Ever since Loreen managed to score a second legendary win at the Eurovision Song Contest in 2023, many have taken notice and talked about the massive split that occurred between the professional juries and the popular vote — with Sweden topping the jury but Finland taking a strong lead with the public.
Although some had been asking for the televote to be given more weight in the final result of the contest, the EBU has now confirmed to Norwegian media that the 50/50 voting system will remain for the contest in 2024.
No change to voting system at Eurovision 2024
After weeks of appeals and discussions over the current scoring system, a verdict for the next edition has been reached.
In an email sent to Norwegian News Agency NTB, and as reported by media outlet Dagsavisen, the EBU has stated the voting system at Eurovision 2024 will remain the same as the previous year.
This means the professional jury and the televote will share the same weight on determining the winner of the grand final, with 50% each, plus the public vote by the Rest Of The World.
The semi-finals will remain 100% determined by the televote of each participating nation, including the aforementioned Rest Of The World.
In recent months, Norwegian Head of Delegation, Stig Karlsen, had been the main entity advocating for the televote to be given a higher weighting in the grand final. Originally suggesting the public be given 70% of the vote, he later implemented a 60% televote – 40% jury split at this year’s Norwegian preselection, Melodi Grand Prix.
On the other hand, Denmark’s Erik Struve Hansen, DR’s General Manager, has explained that the voting system in the Danish preselection, Dansk Melodi Grand Prix, has been modelled after how it works at Eurovision, an equal split of juries and televote, and that it is the fairest assumption.
What do you think? Are you surprised there will be no change to the voting system for this year’s contest? Let us know in the comments below!
Jury system should reminder, otherwise trash, cringe songs sang with bad vocals like Croatia, Netherlands and Switzerland’s song would get high points 🙁
: ( Imagine that, boomer
hahahaha boomer? do u think ur generation invented this joke entrys? They have been in Eurovision since the beguining!
Neither of those songs you mentioned are joke entries.That’s why I’m saying you’re a boomer. You can’t make differences between genras and talk trash about things you’re not familar with.
You don‘t need to be drop the b-word to denounce someone for talking trash
The Dutch entry is a display of dutch gabber culture and has a deep personal meaning to the performer. Please just insult our culture because you don’t understand.
AUSTRALIA’s jury is rigged. Jury members communicate with each other, which is not allowed, to decide the winner and who gets high standing.
Australian jury should be disqualified. Besides juries should be scrapped or on a jury 1/3 to public 2/3 of vote and public votes limited to 3 calls/entries per device to lower manipulations.
Can someone explain to me what is it with San Marino? Do they not have a televote?
No because their telephone service is provided by an Italian company and it is also the population is so small it is unlikely to yield a valid telephone vote. That’s the official EBU stance.
A decision that makes another Swedish win more likely this year. The juries will kill innovative entries like Croatia and Switzerland. Pity
Sorry but Croatia’s and Swiss entries are not innovative; they are just low quality trash songs 🙁
‘Kaarija was robbed’ -Baby Lasagna
if baby lasagna won, it would be quite hurt to kaarija, like he started this hype, but then someone else got the trophy.. nevertheless, I hope the best for everyone
Kaarija was overhyped and overscored in the juries. People voted for him to avoid Loreen win. Chech the charts, where is the big fandom of Kaarija? Nowhere to be seen, he never had that big support, it was just people that dint want Loreen winning again.
Onpopular opinion, but removing juries from the semi-finals only widened the discrepancies between the jury and televote. Some jury-bait songs will miss the final which means that the points that those songs received would have to go to someone else. For example, Azerbaijan and Switzerland got a combined total of 181 jury points in the 2022 final. In a televote-only system they would not have qualified, meaning all those points would’ve (presumebly) gone to the top 10 of the juries, hypothetically increasing the discrepancies even more. This is (imo) one of the main reasons why Loreen’s jury victory was so… Read more »
Actually when looking at the last 20 semifinals….we would have only had 1 different qualifier for each of them if we had removed the juries in the semis way back. 9 of the televoters qualified like each time anyways. So having juries in the semis don’t make much of a difference in the end. Juries and televoters usually agree on 18 of the 20 qualifiers each year… and usually it has been the 10th place song in televoting that have not qualified.
Very good point in principle, but I’m not sure many “jury bait” songs stayed in the semifinal in 2023. Estonia, Belgium, Lithuania, all qualified (against the odds in Estonia’s case). Perhaps Georgia was jury bait? Latvia was quality but it’s unclear if the juries would have appreciated it.
Apparently, Besa will translate her song into English..
You all want jury removed because of Kaarija. I want it removed because of Grande Amore.
I still haven’t recovered from Grande Amore being 3rd ;_;
Agreed They were completely robbed
great vocals, not winning song.
Jury bait songs like the ones sung by Nemo (Switzerland) and Mustii (Belgium) are going to benefit bigly from this. The real question is how fan favourites like Baby Lasagna (Croatia) and Joost Klein (Netherlands) will be affected. This makes this year quite unpredictable.
Switzerland is not at all a jury bait song.
Switzerland isn’t a jury bait song. The jury system has only benefited one thing -Sweden – and also ensured that great and popular entries like Norway and Moldova in recent years couldn’t win.
Although it’s a very small amount the actual 50:50 does t apply in the final
. It’s not exactly equal weighting because the rest of the world is a bonus 12 points maximum awarded . This can make a huge difference to a win . There is isn’t a rest of the world jury to make it exactly 50:50 .
It’s the same old problem. If songs you like are saved by the jury you love them. If they’re shunned by the jury you hate them. Interestingly (for me) the lack of juries in last year’s semi finals didn’t really stop songs generally described as jury friendly from qualifying. Just my opinion.
Iceland and Latvia may have qualified
Maybe but I’m not sure I’d call them jury pleasers.
I am quite traditional, so I like the 50/50 system. I would propose the 70/30 or 60/40 system for the semi finals, to improve the quality of the qualifying songs, because in order to qualify countries are (understandably) less inclined to go for more niche songs, which is sad.
Thank god they keep this system. It’s always “that system is broke because my fav lose”
I would like to have similar voting like we had from 1971-1973 Every country gets votes from other countries. In this period in final only 10 countries get votes from juries and televote from 1 country. 24 or 25 countries in final get 0 points. Example One country finish in all countries on 11 th place both with juries and televote. That country in current system will finish last with 0 points. Other countries finish in one country on 1 st place with televote and juries and last in all other countries with televote and juries.That country in current system… Read more »
Mistake in writing. In current system in final with 26 countries, from 1 country only 10 countries get points, and other 15 countries gets 0 points .
Sad to hear this. I had hoped for 60/40 in favour of public votes… the juries have just gone for the most generic songs recently and completely disregarded diversity…public winner has been way better most of the times. In Finland they did 75/25 in favour of the public and that turned out to be way too much…the absolute trash that was last in juries ended up winning so there was literally no point in the jury vote at all. So 60/40 would be the best solution, in combination with a revamp of the juries as well of course. I am… Read more »
Can u explain me how generic is Amar Pelos Dois of Salvador Sobral winner of the juries in 2017? Or Nobody but u, a soul song in 2018?, Proud by Tamara a classicc Ballad in 2029? Gjon tears with a power french ballad in 2021? Sam Ryder pop British with outstanding vocals and Loreen with a power vocalhouse electronic song?. Im sorry we dont need any chances in the juries voting. The obnly change we need is people starting to be objective
Do you hear yourself? 2017 ballad, though one the televoters agreed in. 2018 ballad, 2019 ballad, 2021 ballad, 2022 well finally a good Contemporary pop song, but still kinda ballad. The juries are so generic and only goes for ballads…or generic Swedish popsongs. Telvoters gave us ballad, popsongs, joik, rocksongs, popera, rap and folk in the same time. Diversity is strength! Having had only ballads winning would have killed the contest and made it super boring.
2018 is not a ballad, a u can reduce a song in “ballad” or “dance”. A soul song is not the same as a pop ballas, or electronic song or a jazz song. Sorry but I cant take u seriously f u thought Tattoo is generic a song with AN ORQUESTRA, how many pop songs do u hear with an orquestra and doind the chorus in belting?. It was a hard song to sing. Televote voted for the war or voted do strategical votes, like last year with Finland. DO u know that we had 100% televote system, and all… Read more »
I started watching the ESC in 1990. From 1990-1996, the contest result was decided by juries alone. Look at the winning songs we had then, and judge for yourselves. They are beautiful, but mostly quite dated for their time (except for 1991, and I adore the 1995 winner as well). Telephone voting (or “televoting”) was added for some countries in 1997, but it was 1998 when ESC went “all in” for televoting only, and juries were gone (except for when televoting broke down). 1998-2008 was the true “televoting only” period. Now look at the winning songs in that period. Much… Read more »
Very well articulated and informed summary. Thank you!
Loreen was the winnerz she didnt win the televote because of the boycott for beijg a winner. U should check the charts of Tattoo and Chachacha. Loreen winning again is the best that could happen to Eurovision, its one of the most selling songs of Eurovision ever
It’s curious. Isn’t it. She was the pre contest favourite all the way, charted around Europe and gained the most streams. Yet when she won fans were brutal.
because the had the obsession because of the youtubers and press that she won because of her fame and not because os the song. And the reality is that Tattoo has become a bigger hit than Euphoria, people loved the song.
Just do away with robotic algorithm voting, please. I’ve been begging this for years. What purpose does it serve? How can it be decided who televotes similarly to SanMarino when San Marino have never even HAD a televote?
56 points every year plucked out of nowhere, one day they might actually decide the winner.
58 points 🙂
But yes, I agree. By now, San Marino can have some sort of app for this, surely.
58. I am a creative type, I don’t do numbers. I use the left side of my brain for my artistic genius, and also for posting many comments online in the early hours of the morning.
The trouble with any sort of tele or app vote for San Marino is that it needs a certain number to be deemed valid, and that such small numbers are open to easy manipulation. Just ditch it completely, I say. It is completely invisible during the broadcast, nobody would ever even notice.
Now that we have the rest of the world vote, skipping San Marino would give 50% jury and 50% televote rather than N jury and N+1 tele 😉
In 2017 SMTV proposed using a demoscopic televote such as us used for San Remo allowing for the algorithm to be used as a backup if issues arise. The EBU turned it down and I can’t understand why. It’s like a jury of the public rather than so-called experts. It struck me as a very valid compromise.
Shame they can’t like go round the city of San Marino and ask people to vote doing a ballot for their televote, that gets counted and then sent to the EBU – similar how you would hold a general election.
Not a bad idea.
It should be 60% juries 40% televote.
I dont trust the public votes, in 2022 they voted for Ukraine because of the war, in 2023 they voted for Kaarija because to avoid Loreen victory just because she was a Eurovision winner. This year they were trying to vote for Iceland, just becuase Bashar is a palestine and EBU didnt banned Israel.
Yet they voted for grande amore and jury gave the win to another generic Sweden song
jurys gave the win to the performance, Heroes that brought Eurovision to the “new technology”. Thanks to Heroes the “staggings” went to another level!. Grande amore wasnt “an amazing song”, only the vocals were good.
this year they will vote for israel because they fish for sympathy votes
no they are against Israel, they wuld have voted for Iceland, thank god, Bashar is elimianted.
This year already shows us where a (too?) powerful Televote can lead (ask Finland, Iceland, Germany, Spain,….).
Spain is on the juries to a large extent (they put Nebulossa on top, tied with St Pedro)
I would keep juries and return them to the semis (unfair advantage for Big 5 and the host country to send jury-bait songs), but revamp them a bit.
The problem with juries is that they are too inclined towards a specific type of song and tend to undervalue entries whose value is more artistic, conceptual and experimental for example Konstrakta or Conan Osiris. I would love a broader-minded and larger jury, or perhaps two juries, 25 percent each.
Konstrakta vocals wasnt good enoug same as Conan, his song was terrible!. If u juries wouldnt apreciette “artistic entrys” Blanca Paloma with a song that came last in televote, never would have been 9th in the juries.
Its not true that juries always voted better pop songs, do u remember where BlanKa, Poland 2023, La Zarra and Alessandra Queen of Kings end in the juries with pop songs?. I also have to remember that Salvador Sobral, Gjon Tears, Ceasar Sampson, Tamara, won the juries with non commercials and not pop songs?
Of course not this year, when organizers will benefit them system most!
OMG EBU decides the rules not the SVT!
100% jury only judging live vocals to get rid of bad singers, silly stagings, dancers and pre-recorded vocals.
That would be zero fun
It’s Eurovison Song Contest, not The Voice
All elements should mater when voting…
– Vocals
– song lyrics
– song composition/music
– staging
It should not just be song…
Also instead of postcards, we can have the contestants talking to us about their grandmothers dying of breast cancers.
I love this thread. EBU should have a look at this thread for ideas on how to change the voting system (should it need be changed). Martin, are you listening? 😉
If the vote went 100% televote what is the likelihood we would see geopolitical blocks voting?
About 163% chance …
Good effing news. They reward good performers and songs the public don’t even care about. Sorry not sorry Norway.
I personally prefer on the online voting to announce the lowest amount of points from the public, it gives me those tense emotions to get excited
Keeping juries is ok but maybe they should rather get rid of that “12 points” system that benefits the top performers only? Or split the points proportionally? (e.g. 25? of voices in the public vote would mean the artist gets 25? of available points)
….drama!! What a sh** show!!
No democracy, no public broadcaster independence…NO EUROVISION!! Out…
Government announcing KAN’s closure for the 5000th time wow big shocker!!!
Hmmm wasn’t aware… that’s just insane!! I
srael likes to show the world how modern they are…well the mask is falling…
Are you obsessed with Israel?
I saw your anti-israel comment with screeming capital letters also under other articles here.
In my country there s also a government party who wants to close public broadcasting who airs Eurovision. I dont read nothing about them here.
Do you want to ban my country too?
Let’s put this way, all countries without freedom of speach, jornalism without censorship is the mandatory number 1 in a democracy…
Sooo if you live in a country that wants to get eliminate freedom of speach, and the media be controlled by politics YES, i do want to ban your country too!!! YES your country does not follow the minimum to be part of this big party!!
It is ridiculous to have different voting systems for semis and final. They trust televoters enough to pick 20 finalists but not enough to pick a winner. And then they don’t even trust their broadcasters’ juries enough and Martin Österdahl gives the points himself. Hopefully, there will at least be a modicum of excitement in the voting this year. Might as pick the winner out of a hat.
*might as well pick
And the winner of the 2024 Eurovision Song Contest is… (picks winner out of a hat). Done.
Thank goodness we got rid of all that extra TV time revealing points.
Knowing SVT’s humour as we do, we can probably predict this sort of thing happening as a comedy gag in the interval. 😀
great the jury get to keep rigging it for their favourite to win instead of the televote the conntest is dead………
Wasn’t this to be expected? They would have announced such a big change otherwise.
The people only vote fore a country, and not to the song
I guess that’s why the same country always wins.
The same country doesn’t always win though
That’s the point.
There are things about the jury that I think are good. There is also a difference in how the jury votes compared to the viewers. The TV viewers usually vote for few songs and different numbers of votes, for example a person may vote 5 times for their favorite. Each juror ranks all the songs they are to judge. This means that even songs that are not their favorites can still get points, as for example a song that comes in 9th place for each person on the jury can still get points. The jury votes after the dress rehearsal,… Read more »
I totally agree with you.
Jury needs equal specialist topics from each person. It currently has femore pop judges than any other genre. Hence why rock and other categories never win the jury. The same old well sung girl pop bop always wins it seems
*far more
Explain Lordi!
Um 100% televote. Mystery solved.
Damn. Ok I’m totally for the juries now
Salvador Sobral with a jazz song, Gjon Tears with a alternative french ballad, Ceasar Sampson, soul song, Tamara Proud, classic ballad, what are u talking about? If any rock song didnt win the juries, like Manneskin was because there is a criteria for the vocals, and Gjon tears has better vocals than Damiano. BTW Maneskin ended 4th in juries, great place and they won.
Of course they’ll keep this system! How else would Sweden win if it wasn’t for juries overrating them every year?
It gives more power to the broadcasters.
Valid point haha
And Ukraine and Italy
When was the last time the juries handed victory to Ukraine or Italy?
The people vote for them so they won.
Yes, this is EBU’s main concern, before they get to bed at night and when they get up in the morning: What can we do to have Sweden winning in eternity? LOL
I haven’t exactly noticed Sweden winning every single year…
Now where did I say that Sweden wins every single year?
If Sweden would have 0 points they wouldnt won, stop acting that they won thanks to the juries, they won because they had the highest scored thanks to the juries and televote.
Finland literally won the televote
Countries just need to understand that you need to satisfy both the juries and the viewers to be able to win.
Juries should definitely co-exist with televote in the semis too, from the moment that smaller countries basically have extremely minimal support now from the televote.
There should be more jury members per country, as there should be 5 people per country today Also more independent than it is today. They should not be appointed by every national broadcaster. Maybe instead of the EBU Over the years, there has been cheating in the competition when different TV companies settled with other countries’ TV companies. In addition, it is not intended that jurors in each country should vote completely individually as they must gather and discuss with other jurors from the country. It has looked like in some countries the group votes/what the TV company wants, not… Read more »
Maybe instead of the EBU.
Over the years, there has been cheating in the competition when different TV companies settled with other countries’ TV companies….
The problem now is that the Big Five + host country have the advantage of being able to send a more balanced entry, appealing to both jury and public. The countries in the semifinal have to send an entry that has to appeal to the public only, which gets them punished by the juries in the final. It’s an unfair advantage for the Big Five
Sweden won last year under this voting system and is not a big 5 member.
However how many big 5 countries were in the top last year? One, only one so if it was a so big advantage for all the big 5 they all should be in the top systematically and it’s not the case.
I’m not necessarily talking about the winner, I don’t think that this system will change the winner, but it does make a difference for a lot of other countries. For example Belgium 2023 was 8th in their semi and became 7th overall in the final because of the juries.
I think Bridges is a good example, just made it to the final in 10th place – but finished 8th overall thanks to a top 4 jury vote. That was close to not making the final!
Agreed! That’s a better example 🙂
It will be like the big five countries and the host country has two chances compared to other countries.
They can get a good placement according to the jury or viewers’ score, while a jury favorite for other countries can already be eliminated in the semi-finals.
Of course, they also have the disadvantage of not participating in the semi-finals.
They might have an advantage, but that doesn’t mean they would take it lol
Even though I understand your point, it’s not really true. To win, a country needs a song able to finish in the top 3 of both jury and public or at least top 5 with one but it would need a strong 1st place with the other. This means that a good song should qualify easily from SF anyway. The new system has more of an impact on countries that would finish around 10th place (7th to 13th) with the old system. Perhaps a country which finished 8th in semi final with the old system would finish 12th today because… Read more »
So we were lucky to have juries last year preventing Cha Cha Cha from winning.
Cha cha cha totally deserved to win last year instead of Loreen.
They pay the most bucks so yes… I would ask for the same myself if I paid more from my pocket! :p
It’s not 50/50, it’s N jury results and (N+1) televoting results.
That hurt my brain
Quite right, the Jury allocate 2,146 points, the public get 2,204 points
I love maths. Gotcha!
Honestly I still find it ridiculous that the semi finals are 100% televote. The big 5 and the previous winner select their song based on other rules than the countries that have to go through a semi final.
And do you think that is to an advantahe to the big 5? Also i thought you voted for a song you think is good, not for a song you think the juries would give high points.
The jury represents the musical industry in fact, they are professional people working in this industry, and for me a winning esc song needs this professional endorsement, it gives more legitimacy to the song than the popular vote imo. It’s Eurovision not a reality tv show so we need absolutely this professional jury vote. The thing I would do personally: in the semi final 40% jury, 60% public and in the Grand Final 50/50 is perfect as it is. The thing that should be controlled is how this jury vote, are they all in the same room watching the show… Read more »
It is not intended that they should vote alone, but should meet and discuss first (unless they changed it to year) I think there should be jury voting in the competition, but there should be a change in how the jury works. It does not have to be the case that there are always experts on the jury, for example when dancers have voted before. The TV voting should be more independent than the jury. The television companies do not decide who voted for the viewers’ points but for the jury. There has been cheating in the jury voting as… Read more »
One reason why telephone voting was introduced was to reduce cheating.
Of course there could hypothetically be fraud in the telephone voting, but the probability should be lower than the jury’s voting.
Digame/EBU is more independent than any national broadcaster.
It is not possible to change the results afterwards for each broadcaster as the point count, vote count of the viewers’ votes since 2004 is managed by Digame.
Norway basically wants to turn eurovision into a copy of their own selection.
Reducing the jury to 40% is a good thing.
How about a Superfinal with the Top-5 or Top-3 songs (after televote and juries)?
Then only televote would choose the winner and also we would be able to crown another 2 songs (medals). It’s a pity to ignore the songs placed 2nd or 3rd.
Just a thought. That would be interesting to see.
The show would be too long.
And people would still only care about the winner
True! I am just saying… But I’d love to see the top songs compete for the win!
I rather like that idea. I always seem to love the songs that come 2nd. #justiceforsonia
I feel that 50-50 juries and televote is OK. I sometimes get pissed off by the result (that I don’t like) but that’s life. It’s fair enough.
I think that the 100% televote in the semis is also OK. Politically speaking, it’s ok to give people the right to choose their songs for the final. Then, juries come in and contribute their points.
Of course, 100% televote in the semis means certain countries with a large diaspora will benefit a bit and find it easier to qualify (e.g. Albania, Ukraine, Poland, Moldova, etc.).
I want juries to remain but I think the main issue is how they are made up and their accountability. I believe that juries in the 90s for example were larger than 5 members and that would be a good option but I’m not sure if it’s affordable especially for the smaller broadcasters. Another option that I have been suggesting for the last 2 years is to make national juries demoscopic ones, accounting for 25-30% of the final result and create a large pan-European professional jury consisting of 150-200 members selected by EBU for the remaining 20-25%. This will allow… Read more »
Accountability? What is a jury accountable for?
For not cheating like they did in 2022 semifinal.
50/50 is how it should always be. Juries should be brought back to the semi-finals too.
We’re about to witness the era of smaller nations barely qualifying because larger nations like Ukraine and Poland are basically guaranteed a seat in the final.
Thank God for that! They should revert also to get 50/50 in the semis. That was the best solution. Having two different systems is inconsistent
Juries are needed.
If you want 50/50 I think 50 public vote, 25 professional jury, 25 fan jury.
Professional jury are so out of touch it needs a remix.
You could even mix them so it’s a jury of 10 made of 5 professionals, 5 fans.
Actually sometimes fans are part of the professional jury.
You’re right, the juries are out of touch.
If I am right, fans are usually part of the jury. At least in certain countries. They are random people from the audience, who apply.
Only in some countries. Others select ‘professionals’ some of which are just random celebrities. That’s exactly why I’m suggesting that all national juries become demoscopic ones and have EBU selecting the real professionals.
The fans in general are less political than regular TV viewers and more aware of the songs.
Points by the fans would be a good suggestion.
Who says that the professionals in the jury isn’t fans?