I don’t see him winning (or having high placing) within juries. It might be on 5-8 spot st jury vote, and 2-3 in total. Eurovision this year wins an act which not necessarily wins either jury or public vote, but the one which will be high in both (like Jamala 2016, who didnt win any vote). The winner if the while Thing will be either Loreen (who in my vurw is overrated) or La Zarra (might be high in both rankings). Blanca Paloma would be a decent winner… Read more »

1 year ago

Just going over your paragraph, so please forgive me if I’ve put two and two together and ended up with five here, but do you realistically see France finishing above Spain in the televote?

1 year ago
Reply to  Briekimchi

I do. Televote loved Voila they will love Evidemment. Eaea is a marmite song so will score well or not score I think. Just to be clear I love both songs.

1 year ago
Reply to  Briekimchi

I think France could finish higher in the televote than Spain. Whilst I prefer Spain’s entry, televoters do have a tendency to vote for songs which have that instantaneous party feel and I think France has more of that than Spain.

Philip Wester
Philip Wester
1 year ago
Reply to  Briekimchi

While kt can be hard to predict how well France will do because some hears they do really well in the televote and some years they don’t, there’s not a question in my mind Spain’s coming nowhere near winning the televote.

58 Points (JE)
1 year ago

Rovaniemi 2024!

1 year ago

Finland had one of the best national selections of all-time this year, you know? Six really good songs that, almost without exception, I rated highly. You’d think that would mean it was a close-fought and hard decision as to what to send to Eurovision? Well, it wasn’t. As soon as “Cha Cha Cha” was released, there was only one winner. And Finland, became a serious consideration when it came to where we should be booking our tickets for 2024. This is the sort of Eurovision entry that causes genuine excitement. That tends to happen when we get countries sending something… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Briekimchi

If there’s typos in this, I’m sorry. My keyboard battery is on its last legs and I really miss the edit button. :3

1 year ago
Reply to  Briekimchi

Enjoying your post-review typo disclaimers almost as much as the reviews, Brie. Very “my dog ate it and then it fell in the swimming pool and my printer is down so…sorry” :3

Completely agree with you that UMK was the best NF this year, and that Cha Cha Cha was the obvious winner. I liked all the other acts, but there’s no way that Hoida mut or Ylivoimainen would be generating this much buzz leading into the Contest or, for example, beat Loreen in the OGAE Poll.

1 year ago

Finland or France will be your winners this year!

Benito Camelo
Benito Camelo
1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

And either of them would be very deserved winners after such a long time! 😀

1 year ago

I totally hateD it at first but after I saw it live I completely changed my mind. It is the winner of the televote I have no doubts about it and we’ll see the juries. I do think it need to rework the staging in the pop part at the final third of the song. Other than that I’m happy they keep the dancers and the fake teeth. Finland places 5th in my top. 1. Latvia (9) 2. Spain (8.25) 3. Slovenia (8) 5. Finland (8) 6. Germany (7.5) 7. Austria (7.5) 8. San Marino (7.25) 9. Azerbaijan (7) 10.… Read more »

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
1 year ago

“Cha Cha Cha” sounds like the winning song to me in 2023. However, it is not in my personal top 5. It’s a contradiction, I know. But obviously I’m not going to listen to 90 seconds of shouty rapping if I can help it. 🙂 This song’s concept is very strong and the structure is entertaining. The music underneath all the rapping is suitably disturbing, especially the “E-F-E-E-E-F-E” video-game beeping melody, which also runs through the bass line a bit like the soundtrack to “Jaws.” There are a lot of hyper rock chords used throughout; I particularly like the drop… Read more »

1 year ago

8.97! Well, the greatest piece of art musically speaking ever!

Fernando Lopez Marin
Fernando Lopez Marin
1 year ago

I like it, miles ahead of Sweden! But, for me, this is not a party song as some claim it to be here. It’s…dunno…sometimes it turns too aggressive for me.

ESC Stan
ESC Stan
1 year ago

Before the NF I could appreciate why people liked it but it was not my thing. Then the NFs happened and I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face. I still can’t. I’m not sure I’ll listen to after the contest but it hasn’t wavered as one of my favourites to win.

1 year ago

For me it’s Finland or Spain this year. Very catchy <3

Amar pelos dois
Amar pelos dois
1 year ago
Reply to  Zuzu

Spain is my favourite this year but I have also Finland in my top 10.

1 year ago

I love how both the studio version and the live performance share the same strong impact. You can’t help but being intrigued right away and it grabs your attention for the whole 3 minutes. To make things even better, the cha cha chant invites the audience to participate in it, which always helps. All the craziness may make some value it just for its quirkiness and out of the box nature, but the track itself has great production values. And this was also staged in a very clever way, Käärija’s style and the unhinged dancers with shining white teeth are instantly… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Sabrina

I hope the crowd does join the chanting, at least then the vocals will be live.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jonas

The crowd will join it, I bet. The question is if we’ll be able to hear it on TV, like the clapping during “Soldi” or fans joiking along with KEiiNO. But hey, if there’s a broadcaster that can deliver us perfect sound mixing, it’s BBC, right? They have the budget and the experience.

1 year ago
Reply to  Sabrina

I should really hope the BBC mixing will be prepped for this. I’m quite sure the crowds will be chanting along with Cha Cha Cha!

1 year ago
Reply to  Jimmy

Though imagine if no one else does and you’re the only one who shouts it out, Cha Cha Cha!

1 year ago
Reply to  Jimmy

I doubt it. It’s irresistible. As clapping with Mahmood or Konstrakta. Or joining the “Poe Poe Poe” from Austria. Do you know when you catch yourself doing these things automatically when listening to them at home?

1 year ago
Reply to  Sabrina

I do them consciously! But I know what you mean 🙂

I doubt there’d only be one person chanting too, but it’d be slightly amusing if that did happen! Like being the only one of a few people to laugh at a joke in a theatre while everyone else takes a couple of seconds to get it. No, I imagine anyone who’s got a golden ticket will be chanting passionately along with Kaarija. I know I will be, even if I am the only one.

1 year ago
Reply to  Sabrina

I love how you gave all my 3 winners a 9.5/10. May I assume these are your top 3 too? 🙂

1 year ago
Reply to  Colin

Yes, they’re. 🙂 Just please don’t ask me to pick a favorite between them… Finland would be a perfect crowdpleaser Eurovision winner, Spain is sending something that’s pure art and class and Latvia has what I consider the best song of this year’s contest.

1 year ago
Reply to  Sabrina

Agreed. Putting them in order is purely symbolic for me. At any time, they could rotate. 🙂

1 year ago
Reply to  Colin

And as we know, it all can change after the rehearsals! Thunder and lightning, it’s getting exciting 🙂

1 year ago
Reply to  Jimmy

I am sure that the performances will re-shape some of my ratings. Still, I see this primarily as song contest, so major changes are possible only if said stagings help me realize that I actually like the song way more or way less than I initially thought. On their own, stagings could perhaps add or reduce 0.5 or 1 point at best. However, with entries which I love equally, even the tiniest of details could play a big part in the order. Yeah, it’s exciting indeed! 🙂

Fierce Queen
Fierce Queen
1 year ago

It is a joyful song, and I will enjoy watching it live, but I don’t think is the song that can have a commercial career after the contest. And I would not personally put it in my spotify playlist.

Fernando Lopez Marin
Fernando Lopez Marin
1 year ago
Reply to  Fierce Queen

Omg!! And are we give up voting for it just because it may not have a massive success for the long haul after the ESC? Enjoy the song. Vote for it if you like it IN THAT PARTICULAR MOMENT. There’s no point in you thinking what the fate of the song would be thereafter and basing your vote (or the lack of it) on that idea . Songs are made to be enjoyed no matter when.

1 year ago

The pandemic was hard for all of us, and that means we need to have fun, to “learn” how to how fun again after isolation. I believe there’s not other song that represents that need this year, so to me no matter what happens, Cha Cha Cha is already our winner just because it gives us a moment to relax and an invitation to be ourselves again. Bravo.

Benito Camelo
Benito Camelo
1 year ago

Man, Käärijä has the whole package this year, he’s got the looks, the charisma, the song, the moves and the stage presence to sell this entry, which is a pretty dope track by itself!
I think Käärijä is on to something special and iconic this year. I can’t believe the contest starts in less than two weeks! 😀

1 year ago

This is the exact results I expected, if there’s a song anyone can like it’s this one. This is my favorite song year, with Sweden a close second, so I’m almost certain I’m gonna be happy whatever happens in the final.

1 year ago

Who is Deban? Absolutely no taste whatsoever… A SIX? ONLY A 6? I feel personally attacked and have been left with no choice but to seek legal action. He needs to go to a Eurovision re-education camp.


1 year ago
Reply to  Jack

I am still in shock. I don’t want to live in a world where people genuinely score it a six. It’s absolutely criminal

1 year ago
Reply to  Jack

Who is Deban, you say. The co-founder of this blog, when last I checked.

With that out of the way, make no mistake; Käärijä is deadly to ANY contender in this contest, from Loreen on down!

1 year ago
Reply to  CookyMonzta

I was only joking lol I was channeling my inner Yolanda Foster. This guy is a breath of fresh air and classic Eurovision all at the same time and I live, I truly live !!!!

Fierce Queen
Fierce Queen
1 year ago
Reply to  Jack

Some people like it, some don’t! Personally, I think is a fun song but nothing more. Plus the message of the song is if I drink I will have fun. I will enjoy watching but that’s it. Like I see many other entries. Every person has a different taste! What can you do?

1 year ago
Reply to  Fierce Queen

The message of the song is to raise the question of why people feel like they need to drink in order to have fun.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jack

Okay, now I see you were joking. Sorry. That’s fine then.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jack

No more joking! You have angered the gods! They must NEVER be questioned, even in jest!

1 year ago
Reply to  CookyMonzta

I think this place had only one founder, hence the name. Deban joined the team in 2012 with an article about Girls Aloud, I believe.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jonas

(I wasn’t here then, I just remember them mentioning it recently…)

1 year ago
Reply to  Jonas

My bad. I think I may have mixed him up with someone else, though I really shouldn’t have, having posted at this site since 2013.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jack

If you follow Wiwis closely, you learn a lot about there taste: Deban is very VERY demanding; he usually doesn’t respect the fan favorites. The guy adores Suus, Telemoveis, and this year he loves Latvia, so we can tell Deban’s taste is different, and for that reason I think it’s always interesting to listen to him.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jack

You never disrespect Deban! You can agree with his stance on the song or not. As you see below, I have a different take on Cha Cha Cha. Yet, you don’t get to question who he is. He’s one of the key people in ESC reporting, and you respect that.

1 year ago

It would be great if Finland could win this year. Euro jury results are worrying me about how juries will place it, but I’m still hoping.

Fierce Queen
Fierce Queen
1 year ago
Reply to  Trocatroc

If Finland wins, it will show that the contest losing credibility as a contest that can produce good quality music that can stand out commercially. All this effort of the last few years of winners like Arcade or Maneskin which get credibility to the contest. And not make it look like a laughing stock!

Lil Krumpy
1 year ago

My winner. Finland – My only worry was about vocals being good live. He slayed. I’m so into this. In an Electric Callboyless world, this is the best alternative. Hatari for the club.

1 year ago

IT,S CRAZY, IT’S PARTY, IT’S AN ENERGETIC BANGER!! ?t’s a complete vibe, lyric-wise is magnificent, it’s basically the perfect explanation of what happens to yourself when you’re drunk. All worries fade and social anxiety to publicly express your enthusiastic nature no longer is an issue. This is absolutely BRILLIANT, considering the rather shy and not so much talkative nature of the Fins, the song basically touches a sensitive social issue that in order to be temporarily clashed, the socially-anxious and even sad person might find a getaway into drinking, which in the end doesn’t really lead anywhere! Although it’s only… Read more »

1 year ago

Some years, there is an obvious favourite destined to win months in advance. In other years, there is a top tier of favourites all with strong potential and merits to win, as is the case this year. This year, the top tier of favourites are so diverse and different, it makes me wish the win could be split in a tie. There are several ties that I’d be very happy to see in ESC 2023, and all of them would involve Finland. This entry is so much fun, but also quite thougtful and artistic too. It’s been a favourite of… Read more »

Benito Camelo
Benito Camelo
1 year ago
Reply to  Jimmy

Me too, and I could settle for any case. I’m sure Finland will –at least, get its second best ever result 😀

1 year ago
Reply to  Benito Camelo

Fingers crossed 🙂

1 year ago

almost 9 lmao for such a song that would have been a total disaster if he had to sing 100% live.

1 year ago

This song is a wild ride and I am glad people will experience it in May. The first time I heard this song, I had no idea where this song was going and the twists and turns kept me interested. I wish Finland all the best of luck.

1 year ago
Reply to  BadWoolfGirl

The song changes towards the end and it changes too late, the whole first part of the song gives me headaches and it’s not pleasant. It’s a shame they didn’t send “Hoida Mut” but his live vocals were bad. I still listen to “Hoida Mut” almost daily, fantastic song!

1 year ago
Reply to  Noam600

You just do what u gotta do, Hoida met


My faves were Portion Boys, listen daily to their anthemic banger, and Keira her sassy bop also divine

1 year ago

Alongside Marco, my big favourite this year. I understand what some people say, this is crazy enough for walking off some people, especially counting also he’s singing in his own language and people might be even more lost about the lyrics. But for me, I love metal, I love weird and I love Finland’s brand of metal and weirdness. I also love languages, so… Also, I’ve been listening to some of his other stuff, I love his Fantastista album (this time I looked up the spelling), it has amazing stuff on it. For me, he’s a keeper, a probable public… Read more »

1 year ago

I don’t get the hype,the music is too much “in your face” and he shouting too much, this song gives me a headache. Not my cup of tea. I’m sorry! “Tattoo” sounds like a masterpiece compared to this.

1 year ago
Reply to  Noam600

And I’m not a big fan of “Tattoo”, it’s a good song but sounds like a poor copy of “Euphoria”. “Euphoria” is one of my favorite songs in ESC tho…

Benito Camelo
Benito Camelo
1 year ago
Reply to  Noam600

Yeah, Ritoli, we get it. Noa is leagues above everyone else this year for you.

1 year ago

This is the ‘Eurovision Song Competition’ and if we look at this purely from that lens…..lets be honest here….Käärijä is not doing a whole of singing……toward the end…yes……but the rest….nope. However…there is no doubt this is a hypersized performance that is everything ESC stands for….and the way it is put together is perfection. And as a performer Käärijä is brilliant. This is a ure winner with the public…I wonder how the juries will look at it. On an unrelated note(and maybe I am being superficial for writing this) , but he has also not the perfectly sculptured physique that one… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Scott

Like you said, it’s a song contest. Not a singing contest.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jonas

You’re right about the body positivity, though. It’s sad however that anyone should think he needs it, because he he already has a perfectly healthy body that should be no cause for insecurity anyway.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jonas

“he already has a perfectly healthy body”, so much for your comment a few weeks ago that “only medical professionals have any business commenting on the health of someone’s body” 😉

1 year ago
Reply to  Jimmy

What I’m trying to say, clumsily, is that something is very wrong if a person who looks like that has any “body positivity” issues to overcome in the first place. Is this the standard we set?

Anyway, I don’t remember saying that, but how wise I am. I should take my own advice!

1 year ago
Reply to  Jonas

I was just joking with you, I know what you’re saying, and I agree with you. Something is very wrong, with how much pressure there is on people’s bodies and body image.

Sadly, I’ve seen all sorts of comments across social media about Kaarija’s body, from being fat-shamed to fetishised. Like you say, his height and weight look proportionally healthy (though that can never truly speak to what’s going on inside someone’s body).

1 year ago
Reply to  Jimmy

for example, Kaarija has talked specifically about having ulcerative colitis, and generally about mental health (which is also a subtext to Cha Cha Cha).

1 year ago
Reply to  Jimmy

Oh, I didn’t know that, although now that you say it I remember noticing a scar. I’d like my comments about how healthy he looks stricken from the record, please. My larger point still stands, though.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jonas

I believe the committee make decisions about what is or is not stricken from the record. They meet next week, but are still heavily backlogged in your case.

This chat reminds me of an encounter I had last weekend. A guy said how attractive he thought I was, and I said he should see the portrait I keep locked away in my house. He said he was sure I’d take a lovely portrait, but he obviously didn’t get the reference.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jimmy

Poor Dorian, it didn’t end well for him. Maybe it’s just as well this guy didn’t get the reference, he might have been tempted to do the same. I think too many people might be, sadly.

I hope you keep your portrait in a safe place.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jonas

I knew I could trust you’d get the reference.

Benito Camelo
Benito Camelo
1 year ago
Reply to  Jonas

He used to be fat/overweight in his teens and had low self-esteem and self-image issues

1 year ago
Reply to  Benito Camelo

Where on earth did you get this? He was playing ice hockey in his teens and was very fit. Until he got severely sick and lost his weight.

Benito Camelo
Benito Camelo
1 year ago
Reply to  Trin

I had been told by friends but just checked (after already saying it here, a usual mistake of mine) to see if it was true, but I found nothing about it xd

1 year ago

I have watched so many first time reviews from across the planet and they are all practically the same reaction. Puzzlement whilst nodding the head to the beat, smiling whilst nodding the head to the beat and then laughing with joy and wanting to watch the live national performance again. This is truly universal. This has to win this year, please.

1 year ago

FINLAND – I swear by the sentiment that there’s no such thing as ”a perfect Eurovision song”, but Kaarija comes along, and makes me question that. Cha Cha Cha has it all! A likable, charismatic performer, who is always professional, yet isn’t afraid to show his goofy side. An unpredictable structure with so many different influences which still feels logical and well-paced. Many instrumental highlights at different stages which add to the senses of curiosity and sheer joy. Lyrics that are at first glance simple enough to dance along to, yet have a deeper meaning for those willing to study… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Colin

Glad that this is your winner Colin! Cha cha cha grew on me later and has landed just outside my top 10 and I don’t think he will fall lower than 14 where he is right now. We’ll talk about my winner tomorrow 🙂

1 year ago
Reply to  Thanos

You review is pretty good, Thanos. 🙂 Malta is my 14th, and I really like that song, so I see the ranking as good. You winner is also just outside of my top 10, and it will get a good review tomorrow.

1 year ago
Reply to  Colin

Yes it’s a song I have grown to enjoy a lot. It’s really uplifting. Glad we agree on Spain as well.

1 year ago
Reply to  Colin

I’m coming back to your review a day later after the final Wiwi Jury result was published and your thoughts about this song convince me even more that this is the one that probably deserved that 9.31, if any.

1 year ago

We’d probably struggle with the venue big enough, but nothing would have made me more proud, ESC-wise, than if Eurovision is to be host in my city. It’s a beautiful place with a lot of historic and natural sightings to showcase in the postcards. 🙂

1 year ago
Reply to  Colin

Yes, and it’s a beautiful city. Still, with the current venues we have, ESC would likely have to be limited to delegations, press, and a few chosen fans in live. Alternatively, a new venue could be made, but even if we’d build a roof over football stadium Kantrida, that would be able to receive only around 10.000 people. Otherwise, the place would be wonderful to host ESC regarding historic sights and nature. 🙂

1 year ago

I like Finland this year, but it’s not a song I find myself listening to on the daily outside of the ESC bubble. Crazy and different performances are needed though so I appreciate what it’s bringing to the contest. A top 5 or even top 3 placement would be great, but for me it’s definitely not a winner.

Frank Arthur
Frank Arthur
1 year ago

I really dont like this song ,is come annoying to me,he also dont sing good,but ok he let see the stomac and chest ,and he is sexy,that is very important in this time in esc,

1 year ago
Reply to  Frank Arthur

I don’t know about the definition of “sexy”, but I do not find his dad bod sexy at all lol

Philip Wester
Philip Wester
1 year ago
Reply to  Jamie

While I dislike the song and doubt it will come close to winning if only because the juries exist, he does not habe a dad bod. He has a toned body with his ribs still visible. He just doesn’t have a six pack.

1 year ago
Reply to  Frank Arthur

I don’t like the song also.. nothing special in my humble opinion..

1 year ago

I’ll be honest, I loved this song initially, then I very quickly got bored of it. It’s a novelty that doesn’t last very long for me.

I can appreciate that most people will be hearing this for the first time in Eurovision week though.

1 year ago
Reply to  Dave

For me – the novelty has not worn off after 3 months and its part of my daily life. lol

1 year ago
Reply to  gav

Fair enough. This was my experience with the song.

Nonetheless, I can appreciate it being a contender as the non-Eurofans may be just as enthralled by it on first and second listen.

It’s funny how many chose to dislike my experience with the song.

Fierce Queen
Fierce Queen
1 year ago
Reply to  Dave

To be fair is a novelty entry. It is a fun and joyful entry but it is not going to be a classic and it will not have a career after the contest

1 year ago

Kaarija once said: “I’m not the best singer or the best rapper… but I am a good entertainer”, and that pretty much sums up the philosophy behind “Cha Cha Cha”.  When you hear the words “Eurovision banger”, you expect polished choreography, stunning visuals, excellent vocals, empowering lyrics. Kaarija is like a walking contradiction in that regard – he just gets on the stage and does whatever he wants. Aggressive tongue-flicking, pirate arm swinging, riding a human centipede – natural, unadulterated buffoonery to accompany your beverage of choice. “Cha Cha Cha” is not the most original or sophisticated entry out there,… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Skiwalko

I wasn’t really comparing the quality of the songs (although I do like Ukraine 2007). Dancing Lasha Tumbai is an enduring fan favourite (I’d even risk saying that it surpassed the winner in terms of popularity), it’s visually distinctive, easily quotable and generally engaging. I can see “Cha Cha Cha” being viewed in a similar way in 16 years. 🙂

1 year ago
Reply to  Skiwalko

last years Subwoolfer had more of a complete movie-like storyline

pretty sure if they took part this year with ”worst kept secret” they would be such landslide winners

1 year ago

When I first listened to this song I had exactly the same feeling as when I listened Netta’s Toy: No doubt this IS going to win.
It might not be my personal favourite but this IS going to win.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jonkonfui

This is way better than Toy

1 year ago
Reply to  Jonkonfui

Somewhere between Toy and Verka?

1 year ago

This review will be relatively shorter than some of the previous ones ive written. The song isn’t my cup of tea at all but I do recognise that for most people,this entry is either their favourite or one of their favourites to win the whole contest. I think this will get a very high televote, in terms of a jury vote, I dont think it will be completely buried by any means (ig that depends on what people would consider being buried) but I think,I’d expect some entries like perhaps Spain, France, Sweden and possibly Austria or Armenia (still considering… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Escfan

Yeah it does seem dependent on how other do. Like I’m sure there will be fans of this song who will disagree with me on this but I think between 120-150 points in a jury vote for Finland would be pretty decent which would be roughly around that 6th-7th place in the jury most years. There are other songs I would consider to be more jury friendly picks (which would be roughly the ones I mentioned in my comment, Italy could be another but they can be hit or miss with them). I still do expect Finland to have a… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Escfan

It’s because people have a different idea of what ”a jury bait” is. Most of us still have a dated definition of a ”jury bait” – an elegant ballad with a stellar vocal performance. However, biggest ”jury baits” nowadays are slick mid-tempo pop songs with a modern production and polished stagings.

1 year ago
Reply to  Colin

Not always. I find *some* of them very emotional or fun. But then again, having ”no soul” isn’t a deal-breaker either when it comes to the jury voting. Some really well-rated songs are quite hollow.

1 year ago
Reply to  Colin

Which song was the jury favorite last year? Was it England? Or I don’t remember. They also lived Switzerland and France the year before. Nice ballads with stellar voices. I don’t think your description is quite right. One thing they notice is the voice of the singer. That they can sing well. And Kärilää is not doing that.

1 year ago
Reply to  Hélène

I loved Belgium 2017 in the studio version (my 3rd of that edition) but that live performance, I was somewhat surprised it got the placement it got. Unfortunately Blanche was a bit of a deer in the headlights, I didnt get the staging concept (the music video was really cool) and the styling didnt suit the song at all.

1 year ago
Reply to  Hélène

I typically think of jury picks with the following categories in mind.

Professional, slick staging
Stellar vocals
Charismatic performer with good stage presence
Well produced song.

1 year ago
Reply to  Escfan

I dont think they are looping for slick statist. Many of those with the kost slick Staging are not getting jury points. It is the song, performance and vocal capacity that the juries go for.

Philip Wester
Philip Wester
1 year ago
Reply to  Escfan

What are you even talking about? They most often send TELEVOTING bait and more often than not do better in the televote than in the jury vote.

Philip Wester
Philip Wester
1 year ago
Reply to  Escfan

Heck, even Italy barely won in 2021. The point difference between France and Italy was 25. If the juries had banned mlre on Switzerland than France, the 2022 contest would’ve been held in Paris.

1 year ago

The juries better be kind to him in the final.
For all the people saying loreen will sweep the juries. I’ll tell you something now, with Noa’s voice and Blanca she won’t.
Seen a clip yesterday of Noa singing unicorn live. Trust me with 1 million dollar staging to come. She’s a dark horse to ruin loreen.
Finland to win though

Esc addict / Shut up and watch my ...
Esc addict / Shut up and watch my ...
1 year ago
Reply to  Itchybean

1 year ago
Reply to  Itchybean

1 million follar staging? IS that for real??

1 year ago
Reply to  Jonkonfui


Esc addict / Shut up and watch my ...
Esc addict / Shut up and watch my ...
1 year ago
Reply to  Itchybean

But it remains a song contest and we can’t buy the victory with a 1 million dollars staging, all the winners before didn’t need that to be declared winners.
Noa sings super well and is very talented no doubt and I wish her to be successful but a good voice and an expensive staging is a bit short to call her THE dark horse to ruin Loreen and the only one. And I didn’t know to ruin Loreen was THE aim of the year, I thought the spirit of this year was “united by music”.

1 year ago
Reply to  Itchybean

It cannot be 1 million only for the staging. It has to be the total amount that the Israel TV spend on this. Not only the staging.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jonkonfui

I have heard that from a number of people, I guess we’ll see over the weekend ?.

1 year ago
Reply to  Itchybean

I am curious by what the definition of kindness is in this situation.

Would jurors placing him outside their top 5 be considered a robbery?

1 year ago

I love the electropunk first part of “Cha Cha Cha”, it’s very typical for Käärijä’s back catalogue. However, the concept of the song requires a change at some point, and he went for the a little too obvious party schlager route. The electropunk still shines through, and I grew accustomed to the slightly silly second part over time, but I would still have made a different stylistic choice. Be that as it may, this is a strong entry and will undoubtedly be fighting for the win. I was always a fan of the stage show with the crazy ballroom dancers… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Tibor

Really pleased you like this Tibor and we have exactly matched our placings in both UMK and Eurovision! Finland did an exceptional job this year.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kosey

They sure did.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kosey

Finland managed to have both my ESC winner (Kaarija) and my NF playlist winner (Kuuma). Yes, they were just that good this year!

1 year ago
Reply to  Colin

Käärijä is one of my Eurovision winners, Lxandra topped the list of national final songs that didn’t get to Liverpool and Kuuma was 3rd place on that one. UMK was fantastic and it would be lovely if Finland happens to be rewarded for that.

1 year ago
Reply to  Tibor

For me, it’s the right stylistic choice. The drunker we get, the sillier we get.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jonas

Like I said: It’s the obvious choice. But I like it, when my expectancies get a little rattled.

1 year ago
Reply to  Tibor

Oh, I see. Something like awkward stops and starts, out of sync rhythm, ending in a flatline tone… that kind of thing. That could work too!

1 year ago
Reply to  Tibor

Now I must ask: who was your bet for being my winner and were the other 2 that joined them in my top 3 a surprise?

By the way, please remind me who are your 2nd and 3rd places. Too much information to hold during WiwiJury days!

1 year ago
Reply to  Sabrina

All my money was on Blanca Paloma, you seemed to be so infatuated with this song during national final season that I was sure it would be your runaway winner, no competition. So the real surprise was that you have two songs you are equally fond of. Käärijä is to me the more surprising one, because I know from past conversations, that you are not always responding very well to anything too noisy. But I would obviously agree that this is the right kind of noise. 🙂
My top three are: 1. Luke Black, 2. Vesna, 3. Sudden Lights.

1 year ago
Reply to  Tibor

It wasn’t love at first sight with “Cha Cha Cha” (by the way, from my top 10, Austria, Serbia and Portugal made the strongest 1st impact on me if we count just the songs, the rest won me over with time), but that performance in UMK was so perfectly joyful and weird that I was sold. “EaEa” was one of my favorites in Benidotm already, but the live performance was also essential for me to love it. Well, Vesna was the oy one in your top that got a little behind in my ranking. But I still see a lot… Read more »

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
1 year ago
Reply to  Tibor

Funny thing: I casually mentioned on a YouTube video a few weeks before UMK that they could probably dance the Cha Cha Cha live to that song. Then, of course, they did. I was so chuffed 🙂
Can “Electropunk” exist without melodies though? Just a musical curiosity there.

1 year ago
Reply to  Purple Mask

You proved your prophetic powers once again, PM. When I first saw these dancers, I was cheering with joy, it is such a brilliant idea.
Electropunk always has melodies, if very reduced and repetitive ones. When “Cha Cha Cha” was first released, someone mentioned “Firestarter”, and that is not exactly overly melodic, is it? But I was immediately thinking of a German classic from 1981, very provocative at the time. I have inserted the link. 🙂

1 year ago
Reply to  Tibor

Sorry, I misread, you think “Cha Cha Cha” doesn’t have a melody. Same answer. It is a melody, but it is very monotonous and driven by a heavy beat and the synthline that is repeated over and over again. I definitely see more similarities with the songs I mentioned than with acts like Rammstein. But genres are always blurry around the edges. 😉

Leendert Jan
Leendert Jan
1 year ago

The energy, charisma and personality of this song and performance always win me over. It’s so much fun and so well put together. However it must be said that there is a part of the character that feels gimmicky, which has also caused me to get a bit over the hype. Still a great entry though and sure top 3 I think.

1 year ago

WTH is wrong with you, Ron???

1 year ago
Reply to  Irene

Hes great ?. I dont like this

1 year ago
Reply to  Irene


1 year ago
Reply to  Irene

Ron has proper taste in music. Don’t give it up, Ron!

1 year ago

Once I had fully digested this song, it was a little shocking how un-gimmicky it ultimately felt to me. It feels like the exaggerated but honest presentation of a real and lovable personality that I can actually relate to (“I’m not usually like this, but today I’m that guy…”). I love that personality, the energy, the presence. Behind the silliness is a lot of sweetness. Musically, it always seems to hit a sweet spot for me too– menacing without being unpleasant in the harder sections; goofy without being too ridiculous in the party sections. This would be a winner I… Read more »

1 year ago

Now we’re talking! This is my absolute favorite this year. Also, if this wins (fingers crossed), the streak of native-language songs winning will continue. Go Käärijä! Go Finland!

Amar pelos dois
Amar pelos dois
1 year ago

Suomi 10/12

1 year ago

This is my winner this year, at least so far (obviously there is always room for surprises and mind changing possibilities after live performances at Eurovision). But so far, this has everything: original and enjoyable song, great performance and a hugely charismatic artist. Plus I always prefer songs in original language to win. Actually, I had loved to have Ram Pam Pam last year going for Finland.
Obviously I would also be very happy if my country (Spain) wins, but I would be equally happy with Käärijä winning as well.

1 year ago

I neither love it, nor hate it. It will kill the televote, but I do not see juries going behind this. So I predict a Top 5-7 finish, just like Blind Channel or Keiino.

1 year ago

I hope it will not win. It is too childish for me and it is not that original either. It is taking ideas from a lot of places. Am I wrong – but I also think he relies heavily on backing vocals. It is leaving me amused but completely empty. I think it is fun enough to be in top ten, but for me not a winner.

1 year ago

The song is a banger, no doubt. It’s catchy and danceable. I’m sure it will bring the arena down. But… it’s not winning material.

1 year ago

14th place: FINLAND: This is a difficult one for me. I applaud the effort to mix genres, I applaud the techno-rap-Rammstein feel of the first half of the song but I am not a fan of the second more dance half. I like the visuals and scenario of the video clip but I find the live performance with the dancers more kitsch than it should have been. I appreciate the message the song is trying to convey but some of the lyrics are a bit juvenile for my taste. All in all, one part of me really likes the song,… Read more »

1 year ago

Sorry cha cha cha is a copy! No originality there and the son is so repetetive with cha cha cha 100000 times.

1 year ago

No doubt Käärijä is the best, so nice,
humble, easygoing! and it’s lots of fun every time he is around. I wish all artists were more like him.
But tbh, the song is a bit overrated… It will easily reach the top3, but it is still a bit simple, lacks a message and people cannot relate to it as they may do for instance with other personal stories or rythms. Anyway, it’s just fun!

1 year ago
Reply to  Sam

In my opinion a lot of people can relate to feeling unsecure of being themselves and wanting to forget everyday life.

just an esc fan
just an esc fan
1 year ago

ah yes the song that literally defines the concept of ESC. risky, chaotic, gay. the holy trinity. this song gets a 11/10 for originality but also somehow has one of the most basic beats i’ve ever heard in techno music. i always take into account the vocals no matter how fun the song is and Käärijä hasn’t impressed me so far in that section. other than that, we’re talking about something really clever here. Finland aims minimum Top3 with this. it’s all about the juries here because this clearly wins the televote (and its semi) possibly with 300+ points. they’ll… Read more »

just an esc fan
just an esc fan
1 year ago

forgot the score!

Rating: 8/10 (14th)

Philip Wester
Philip Wester
1 year ago

8/10 is only good enough for 14th in your ranking? You’ve ranked 13 entries higher than that?