These are tough times to be a German Eurovision fan.

But S!sters won’t give up after their 24th place finish. Just days after the grand final they’ve given their first response to the German broadcaster.

In an interview with German broadcaster NDR, S!sters’ Carlotta Truman and Laurita Spinelli gave their first reaction to the events of Saturday’s grand final.

For them the whole Eurovision bubble has been nothing but a great experience. Ever since their win at the German national final, they’ve been able to grow their bond and — most importantly — develop a friendship that will last for a long time.

The girls also point out that they gave their all and delivered their best live performance yet on the Eurovision stage.

And what do they have to say about zero points from the televoting? It turns out they weren’t even in the green room. They had instead taken a well-timed toilet break from the results.

For them, the Eurovision Song Contest isn’t about winning. It’s more of a general statement – “music unites all nations. In this competition there is no skin color, religion, no fights, just music.”

And what does the German broadcaster NDR have to say about the unsatisfying finish? NDR entertainment director Thomas Schreiber gave a brief statement on the grand final results:

Thanks to Carlotta and Laurita, they sang perfectly. They delivered a very sympathic, vivid and credible performance.  (…) We did the same selection process as last year, which didn’t work this time around. So we really just have to see if it’s still the right way. Our hope was to build on the path we’ve been on with Michael Schulte.”


wiwibloggs salutes the S!sters upbeat attitude and wishes them well on their journey as artists.

What do you think about Germany’s finish in the grand final? Did S!sters deserve more points? Should the German broadcaster overthink their national final concept? Let us know in the comments down below!

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Metalvision Song Contest
Metalvision Song Contest
5 years ago

“We did the same selection process as last year.” Except that last year, you didn’t add in an additional participant to the selection pool after the fact, the only act who hadn’t written their song themselves, in the privileged last spot in the running order, and with personal acquaintances in the jury. The lack of Mr. Schreiber’s self-awareness is astounding.

5 years ago

It’s time to get rid of the Big 5 auto-qualifier. Make them compete for the final. It isn’t fair that Germany, UK and Spain took the places of more well deserving countries. The UK especially doesn’t even take Eurovision seriously and they shouldn’t be rewarded.

5 years ago
Reply to  gilpgilp

Agree! Give those places to Sweden, Norway, Russia, Azerbaijan and Netherlands for example (or let Italy stay in the big-5)….

5 years ago
Reply to  SVW

SVW, every country should compete for the Grande final, there shouldn’t be the big5 thing

Melissa J
Melissa J
5 years ago

This was by no means the worst song of the night. It didn’t deserve zero points, but what can you do? I will still continue to enjoy the song and it’s beautiful message.

5 years ago

Hey, that strategy worked for Cliff Richard too. Can’t blame them.
I feel sorry for the result, even though I could tell the night of that my optimism for at least a mid-table finish was in vain. I hope they keep working together and uphold the message of their song, and that NDR gets back on track like they did last year. They’ve shown they can do it. Now they just have to do it again.

5 years ago

“We did the same selection process as last year”
Except you didn’t. Six singers did the same process as last year. And then you stupidly added a seventh act in the last minute and gave them a random unpersonal song that even Switzerland rejected.

And then you didn’t even want to produce an official music video at first. Also didn’t bother giving them a good staging. Shame on NDR & ARD.

5 years ago
Reply to  Peter

This song was a Swiss reject? I didn’t know that.

Ole Christian Andersen
Ole Christian Andersen
5 years ago

I loved the song and performance, number 5 on my final list. Lovely postcard to ??
Voted so much i could here from Norway, but i’m sorry, it didnt help… ?
But I still play “Sister” in my car and sing along. ?

Sebastian T.
Sebastian T.
5 years ago

An sich wars ok.
Vielleicht hätte mehr Effekte geben können, es war schlicht zu eine einfache Präsentation, wenn man sich die anderen Künstler angeschaut hatte? Ohne das Klavier wären SIsters vielleicht auf den letzten Platz gelandet. Was ich schade gefunden hätte…..

5 years ago
Reply to  Sebastian T.

Definitiv. An den Mädels war gesanglich nichts auszusetzen, allerdings gab es in Sachen Performance auch keine wirklichen Eye Catcher, daher waren die Zuschauer wohl gelangweilt. Hoffentlich kriegt NDR das irgendwann mal in den Griff. Immerhin wollen wir Deutschen auch nicht immer als Verlierer dastehen (siehe das Fußball-Fiasko)

esc fan 2019
esc fan 2019
5 years ago

They both go to the toilet in the same time? They were hiding.

Charli Cheer Up
Charli Cheer Up
5 years ago

In the toilet? probably hiding from NDR and not wanting to do an interview that’s for sure. I remember when Ann Sophie came last she didn’t face the press till she got back. Jamie Lee was at least super brave and still spoke to Ankle shortly after the results at the arena.

Charli Cheer Up
Charli Cheer Up
5 years ago

Honestly, I thought they did their best and sang their heart out. It was a great song. Staging is what let them down. Very dark and empty. Other countries that sent ballad entries had unique theatrics and angle shots to help them stand out.

5 years ago

Truly a result for the toilet. 😛

5 years ago
Reply to  Justice

Under the old system, the S!sters would have finished next-to-last with 7…

…Beating only the U.K., whose scorecard would have been left blank (0) for the 2nd time in their history. Worse yet, under the old system this would have been back-to-back last-place finishes for the U.K.

The Dutch would have still won, with 299.

5 years ago

I mean their stage performance was good, but the song honestly didn’t live up or back them up in any way, but realistically after going from Michael who did amazing and absolutely blew everyone away last year, to this act, no wonder they placed as low, but still hopefully The UK and Germany can team up, and come together next year and both send amazing, talented people and both place high on the leader board.

5 years ago

It just frustrates me that Germany chooses uncharismatic “cute” girls that nobody has ever heard about before with a song that is forgettable, boring and nobody really cheers for (not even Germans) EVERY YEAR. I was watching the Contest at a Bar in Berlin this year and NOBODY cared for that song. If not even Germans would vote for it…who would? NDR reeeaaally needs to change the selection process or else Eurovision will become less and less attractive for good and promising musicians in Germany.

5 years ago

You can’t blame NDR’s selection process for the result at all. The fault unfortunately lies at the hands of the Germans themselves with their choice in the national final.

5 years ago
Reply to  John

You are partly right but also the selection itself was so bad. I’m German and I actually didn’t really like any performance in the pre-selection. The selection process definitely needs to be changed

5 years ago
Reply to  Lenchen

I completely agree. It’s all about quality as seen with Michael Schulte last year. A quality entry with staging will always guarantee you a good result no matter what country you are from.

TheDr Mistery
TheDr Mistery
5 years ago

When host run in the greenroom from Tamara to John or the other way around during the voting, he run next to them and they were tense, unhappy and looked defeated. I feel bad for people in this contest sometimes.

5 years ago
Reply to  TheDr Mistery

yeah, the voting is always intense but this year was harsh. it seems like a lot of countries were left behind in terms of voting, while others got all the points but that’s how it is sometimes. it was just too tough year with many good songs. i guess when you announce the points (from the public votes) in rendom order like they did this year it kinda enhances the expectation, as well as the dissapointment when you don’t do so well. i mean, norway got 300 points or something (from public votes) and then other countries that were announced… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  TheDr Mistery

I noticed that, too. The sad looks on their faces made me sad as well. I felt just as bad when they received 0 points. Even if you did not love their song, Carlotta and Laurita sang with passion and deserved better.

5 years ago

Didn’t mind the song but yeah staging was a bit lame but kind of got the impression the pair of them as well as Michael Rice knew perfectly well they didn’t have a hope in hell of winning or even getting a decent result and were just enjoying the experience for what it is.

5 years ago
Reply to  Dalth

i liked both sisters and michael but there was just no way they could stand out from other songs. the competition was just too strong this year, with many good songs and performers so some of them were just kinda left behind in a way

5 years ago

Guys, we’ve been seeing this coming for a long time, yet NDR DID NOTHING to help them put on a great show and staging. Hypocrites! They completely transformed Michael’s song on stage, why not for Sister? Shame on them for abandoning the girls. They went to Israel completely unprepared, in the rehearsals they were changing the camera shots all the time and the background images (LMAO thank god they dumped the lesbian images). I feel sorry for the girls, they are very talented, please help them pursue a career because they can sing and they are super sweet. Also, the… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Alex

Quite probably because they didn’t expect the S!sters to win. Bookies picked Lilly Among Clouds and people who answered some polls out there wanted Aly Ryan. They saw the early reaction from the public and the bookies, and decided pretty much to leave them for dead. Bad idea it was to wait so long release the video (not that it would have mattered, the way I see it); in this case, during contest week. It worked for Anouk (Netherlands 2013), but she was a much stronger contender that year. Probably a bad idea to go back to internal selection. Remember… Read more »

5 years ago

The evil filter is killing me.
I think many fans forget that it wasn’t their fault that they got chosen and show their frustration by critisizing them but in fact they did nothing and gave the best performance possible. Best wishes to them.

5 years ago
Reply to  Skiwalko

*nothing wrong

James F
James F
5 years ago

Their place was deserved, lame performance.

5 years ago

It’s so sad they deserved last place

5 years ago

I’m sorry… Zero points

5 years ago
Reply to  Nonono

that was too funny (sorry). i guess she said it in compession but it was a bit of a shade. it was like, a real “ouch” moment. sisters should really be proud of themselves, though. they did the best they could. they just didn’t stand a chance with that song

5 years ago

I like their song, but unfortunately Eurovision becomes an gay event so they have no chance to get better place. You have to be a diva or a handsome man to be a public pupil (And I’m a part of LGBT community as well, so don’t call me a homophobe, it is just an observation).

5 years ago
Reply to  xxx

Their song was just a mess. And German voted for it in national final so they deserve what happened. They had Lily Among Clouds and Aly Ryan.

5 years ago
Reply to  xxx

That’s why Portugal won in 2017

5 years ago
Reply to  xxx

You are clearly a homophobe. Yes, it’s too much sometimes and I am not a fan of making ESC a gay event but please don’t take it there. Watch again the show, Sister was the dullest song/performance. I can see why people didn’t like it. Btw, it came 11th in Swiss televoting.

5 years ago
Reply to  xxx

honestly, i don’t understand why people are saying that. eurovision has proven time after time that it’s all about the song. if you have a good song and a good performer, then you’ll do well. you can be handsome or a diva, of course, but if you won’t have a good song than you wouldn’t win. and i liked germany this year but their song was weaker than others this year. just my opinion

5 years ago
Reply to  nitzan

nitzan – probably because if you have a very good song, you can win even if you’re not a diva or a pretty boy, but if you are a diva or a pretty boy, you can win even if you don’t have a good song.

5 years ago
Reply to  Ann

i really cannot see any actual evidence to that in the history of eurovision. there were many divas and attractive people with weak songs who didn’t do well, just as it was the other way around – non divas nor pretty boys who did well. of course there’s staging and fasion involved as well as part of a performance but the song is what matters. not everyone gonna like the same songs, of course, but that’s a different thing.

5 years ago
Reply to  nitzan

nitzan – Victor Crone going to the final?

5 years ago
Reply to  Ann

again, it’s a matter of taste. i didn’t like the song but it’s a good song for eurovision and i get why people voted for him. also, victor had a good performance and a good stage presence. it’s not easy to stand on stage alone but fill it completely and that’s what i got from his performance and i couldn’t care less what he looks like (although he’s handsome, not gonna lie but i really don’t think it’s relevant but that’s just my opinion). And also, he only finished 19th in the final

5 years ago
Reply to  nitzan

Yes, the song was ok, but it’s not enough when there are better songs. I mean, it was just another radio friendly song + Victor’s voice wasn’t very good that night.

5 years ago
Reply to  xxx

Just because you are part of the LGBTQ-community doesn’t mean you can’t be homophobe.

5 years ago
Reply to  xxx

When was the last time a typical “diva” won Eurovision?

5 years ago
Reply to  Graph

In 1998 🙂