[youtube dtcsw6vLENg]

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esc fan
esc fan
13 years ago

o my god.this is the worst song you’ve ever sent, except kings of the street in 2008.really, it has a rytham, a text, but i don’t feel anything special that moves me.there is no some special moment when she explodes,so we can get a great impresion.everything is the same, regarding sound and her voice (which is excellent, but she doesn’t have a dynamics).ja sam navijao za stotinama godina, kao i publika koliko sam video.ali su vas prevarili sa glasom zirija.ne znam,nekako mi je sve ravno u ovoj pesmi,nema nekog vrhunca.isto kao i u srpskoj pesmi.onako, dobro, ali ne dovoljno.ove godine… Read more »