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Wiwi Jury review
46 posts
Wiwi Jury: Malta’s Brooke with ‘Golden’
“You can’t dim Brooke’s light — this lady is fierce!”
Wiwi Jury: Malta’s Jasmine Abela with “Alive”
“You need a DIVA to pull this song off.”
Wiwi Jury: Malta’s Corazon with “Falling Glass”
“This is Valentina Monetta 2013, but with much better timing!”
Wiwi Jury: Malta’s Deborah C with “All Around The World”
“It reminds me of late nights with sticky endings in Ibizia”
Wiwi Jury: Malta’s Daniel Testa with “Under the Sun”
“I’m still waiting for that explosion”
Wiwi Jury: Malta’s Dario with “I Love You”
“One of the most clever entries in this year’s MESC selection”
Wiwi Jury: Malta’s Domenique with “Empty Hearted”
“A finale song from a Disney Channel Original Movie.”
Wiwi Jury: Malta’s Sarah Crystal with “Right Here With You”
“It’s like sugar-free ice cream or caffeine-free Coke — promises a lot, but fails to deliver that buzz.”
Wiwi Jury Results: Malta is our favourite to win Junior Eurovision 2015!
Australia and Slovenia round out the top three.