Jüri Pootsmann

Last year in Vienna Elina Born and Stig Rästa were one of the favorites and finished in the top ten. Building on that Estonia has upped their game and are aiming high yet again. After two semi-finals and a one week break to re-fuel for the Eesti Laul final, the Baltic country has finally chosen Jüri Pootsmann with “Play”.

The winner was selected in two stages. Firstly, three acts were chosen by 50% jury votes and 50% televotes to advance to the super final. They were Laura with “Supersonic”, Jüri Pootsmann with “Play” and Cartoon & Kristel Aaslaid with “Immortality”. Then the winner was selected by 100% televotes.

Jüri’s performance was remarkable. He brought a chilly, detached energy to the audience, he hit all his camera angles, and he made everyone — most especially me — believe what he is singing. The smokey, 1960s vibe works so well — and he had the styling to match.



Our First Reaction


Eestilaul Results Jury Televote


eesti laul 2016 jury votes


What do you think about the results? Did your favorite win? Let us know in the comments below!


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9 years ago

@marie I was supporting Grete Paia and Laura aswell

David Who
David Who
9 years ago

Apologies for bringing politics up, but hypothetically if Russia win this year, then pass a proposed law not allowing two men to show affection in public (but still allowing two women to do so), this could mean that 2017 will be designed as an all-female affair anyhow!! (You know, in quiet protest?) 😀
I’m all for 2016 being all/mostly male, as long as we have all/mostly female in 2017. For balance sake, (and politics etc). 🙂

9 years ago

@Marie your comment about penisvision was discussed in our news.

as a supporter of Laura or Grete you still shouldn´t feel so threatened by the male prevailance. you should just let them have it. it´s all cool. Laura and Grete are tough women (Grete is from Saaremaa, they say the roots of all the people there is in the vikings) so they will just laugh it off.

9 years ago

Redfox-sama, just in case you want to know: I was supporting Laura and Grete Paia. 😉

9 years ago

Sorry, Redfox-sama, I am 18 years old and I will try to be polite with you. Anyway, I did not insult you, so I do not understand why are you complaining about my behavior.

I am not Estonian and I am talking about ESC 2016, not just Eesti Laul.

This year, we have Sergey, Justs, Amir, Joe & Jake, Nicky, Ivan, Lighthouse X, Hovi, Freddie, Douwe, Serhat, Jüri, Highway, Minus One, Micha?, Nika Kocharov & Young Georgian Lolitaz, the guys from Argo, Deen and Jasmin Fazli?. This Penisvision is happening just because of Måns, that is my point of view..

9 years ago


Your comment is truly insightful!

9 years ago

Laura was better and her song deserved to go to the grand finale. 🙁

9 years ago

‘Play’ reminds me somewhat of Malcolm Lincoln’s ‘Sirens’ from 2010 which was even more experimental, psychedelic and perhaps ahead of its time. Juri looks like someone teleported from the Sixties with his impeccable sense of haute couture and his dramatic low bass voice type is beautifully juxtaposed with the female background singer in the chorus. There is a touch of melancholy, darkness, quirkiness and allusions to big band swing sounds that are cleverly woven into this intimate ‘Icebreaker’ song (unlike another ‘Icebreaker’ from an icy water…), but I have no illusions that this is a song that one needs to… Read more »

9 years ago

don´t snap, Marie, I bet you are younger than me, so be polite to unni.
We have had many female singers going to Eurovision, Sandra, Birgit, Tanja, Elina,we haven´t had that many male singers who actually sound like MALE singers. Till now, only Ott and Stig.

Your problem is unfounded when it comes to Estonia specifically. if you are talking about ESC in general, well, it is just how people and juries chose – THIS time.

Margaret Burger
Margaret Burger
9 years ago

Greet is so hottt and the most talented. She is the best performer.

9 years ago

After disappointing semis they finally chose the right song for ESC. It’s a safe song, dramatic again like GtY but with a different sound. And his voice is amazing. It should qualify, but that doesn’t always mean it will… As it seems, for Mick pedaja to lose out of the superfinal, he had to score lower than the other three. The remains televote points are 5, 8, 10 and 12. Laura must have gotten at least 10 or 12 points while Mick only got the 5. But I reckon Jüri got the 12 as that would explain why he won… Read more »

Pastora Soler haha!
Pastora Soler haha!
9 years ago

Very similar to The Netherlands

Not my cup of tea. ZzZzZ…

9 years ago

Great song, love his voice. Welcome to my top5

9 years ago

The safest choice.
Juri guarantees them a place in final. Mick was a potential Eurovision winner but also could have gone home in the Semis if Europe did not get it.

9 years ago

Not bad at all, I must say. I personally like it a lot. Cool song and performance. I think Estonia will get yet another top 10 this year.

9 years ago

LOL @Frenkc, to think Juri looked pretentious. Really? Take several seats.

The Top 4 were good. I like Immortality but very underwhelmed with the staging (over reliance of graphics) and I’m sure Kristal was really programmed w/ the graphic (just look at the mic hand and the cartoon not really following the same direction).

Congrats to Jüri!

David Who
David Who
9 years ago

I was mezmorised by Mick Pedaja’s Seis, and I’m disappointed that the song didn’t finish in the top 3 (even though it barely qualifies as an actual song).
For me, Cartoon, Kea and I Wear* Experiment all stood out. Juri’s performance came across as bland and uninteresting, although the song is very good: I can see why it got top jury marks. Laura’s Supersonic did a lot better than I expected (well done Laura!). Congratulations to all of the performers – it was an excellent national final from Estonia this year, well done. 🙂

9 years ago

Ehhhh. I don’t care for the chorus melody, which doesn’t much fit his deep voice. A straight-up ballad would’ve suited this guy better, rather than this almost midtempo song which has hints of soul but never really commits to being soulful.

9 years ago

Another one of my favourites win! Great job!

9 years ago

I wasn’t talking about backing vocalists, I was talking about lead singers. Capisci?!

9 years ago

I really wanted Cartoon to win, this song just isn’t clicking for me :/

9 years ago

His song is ok.
But seriously Jüri inspires me so much bad feelings… He looked so pretentious and contemptuous during the voting period. He thinks so much he is the best that I wish he fails in the sf.

9 years ago

OMG this song is dull and not inspiring.. it will likely not make it to the final. and if it does it will end up in place 25 or similar…..

just plain boring

9 years ago

Estonia, another country entering my “countries that disappointed me” list…

9 years ago

@Rimant Laura didn´t win cause estonians don´t like people who only dress in their underwear.

9 years ago

@WTF can’t help but point your nickname describe how am I feeling reading your comment. I advice you to look which songs will be in the first semifinal and then you will realize what is the point of my comment. But anyway, I just said there is possibility that we won’t hear this song twice in Stokholm.

9 years ago

Marie you make me lagh. you did notice there were also two girls on the stage? I am so glad, it was worth the multiple heart attacks and nosebleed I got from all that pressure. oh gosh. I don´t want to live through this ever…I mean, until next year. also, I am glad that taking a picture with a lunatic like me on Thursday did not bring him any bad luck. I was worried. well- maybe it was Gonzo power? Who knows. I don´t even care about which place he gets in ESC, Europe has tp hear him, that´s all.… Read more »

9 years ago

His vocals were stunning! So is the song of course, was my favorite of the night.
Once again, amazing job Estonia!

9 years ago

bad choice..Laura was worthy.. 🙂

9 years ago

So the Baltics will be the standouts in Eurovision for the second year in a row (minus my Lithuania). It’s my number-three, love it so much.

9 years ago

@logic: I can’t help but point out your comment doesn’t really live up to your nickname…

9 years ago

YASSSS!!! I’m so happy!!!

By far the best peformer and song!


9 years ago

Finally, a classy song which I can call a favorite! 🙂

Welcome Estonia to my number 1 spot of my top list containing only 3 songs which I deem as good (I have second thoughts about the Netherlands, though).

Estonia, France, Latvia & The Netherlands.

Everything else can go to hell. 😛

Amor A.
Amor A.
9 years ago

I don’t get the hype around this song. It really is the most boring of the bunch.

The Anders
9 years ago

I got a new number 1. I like this song a lot. Well done Estonia and good luck 🙂

9 years ago

James Bond song? Haha. There is a chance that Estonia won’t go through semifinal this year. Estonia is in the first semifinal and there are many great songs so it will be tough.

9 years ago

Thank God, I was so scared thinking that Laura might win.
Estonia chose the best song and performer.
Congratulations, Juri.
Estonia is, for now, my personal favorite of this year’s Eurovision (as they were last year)

9 years ago

Great choice, good song and nice results after the complete crap at Melodifestivalen

9 years ago

@Kirill and Paul D.
Well, a guy won last year, but that does not mean that it will happen in 2016.

Anyway, I like guys and penises, but less is more.

Hello hi
Hello hi
9 years ago

Stylish slick and classy .. Well done Estonia.. Will get around same position as last year ..

Leo M
Leo M
9 years ago

I like the studio version of the song, it’s something different for Eurovision but I don’t like the live performance. Needs some work, maybe get rid of or change the backing vocalists.

9 years ago

Awesome news! Thank you Estonia, finally something really good. Top 5 sure.

9 years ago

I honestly think he can win Eurovision, i’m hoping so anyway, him or Justs from Latvia

9 years ago

Wooot Juri Pootsmann! Good choice! Good luck in Stockholm!!!!!!!!

Paul D.
Paul D.
9 years ago


Do you have anything against man?
There’s actually more women so I don’t understand what you’re meaning… maybe a Femalevision Song Contest

Esc Phanie
Esc Phanie
9 years ago

Congratulations Estonia, amazing song again this year¡¡ Good luck

9 years ago

estonia went for the safest entry in a field of unique sounds (IWE, Go Away Bird, Seis, etc. etc. etc.)
dont see this going far, seis was robbed

9 years ago

Marie – What is your problem? -_-

9 years ago

Ok it’s not as great as Goodbye to yesterday.Last year Estonia deserved top 5. This year maybe top 10 or top 15

9 years ago

Another man? Welcome to Penisvision 2016!