Photo: Visuals of Kyle

Malta is set to take the Junior Eurovision 2024 stage on 16 November in Madrid. Ramires Sciberras has been chosen to compete with “Stilla Ċkejkna,” a heartfelt ballad intended to move the audience.

Scroll down for the “Stilla Ċkejkna” lyrics

Malta in Junior Eurovision 2024: Ramires Sciberras with “Stilla Ċkejkna”

Twelve-year-old Ramires Sciberras began his music career at the age of eight, when he started taking singing and piano lessons. Although he has lived in Malta since he was four months old, he was born in Cambodia.

In terms of stage experience, Ramires competed in the prestigious Riga Symphony competition in Latvia, where he won the “World Hit” category.

Ramires has numerous hobbies, including playing Roblox, swimming, painting, reading, and traveling. On Instagram, he shares covers of Eurovision artists he admires, such as ABBA (Sweden, 1974) and Barbara Pravi (France, 2021). Among his inspirations is Destiny, who won Junior Eurovision for Malta in 2015 and later represented the country at Eurovision in 2021. Ramires and Destiny met in person at TVAM Malta.

Ramires earned the ticket to Madrid by winning against 13 competitors at Malta Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2024

What do the “Stilla Ċkejkna” lyrics mean?

The entire song is sung in Maltese and tells Ramires’ life story. The title, translated as “Little Star,” speaks to his journey, where he likens himself to a little star discovered in the dark universe: “Because I’m a little star, with dazzling light, you found me.”

The lyrics reflect Ramires’ connection to his adoptive parents, who have given him the chance to live a joyful and loving life. This song is an ode to them, expressing his deep love and gratitude. In the chorus, he sings, “With one smile, I perceived the significance of love/ This new life with you by my side, I discovered myself.”

In this powerful ballad, Ramires pours his heart and soul into a message that resonates universally: when we feel lost, the right path and people will eventually find us. The song inspires gratitude for those around us: “Like a little star that is growing, somewhat somehow lost/ The light leads me, guides me, you found me.”

“Stilla Ċkejkna” lyrics – Ramires Sciberras (Malta JESC 2024)

Lyrics and music: Lon Kirkop, Aleandro Spiteri Monsigneur, Peter Borg

Maltese text

Bħal stilla ċkejkna, fil-kobor, fid-dlam mitluf
Ma nafx x’ser jiġri, kif se nħossni, fejn ser immur

Sakemm dawl ċkejken mix-xemx ġie jdur madwar, jinsab hawn qrib
Għax stilla ċkejkna, b’dawl jiddi, sibtuni

Bi tbissima waħda fhimt xi tfisser li tkun tħobb
F’ħajja ġdida bikom ħdejja sibt min jien

Intir ‘il fuq fejn nista’ noħlom
Qalb dad-dwal għalikom inkanta dal-kliem
Jekk beżgħan, għax bla tifsira
B’ħarsa waħda mtlejt b’kuraġġ dejjiem

Fejn inkun, tinsabu ħdejja
Ngħożżkom miegħi tul dan il-vjaġġ sabiħ
Mhux beżgħan għax minn hawn id-dawl
F’għajnejkom jiddi qisu ix-xemx

Bħal stilla ċkejkna li qed tikber, kemxejn mitluf
Id-dawl li jmexxini, jurini, sibtu lili

Bi tbissima waħda fhimt xi tfisser li tkun tħobb
F’ħajja ġdida bikom ħdejja sibt min jien

Intir ‘il fuq fejn nista’ noħlom
Qalb dad-dwal għalikom inkanta dal-kliem
Jekk beżgħan, għax bla tifsira
B’ħarsa waħda mtlejt b’kuraġġ dejjiem

Fejn inkun, tinsabu ħdejja
Ngħożżkom miegħi tul dan il-vjaġġ sabiħ
Mhux beżgħan għax minn hawn id-dawl
F’għajnejkom jiddi qiѕu ix-xemx

Għajnejkom qed jiddu bħax-xemx
Għajnejkom qed jiddu bħаx-xemx




English translation

Like a little star, in immensity, lost in darkness
Uncertain about my imminency, my feelings, my immediate destination

Till a dim light emitted from the sun shrouded me, near me
Because I’m a little star, with dazzling light, you found me

With one smile I perceived the significance of love
This new life with you by my side, I discovered myself

I fly high where I can dream
Surrounded with this light I sing these lyrics for you
If scared, because of meaninglessness
A look inspired me with everlasting courage

Wherever I am, you are by my side
Embracing you throughout this wondrous journey
Not scared because the dazzling light
In your eyes radiates like the sun

Like a little star that is growing, somewhat somehow lost
The light leads me, guides me, you found me

With one smile I perceived the significance of love
This new life with you by my side, I discovered myself

I fly high where I can dream
Surrounded with this light I sing these lyrics for you
If scared, because of meaninglessness
A look inspired me with everlasting courage

Wherever I am, you are by my side
Embracing you throughout this wondrous journey
Not scared because the dazzling light
In your eyes radiаtes like the sun

Your eyes glisten like the sun
Your eyes glisten like the ѕun

What do you think of “Stilla Ċkejkna” by Ramires Sciberras. Is this one of your favourites in this year’s contest? Let us know in the comments below.

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1 month ago

This is the first completely Maltese language song that has ever been sent for junior eurovision, and that means this is the first junior eurovision where we don’t have a 100% English language song in the contest. Yes, we do have songs that contain English lyrics, but with the UK abstaining and Malta sending something in Maltese for once, we don’t have a fully English language song this year.

1 month ago
Reply to  BadWoolfGirl

english is Malta their language, not this fake arabic

21 days ago
Reply to  Anonymous91

Our language is Maltese then English. Nothing fake about the Maltese language.

Ria NL
Ria NL
1 month ago

This song is my favorite. I love it very much. Ramires sings it very beautiful . Malta can be very proud of him. I like it that the song is sung in Maltese. I will vote for it. I wish him good luck in Madrid with a great result.

1 month ago

this kid was lucky there wasn’t corruption in this years NF then lol

but no, it does nothing for me

1 month ago

This one is criminally underrated by the fandom (as always) but imo it will do very very well and deservingly. Good luck Malta!

sparkling points
sparkling points
1 month ago

What a moving and heartwarming song. Strength, fragility, a certain sadness, courage, intense love and gratitude and hope. This song speaks at so many levels <3

1 month ago

I like this one, it’s cute! I do hope that the live performance will have improved audio quality though