After two internal selections in a row, Slovenia is bringing back their national final back. And now, broadcaster RTVSLO has unveiled the twelve songs that will take part in EMA 2025.
Slovenia’s entry for Eurovision will be chosen at the selection on 1 February, set to be held at the RTV Slovenija Studio 1 in Ljubljana.
But before the nation makes up its mind, we want to hear from y’all.
Take a listen to all 12 songs below and then let us know which one of them stands out as your favourite.
Scroll down to vote in our poll
EMA 2025: Competing songs
Click on the song titles to listen to each song.
- Anna – “Čau”
- Astrid and the Scandals – “Touché“
- Eva Pavli – “Niti“
- Jon Vitezič – “Vse Ti Dam“
- July Jones – “New Religion”
- Kiki – “O-Ou!”
- Klemen – “How Much Time Do We Have Left“
- PolarAce – “Kind”
- Rai – “Frederick’s Dead”
- Trine – “Grace”
- Žan Videc – “Pusti Da Gori”
- Zven – “Divja”
Poll: Who should win Slovenia’s EMA 2025?
Go vote for as many entries as you like in our poll. But, remember to choose wisely because you can only vote once.
What do you think? Which act can keep Slovenia’s qualification streak going? Let us know in the comments below!
Zven’s song is great!
I got nothing to say … go internal next time.
i have this crazy theory that they may withdraw after the semi allocation draw
I really like Frederick’s dead and New religion.
I think Frederick’s dead could be more impactful on the Eurovision stage though.
Good luck Slovenia !
It feels like the visualizer was made for July Jones and everyone else had to do it in front of the same background
My top 3 (in no particular order) are Niti, O-ou, and Divja. I don’t get why people are so down on this selection in the comments. I think a fair few of these songs have potential once we see the visual package.
same top 3, the tasteeee
Feel bad for saying this, but skipped all entries. Wtf is going on with Slovenia? Just… disappointing, I guess
Unbelievable that we have to go to the broadcaster site to listen to the songs, and not on YouTube or Spotify.
Most of these songs sound AI generated. This selection is lacking some creativity, too much auto-tune and boring lyrics
“divja” is my favourite, but it’s a meh selection overall. they have a chance to qualify though, but only if the winner has a good revamp and staging
At least they went for the ” out there” selection. Truly songs you don”t find anywhere else. It’s brave. Might be a good thing and it might be a bad thing. But I salute the bravery
Klemen all the way for me, what a masterpiece he got
More like diasterpiece.
A trainwreck of a selection, and here I thought ours was bad. At least, it ain’t as unoriginal and predictable as Norway’s.
I only like the song Niti sung by Eva Pavli
Jon Vizetic is my favorite of this selection, something about his song really gets under my skin.
There are some really good performance pieces here, songs that would be a spectacle in Eurovision. Slovenia has some good options here to make an impact.
Some interesting songs here. “Grace” is the most obvious choice here as it is a coherent song that can appeal to many, and it is also well composed – could be a new “Snap.” But I do love the tribal spiritual “Divja” – we have never had throat singing in Eurovision before and that surprised me when I heard the song. This national final even has 2 musical entries: “Kind” is a very good musical number, while “Frederick is dead” is just a weird horror musical song, but it will go straight to my Eurosong Halloween playlist for sure. “Niti”… Read more »
Honestly not that bad. There are some good songs: Touché, Niti, the Klemen song, Grace and yes Fredrick’s Dead. Sounds like a Tim Burton musical
I prefer Touché or Grace, they gave something
Slovenia do us all a favour and only ever go internal cos what is this.
The more NFs come out the more I’m convinced the top 5 is just going to be Sweden Italy Israel Ukraine and then a fifth mystery friend like usual.
Ukraine is not even in the race anymore …
Neither Sweden nor Italy came in top 5 last year. Israel hasn’t even chosen a song.
It might become a 2011 type of year where the 12s will go in every direction and no clear favourite… OR we will get another run away jury winner just to avoid a certain country winning…
UK and France should really check the temperature now as they both are in with a massive chance now if they pick the correct internal choice….or we might just end up in Prague next year. Who knows. Way too early to predict anything yet.
I’d like a year where there’s much more variety in the 12 points given out then just one or two countries dominating the jury and televote.
Who should win? Nobody.
This must be one of the most boring and underwhelming Slovenian selections probably ever.
KiKi seems the only one with a promising and unique entry.
Let’s see if Slovenia gets more than the 22 total points of last year.
They would be lucky to even avoid getting zero points.
Sorry Slovenia, but what is this selection? After two very good entries, this is extremely underwhelming. Based on the first listen, their qualification streak seems to be over.
Now that’s what I call speed. Congrats Wiwi