The Israeli selection process for Eurovision 2019 continues. And with so many candidates still alive at this stage, we’ve decided to review solely the two favourites in each episode — one who is a favourite of the Israeli audience and the other who is our favourite. In addition, we’ll briefly review each qualifier’s audition with a link to his or her performance so you can judge for yourself.

Today we’ll take a look at the qualifiers from episodes 7-8

Episode 7

Amit Sade

The audience’s favourite was Amit Sade who performed “Addicted To You” by Avicii. She achieved 81% of the votes – which was the highest score in this episode. Amit is only 17 but despite her young age her performance was really mature and solid.

Elkana Marziano

Our favourite from this episode was Elkana Marzianno, 26, who previously won the top prize on the Israeli version of The Voice. He sang a song in Hebrew called “Holech Li Meyoash” (translates as “I am desperate”, performed by the Israeli singer Moshe Peretz). When he started to sing we thought he would be another generic Mizrahi singer because there are many candidates performing in this style this year. But then he switched to Arabic and suddenly he sounded unique and really stood out. He had the best audition in this episode in our opinion.

Other qualifiers in this episode (ranked from highest to lowest)


Name of qualifier Entry and performing artist Result Our impressions
Gilad Tentzer “No Better Thing Than This” – Peled (Hebrew) 75% RAP and hip-hop (+ he’s handsome!)
Tomer Raz “Gvulot HaHigayon” – Natan Goshen (Hebrew) 71% Sounded like a karaoke version
Ido Dankner “One Dance” – Drake 70% Fun but slightly ordinary


Gilad’s audition

Tomer’s audition

Ido’s audition

Episode 8


The audience’s favourite – and actually ours too – was Ketreyah. Her audition was broadcast last and this usually means that it’s outstanding, as we’ve seen in previous episodes.

Ketreyah is 22 and she belongs to a very small community in Israel which is called The Black Hebrew Israelites or simply the Black Hebrews or Black Israelites. These are groups of Black Americans who believe that they are descendants of the ancient Israelites. Eddie Batler — who represented Israel in Jerusalem 1999 as a member of the group “Eden” and 7 years later in Athens 2006 as a soloist — is also a member of this community.

Ketreyah sang “Mirrors” by Justin Timberlake and besides the fact that she’s stunning, she’s a real artist. She definitely had one of the best auditions so far. Her result mirrors our impressions as she received 95% of the total votes! This makes her the leading candidate so far in the entire series. Harel has already crowned her as Israel’s representative in Tel Aviv and said that he’s rooting for her. He even added: “I am sorry for Maya Buskila“. It’s perhaps too early but we’d bet she’ll be in the final of Israel’s selection.

Other qualifiers in this episode (ranked from highest to lowest)


Name of qualifier Entry and performing artist Result Our impressions
Nave Madmon “Stitches” – Shawn Mednes 88% VERY sassy!
Ayala Eligula “All I Ask” – Adele 83% Nice but forgotten
Wanna Waana (a band) “Kol HaChaverot Shelach” – Omer Adam (Hebrew) 70% Interesting harmonies (OG3NE alike…)


Nave’s audition

Ayala’s audition

Wanna Wanna’s audition

What you think about these episodes and the new favourite? Did you like her audition? Do you think that she’ll end up head-to-head against Maya Buskila or Kobi Marimi in the final? Let us know down below!

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6 years ago

Kitria is a darkhorse. Her version of Mirrors was amazing.
Amit is also very good but she lack stage presence…
All the others were average or forgetable.

Idan Cohen
Idan Cohen
6 years ago

So far it’s Kitria, or something more local like Daniel Barzilai

6 years ago
Reply to  Idan Cohen

Kobi and shefita were brilliant and unique…not imprresed by kitria currently

Idan Cohen
Idan Cohen
6 years ago
Reply to  Gili

Kobi is a popra singer, something we’ve seen before within a better version (Remember Anna Timophey?).
Shefita is great, but she’s too un-politically correct for the most politically correct continent. she will not be sent.

6 years ago
Reply to  Idan Cohen

I don’t see kobi as opera singer..he has some opera nuances but he is not the classic opera singer…he is kind of combination of things and that’s why he is so unique…he will win I’m sure…I don’t mind shefita as well, she will write propriate song for the competition I’m sure and will stand out cause there is not going to be another shefita in the contest….go shefita…shefita is in the house!!!

Frisian esc
Frisian esc
6 years ago

She’s stunning. I think she would be the perfect representation for israel in tel aviv next may!

6 years ago

Kobu and shefia are more unique imo than kitria although she is a good singer

6 years ago

This year Israel have too many amazing singers in the show. its almost impossible to choose.

6 years ago

This year is their selection best of the best!

6 years ago

Her look is like a mix between Yianna Terzi and Loreen