After weeks of “Will they? Won’t they?”, the EBU eventually decided to approve a revised version of Israel’s song for Eurovision 2024 earlier this week. Now, Eden Golan has officially released her entry for this year’s contest, which is titled “Hurricane”.
Eden Golan was selected to represent Israel at Eurovision after winning the country’s national selection, HaKokhav HaBa. Her song was chosen internally, after multiple revisions.
Eden Golan – “Hurricane” (Israel Eurovision 2024)
“Hurricane” is an updated version of the song Israel originally submitted to the contest. “October Rain” was disqualified over its lyrics, which were deemed too political. It was largely assumed that the song referenced the 7 October attacks.
Eden Golan’s initial alternative to “October Rain” — titled “Dancing Forever” — was then also rejected. “Dancing Forever” placed second to “October Rain” in Israel’s internal selection.
When Belarus submitted a song that was deemed too political in 2021, it was given one chance to resubmit. When the second song was also rejected, Belarus was expelled from the competition.
Israeli broadcaster KAN originally stood its ground and said it would withdraw from the contest rather than amending the words or switching songs. Speaking to newspaper Ynet, a spokesperson said: “We will not change the lyrics or the song, even at the cost of Israel not participating in Eurovision this year.”
However, they then had a change of heart after Israel’s President, Isaac Herzog, requested KAN change the lyrics in order for the country to be present at Eurovision.
Eventually, “October Rain” became “Hurricane”. This new version of the song was then approved by the European Broadcasting Union. In a statement, they said:
“The European Broadcasting Union (EBU) can confirm that the official submission from its Israeli Member Kan has been deemed eligible to compete in the Eurovision Song Contest in May.
“The Contest’s Reference Group, its governing board, made the decision to accept the song ‘Hurricane’ for the upcoming competition after careful scrutiny of the lyrics.”
“It was agreed that ‘Hurricane’ met the necessary criteria for participation in accordance with the rules of the competition.”
Free Palestine. Always.
Are they still screening comments here
The people who made this… wow.
I watched it several times now.
How they transform something horrific into something this beautiful.
I love the suspense and the breaks, the intense meaning of the song, the melody and the uplifting end.
A big part of my votes go to Hurricane.
This is GREAT !!:
This is GREAT:
Why there’s no reacting to the israeli song ?
Are u afraid to loose followers? How come others bloggers react and Wiwi not ?
Yahhh whats going on? Where is your reaction?
Joins the question.. Especially your blog channel, which is supposed to symbolize brotherhood, tolerance and love. What does all politics have to do with all this? The very fact that you choose not to respond to the Israeli song you are already choosing a side and frankly, it diminishes your value. It’s bullying in every aspect
Eden Golan’s “Hurricane” is nothing short of a Masterpiece in the realm of artistic expression. To earn such a title, a song or video must transcend the ordinary, captivating its audience with exceptional storytelling, breathtaking cinematography, and innovative techniques. “Hurricane” achieves all this and more, evoking powerful emotions, sparking profound thoughts, and leaving an indelible impression on all who experience it. One cannot overlook the sheer vocal prowess displayed by Eden Golan, her voice commanding attention with the authority of a true diva. With every note, she delivers a performance that is nothing short of electrifying. The song’s music video is a visual… Read more »
1.800.000 streams on YT in 5 days for Eden.
2.5 milion along with the kan channel…
Ok, we dont see that. Thanks for the info.
And more than 1 Million views on Edens YT channel.
I mostly watch on the singer’s channels to support the artists.
I dont know how the calculation of the views work.
Maybe the same people watch it 100 times,
I watched Israel’s Hurricane so many times. It’s like a short movie with so much symbolism.
Don’t know if all my views count as one or as many.
I hope that all israel supporter will vote for us to balance those n…zis who are spreading hate everywhere with their agreesive comments,,,,
i guess that most of you belong to the ridicilous ”queer for pa,,,stine” mouvement…. see you there after the war, falling fromm roofs…
I CAN NOT wait to see William and Deban discuss this. Can’t wait. Love the song!
They prob will boycott it it’s a shame of them
To be honest, I never thought I would expect a boycott from people like them. I really liked them
Spiritual !
As a dancer myself this song is something I want to do.
Express the emotions of this beautiful woman and people in a dance.
Best I ve seen in a long time.
Nature, wind storm, love Unity , night sunrise, heart beat, breathing, loss, Spirits, fear, Pain Hope
The dance complements her special voice and her pain and hope
Beautiful song.
Love Israel
Looove Eden sweet small woman, strong voice and soul
You want to express the motions of that dance? Just inject meth and look like youre having a fit. That’s what it resembles.
Takes one to know this experience 🙂
Sure it looks weird sometimes. It gives feelings of being in a bad dream, a nightmare.
It’s not an ordinary pop song dance. It’s full of symbolism. It’s contemporary ballet.
But Art can not be explained really. You have to feel it.
The choreographer is Avihai Haham.
I think h@te is never a good vibe guiding us thru the path of excistence for that matter. We will only embrace eathother in healing the wounds of our hurted World. The platform of the Eurovion Songcontest-Concours Eurovision de la Chanson. At this moment it has been screwed up big time. For me thats a big sadness. Give it back to the Peoples. Embracing eachother. From whats left of it. Lets try to enjoy ESC24. Celebrating a Music festival to unite Europe or the World with troops around it with weapons protecting the acts and the audiences………………………….??? The original founders… Read more »
Ohh Fizz… What an idyllic scene (almost a Disney scenario…..)… – WAKE UP dummy !!!! The first question to ask is WHO is CAUSING THE PROBLEMS (that requires such SECURITY operations)? Let me guide you through with REAL life scenario: 1) You open the doors (“your legs”) to “poor” refugees from other cultures (Interesting why it’s always Europe/US, but never Q@tar or S@udi Arabia… (their brothers and with a LOT of Money) 2) You support financially and host them nicely in HOTELS – literrally (BUT – they TRASH it – Why? Because they don’t like the food.. (just recently in… Read more »
Yet Israel has killed over 30 thousand people in the last several months, many women and children. No one holds a candle to Israel when it comes to Terr0rism and indiscriminate killing.
And why H@m@s did’t build shelters to their population to protect them – instead of T3r0r tunnels (ONLY for themselves???). All this outcome (consequence of war!!) blame on the INSTIGATOR of all this: H@m@s!!!!!! You want everything to end?? (as we all do) – tell H@m@s to RELEASE THE HOSTAGES NOW!!! C’mon SHOW YOUR COURRAGE TO DO IT!! Waiting to see….
30k innocent people? That includes the “innocents” with weapons in their hands? That inculdes the “innocent families” who kidnapped Israeli girls?
Somehow the terror that has always been on Islam’s side all over the world, suddenly the Jews are the terrorists, the world has gone crazy, lucky to have Israel and the rest of the world, at some point everyone will find out the truth and then it will be too late
Exactly the program of an Extremist Right Wing agenda.
I bet boy you have posters of Le Penn and Orban above your bed.
Have a nice day as well.
Sure dear, You forgot of Geert Wilders (Netherland), Robert Fico (Slovakia), Andre Ventura (Portugal), Marco Chiesa (Switzerland), Donald Trump (US) etc…. (ALL of them current leaders of the BIGGEST parties of their respective coutries (AKA majority of voters) or leading the rising change of the European/Western population aspirations!
You have a problem with people having other ideas than yours?…. or is it a platform for only “snow flakes”? 🙂
Your accusations are of the same of intolerance as many movements in Europe in the 20’s and 30’s had.
And we know what happened.
Im NOT a snowflake.
I hope the bunchs of worms inside your brain will eat it up and spit it out.
Avada Kedavra
Have faith in humanity Fizz… Society have grown and smarted up since…. We ALL(!) love human beings (especially with good soul).
What is unacceptable is when guests disrespects and denigrates the owner! Voila… (and as we say in French: En est chez nous!! Pas chez vous)
I respect your words in having faith in humanity.
Only nobody owns the planet, its gifted use to ALL souls living on it. We are all created equal.
Cést chez nous et chez vous.
Not the other way around.
I do agree with you Fizz. The objective is NICE (just unfortunately and currently an utopia….) – The BIG problem we have is that the system is not balanced!! We need to have: RECIPROCITY!! 1) I would like to see boats of migrants arriving to the coasts of Saudi Arabia, Quatar, Bahrein, Arab Emirates… What??? They don’t have the space? Money? Hotels? Work? (our (EU) restaurant is full!! we did our share) and it’s their own brothers… 2) For EVERY Mosque built in Europe, A church should/could be built in Turkey, Iraq, Marroco, etc. (It’s not happening, Ahh….it’s prohibited…) 3)… Read more »
I say GRACE to your Words, really I do.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts about your big concerns. Im with you.
Thank you as well.
We seem to agree to disagree as both our takes or approches are different. But still the same.
At least we are batteling eachother with words and not weapons.
Thats my wish for All the planet.
Greetings and all the best.
If you read this and live in Israel click like
Is it your childish TRAP – to catch aka “BOTS”
(:-) 🙂 🙂 whiping my tears from LAUGH!!!!!!!) – even a fish would get it 🙂
You are an Israel bot lol. You’ll be wiping tears when they lose
You show dear great level of frustration…. it makes wrinkles (put some cream 🙂 )
Why people here are so jealous and anxious ??
Is she flying El Al to Malmo? The only airline in the world with more security onboard than passengers.
Currently No. 25 on my list
This a very significant information. Thank you for sharing :))
no comment. Ban Israel
Gosh, You are so cheap and old fashion that I could even SELL you – in a Charity Shop… (with a special Easter discount) 🙂
no comment, but u still bother to comment, sounds a lot like those people screaming on twitter but helping nobody.
No brain.. So far this article has by far more comments than most of the others. So this whole “ignoring Israel” thing is clearly working very well LOL
Eurovision: divided by politics.
Israelis for sure have bots that bump up poll scores on many websites
Happy you are getting anxious 🙂
All countries could have that or not. It’s the false and old narrative of the “big bad and lying” jew.
Your comment is so 1933.
Do poll research and see. I’m guessing you haven’t. If you did you’ll realise it’s nothing to do with Jews but bots elevating polls. It happened last year with Israel too
And still it was TOP 3 in the final 🙂
Yeah bots had it clear number 1 though. Oops
It‘s not like it was bombastic on stage – vocally and choreo-wise…
Anyway, people live different realities these days…
Why people here are so jealous and anxious ??
Another conspiracy theory about Jews ruling the world. Come on. You can do better than that.
Everything you ever needed to know about them and how sneaky their tactics are. From manipulation to lies….it never ends. And then you have the same mouthpieces on here who dance among the comments almost as if nothing ever happened in their country, and that this is the most important thing to them.
Love the hypocrisy of these people.
She will be booed if she turns up and the EBU should hang their head in shame. No one wants Israel in Eurovision anymore except Israel and they have to face that killing 30K people and levelling the homes of 2 million has opened the worlds eye to what kind of country they are.
I’m really MOVED… (the handle of the toilet tank from up position to low…) 🙂
Why do you include me/us? I (as MANY others) actually DO want Israel in Eurovision (they are protecting Europe from Islamic lunatics/radicals – already causing problems in Europe (case Samu3l P@ty R.I.P.) – are you blind?
Speak by yourself…
I want Eden in Eurovision! And public votes in May will show you how we like her and her song.
Gee “Chris”, I wonder what happens in w.a.r.s
How many of those 30K were H.a.mas, do you know?
Israel didn’t start this and it’s being held to an unrealistic standard that no other country would, all the while having an unprecedented 1:1.4 comb.atant to civi.lian ratio in this w.a.r while the UN average for most urban w.a.r.s is talking about a usual average of 1:9
Well said 🙂
I agree. Russia was banned for their behavior, such a double standard.
Russia invaded Ukraine (Ukraine the “victim”..), H4M4S invaded Israel (Israel IS(!) the VICTIM!!! NOT the other way arround!!! In H4M4S charter they vow the DESTRUCTION OF ISRAEL!!! HOW? when the HEBREWS ARE (!) the native indigenous people of the land?… When you mess with a Bear – don’t cry after about your scratches!!! That simple 🙂 and BTW: RELEASE THE HOSTAGES NOW!!!!!
Va bene Bella?…
If this were the entry of, say, Denmark, we could just talk about that it’s a gripping ballad, that there’s a strong vocal and that there’s beautiful imagery in the music video. But it’s not; we all have feelings about what is happening in Israel and Gaza. I would find it unimaginable that Israel would send another Unicorn this year, or come up with something like A million voices. Everything in this entry exudes pain. It does feel one-sided; I don’t think that there’s a way to avoid that. Everything that is still happening right now does influence the way… Read more »
Wiwi deletes the posts ?
This is going straight to the final. Top 10 material.
It was going to be top 10 if it was eden farting for 3 minute. I’m actually not sure how well this would do ordinarily, but I don’t think it would be top 10, its a touch forgettable and I think eden deserved a better song.
Especially Farting in Hebrew – It is soooo Ethnic… Europeans LOVE Ethnic sounds!
It will be TOP 10 regardless!!
Eden is just FABULOUS 🙂
Amazing song!
It is repugnant to me that the EBU examines our song with a magnifying glass, but the fact that it comes from Ukraine (2016) and Croatia (2023) they were silent and these two are just a small example compared to the amount of times politics played a game here
My winner. Beautiful song, so enthralling
A reminder all: the Eurovision stage is not meant to advance political agendas. This applies for both those in Israel who think Eden singing on that stage is some reflection of Israel’s perseverance and those who plan to boo and turn this into some circus or spectacle. Having said all of that — let’s talk about this incredibly powerful song, that is of the same caliber in my view as other mega Eurovision ballads of recent years: Tattoo, Arcarde, and 1944. Hurricane is extremely moving both in terms of the melody and visuals. It builds up nicely towards an emotional… Read more »
Yeah it’s not meant to be political. I wish it was so.
Because the netherlands can make whole song about border policies and the political institution EU and the EBU is just fine with that.
Did you read and look into the exact meaning of the lyrics of Europapa?
Today William had such a nice interview with Joost posted online, where Joost explains the meanings about his song and the images of the vid.
So can you explain jamala’s 1944 song? Can you say it wasnt political??
I like how Israeli bots have ramped up the song on Eurovision world from 3.7 stars to 4.5 within 6 hours lol
Never known such a toxic fan base
Wow.. you’re constantly here commenting against us….. don’t you have other stuff to do?. Get a life (and also get laid… seems you really need it)
Compared to other songs that were hyped here, this is actually good. If Europe was united about Israeli conflict like it is about Ukraine conflict this song would win. And it’s better than Stefania. Is it mind-blowing or anything? No. Is it decent enough for getting top 10, conflict and contest aside? Probably.
Stefania is much better!
I wouldn’t say it’s better than Stefania. Stefania was unique, catchy and very Ukrainian. This is a very well made ballad but it’s definitely more on a standard side. It doesn’t really represent Israeli culture like Stefania represented the Ukrainian culture.
Europe aren’t as united as with Ukraine because we’re not all genocidal psychopaths.
“Opening the legs” to radic@I Islam (as REurope does) is being maybe not gen0cidal but def Psych0paths…
At the end of the day, it is a damn strong melody. And it struck me when I first listened to Hurricane last night. Despite all the cruelty of the context (and I mean not just October 7th itself), I can relate to the lyrics on a personal level.
Having said that, I was thinking: Was this just PR, after all? Because it seems kind of clever to first put the October Rain lyrics out there, so now everbody knows, what KAN/Eden/the songwirters wished to say. And the change will be discussed for the coming weeks…
I was thinking the same thing. Plus it made everybody to talk about this entry. EBU kind of played to Israeli hand with this because they could have just approve the original version without making all the fuss. There was nothing in the original words that was worth disqualifying.
I do like Eden’s voice, Song no forced one. Touching me, in my top 5, will call from Austria for Israel. Glad, Israel will participate and I ll watch her on ESC-stage. Crossing my fingers, Eden will deliver.
Without taking sides in current conflict, i believe that Israel should have done the right thing and withdraw. They, and everyone else know that having them in the contest is security risk. Withdrawing would not be a sign of weakness but a sign of care for all other participants and fans that will be in Malmö.
That’s the problem of Europeans…. The security risk issues NEVER come from Israelis but from Isl@mic lun@tics !! Confront them for gosd sake and be brave (like Israelis)… Don’t cry me a river and be c0ward like a lamb! It’s YOUR problem not Israel’s. Man Up!!
I did not say that Israel is security risk, but Israel is bringing the risk with them. You can down vote me all you want, but that is the truth. And since you started it, brave like Israel? Killing children? Very brave!!!!!!
So? what’s your point?… No one in Israel wakes up in the morning to “kill children” (fool). All what is happening is a consequence of war (something you don’t know obviously sitting in your leather sofa in an air contitioned room and pouring nonsense on the web with your illuminated keyboard) – and ALL instigated by H4m4s!!! THAT’S the TRUTH. Confronting Islamic lunacy is BRAVERY!! (something YOU don’t do – c0ward). You want everything to stop? TELL H4m4s to RELEASE HOSTAGES NOW (be BRAVE) and instruct YOUR police to do their job and arrest IMMEDIATELY any public mob disorder and… Read more »
Every single Eurovision fan who doesn’t want israel in this contest is a security risk. I’m honestly afraid of what they might try to do to the Israeli delegation and fans. That’s not a reason for Israel not to go. If anything, it’s a reason to ban other people from coming.
Well said Elisheva!
Ah, so this is the excuse, “security risk”? Don’t worry dear, they are only after Jewish blood. You’re safe.
No they are after anyone that’s against Islam, their way of life…
In that case it doesnt really matter if Israel is in it or no I guess?
Israel is not the one who’s creating the risk but the violent “Palestine supporters” who are plotting to hurt people in a song contest the same way they hurt people in the Nova music festival. You are barking at the wrong tree. Terrorism should be eliminated everywhere.
Politics aside, This song is nothing special. It sounds like an X factor song, does she have a good voice? Yes. Is it anything unique? no. I don’t even think changing the lyrics as much as they have would have made this song any better. Israel hasn’t sent a single song that I like since I’ve watched the show. They have also sent my worst song ever in the competition (toy), so I wasn’t really expecting anything special.
Oh I imagine that you were saltier than the dead sea when Toy won and later became a TikTok trend. That brings a big smile to my face, thank you.
As salty as the Dead Sea. Hate that song with a passion. 🙂
Please remind me though, what was the Tik Tok trend? What did that entail?
Jesus this thread is like KAN bot central.
And just for the record, everything about this entry is so beyond wrong that I am lost for words.
They’re so manipulative to call any critical thing about the song as antisemitism.. I’m so exhausted.
Want an Aspirin?
No you need to get ur head checked cus you silence and bully us lol
Didn’t your parents teach you – that when you play with FIRE you might get burned???….. If so…- or your parents failed or YOU are a failure….
being critical of a song isn’t being racist
Saying Israelis are manipulative and that the comment section is controlled by Kan bot central, is.
Any facts to subtantiate your nonsese?? or it’s your defensive mechanism delusion?…
Firstly, what a beautiful voice Eden has, and what a wide range! I was not expecting that! 🙂 Secondly, this song would have evidently been one of the better ballads of the year, if it wasn’t for all the stuff I shouldn’t write about. Back to the music. Let’s have a look at the music a little more (spoiler alert for the Wiwi Jury)… The Chorus is where the emotional power is, and it’s the song’s inner strength (A minor to E minor, before resolving to G and D). It is musically a hopefully sadness, thanks to the rise to… Read more »
i mean at the end of the day even if they arent banned i dont see a world where they will qualify. no one other than brainwashed israelis will vote for israel and the song itself is extremely basic and boring. we atleast wont suffer their presense in the final
Not bored yet from your shenanigans? (that btw no one gets convniced anyhow – besides YOURSELF?). Want a tranquilizer? or a Baby Sucker? (which size: 6-18 months or up to 3 y/o?)
Amazing song ! THE BEST IN THIS YEAR it’s the WINNER 2024 …
I’m going to ignore this song and won’t listen to it voluntarily. Period!
Your lost …
If that’s your opinion I’m OK with it. But I’ve been a Eurovision fan since 1971 and I can’t see why a country doing what they’re doing right now should be allowed to join the party in Malmo. It’s my way to show my annoyance about the decision. You may like it or not, you may say I’m lost, but it’s something I stand for 100%.
Really? What did you do during the 30 years conflict between the UK and Ireland regarding the Northern Ireland? Did you boycott? Did you protest? Did you vote for them? There were thousands of victims.
Your country is financing the terror organization, Unrwa. so how can i call Norway? a terror supporting country?
Hellelujah !! We sure won’t miss you
You haven’t missed me before either, so that won’t make any difference.
Well said!! NEVER missed you!! (no one misses irrelevant people)
Well said from you too! Because that’s exactly why I haven’t missed you either. Plus the fact that we before this conversation didn’t know about each others excistense.
Exactly what makes my life Happy 🙂
You’re definitely over evaluating your self importance. I ignore many entries for all kinds of reasons every year. I don’t dramatically declare it on the comment section about those entries as if it’s some important event. Ignore all you want and just shut up, you don’t matter as much as you think.
Awww. You’re right, guuuurl. Stick to your UB40 cassettes.
“Hurricane” is my favourite song of the year. Having watched the music video: music, lyrics, voice, visuals, aesthetic and choreo are so powerful. Beautifully done, kudos to all involved!!!! My key moments from the song and the music video: the beating heart of Eden and the dancers – the nuance is *amazing*. the segment with relative silence and sounds of elements – sooooo unexpected and impactful the wordless vocalization Eden’s serene look on the orange sun and black aesthetic the words in Hebrew sang with inti mate and subtle instrumentation are emotional and tear-enducing; in my personal view they are… Read more »
Are you an AI?
Why do you assume any positive comment is a Jewish controlled AI bot? It’s a good song. Enough with your conspiracy theories. Dude.
Not a dude. I’m a lady. And lots of comments here are soulless, a bunch of pretty words joined in one paragraph that, actually, it says nothing interest. The song is an okay, not Mozart’s magnum opus, so I don’t believe in all these comments written by robots.
An excellent ballad, develops beautifully and catchy. They need to invest in staging; really hope it will be captivating and unusual that has not yet been seen in the competition There are not many ballads in this year’s competition; in the second semi-final it is only this song and Latvia’s song, so I have no doubt that she will stand out very much in the competition, she has an outstanding voice and a powerful and professional performance, this is the best ballad that Israel sent to the competition except for “ Hasheket shenish’ar? by Shiri Maimon in 2005 ,it’s gonna… Read more »
Oh Shiri Maimon, I still listen to that song. I was 25 back then! 🙂
I think it’s a great song! In my personal top 3;
Changed the lyrics but it’s still the same song, same meaning and everyone know’s what it’s about. They could have made the song about anything else really. Non political my a$$. Here we go with the pity votes. Ukraine should make a weeping entry as well, include Russia back and let the Palestinian guy go for Iceland to make this a complete s#it show.
This is a song competition. Each song should represent its country. Israel just went through one of the worst terror attacks in modern history, including slaughtering of whole families in their homes, kidnapping of Holocaust survivors, and mass rape. What did you expect the song to be about? Butterflies?
Your name suits you well.
My all time fav comment about this topic around.
You figured whats its about. You are a bloody genious I tell you!
They will win and then what? We are about to witness the self-destruction of Eurovision.
We simply can’t have nice things.
Sure… first grow up to pay your bills and if something remains… – then you can afford having nice things 🙂
Eurovision has been hosted by Israel 3 times already, the conflict was there all those times, and it didn’t hurt the contest. I am 100% sure that the contest will eventually come back to Israel, and it will be as great as in all the other times. People like you are rather uninformed or stupid or I don’t know what.
I’m not stupid. Europeans are. You are yelling all day with your golden medals on the chest, sometimes showing support to one side of the coin (an Israeli flag), sometimes the other (a watermelon, bc it seems you are afraid of using a Palestinian flag… Weirdos), believing you are morally superior, but you are just a bunch of uninformed ignorants full of money stolen from the part of the world you call “third world.”
So look at yourself before telling a South American you are superior. Pathetic capitalist.
WOW, now that is hurricane, I wonder if Israel going to be boowed, like Iceland 2006 silvia’s sing of dog word, because of Gazza issue or they will ignore politic and respect performer,l!!! Good luck
According to EBU’s rules, “songs should not be politicized and/or instrumentalized and/or otherwise being the contest into disrepute”. “And/or” is a key part of this sentences cus not all songs that are disqualified must be political. My point is that Hurricane can be considered as not a political song, but it is clearly used as a “call to action”, or in other words, a simply instrumentalised song. Some of the YT comments are enough evidence to prove the song’s actual appeal. So this song is also in breach of the rules, even IF it’s not political.
you’re throwing a tantrum, maybe drink some water to calm yourself down.
I’m not throwing a tantrum? I just pointed something out lol
What the hell are you talking about, did you HEAR Jamala’s words in 2016?! This is the most generic love song comparing
Then You should disqualify every song that people have disputes over them. Like Tattoo for example that brought all sorts of allegations of corruption in the contest and the favoring Sweden over other countries. Disqualify it, no ESC in Malmo. Is that your point?
I hope you’re not a teacher
Do you agree about the fact that israelis can have feelings? it’s an emotional songs and express our feelings. Are we aloud? or you are not confirming?
The song is superb and Eden’s voice is phenomenal. The uprooted tree and cosmic bodies imagery and choreo and Eden and dancers looking upward are remarkable.
It’s height there’s light and it’s phenomenayc.
The song itself is fine, if the ongoing situation in Gaza wasn’t happening I’d be OK with it doing well, but I’ll probably end up ignoring it when they perform. Would rather they weren’t there, especially from a security point of view. I do suspect that they will make the final though, RoW vote will most likely give them 12 and there will be people who actively vote for them regardless. One suggestion to the crowd in attendance, I would remain utterly silent throughout, any other reaction will be used by them politically (either we’re being supported or we’re being… Read more »
we need advanced security because of the participation of countries that support the terrorism such as, IRELAND, NORWAY and ICELAND( for funding terror organizations)
I genuienly hope that if Israel is allowed to participate that Eurovision has the lowest viewership ever and is cancelled moving forward. We dont want Israel here spreading propaganda
I actually think it will be the other way round – high viewership, especially for the Israeli song. How about the option that YOU play into a huge propaganda mechanism without even realizing it? Our social media tends to show one side only, I cannot suggest more than you trying to get informed about the other side too. There is a great book (and content) by a lady named Noa Tishby. If you want to think of me too as propaganda go ahead, it’s your thing. But know that for Israelis, Eden’s song is purely and expression of a very… Read more »
no propaganda now though, the message is more personally for Eden, nothing about it at all anymore
How naive are you really?
WE – you mean “I” ??? CLOWN!!! (who cares?). Take a one way ticket to Antartica (and FORGET to return…. you won’t be missed 🙂
There isn’t geno:side
This is a war, a war that Israel did not start, it was imposed on Israel. And not Israel violent the ceasefire on early in December.
And in a war as in a war.
I would expect in Egypt
Show Arab solidarity and open its gates and let Palesti)nians from G:aza into its territory until the war is over, and then they will return to Ga;za again. By the way, this is exactly what Egypt did in 2008.
What happened in 1948 though?
Queen Juliana took over the dutch throne from her mother Queen Wilhelmina who abdicated after 50 years. Big post war event being mentioned as The greatest show in the world at that moment by international media.
Yes dear – what happened in 1948?…. The House owners (Hebrews) came back home to find a bunch of Squatters (aka imaginary Balestinias (P does not exist in the Arabic Alphabet) in the Home…. Owners – IN Squatters – OUT.
That simple 🙂
Are you forgetting how successful ESC 2019 was despite all the calls of boycotting it? It doesn’t work, find something better to do with your life.
We need to put pressure on each individual broadcaster if we want the gen0cidal state of Israel banned. Iceland is already on the tip of dropping out, if we all start putting pressure on them it can be done! Dont give up<3
what about putting pressure on hamas to bring the hostages home
BREAKING NEWS: ICELAND is IN (but YOU (!!!) are OUT!) ha ha ha…. Continue living in La La LAND
first off learn how to spell properly if you want to argue online. secondly Iceland being in doesnt mean anything has changed. Third, the person living in lalaland is you if you think Israel is gonna go on stage and not get bombarded with booing
We’ll provide (FREE OF CHARGE) a good Throat Syrup for the ones waisting theirs voices in booing… 🙂 🙂 (PS – don’t preach about spelling English darling… OFYI – doesnt (as YOU wrote) is actually SPELLED doesn’t….
I’ll tell you a secret, your booing will change nothing regarding the war in Gaza. So you can boo intill you you suffocate, it just won’t matter.
I’ll tell you a secret, your booing will change nothing regarding the war in Ga*a. So you can boo untill you you suffocate, it just won’t matter.
Iceland is one of the most unsuccessful country in Eurovision. You’re not in any position of making a statement. Sweden is. Ukraine is. And some other are. Do you want me to remind you how many time Iceland failed to Q?
Politics aside, the song is nice and has a nice build-up. Not many ballads this year so it should stand out. If they manage to pass their semi final, I don’t see them in the top 10 however.
I really hope Iceland will withdraw. That would be a strong sign against the hypocrisy of the EBU of letting Israel participate this year.
Me too. Honestly, we could definitely do without the Icelandic entry.
I agree, but still I hope Iceland doesn’t decide to stay away for several years, cause apart from this year’s winner I really liked their entries lately.
I mean we will not miss the song, but still sad that a country will leave just because of this
“just because of this”
Letting a country participate after having killed more than 13 000 children isn’t reason enough?
politics politics politics
Just because you’re ignorant about politics, doesn’t mean it hasn’t got it’s effects even in music competitions like this? Even in deciding which countries/songs can participate, influencing the voting because of what’s happen in the countries, or promoting propaganda through visibility and support.
I am not ignorant about politics, but I can distinguish between music and politics. If we have to ban people because of politics, then there are almost no countries left lmao.
Yeah why would someone not wanna compete along side a gen0cidal state? No idea
I will not discuss this. I’m not taking sides in this matter. my thoughts go out to all the victims and the innocent people on both sides.
Describe gen0cide darling? ….. STOP repeating slogans without even understanding the meaning of them!! EDUCATE yoursel FIRST before shaming yourself in public!… (you sure may continue your ignorant SHOW here – as we are really missing some PROFESSIONAL CLOWNS to entertain us all 🙂
Their decision is up to debate whether it’s justified or not tho. Unless it could’ve been without warning i’d understand (like how Finland and Estonia did with Russia in 2022) but it all seems like a deliberate move because they were planning since January. I’m not saying they’re responsible for stirring up the political status of ESC but they’re making it look like they had internal problems in their NF (hello Ukraine 2019) so i don’t really know what to think of Iceland’s move. I feel bad for Hera, we need this queen back.
UPDATE: RUV confirmed her for Eurovision!!
i hope not, Hera’s song is among my favourites such a easy listening radio friendly chill bop
Agree, it would be a shame to not have Scared of Heights this year. It’s my guilty pleasure actually.
We don’t care! Why don’t you understand? We are here to talk about SONGS. Stop poisoning us with your agenda.
Some people are offering us excelent information, great articles. There are plenty on wiwi. Don’t disregard them. Read them. Be resonable. Write to your MP if you have some political concerns. We are here for music, songs, and artists’ related drama. Now f— off!