Wiwibloggs is a community of more than 40 contributors reporting on the Eurovision Song Contest from around the globe. We are always looking for news writers, video editors and social media experts to join our team.
News writers: We’re looking for people who can write up current Eurovision news for the website. We’re looking for both people with a general interest in Eurovision and also people who have a specific interest in the Eurovision scene in their country.
Video editors: We’re looking for editors who can promptly edit clips for our popular YouTube channel.
Social media experts: We’re looking for people who can help keep our social media channels updated, and help expand our social media presence.
Who can join team Wiwi?
You don’t have to be a professional journalist, video editor or social media expert. Our contributors are students, consultants, artists, writers, accountants, fathers, mothers and bankers, among other things.
But we all love Eurovision and most of us can string a sentence together in good English. You must be 18 years or older.
You can learn more about our team members on our Meet the Team page.
Can I get press accreditation to Eurovision?
The number of spaces allocated to each news outlet for Eurovision is strictly limited. We tend to select team members who are proven long-term team contributors and who have specific skills to offer in the Eurovision press room.
However, there is still plenty of work to be done by the team members not in the press centre — and it’s a great way to get involved with reporting on Eurovision.

I’m not from a country that competes in Eurovision — can I still apply?
Absolutely! We have team members from New Zealand, Venezuela, the United States and beyond. It is useful to have contributors from other time zones who can work on stories while Europe is sleeping, and we welcome different cultural perspectives.
Can I apply to only be in wiwibloggs videos?
Unfortunately not. We are not currently recruiting for vloggers. These roles always go to existing wiwibloggs writers.
Can I apply to only be part of the Wiwi Jury?
Unfortunately not. The Wiwi Jury always comes from our existing team of writers who can put their skills and knowledge towards assessing songs in the Wiwi Jury.

Should I know anything else?
Yes. As at other professional news outlets, we edit stories for clarity, tone and content. If you’re a diva and can’t handle a bit of constructive criticism, our relationship isn’t going to get off the ground. We offer news with views, so it helps to have an opinion. While we do edit our writers, we don’t censor them.
We’re a harmonious team and a close-knit online family. Manners go a long way when getting in touch. Please be nice, as we don’t do nasty. We also don’t tolerate racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia or transphobia in our team.
Cool. So how do I apply?
If you’re still interested in joining, please send us an e-mail telling us a little bit about yourself—where you are, how old you are, the skills and experience you can bring to wiwibloggs, what you do when you aren’t watching Eurovision, and why you want to join the blog.
If you’re applying as a news writer, please also send us three news story ideas that we should be writing right now and write one of these articles up in its entirety (around 200 words) so we can see how you write. If you’re unsure of the wiwibloggs style, take a look through our recent archive. Please note: We’re interested in current news stories — NOT opinion pieces.
If you’re applying as a video editor, please send a showreel and/or recent examples of your video editing work.
Once you’ve done all that, e-mail your stuff to [email protected].
Due to the volume of applications we receive, we regret that we are not able to respond to all enquiries. We’re also pretty slow to respond. If we haven’t come back to you in a month, please feel free to give us a poke.