Eesti Laul 2025 is drawing ever closer.
A total of 16 acts will compete for the right to represent Estonia at Eurovision 2025, but only one will secure the ticket to Basel.
You’ve had plenty of time to acquaint yourself with this year’s competing songs, so now we want to hear your thoughts.
Who is bringing the best song to the table? Which act could give Estonia a top tier result in May?
Scroll down to vote in our poll
Competing songs
Should you need a refresher of the songs, then take a listen to our Spotify playlist.
Poll: Who should win Eesti Laul 2025?
You can select as many of the 16 competing songs as you’d like. But you’ll only be able to submit your votes once — so think carefully!
Eesti Laul 2025 will take place on 15 February from inside Tallinn’s Unibet Arena.
There will be two rounds of voting. Initially, a 50/50 split between jury and public voting will take place to select the superfinalists. Then a second round of 100% public voting will determine the winner.
Who did you vote for? Is there a potential Eurovision winner amongst this Eesti Laul selection? Share all your thoughts in the comments below.
Hey Tommy’s haters, there will be a bloody fight, but Tommy will win the Estonian song contest 2025 anyway, whether you like it or not..
Tommy Cash doesn’t need eurovision, eurovision needs Tommy Cash!
I’d love that Janek goes to the ESC. Love his voice. I was already a fan of “House of Glass”
Me too..
My favourites are Minimal Wind and Ann-Marlen. This “Latte macchiato”-crap is very overhyped
An-Marlen and Minimal Wind are my faves!
Hands down “Külm” is my favourite in a strong year for Eesti Laul, and one of the best songs imho in the national final season so far. I will support Estonia in Basel if they send it. I won’t be mad if “Espresso Macchiato” wins but I don’t think I’ll care too much about Estonia’s result in May if that’s their choice.
respect your choice but Külm won’t win
‘Külm’ would be my choice. It has the aura and the depth of modern sound that made me love Loreen, which coincidentally reminds me so much of her song ‘Forever’. It isn’t a face value dance/trance track. It has so many layers, has atmosphere and a beautiful delicateness to it that makes it interesting to the ear. I can imagine it being staged the way Aminata Savadogo’s “Love Injected” was staged. A real light-show that plays with the rhythms and sounds nestled within the production. Or they could go down a much more cinematic and artistic route. Either way, this… Read more »
literally anyone except tommy cash
Anyone? So I’d have a chance. (Maybe a double piano with Alika, now there’s an idea for 2026.)
“Kulm” by far. One of the best songs in this NF season.
strongly agre!!!
agree* sorry
Until Italy starts up, I think Estonia has by far the toughest NF selection of 2025. There are so many songs in Eesti Laul this year that I love. I’m already heartbroken that only one can win the selection. Having said that, this is the right year to send Tommy Cash with a song about coffee. It’s probably the least risky song Tommy will ever bring, and it’s guaranteed to cheer a lot of people up (except maybe the Italians). If it’s not Tommy, then there are plenty of others Estonia can send: An-Marlen is a rising star, ANT has… Read more »
Kulm and Frozen for me. Maybe I need to put the heating on?
I’d have no qualms with Tommy Cash winning, it is classic Eurovision fare.
Agnete will be your iiiice-breakerrrr when you’re stuck in fro-oh-oh-zen water (fro-oh-oh-zen water).
Let’s see what other old Eurovision temperature-related lyrics we can dig up… Ohh I remember this one:
“Touch my fire, can you feel the heat?”
And more:
“Iiiii try to keep us alive, but you’re cold, cold, so cold. Every second my heartbeat ends.”
Ma ei tea sind is my favorite, but my favorite never wins Eesti Laul, oh well. There’s a few other good songs.
The espresso song, however, is so annoying I couldn’t even listen to it all the way through. Also what’s the need to mock the Italian language and culture? You wanna do satire, do it with your own language and culture. I have hated the Eurovision trend of the last few of years of using random words in Spanish and Latin “sounds” as a gimmick and I hate this as well.
the male singer of ma ei tea sind is a horrible person, but other than that i agree with this
My top 5: Minimal Wind – I like this song so much. The atmosphere and the vibe of this song is so amazing. Sadly it won’t win. Tommy Cash – Unique song and I’m confident that the staging would be funny and entertaining. It would be a miracle if he didn’t win. Andrei Zevakin – Very contemporary, we need this kind of music in the ESC bc this song draw the attention of the younger generation. Janek – Very good song but it woldn’t stand out in the ESC. Ant/An Marleen – They have a decent songs as well but… Read more »
well said, a nice comment!
I honestly think Tommy Cash is the stand out and should win. I can’t see anybody else taking it. I don’t think he would win if it was just a joke act but I see it more of a satire. Funny how ESC fans call everything weird a joke entry..
It’s a song about dealing with stress and dealing with a stressful working environment. It uses satire to highlight how businesses and people in general don’t take stress seriously.
Exactly. Satire. The same way both Rim Tim and Cha Cha Cga used satire.
But majority of ESC fans seem to lack basic comprehension or something
Cha Cha Cha and Rim Tim Tagi Dim basically spoonfed the meaning of the song and its satire. Espresso Macchiato doesn’t do that. When a weird song doesn’t spoonfeed its meaning and satire, it’s often just written off as a joke.
Satire can be explained very easily and still be satire. Movies do it easier. The Simpsons are satire for instance.
This song is not a joke nor is the two mentioned. They all satirize today’s society. At least how I see it
Indeed. We are on the same page.
Espresso Macchiato is a pure satire depicting our modern lifestyle
Seems Stereo Terror doesnt have a chance…
Estonia have rejected their identity in favor of garbage like Crone’s, Uku Suviste’s and now mindless meme trash Espresso, sad
shut your trash mouth please……SHUSS
Estonia has always been one of my favs in ESC, but Tommy Cash is just bad. Please, choose anyone else (Minimal Wind would be a great choice)
Tommy isn’t bad, sorry you don’t like it
This might be the most obvious winner in Eesti Laul history lmao. If Tommy Cash doesn’t win i’ll genuinely be floored. It’s not even that i love his song, it’s just there’s no way any other artist beats him.
If their format didn’t have a televote only superfinal he might lose, but with that in place it’s a given.
I said this once and I’ll say it again. It’s “everybody vs Tommy Cash”.
Tommy Cash will obviously win, he could’ve also been internally selected lol
He is easily the best in Eesti Laul, but the Wiwibloggs crowd is not ready for that.
Anything but, Espresso Macchiato. That song is dire and a complete joke, a bad one indeed. A 62% chance to win according to the odds on, that is the definition of delulu. If Estonia chose this monstrosity, please be like Moldova and have several seats and exit stage right expeditiously.
You lack the media literacy to understand Espresso Macchiato. People like you write everything weird off as a joke entry..
That’s insulting. Loved Cha Cha Cha and Rim Tim Dagi Dim. This is just a massive joke.
“Massive joke” maybe learn to understand the lyrics?
I am sorry for saying that rudely, but still.. Someone who has basic media comprehension knows by simply reading the lyrics that Espresso Macchiato is not a joke entry. It tackles a very serious topic even the EBU just recently started taking measures for: stressful working conditions.
We all can like and dislike the songs we want to like and dislike, but that does not change that Espressio Macchiato is not a joke entry.
I absolutely do not care if you like Espresso or not, but if you criticize something then please be polite, your comment is insulting and aggressive
If it’s not külm I’ll cry. That song is the most magical three minutes of this season