Photos: RÚV / Ragnar Visage

After crashing out of the Eurovision 2024 semi-final with a last-place finish, Iceland are determined to come back stronger in Basel. Broadcaster RÚV has now unveiled the ten acts and songs that will be competing in their national selection, Söngvakeppnin 2025.

As usual, all artists must sing in Icelandic during the semi-finals of Söngvakeppnin. Those that reach the grand final then have the choice of changing to English (or another language), should they intend to sing in this at Eurovision — eight of this year’s acts have recorded an English version of their song.

We want to know your thoughts on the ten selected songs. Which ones are standing out? Who could give Iceland the comeback they need in May?

Scroll down to vote in our poll

Söngvakeppnin 2025: Competing songs

Click on the song titles to listen to each song.

Poll: Who should win Söngvakeppnin 2025?

You can vote for as many acts as you wish, but we’ll only accept your votes one time. So think carefully before submitting!

The semi-finals of Söngvakeppnin 2025 will take place on 8 and 15 February. Three acts from each show will progress to the grand final on 22 February.

During the final, the result will be determined by a 50:50 split between public voting and seven international juries. For the first time since 2013, there will be no super-final round.

Which song is standing out to you the most from Söngvakeppnin 2025? Do you hope the winner sings in Icelandic or English? Share all your thoughts in the comments below.

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16 days ago

They should totally send ROA
And make a funny scene at the finals (:

Euro Fan
Euro Fan
21 days ago

Please withdraw

21 days ago
Reply to  Euro Fan

Why are you spamming everywhere?!

22 days ago

As much as I think Birgo has a decent song, it’s only good in Icelandic. Every song on the list is an NQ.

23 days ago

They are awful. NQ for sure!

Bjarki Þór
Bjarki Þór
23 days ago

Day one getting wiwibloggs to review Söngvakeppnina 2025?

Eurovision fan
Eurovision fan
24 days ago

I am genuinely disappointed and sad to hear how much nepotism there is involved in whole this process and how many talented artists in Iceland with potentially great songs are rejected because they don’t have connection links with RUV. That makes it hard to me to show support to any of these competing artists.

Stian F
Stian F
22 days ago
Reply to  Eurovision fan

What are you talking about? Almost all of these are debutante in Songvakeppnin…

And which ones got rejected? Would love to hear some of those entries as well…

Stian F
Stian F
24 days ago

While listening to “Stormchaser” i was literally just waiting for Fred Buljo to jump in and do a joik anytime! Feels very much like a KEiiNO-song, and not a bad one either. I do prefer the Icelandic version though truth be told.

VÆB is serving folksy epa-dunk, just like Fröken Snusk did last year in Sweden – the song Sweden should have sent then. It will all come down to the live performance for this one.

The rest of the songs didn’t stick with me that much, yet…

24 days ago

To me, all of them sound so generic and bland. NQ vibes…

Euro Fan
Euro Fan
21 days ago
Reply to  Dida

Withdrawal vibes more like

25 days ago

Am I the only one who thinks VÆB sounds very 2003?

Leendert Jan
Leendert Jan
25 days ago

Geez listening to these songs seemed to drag on for hours! To me it’s even worse than last year’s selection; most of these are totally uninteresting, cliché and badly produced. I’m somewhat OK with Tinna’s song which sounds kinda pleasant. I guess Birgo’s song wouldn’t be that bad either, but it still feels like a cheap Keiino knock-off. VAEB is probably a strong contender as it does stand out, but tbh it’s a crap song.

25 days ago

Birgo with Stormchaser!

25 days ago

Some interesting Spotify stats of the 18th of January:
#3 Róa
#15 Eldur
#36 Eins og þú
#38 Fire
#41 Þrá
#44 Norðurljós
#50 Ég flýg í storminn
#64 Frelsið mitt
#67 Aðeins lengur
#77 Rísum upp
#82 Flugdrekar
#94 Like You
#141 Stormchaser

25 days ago

I like Words best. But I’m also fine with Stormchaser or ROA

25 days ago

Can Iceland be trusted after they chose Hera Bjork over Bashar last year and came dead last in Malmo.

25 days ago
Reply to  Cassette

They’ve actually revamped their voting system this year. No superfinal voting.

24 days ago
Reply to  BadWoolfGirl

And internationell jury voting

24 days ago
Reply to  Denis

Yes, that’s true.

Amaan Storm
Amaan Storm
25 days ago

It’s Birgo or Bia for me.

That Vaeb song is a perpetual migraine and that key-change is honestly terrible.

Silon Jssn
Silon Jssn
25 days ago

Has anyone listened to the lyrics of Tinna’s English version? Literally so great. Hope she wins because there’s such a story behind them!

Bjarki Þór
Bjarki Þór
25 days ago

Hope they Væb winns loved there song last year and also this year ???

25 days ago
Reply to  Bjarki Þór

I agree love the song

Stig Karlsen Fanclub
Stig Karlsen Fanclub
25 days ago

Vaeb are a Vibe!

25 days ago

My fav is Tinna in Icelandic personally.

25 days ago
Reply to  PhrygesStan

I can see the appeal for Birgo song, very Esc coded, impressive high note at the end but I prefer PRÁ.

Liam Lindsay
Liam Lindsay
25 days ago

Stormchaser, only if they do half Icelandic lyrics as minimum.

25 days ago

Why are Væb back? They can’t sing live. Like the studio version for their song this year is pretty decent, but those boys need autotune and they can’t have it. If they were gonna come back they needed to stick to the rap and maybe a featured vocalist if they wanted a lyrical chorus. They are gonna have another disaster performance and qualify on name recognition a second year in a row.

Bjarki Þór
Bjarki Þór
25 days ago
Reply to  Elizabeth

They were not known before the Söngvakeppnina last year. And after the söngvakeppnin last year they had the most success after the competition and got a lot of gigs in Iceland. They’re mostly back to get attention like Sigga Ósk last year, and if they get to Esc 2025 then that will be a good bonus!

25 days ago
Reply to  Bjarki Þór

I know they were well known before last year. That’s why I suspect they will float by on their recognition a >second< time. My issue is that unless they spent a lot of time working with a vocal coach in the interrim, they will still be an act that relies on autotune and other mic tricks to sound good live. That's fine for their spotify streams and concerts and I'm glad they are successful with that model. But that kind of stuff is banned at Songvakeppnin and Eurovision and I don't need that kind of assult on my ears to… Read more »

25 days ago
Reply to  Elizabeth

If you seem to absolutely hate væb then why are you using your time to comment about a music style that you clearly dont like when others do. Of course you can say your opinion but an assault on your ears is a bit of an exaggeration. Well anyways i hope your ears get better, and maybe you can find something else to do with your time than hate on young adults expressing themselves through music:)

Bjarki Þór
Bjarki Þór
25 days ago
Reply to  Elizabeth

I agree but I think that they can sing RÓA better than Bíómynd

25 days ago

Tinna has a really good quality bop. Subtle but effective. Butttt.. Birgo will win though and can’t predict how it’ll do in the ESC SFs!

25 days ago

Words is the best song, keep it in English too. We need a break from these rock /techno blasting songs like Puppy from Finland and Roa from Iceland, which are getting repetitive and old school. Been there done that, as they say. Time for something to shine and stand out as unique, Indie possibly.

25 days ago

The Birgo song is so sad. This is where I need Purple Mask to let me know that the songwriters have deliberately selected a key which is known to pull on heart strings, and it’s definitely working for me – all I want to do is cry when it comes on, even if I think it is supposed to be thematically uplifting. I’m also enjoying Vaeb – this song is connecting with me more than their previous Eurovision effort. Stebbi Jak was the other one which grabbed me on first listen – I felt it was let down a little… Read more »

25 days ago

While I think this is a slightly better selection than Norway this year, but not as good as Finland, the majority of the songs just blend together for me apart from a couple. Vaeb’s song is the only one that’s really standing out to me as a choice for Eurovision, although I will accept Birgo as my backup option.

25 days ago

Much better than previus years. Not a bad selection at all. For me there are two standouts that should win: Stebbi Jak and Væb. These two are the best and could give Iceland good spots. Imagine how cool an Icelandic party banger would have been!

25 days ago

no Bashaar? what a joke. Bye Iceland, bye Felicia

Amaan Storm
Amaan Storm
25 days ago
Reply to  colacoca

Bro, that was last year. After the 5h1t5h0w that last year turned out to be, i don’t blame him for not wanting to return.
The fandom need to move on now. He’s bigger than this.

Alessio Gori
Alessio Gori
26 days ago

I love Iceland and PLEASE send Birgo. Her song Is good and she sing so well! She can qualify! PLS send her and not Væb, their Song feels like something i have listened before… Send Talent!!

Mr X
Mr X
25 days ago
Reply to  Alessio Gori

But only in icelandic version, please. It`s so much better,

Alessio Gori
Alessio Gori
25 days ago
Reply to  Mr X

I love english versione too! I think She prefer english version.

23 days ago
Reply to  Alessio Gori

She wants to do both languages but does not know if RUV is okay with that

26 days ago

Vaeb or Birgo FTW!!

26 days ago

Typical line up for Iceland, like in Denmark. Nothing that really stands out with a lot of kinda average pop songs. They will never win this way. I refuse to believe the land of Bjork and Of Monsters and Men don’t have any better options.

VAEB and BIRGO sound interesting though. Juli & Disa would make it for me too.

26 days ago

Disappointing selection- a lot of the songs are sub Herra standard and we all know how Herra performed.

Vaeb and Stebbi Jak are the most interesting in my view and have the most potential.

Knut Olav
Knut Olav
26 days ago

Many good songs, but Tinna is by far my favourite here. “Words” is in my Top 3 for the whole season so far! Love it so much!

25 days ago
Reply to  Knut Olav

Did her boots stop workin ‘?

Iván el Conquistador
Iván el Conquistador
26 days ago

VAEB, of course. Techno dance sounds mixed with a violin? I like the combination.