Her song for Eurovision 2024 is reportedly called “Zari,” which means “dice.” And following our exclusive interview in London, we can reveal that luck is one of its major themes.

Speaking to me backstage at her sold-out London gig at The Garage last week, Marina was full of enthusiasm as we talked about her Eurovision preparations and her forthcoming song release on 7 March.

Among other things, we talked about her love of “world music,” which is at once borderless and universal.

“I believe that the traditional music from all over — despite the country you come from — all has something very common behind it,” she says. “The experience from people’s lives and evolution and people celebrating or mourning or dancing or connecting with the nature, being spiritual. So for me this is the root of every traditional music in the world.”

What else did we talk about? Well you’ll have to tune in on 15 February at 20:30 CET to find out. 

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11 months ago

Let’s hope Greece will send something great!

11 months ago
Reply to  Babale

I´ve got big expectations-

11 months ago

These interviews before the release of a song are really obnoxious — not on the part of wiwibloggs, but on the part of the artists. No one cares about what inspired your song, or what you’ve done to prepare if no one can listen to it.

London Boy
London Boy
11 months ago
Reply to  Karl

The obnoxious part is people like you to spread toxicity negativity in a contest which should be about bringing people closer, music, happy and Joy!! I always read these interviews as I care to know more about the artists, even before the release of their entries. It creates a nice biz about the singer and also excitement about the song itself.. no once cares about your dark comment this you have around 11 negative likes so far.. Chill man and take it easy… Life can be nice!!