Eurovision is often seen as one big party, and Mustii is planning on making the most of it before it’s all over. Belgium’s Eurovision 2024 act has now released his song for the contest — “Before the Party’s Over”.
The song arrived slightly earlier than scheduled courtesy of RTBF’s youth radio station, TIPIK, who accidentally played it on Sunday evening. But, the track has now had its official first play and the music video has been unveiled for all to see.
Mustii – “Before the Party’s Over” (Belgium Eurovision 2024)
“Before the Party’s Over” has been composed by Mustii himself along with Benoit Leclerq and Pierre Dumoulin — Dumoulin was also behind Belgium’s Eurovision entries in 2017 (“City Lights”) and 2019 (“Wake Up”).
Meanwhile, the lyrics were written by Mustii, Arianna Damato, Charlotte Clark and Nina Sampermans.
The song is definitely a grower, building over the course of its three minutes until it reaches a strong climax at the end where Mustii is backed by a choir.
This choir is comprised of the voices of Mustii’s fans. The Belgian star opened a call for people to submit a recording of themselves singing part of the lyrics. These have been amalgamated together to provide an extra surge of energy in the song’s final moments.
What are your first impressions of “Before the Party’s Over”? Will Mustii be taking Belgium to the grand final at Eurovision 2024 in Malmö this May? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
I liked the song at first, but now I love it! I love that it has the confidence to take its time to build up and keeps you hooked to it while it’s at that. Gives me strong 90s rock vibes.
For me this is one of the few standout songs of this year so far, well produced video which gives me confidence on the staging. And the song keeps building up to the final section, everyone complaining about the first two minutes is ignoring the fact that it elevates the final minute.
For me so far it’s France, Italy, Belgium and Ukraine (Ireland as a wildcard), the rest are either mediocre or a bit of a joke.
Well, to me Mustii’s song is just a poor man’s “oh boy” by Ryk. Albeit with a bigger budget for promo/ video etc.
Oh well, what might have been possible if the juries hadn’t penalised Ryk’s contribution so much.
More slop. I think we should rename Eurovision to Slopvision if countries are going to continue serving us garbage.
I would allocate the entries from Belgium, Poland and Denmark in the same box (perhaps along with some others to come over the next few days): they’re just manufactured pop songs, not necessarily bad, they sound good and may even have a catchy hook …but they would also sound like so many other current pop artists around. When I listen to these songs for the first time, I usually say to myself, “Ok, this is going to be good,” but then they go nowhere, they just stay there as the typical average comfort-zone, manufactured pop song.
This one for me’s a bit of a slow-burner until the last 30 seconds probably. I like the use of the choir. It’s pretty good!
I’ll play this, then go immediately to Netherlands 1976
I’m going to be brutally honest here:
Between what I personally feel is a rather weak song pool (a few decent tracks, many mediocre ones, and the only one that truly stands out to me does so for all the wrong reasons) and all the Israel drama, this is the first year in a while I have actually considered sitting out Eurovision.
It’s definitely going to be the weakest Eurovision since 2023/2019.
So far my current list….
Slovenia 11,5/12
Lithuania 10,5/12
Italy 10/12
Norway 9,5/12
France 9/12
Belgium 8,5/12
Ireland 8/12
Luxembourg 7,5/12
Moldova 7/12
Denmark 7/12
Ukraine 6,5/12
Poland 6/12
Estonia 6/12
Latvia 5,5/12
Spain 5/12
Czechia 4,5/12
Germany 4/12
Malta 3,5/12
Albania 2/12
Finland 1/12
With the right staging and a powerful performance from Mustii, I see this in the jury top5. With a decent televote, it should end up top10 in the Grand Final.
6/10. This song doesnt deserve to be overhyped; can’t understand why it is high on the odds.
Once again, your tastes. You can say that you don’t get the hypebut you can’t say that the song doesn’t deserve it.
Yes, he CAN say that the song doesn’t deserve it, it is his RIGHT. Just like anyone who comments here, he follows his subjective criteria to say what he is entitled to say. Freedom of speech is for everyone.
He has the right to have his opinion and if you read correctly what I said you will understand what I mean. Everyone can love or hate something, I will never judge that. What I said is that there is a big difference between saying that you don’t like something and saying that thing doesn’t deserve to be liked. When it’s about music (in this case), you can say when there is something you don’t like but you can’t say it in a way implying that it’s bad and nobody should like it. That’s what he did there. And of… Read more »
You are twisting his words. You are lying to justify yourself. He did not say he doesn’t like the song, nor the song doesn’t deserve to be liked. He did not imply that it’s bad and nobody should like it (it’s all in your head). That is absolutely not what he did. He said: “6/10. This song doesn’t deserve to be overhyped; can’t understand why it is high on the odds.” It’s not up to you to tell people what kind of opinion they can have (or how to express it), whether it’s about music or something else. And he… Read more »
Well, you are right on that point. I twisted his words without even realizing it so I guess it may indeed be in my head. And in the form he is kinda right, the song doesn’t deserve to be overhyped but in fact none of the songs deserve to be overhyped. On the substance I think I’m still right. If you have an opinion then talk in a way that only include yourself. And the fact that he still used the word “overhype” shows he thinks Belgium shouldn’t be that high in the odds and that it is not deserved.… Read more »
What people do not realize is that the song is brilliant due to its confidence of taking its time, I believe that in Malmö with the right staging, this will eat up the jury votes and do well with the televote as well, giving him a top 10 finish. Great job Belgium, wish you the very best!
The beginning had me honestly kind of confused and at first I had a hard time pinning down the vibe of the song. It I guess became better as it went on, and he has an impressive voice. But at the same time I don’t think this is a melody I would remember much of without listening to the song a few more times. The live could make or break this I think, so we’ll see what Belgium does.
Side note…he has some Kenergy to him I think lol
Mixed feelings, honestly. I’m disconnected from the lyrics (saving further detail on that for the Wiwi Jury). However, the music is multi-layered, both in melodies and some harmonies; there is some really good dramatic writing here throughout, and particularly in the third minute. I’m concerned about how that extended Outro is going to play live, since Mustii is only repeating the same melody over and over again as part of a much larger whole. And there is the “weight” of the tempo, dragging it out. The song currently feels longer than it actually is. It might be a grand opportunity… Read more »
Good, clear and honest description. Thank you.
Why isn’t there any good entry this year? So far it’s meh. This one tho may be a comparatively good song.
Wait for Croatia…
Agree; except for Italy; the remaining entries are bland and generic
Belgium and Lithuania both strike me as decent entries that’ll do pretty good with the jury but won’t win. Could Top 10 tho.
I think Lithuania might also do well with the televote. The UK will lap it up already being a main bloc voter for the country.
Slovenia and Belgium are my 2 favorites so far.
And that’s confusing me more. Both have too many similarities. Obviously a lot visiual ones, but musically as song and lyrics structure. Sound transition too. Not good.
Enjoying them both on vol while driving, but I might need a more original shot to stand with no doubt behind.
I’m worried for UK’s Ollie, offcourse I’m judging by the snippet only but I think Mustii is going to eat him alive
It’s not the same kind of song at all though
If Olly has any kind of rival at ESC, then it will come in the form of Silvester Belt.
Rival in the battle for last place?
might be a grower, but for now i’m not a big fan
Two listens now, I am liking it much more.
Liza Minnelli Studio 54 vibes.
Le meuilleur grandeur !! (excusez moi ,mon français)
Gefeliciteerd and Congrats.
Very good material.
The BEST Belgium act in years imo.
Sure something being proud of.
Easily qualification if the energy of the vid is being transported well live on stage.
I lay my trust on Mustii and his team.
Unfortunately I’m disappointed.
What a boring start, and what a fantastic finish… I have mixed feelings.
I understand the arguement about the first 2 min being roughly the same, but I think the subtle differences there are should be enough, and with additional staging, this could do really well.
These falsetto’s are something else, I hope Mustii can do this.
The message of the song: “go live your life” has been delivered 🙂
I’m picking up multi-layered messages from this song. I think this is going to be a fascinating one for the Wiwi Jury. The lyrics I find are a bit all over the place when they are read on their own, but when each part is applied to each melody, a tapestry of meaning seems to be presented, with multiple layers.
Falsettos are challenging for most of us (mine are terribly squeaky), so as long as Mustii tries hard, I can understand 🙂
It drags on, and it’s annoyingly pretentious. It’s a no from me.
The name Mustii sounds so crusty
Or lusty
Also, a trustee.
My rhymes are getting rusty.
Gotta write those tunes before I go busty.
Is “ii” actually pronounced like “y” though? A genuine question.
Good track, dark pop very esc belgian, he looks like David Bowie with an Annie Lennox song, the end is a bit too overdramatic and repetitive for my taste but it’s a nice song, it’s quality. Mustii voice is nice but we can feel his limits here. With a good staging Belgium must do well, maybe a second top 10 in a row who knows…. we still try to predict but Eurovision is unpredictable in fact, and no dear eurofans the ranking of a country and how it will end up doesn’t depend on your personal taste, you really think… Read more »
Like many before said, the last part of the song is good but the whole song counts, and you gotta survive first 2 minutes to get to the good part… which isn’t really a compliment.
2 minutes? I would nearly be so bold as to say first 10 seconds. So many parties I go to each Eurovision Saturday over the years and people are either hooked or lost in the opening few seconds. Mind made up.
It is really good! For me he is the winner so far if he can deliver live. The only drawback is that he is somehow a male version of Loreen. Usually songs that have similar vibes do not win the year after.
The final part of the song is winner material. I don’t know why they took so long to make it get somewhere. That’s perhaps I drawback of the song. Nevertheless it’s a contender to do really well.
*the drawback
At the beginning of the song i didn’t think it was that great but after 2 minutes it suddenly took a turn and i fell in love, it’s mindblowingly wonderful in the last 1/3.It worries me that it takes that long to get to best part, but it certainly leaves me wanting more. I hope the staging will be dark and mysterious.
My verdict after one listen.
First minute, bronze star.
Second minute, silver star.
Third minute, gold star.
So all in all silver.
For now.
Second minute is not much different from the first so why is it a silver star?
The pace increases, added drumbeat!
Just revamp the first 2 minutes and we have a winner!!! Well done Belgium
Stop trolling, please! Ukraine is the winner.
I like it. Nothing amazing but I’ll add it to my playlist. Hopefully the staging will elevate it.
It takes a bit too much time to get somewhere in my opinion so I got bored before the climax of the song
We all know Belgium’s history with stagins, so hopefully they get it right this time.
Kinda remind me of Raiven’s Veronika video?
Me too. I hope that the stage performance won’t have much in common with what we’ve seen in the video.
Both music videos are so pretentious… really hope the staging won’t be like that.
Her video reminds me of Arcade
Quite good – 8,5/12
Just wow!!!
This Belgian entry is really impressive imo!
10/10 <3
Italy, Belgium, Ukraine, Croatia (+UK highly possibly) could form an insane top 5 ?
Lithuania !
Please no Croatia it’s so annoying?
the song hasnt even been selected yet, what are you on?
Belgium has made huge progress in Eurovision for over a decade. But sometimes I even miss their awful songs like “Envie de vivre” from 2000 (Nathalie Sorce) and “Sister” performed from 2002 (Sergio @ the Ladies), and many others.
Not bad. It’s not captivating in the beginning but is more growing to the end. Definitely not cheap. Belgium has a potential this year.
Not the music critics in the comments lmao. This song is good, not the genre I typically would listen to, but still good!
Another great Belgian entry! It’s well-produced and sounds expensive. Internally selected Belgian entries seem to have the same vibe: dark, expensive and mysterious.
I like it, but it won’t win, I don’t understand why people are considering a win. It’s a nice addition to the lineup though.
Maybe people consider a win since no song at the moment is screaming victory. As more songs pop up, things might change.
Ulveham and Baby Lasagna scream victory tho. This definitely doesn’t. But probably will be somewhere between 8. and 13.
Meh. The first 2 minutes are going nowhere.
First 2/3 are a 5/10. Last 1/3 is a 9/10. Overall score 6.33 but I’ll round up to 6.5. fight me on it if you want but only if you could sing the melody of the 1st verse after one listen
No idea why this is skyrocketing in the odds… it’s overdramatic and uneventful at the same time.
Well said.
Odds are pointless
Wow…impressive! Agree that this year’s songs are shaping up to be the best collection of entries for a long time.
2024 is shaping up to become one of the best Eurovision editions of all time. Currently, for me, it only stands behind 2021 (best of all time), 2018 & 2016.
Seems like you’ve only listened to songs after 2016 in order to be lying like this
Even though I don’t find this year very good, don’t tell me that Eurovision was better before 2016. I indeed remember that 2015 was a strong year song wise but that’s all. I think the best contest I’ve seen in term of general quality is 2021. From songs to staging, it was a very good year. PS: of course I’m only talking about what I know so from 2000 and after. Before 2000 I don’t know much about the contest except the winners and some key songs. I think that the contest was relly good in the 60s and 70s… Read more »
2021 is the best year overall, but 2019 had the best top 10 ever.
I’ve watched past editions starting from 2000. Despite being born in the early 2000s, I’m definitely not that new to the concept of the contest as you might think.
2016 and 2021 are 2 of my favourite contests too. I also enjoyed 2015 and 2022, and from older contests 2005, 2003, 1998 and 1997, which is probably still my favourite contest of all time.
2024 will very likely join the above.
PS. I’ve been watching ESC since 1992. 🙂
If they manage to keep us interested and feel the vibes in the first two minutes with a good staging, this will place high. The last minute is very good, it’s such an epic end.
If the party is going to end, just simply go home and go to another party next time. No need to be so OTT about it.
This song is way too self indulgent.
Seems we didn’t understand the same thing from the lyrics.
It takes quite a while to get going but the final minute is breathtaking! Goed gedaan België!