Spain is heating up this week! Edurne’s ‘Amanecer’ will be revealed this Sunday at 12:00 CET and RTVE is making us anxious. Anxious and envious, because the broadcaster uploaded a video recently which features the reactions of some Eurovision-related personalities after listening to “Amanecer” for the first time.

Rosa López, Anne Igartiburu, Elena S. Sánchez, Martín Barreiro and José Ramón Pardo are the lucky people (we are hating them from now on, right?) who got the chance to listen to the Spanish song for Vienna. They all agreed that Amanecer is a killer tune!

Apparently, Edurne adds another “powerful-woman-with-strong-song” to this year’s competition. RTVE’s version of the Wiwi Jury agrees that the Spanish song sounds great and that Edurne is telling a fierce story about recovering from heartbreak with a lot of strengh and power. She had no choice but to become ooooh-oooh a wa-rri-or

Anne Igartiburu (National Final host last year) said the song sounded like a powerful war cry and Rosa López (Spain 2002) was completely feeling the song. Elena S. Sánchez (Spanish spokesperson in 2011 and 2012) commented that even though ‘Amanecer’ is completely in Spanish, everybody will get the chorus in Europe. Let’s hope this doesn’t mean something like ‘Amanece-e-e-e-e-e-er’ repeated to death. Please.

There was also time for a little chat about Edurne’s stage costume. Red, gold and brown were discussed but all of them agreed it had to be a bright dress to, as Rosa says, “fit the brightness of the song”. The Spanish representative looked so delighted with the ideas and so did we… can you imagine her in Vienna wearing something similar to her clothes in the cover of the single? *gorgeousness overload*

In other news, the Spanish representative also wanted to throw some light at Amanecer’s launch. She pointed out on Twitter that the song is to be released on on Sunday. We’ll have to wait until Monday to have the song on all the music platforms. The music video will be released on March 9.

Is RTVE making you impatient as well? Are you counting the hours until Sunday? Good news then, ‘Amanecer’ is only two days ahead!

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9 years ago

It can’t be better than Italy

9 years ago

There’s too much hype for this song to be good. They should have taken the UK approach: make a positive comment, announce a release date and let the song do the talking. This comes across very much like they have no faith in the song.

9 years ago

Was there big hype for this as Pastora Soler for 2012? I don’t remember as I wasn’t heavily into the ESC news as I’ve been this year.

9 years ago

Hebbuzz already said what I was going to say, obviously they’ll say they love it, they’re spanish 😛 It would’ve been more significant if the reaction came from international people.

And I also second Freyah, this hype built around spain coud be a double edge weapon, sometimes having such high hopes can be a curse.

But the wait is almost over! Let’s see if this Amanecer is as good as they want us to believe 😛

9 years ago

If you ask your friends they ‘ll all applaud, ask your enemies and you might get an honest answer. So I’m not impressed with the ‘experts’ saying it’s a killer song. Espoecially if one of the experts is Rosa (Yooooorops laughing a silly nation)

Edward Nygma
Edward Nygma
9 years ago

The song comes in tomorrow. Tomorrow out top 16 lists will rise to top 21 (Hungary, Finland, Moldova, Slovenia and Spain).

9 years ago

They know they have a song that could win ESC. Im quite sure that it will be a big contender, just wait and you’ll agree.

9 years ago

They’re certainly building up hype. If it matches the hype it will do fantastically in Vienna. If it doesnt than Spain can count themselves out, and all the promotion will have been counterproductive

9 years ago

That`s just annoying…Come on! Show us the song!