Lithuania continued its search for a new Eurovision star with heat four of Eurovizija.LT 2025. Nine new acts competed for a place in the final.
Only two of these hopefuls could return to fight for the ticket to Basel on 15 February in Zalgiris Arena, Kaunas. In the end, it was Katarsis and Amoralu who progressed to the finale.
The show, as per usual this year, was presented by Gabriele Martirosian, Nombeko Auguste and Rimvydas Cerniauskas.
Eurovizija.LT 2025: Heat four
The result was determined by both a jury and the public, who each account for 50% of the score.
Jury vote
- Katarsis – 12 points
- Amoralu – 10 points
- The Ditties – 8 points
- Liepa – 7 points
- Mario Junes – 6 points
- Ustin – 5 points
- Godo Yorke – 4 points
- Joseph June – 3 points
- Siga – 2 points
Public vote
- Katarsis – 12 points
- Liepa – 10 points
- The Ditties – 8 points
- Amoralu – 7 points
- Joseph June – 6 points
- Ustin – 5 points
- Mario Junes – 4 points
- Siga – 3 points
- Godo Yorke – 2 points
Combined final results
- Katarsis – 24 points
- Amoralu – 17 points
- Liepa – 17 points
- The Ditties – 16 points
- Ustin – 10 points
- Mario Junes – 10 points
- Joseph June – 9 points
- Godo Yorke – 6 points
- Siga – 5 points
Running order
- Siga – “Walking with My Shadow”
- Ustin – “You’re the One”
- Godo Yorke – “<3 neparodai”
- Joseph June – “Ko man nesakei?”
- Amoralu – “Freedom”
- Katarsis – “Tavo akys”
- Liepa – “Ar mylėtum?”
- Mario Junes – “Bury Me”
- The Ditties – “Zui Zu Bi”
What do you think of Eurovizija.LT 2025 heat four? Do you agree with the results? Let us know in the comments.
I don’t get Lithuanian juries, so cold-hearted tank such a gem
Despite liepa’s song being the most viewed out of all the entries it really felt like the jury was deliberately scoring her down to keep her from qualifying despite going second with the televote. Because I don’t know what they saw in that song freedom that made it more worthy to go to the final. If She had 10 or eight jury points to combine with the televote ten points , she would’ve been second instead of third. It almost feels very petty because supposedly she’s emulating Loreen too much. It feels too much like the Polish jury ranking Jann… Read more »
I am so happy for Liepreen staying in the semis. 2007 is over, please stop with this generic music. I am also very excited, because the final will be chill – Petunija and Katarsis both are the winners for me, and one of them will win for sure.
Liepa didn’t go through because of her resemblance to Loreen. Lots of people noticed that and the jury was maybe a bit too strict to her. I voted for Katarsis tonight but would have liked to see Liepa in the final too.
Also – 3 points to Joseph June??? The juries have to wake up 😀
I won’t lie, despite being a fan of the song I felt that the performance tonight was kinda forced and there was too much of a “Tattoo” vibe in there. Shame, because the song is very good and Liepa supported it very well vocally. I think it’s a wasted opportunity there for Lithuania.
At this point, as much as it hurts me to say this, I want Lithuania to fail to qualify this year so that it can kick start some much needed reforms. Namely, cut down the number of competing songs and try to attract higher quality entries.
Despite the early hype, Liepa didn’t make it because the jury scored her too low. I thought she would captured 10-12 points. Will there be a similar outrage, or will people be distracted because Katarsis captured both Jury and televote 12 points tonight? I have a feeling after this selection is over, there’s going to be discussions about changes.
Just 7 points from the jury is a joke imho. I think that Lithuania needs to get rid of the multiple heats eventually, especially if good songs are eliminated so early.
I have a list of things for the organizers to do to improve this selection. First off, don’t have so many songs competing. I think the most it should be is 30-36 max. I would prefer 20-30, but that’s not my call. Let’s go back to heats and semi finals and a final. Too many good songs are being left behind because they didn’t make the top two.
It almost feels petty.
What a shame The Ditties didn’t qualify – they had really fun song
Liepa is out?! Oh well, I didn’t expect that.
Genuintely shocked. I thought she would have it in the bag. My estimation for Lithuania has gone down again. But at least the jury and televote agree on the same winner tonight, right?
And we have the same situation again as the last week. Liepa was robbed.
Absolutely! When there’s a tie I really think the tv viewers should have the last word… I’m happy for Katarsis though:-)
Iepa out?!? Rude. But congrats to Katarsis and Amoralu
Lithuania have two international hits on their hands – Katarsis and Liepa were absolutely immense tonight.
But only one got through.
I know, it is sad and a little bit ridiculous, but those are the rules of the game. I do wonder sometimes if the jury understands the potential that there is in some of their acts, I feel like Liepa’s track would have much more international appeal than Amoralu.
Is there a rule that Nombeko can’t go to Basel?
Tavo akys is giving The Cure vibes.
Have we reached the end with the two finalists yet?
The Ditties are a fun group and the vocals are good, but I don’t think we necessarily need this song in the final.
it’s a guilty pleasure for me because I like that sound, but I am not expecting it in the final. Once heat five airs next week, I’ll protect you my top 10 of the finalist and some honorable mentions of songs I like that didn’t make it through. I’m not doing a full top 44 ranking, no way.
Mario Junes was good as well.
Too bad his song wasn’t as good as his last entry.
I really liked Liepa. I was a bit “noooooo” when that beat began after the intro, but in the end it was pretty good. Will most likely save it in my playlist.
Her song is actually the most viewed Out of all the entries for Lithuania election this year. Either almost or crossing 200,000 views since it dropped last week. I hope it’s genuine hype and not manufactured with bought views.
She is pretty known name on Lithuanian music scene and also quite liked. It’s most likely legit.
200,000 views and around 3k likes on that video, we were just discussing the views might have (at least partially) been bought
Not necessarily. I almost never put likes on the videos I watch.
Leipa definitely should go to the final with that performance
Good to know that she performed the song just as well live as in the studio cut. Do you see her as a finalist?
Vocals were very good but the choreo felt a bit under-rehearsed. Definitely deserves to qualify and there’s room for improvement until the final. I’d say that “Ar myl?tum?” is probably my favourite so far in the Lithuanian selection.
Katarsis on top
Personally, Tavo akys doesn’t really do it for me but I won’t hold it against it if it qualifies tonight.
Godo Yorke really went all out on that performance for all that it seems she didn’t have much if a staging concept.
I hope that the jury and Televote can agree on the same two qualifiers tonight, whether it’s 24 (12+ 12) and 20 (10+ 10), or tie with the same top two (10+ 12).
OK, my fellow Lithuanian eurofans who are you most hyped for in this heat and who do you want as your two finalists? I wrote down my picks earlier, but it would be intriguing to see what some of you want.
I was expecting more from Godo Yorke. There’s still hope for Katarsis
Based on the songs that are performing tonight and their studio cuts, I would pick “Ar myl?tum? and “Ko man nesakei?” As my two finalists (yes, I’m actually picking a Joseph June song considering how much I hated his last two efforts. It’s a major improvement.). But anything could happen tonight.
I do think that Joseph June had a glowup. I really hated his previous two songs and looks but I could listen to this one and he looked cute as well.
I concur with you about Joseph June. I didn’t have high expectations for because of his terrible past entries, but give him the credit for actually improving. I’m not expecting him to qualify tonight, probably get 3rd at the most and just miss out but any upgrades need to be applauded.
Good luck everybody tonight
Ustin has a really good vocal, but the song is a little bland
Studio cut wise, that song doesn’t do it for me.