The Wiwi Jury — our in-house team of music unprofessionals — is reviewing and rating the 37 competing songs in Eurovision 2023. Next we review Spain, who have chosen Blanca Paloma with “Eaea”.

Were we chanting along? Read on to find out!

Blanca Paloma – “Eaea” (Spain Eurovision 2023)

Review: Blanca Paloma – “Eaea”

Oliver: Nu-flamenco is an acquired taste, but not an unwelcome one. Blanca Paloma’s songwriting and storytelling with “Eaea” is sublime. “My child when I die, may they bury me in the moon and I’ll watch you every night” is one of the most beautifully haunting lyrics in Eurovision history. The Spanish entry is bound to be divisive however, as some listeners recoil at the unique timbre and tonality while others embrace its authenticity and power. Regardless of where your listening preferences fall, it’s hard not to be mesmerised by Blanca Paloma’s presence.

Score: 7

Luis: Any adjective I could use to describe Blanca Paloma’s artistry wouldn’t be enough. What’s most outstanding about her is the whole package that she brings: not only stellar vocals, but a delicious performance carefully created, where every second is a visual delight. While “Eaea” nourishes from the deepest waters of Spanish tradition, it has an undefined nature: it’s not exactly flamenco, nor electronica, nor a traditional song. It’s a unique entry, I guess is what I’m trying to say. I could write a thesis about it, but let me sum it up with one sentence in Spanish: ¡Viva la Blanca Paloma!

Score: 10

Deban: Blanca Paloma’s presence is mesmerising. Her music takes you on a spiritual journey, and in many ways, her voice reads like a gift from God. However, despite all of this, I struggle to connect with her sound. It is too regional for my taste, and seemingly saddled with religious imprints. I am impressed when I hear it, but don’t yearn for repeat spins. This will have its fans on the night, but it’s unlikely to hold residency on the airwaves.

Score: 5

Renske: “Eaea” is unapologetically Spanish in so many ways. At times, it seems like Spain’s answer to “Voilà”. It is a powerful tribute to the country’s traditional flamenco music with a modern twist including compelling lyrics. There is a flair and a power in the song that can lure anyone in. It is a track you can listen to over and over again and it will keep you enchanted. Blanca Paloma is a promising star in Spain’s music landscape and will prove that at Eurovision.

Score: 9.5

Jonathan: This is performance art and “Eaea” works even better live than in studio cut. The flamenco elements are captivating and showcase the artistry of Spanish music. Blanca’s vocals are of course faultless, but there remains some repetition to the song that makes it drag at times. The Benidorm Fest staging did a great job of adding dynamism to the first half, but the second half could do with something extra to keep viewers on that journey and to prevent it from flatlining. Give us that and Spain would be in a strong position to earn another podium finish this year.

Score: 7

Spain Eurovision 2023 ranking

In the Eurovision 2023 Wiwi Jury, we have 20 jurors but only have room for five reviews. The remaining scores are below:

Antranig: 6

Cinan: 10

Dayana: 9.5

Diego: 8.5

Forrest: 9.5

Kristín: 6.5

Lucy: 6

Pablo: 7

Rick: 8.5

Ron: 8.5

Ruxandra: 10

Samuel: 7

Simon: 7.5

Tom: 9

William: 10

We have removed the highest and lowest scores prior to calculating the average. This is to remove outliers and potential bias. We have removed a low of 5 and a high of 10.

Wiwi Jury verdict: 8.17/10

What do you think of Spain’s Eurovision 2023 entry? Share your own score and review for Blanca Paloma’s “Eaea” below!

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Maya G
Maya G
1 year ago

Amazing entry, I already know I’ll vote for this in the final.
Regardless of how it does in the scoreboard, Spain should be proud for sending this beautiful gem, delivered with great talent and emotion.

1 year ago

12 warm up live performances before the contest. Each one different from the rest. Don’t know if this has ever happened before.

1 year ago

I’m in love with Spain and I’m sad because the only artist I have appreciated in these years has been miki (he was robbed). Blanca has an amazing voice and I’m glad Spain is starting to take the program seriously, but I don’t like the song (it’s a good song but I’d never listen to her on my own).

She is good but I think many support her only for justice against chanel (has arrived on the podium, I don’t understand why everyone is still complaining… What Eleni and Mahmood should say?)

1 year ago

Pure noise. France 2022 reloaded. Those screams and shouts are not music. This is noise pollution, and most probably a very predictibile flop

Alfonso Jesús Sánchez Cuevas
Alfonso Jesús Sánchez Cuevas
1 year ago
Reply to  Dida

You need to check your audition

1 year ago

12/12 and my winner
Mind my words, she will win.
She will make it second after Käärijä at the televote and 1 or 2 at the jury.
And will win by highest score overall.
Eurofans would LOVE to have next ESC in Spain!

1 year ago

Sweden FTW

1 year ago

While being a music style I don’t generally like or listen to I can totally feel what she is singing. She is a superb vocalist and artist and the song has been arranged to be performed live. It wasn’t my winner when the studio versions of the Benidorm Fest hopefuls were released but on stage it proved to be the most complete pack. I think it was time we send something like and just see what happens. This is quality, this is art and this deserves a top 5. With Finland and Sweden I don’t really see it winning. Also,… Read more »

1 year ago

Definitely my winner this year. Pure art.

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
1 year ago

It has been 40 years after Remedios Amaya brought a modern take on Flamenco to the ESC (and came last). The jury of the 1980s simply weren’t ready for a style of music that does not use bar lines, has a rather unique structure, has a loose sense of a time signature and plays around with modes and note tuning. Fast forward to 1990, and there were sisters Azúcar Moreno with “Bandido”, who were snappier, sexier and used a more recognisable song structure (they finished 5th). Now in 2023, we get the amazing Blanca Paloma who outperforms those two previous… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Purple Mask

We also had Joci Papai with «Origo», one of my most loved Eurovision entries ever .

1 year ago

I’ve been hoping for a while that Spain would send something like “EaEa”, showcasing their traditional music but dressing it in an avant-garde electronic fashion. And though I already liked it on the studio version, let’s face it: this was clearly written for a stage performance. We haven’t seen anything more cinematic this season so far. Each second counts to its narrative and looks gorgeous on the screen. The costumes, the colors, the camera angles, nothing is wasted on chance. Plus Blanca Paloma will definitely be in any list of Eurovision’s greatest vocalists from now on. Juries should reward all this… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Sabrina

I think Spain is most certainly going to finish really high and maybe replicate last year’s success. The juries will most likely go for it, and it has such a slick and impactful performance, visually and and vocally that it won’t go unnoticed by the public either. Voila is a very valid comparison. I would have it as a likelyprediction as of now that Spain will score another top 5.

1 year ago
Reply to  Thanos

In terms of jury voting, even if I’m always worried when they put their hands on avant-garde stuff, I believe this entry has 2 things they value a lot: vocals and presentation. So I guess Spain coulf perfectly fight for the top there. The televote is harder to predict, though there’s a factor that may help Blanca a lot with the audience: we don’t have anything remotely similar to this in the lineup. Sure, many people don’t get it. But those who get it tend to be ultra fond of it. And I imagine this is what makes people pick… Read more »

1 year ago

Not the best song, too experimental for big audiences, but she’s THE VOICE & THE PERFORMANCE of the year. No one will defeat her on that. She’s just out of this world.

1 year ago

By far the best entry this year. Pure class.

1 year ago


1 year ago

Mrs. Loreen & Sweden will win but “Eaea” will be the most watched/talked about and Blanca Paloma the most praised afterwards. The fresh air that comes from Benidorm is the biggest load of creativity in the last 2 years and ESC benefits from it.

1 year ago

Blanca has created a masterpiece, it’s beautiful, culturally rich and wonderfully capturing the Flamenco elements with FANTASTIC ALTERNATE MUSIC AND SPECTACULAR OUTFITS AND CHOREOGRAPHY! I was thrilled at her Benindorm staging elegant and traditional, the red strings offer a mysterious, theatrical aura, representing Blanca’s grandmother’s mantila, her message is extremely deep and haunting and SHE IS VOCALLY FLAWLESS!! I can absolutely respect people who cannot really connect with this piece of art but some other people calling this pure shouting and boring are the same individuals that would prefer radio-friendly hits to enter the contest to brag about adding them… Read more »

1 year ago

Big fat 0 from me, a bunch of yells, that spaniers might enjoy but what’s the fault on the rest of us to suffer this torture?

1 year ago

I really did not like this when I first heard but it has grown to be one of my favourites…..and is such a welcome relief to see this side of the women from Spain and their recent entries. I absolutely love it because not cliche, its not gimmicky and it is a showcasing the talent of a rising star from Spain! This is by far my favourite ‘Big 5’ entry.

1 year ago

Blanca and Kaarija are my top two, and wonderful examples of the surprising, startling and diverse range of music this wonderful contest can give us.

1 year ago

Finally, my winner of this year. I love everything about it. Vamos Allá la Blana Paloma. She’s my 1st place on my top since BF.

1 year ago

I really appreciate Blanca’s artistry and vocal skills. And was a big a fan of secret de agua. But Eaea just doesn’t do much for me. I can understand why many like it, but it’s definitely not one of this year’s songs I’d listen to on repeat.

Amar pelos dois
Amar pelos dois
1 year ago

España 12/12 una obra de arte !

1 year ago

I just don’t understand what everyone sees in it

It’s painful to listen too, nails on a chalkboard painful

Everyone’s going crazy for a song that sounds like me when I stub my toe

1 year ago
Reply to  Rhys

So then the “problem” IS you.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rhys

100% correct Rhys

Fernando Lopez Marin
Fernando Lopez Marin
1 year ago
Reply to  Dolly

Nah, not really

1 year ago
Reply to  Rhys

Omg you’re special < 3

Fernando Lopez Marin
Fernando Lopez Marin
1 year ago
Reply to  Mililoyi

You really are special, you …

Fernando Lopez Marin
Fernando Lopez Marin
1 year ago
Reply to  Rhys

Pearls before swine!

1 year ago
Reply to  Rhys

Well, you have no taste.

Leendert Jan
Leendert Jan
1 year ago

There’s literally nothing about this entry that I don’t love. The fantastic mix of very traditional and contemporary electronic, the power of her voice, the absolutely mesmerizing atmosphere that it conjures up. The stage act in Benidorm was perfection in every detail, voice, choreography, lighting, colours, camera work. She has set the bar high for Liverpool but I’m sure she’ll be able to deliver. Probably won’t win, but I’ll be mad if this doesn’t finish top 5. Absolutely my #1 this year.

Poul Riisen
Poul Riisen
1 year ago

I don’t really get the hype about this song. I cannot relate to it at all. It is decent, wants to say something but fails in delivering it. I find it too loud and without a structure. I get it, for spaniards, it may mean something but I am not sure how a viewer listening to ti for the first time can relate to it. Musically it’s not for me. Vocally, I find her too loud (like Iru from Georgia). Can’t see how juries or televoters relate to and vote for this song. Sorry. Good luck to Spain! It’s really… Read more »

1 year ago

Blanca Paloma delivering a mesmerizing, vocally stunning performance in the grand final feels like a sure thing. I’m grading this on the live performances; once I’ve seen those, I just can’t pretend otherwise. It’s not always a song I’m in the mood for on my playlist, but live, it always blows me away like nothing else here. It’s not background music– it demands attention. I don’t know if the general public will connect with it, but Blanca always makes that connection with me personally. It’s bold, it’s cultural, it’s modern. I can’t rule out this being my favorite on the… Read more »

1 year ago

generic gibberish, not even a real song title


bottom 3 material

1 year ago
Reply to  Anonymous91

“Not even a real song title” IS kinda funny. Surreal and absurd funny.
What exactly IS a “real” song title?
In Spanish NF there was this song EaEa and another called Uff!. It seems Spaniards are a bit unreal when choosing title for their songs.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jonkonfui

Tu Cancion or Eres Tu, Universo

eaea is just random gibberish made up nonsense, not even a real word

1 year ago
Reply to  Anonymous91

okay, and… who gives a f*

1 year ago
Reply to  Anonymous91

You are kinda funny.

1 year ago
Reply to  Anonymous91

Hate it or love it, but let’s be honest, there’s no way Eaea is bottom 3 with that vocal.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mililoyi

vocal, you mean screeching, almost as painful as nails on a chalkboard

Fernando Lopez Marin
Fernando Lopez Marin
1 year ago
Reply to  Anonymous91

But do you happen by any chance to know what Eaea means!!??

1 year ago

A potential jury winner, but this could flop with the public.

The only way Spain could gather enough televotes to land top 5 is by nailing the staging. They desperately need something ”never been done before” with the staging to do well.

1 year ago

Song is not religious but “Blanca Paloma” name itself and the way she sings it should connect with lots of spiritual viewers out there. It’s an entry full of visual references, symbolisms that should be easy to grasp some meanings of it. It sure leaves some impression from a very strong artistic expression and that’s what you want in a packed 25-performance night.

1 year ago

Spain without a doubt had the best staging last year. The fact they were able to take an already winner worthy package and make it a million times better at eurovision gives me faith this year for Blanca, especially with her also being a stage director. I have faith that Spain is gonna bring traditional ethnic elements on stage that will again set them apart and will capture all of europe and perhaps give them the win.

1 year ago

Just like others in the comments, I’m surprised to see this doesn’t have more low scores. This kind of entry will have a lot of people saying “this is trash”… and a lot of people saying “this is the best”. This could end in the top 3 or last place and I would understand both positions. And let’s see if the juries value this. With flawless vocals and good staging, they’ll have a hard time to ignore it.

1 year ago

35. Blanca Paloma – Eaea (Spain) – 4/10 – I respect Spain’s entry for its confident ethnicity, but for me the wailing and the clapping is way too much. I have searched high and low for a musical or emotional connection but sadly haven’t found one. It is a monumental struggle to get through the whole three minutes. There is no discernible hook as far as I can tell. There is a semblance of a beat which I can appreciate but it is completely squished by the over-powering vocal which tends to get worse as the song goes on. Not… Read more »

Poul Riisen
Poul Riisen
1 year ago
Reply to  Kosey

I thought I was the only one. Yes, its too loud and over the top. I can’t relate to the song, I am sorry.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kosey

Thank you!! I mean how anyone can listen to this more then once I’ll never know

1 year ago
Reply to  Rhys

It is called diversity, different tastes and not all of US being you.

1 year ago

Blanca’s voice is consistently on point and her song is stunning. She also keeps you captivated throughout her performance. The juries will eat this right up and this will do well in the televote. My absolute favorite this year (even though I think it will finish top 5ish) 10/10

Mark dowd
Mark dowd
1 year ago

“and seemingly saddled with religious imprints” says Deban as this was a self evident flaw in its own terms. In a world where 90% of people say they have some form of religious faith, it’s not clear to me that this isn’t a tad myopic.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mark dowd

I did note the irony that he criticises the “religious imprints” of the song while also regularly using phrases in his writing like “her vocals are like a gift from God”, etc.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mark dowd

Deban is not required that x% of the world is religious. It’s a personal review. I don’t find any strong religious undertones in the song myself, but if I did I would drop it like a hot potato. They keep saying political content isn’t allowed. Religion is also politics. Religion or “spirituality” should not be allowed either.

1 year ago

I personally preferred Secreto de agua.

1 year ago

I was expecting more low scores. Not because I think it’s bad, I love it, it’s one of my favourites this year, I just figured it more polarizing than the scores here have it.

The truth
1 year ago

Without a doubt Blanka has a good voice. Without a doubt she is a good performer. Without a doubt this song is not a bad song. But…… although I absolutely don’t mind having ethnic elements and sounds in a song, too much is then too much. If each country resorted to flaunt its ethnic sounds in this competition it will boil down to a competition promoting different ethnicities while the idea of the ESC was to have a winning song representing all Europe. This song, although having its merits, is a song one would expect or associate with holidaying in… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  The truth


The truth
1 year ago
Reply to  Lumostark

Yes sorry about that

1 year ago
Reply to  The truth

The idea of Eurovision IS everybody singing in English a ballad or an uptempo song?? How diverse your idea of Eurovision!!

The truth
1 year ago
Reply to  Jonkonfui

Did I mention language or type of song? Diversity is not necessarily ethnicity. You seem to be all over the place defending this song. Good for you if you like but people do have different opinions.

1 year ago

“…to’as las noches menos una”. This part, this part haunts me. It takes me back to a time when I was a little kid, afraid of the dark, lying alone in my bed and I had this creeping, irrational feeling that someone was watching me. I suppose this is where the magic of a lullaby lies – they’re able to capture these childhood fears and turn them into something as consoling as your grandmother guarding you from above. And this is also the reason why lullabies sound so different to us as adults – why, in retrospect, “Eaea” becomes a… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Skiwalko

Gorgeous review!

1 year ago

It’s one of the worst things I have ever heard! It hurts my ears. Yes, I understand Spanish so it is not the message, just the sound. Sorry #37

1 year ago
Reply to  Jay

Same here. I just can’t stand those neverending 3 minutes of screaming.

1 year ago

Interesting seeing the comments on this one. Initially when the songs for Benidorm fest were released, I didnt pay much attention to this one, simply because I thought a live performance would do it more justice and that turned out to be the case. I find the live performance mesmerizing, Blanca’s vocal is both haunting and powerful as she commands the stage. The staging in benidorm fest was exquisite, Ive heard shes planned on changing it but I think copy and pasting that to Liverpool wouldve worked brilliantly, I am hopeful the new staging will be as good though. From… Read more »

1 year ago

Eaea is one of my top favourites this year. Authentic, powerful, with Blanka’s impeccable vocals, I get actual chills – the good kind! – every time I listen to this song. I’d love to see it battle for the top spot in the final.

1 year ago

So now we know William give this a 10. I await finals night to see were this finishes on the board

1 year ago

We knew that from the beginning.

1 year ago

This is the first time I like a Spanish entry in Eurovision (even though I am a Spaniard). I have no clue how it’s going to do in Liverpool, since it is obviously a very polarizing song and not everybody will get it or like it, but I hope it does well! I can’t find any “religious imprints” in this song by the way, like one of the wiwijury members said.

1 year ago

For someone who years ago dreamed of seeing Ojos de Brujo represent Spain on the Eurovision stage, this is a wish come true.

It’s Blanca Paloma’s last note that sends chills down my spine – the expertly controlled high note that twists and distorts into a wail of primal, deep emotion. I can’t stop listening. ¡Qué arte!

1 year ago

1) Spain – Well, here we are. There was barely anything between my first and second place, and I finally decided this is my winner. Believe it or not, I hated this judging by the first snippet we ever got for it and I was fully on the Megara – Arcadia train… then I saw the Benidorm Fest shows. This song really put me in some sort of trance right from the start with fantastic staging, Blanca’s powerful stage presence, and really great backing singers and dancers. While I understand that this won’t be everyone’s cup of tea, this is… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Emily

I feel like that was me with the majority of the entries this year, hahaha. I hate ranking entries I’m indifferent about! I feel Spain’s the wildcard, too.

1 year ago

It’s quite daring to bring back Flamenco to the ESC stage, as it can certainly be perceived as grating by many across Europe. It’s good to see that this song represents the Spanish tradition as combined with some modern sounds, but still it’s not a song that will get people straight to the phone to vote for it. Contrary to other favourite entries whose lyrics people can relate to as part of their personal experience, eaea sounds a bit distant and very abstract unless you have children.

1 year ago

I want justice for “La Venda” (2019), but I don’t like this year song. It’s a 5.5/10 for me (her voice is amazing, but the song is annoying). Surely a song with tradition, but I would never listen to it outside Eurovision

1 year ago
Reply to  Sos

Never mind La Venda, #JusticeForRemediosAmaya !

1 year ago
Reply to  Sos

la venda was awful

Esc addict / Shut up and watch my ...
Esc addict / Shut up and watch my ...
1 year ago

Like 4 out of the big 5 countries every year

1 year ago

I have a very opposing feelings towards this entry. When I had watched the performance and read the lyrics, I cried, but I always skip it on Spotify. It is emotional and loud, and I think this speaks to all the people who are caring for a child. Hope it does good, as it is different and brave.

1 year ago

Spain 2023 —–> Portugal 2019

1 year ago

Spain is potentially jury winner of the Grand Final. I cannot see anyone else take the jury crown this year, while the televotes is much harder to predict. I think Finland might win the televote, unless war still has a huge impact and people will award Ukraine with 12s, which wouldnt be fair this year for worse song than the last 2 they sent in previous years. However, Blanka bought me on the 1st listen, its so captivating and visually and vocally arresting that I cannot escape it. She might get some votes from me on the night but it… Read more »

1 year ago

This song has been in my Top 3 since I listened to all the songs together for the first time. She wasn’t my favourite going into Benidorm Fest, but her live performance blew me away and I was Team Blanca. She was originally in my 3rd spot, but after asking myself do I really think this is my favourite song of the year, the answer is yes. I don’t know what it is about this song, it’s so different to anything I listen to and maybe that’s the beauty of it. Every live performance she has mastered and I have… Read more »