The third semi-final of Sweden’s Melodifestivalen 2019 will take place this weekend, but if the Melodifestivalklubben audience exit poll is anything to go by, we may be in for a surprise qualification. Dolly Style topped the poll, suggesting that their entry “Habibi” may be headed direkt till final on Saturday.

Melodifestivalklubben conducted their regular exit poll at the Friday night rehearsal of the third semi-final in Leksand. They asked departing audience members to name their favourites from the rehearsal.

Bubblegum pop trio Dolly Style topped the poll, with their cute track “Habibi” picking up 26.5% of the vote. This suggests that Dolly Style may be a direct qualifier on Saturday, rather than their two previous attempts which both ended in the andra chansen round.

Melodifestivalkubben notes that while many children attended the rehearsal, they were not uniform supporters of Dolly Style. Many preferred acts like Martin Stenmarck or Jon Henrik Fjällgren. Conversely, some adults picked “Habibi” as their favourite.

Coming in a very close second place is Jon Henrik Fjällgren. His “Norrsken” picked up only one vote less than “Habibi”, showing that support for Jon Henrik is just as strong. “Norrsken” earned 26.3% of the vote, suggesting that Jon Henrik will go DTF for the third time.

In third place was ex-FO&O singer Omar. His song “Om om och om igen” had 17.1% of the vote. This bodes for a better result than his FO&O bandmate Oscar Enestad who placed last in the second semi-final. Tonight’s poll suggests Omar will be heading to andra chansen.

Melfest veteran and Eurovision 2005 star Martin Stenmarck is in fourth place. His number “Låt skiten brinna” picked up 11.4% of the vote, which suggests he’ll be at andra chansen in two weeks.

The third semi-final is considered a particularly tough semi, and that’s clear from the quality of acts left in the bottom three. Ex-Alcazar singer Lina Hedlund had only 7% of the vote and P4 Nästa wildcard The Lovers of Valdaro had 6.4%. Idol 2016 runner-up Rebecka Karlsson — who many many Mello journalists considered an obvious DTF qualifier — was bottom with only 5.2% of the vote.

Melodifestivalklubben audience poll results – Melodifestivalen 2019 semi-final 3 Leksand

  1. Dolly Style – “Habibi” 144 votes (26.5%)
  2. Jon Henrik Fjällgren – “Norrsken” 143 votes (26.3%)
  3. Omar – “Om igen” 93 votes (17.1%)
  4. Martin Stenmarck – “Låt skiten brinna” 62 votes (11.4%)
  5. Lina Hedlund – “Victorious” 38 votes (7%)
  6. The Lovers of Valdaro – “Somebody Wants” 35 votes (6.4%)
  7. Rebecka Karlsson – “Who I am” 28 votes (5.2%)

But as always, with such a small sample it’s hard to know how accurate the poll will be as a prediction of the semi-final results.

For the first semi-final, the Melfest was entirely accurate. It predicted the direct qualifiers, the two andra chansen acts, as well as the order of the bottom three.

However, last week things weren’t so spot on. Malou Prytz was predicted to place fifth, while she was a surprise direct qualifier. Margaret looked headed for andra chansen, but she ended up a shock non-qualifier. The poll did however predict Hanna Ferm & LIAMOO’s direct qualification and Vlad Reiser going to andra chansen. And it also correctly predicted that Oscar Enestad and Jan Malmsjö would be the bottom two acts.

Nonetheless — the poll is a bit of fun and has proven generally correct in the past.

What do you think of the audience poll? Has the audience got it right this week? Let us know all your thoughts in the comments section below!

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6 years ago

Dolly Style and Rebecca to the final!

Polegend Godgarina
Polegend Godgarina
6 years ago

i can’t at people unironically liking that weeaboo act

Mariano Mon Amour
Mariano Mon Amour
6 years ago

Dolly Style is joke act, Jon loves reindeers like his pets, then he kills them and eats them. What?

6 years ago

Malou probably get all kid and teen votes thats why she DF thats might br happen to Dolly Style
I think this might happen

1. Jon Henrik (He will make to final because well he is fan fav to win)
2/3. Omar / Dolly Style (trust me one of them will make to DF and one to AC)
4. The Lover of Valdaro (I think they will qualify
5. Lina
6. Martin (I dont think it will qualify)
7. Rebecka (There’s so many this types of song in MF that flop)

6 years ago

I have a huge problem with Dolly Style so i hope these results will change this evening. This girl group who changes it members as I change my dishrag is not a real group to me. I understand that kids might love it. But grown ups?
About Jon Henrik staging.. It seems like the raindeer will be the star this evening! :))

6 years ago

I really hope that Dolly Style will get to final – I like their song, it’s fun and cute (just like them). Jon Henrik Fjällgren disappointed me – maybe it’s only because my expectations were too high and I just need to forget any previous songs I know from him and enjoy this one for what it is.

Charli Cheer Up
Charli Cheer Up
6 years ago

Rooting for Omar, he’s the best singer in FO & O. I’m sure he’ll kill it. Fingers crossed he qualifies directly.

6 years ago

Yes. Instead of Dolly Style.

6 years ago

This semi-final is a trainwreck. Next!

6 years ago


6 years ago

For me, this semi is the most wide open so far, aside from Jon-Henrik…anything could happen and probably will!

6 years ago

It was only a one vote difference, so that’s not saying much…

Kris P. Kreme
Kris P. Kreme
6 years ago

So the audience’s poll is pretty much the same as my TOP7, apart from the fact that Habibi is 5th for me.

6 years ago

Maybe one of those times that the poll is wrong. 😉

6 years ago

Let’s not mention the red elephant in the room, that the 2nd fav Jon Henrik Fjällgren is running with the most obvious plagiarism we’ve ever seen in a NF/ESC, and that says a lot, even tho the 2018 winner “Toy” had to give the rights of the song to original writer/composer John White to avoid lawsuits. This is way worse and most of us heard it at once, it is a pure rip – off of Axwell&Ingrosso’s “Sun is shining” for the few parts when it’s not Avicii’s “Without you”. Even national music press journalists are furious. MF and SVT… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Tine

Did you hear the full song? The minute I’ve heard is not a copy of anything that I know of.

6 years ago

I don’t know why but this “Dolly Style” group just freaks me out. I don’t understand why grown up women would dress and act like that (unless it’s for a children’s TV program or something like that). It’s disturbing.

6 years ago
Reply to  Safiya

Stop being sexist?ignorant and narrow-minded.

6 years ago

Rebecka and the Lovers of Valdaro were my two favourites, while Jon Henrik and Dolly Style were my two least favourites lol

6 years ago
Reply to  Katariina

Totally agree…my favourites were The Lovers of Valdaro and Rebecka. Hope the results of the poll are wrong!

6 years ago

Jon Henrik is for sure going to the final! He’s so loved here. Dolly style really shocked me here, but the friday nights rehearsal are usually packed with kids and their families and the fact that they got so sing a second time (fake qualifiers etc) may have had a thing to do with it

6 years ago
Reply to  baby

they got to sing twice?

6 years ago
Reply to  Lolek

Oh ok I had no idea they did that

6 years ago
Reply to  Lolek

Shows like melodifestivalen, and most other national finals do a mock results during rehearsals, so everyone knows all the procedures and what to do if they qualify or win. Same for eurovision as well. They run it the exact same way as the actual live show but with fake results

6 years ago

Wow (pleasantly) surprsied Dolly style is a popular choice to go DF but I guess they must have really brought something unique if they are slated as the favourites to qualify. Looking forward to seeing their act, maybe 3rd time really is the charm!

6 years ago

It says a lot about this years selection when John Lundvik is third favourite to win and no one’s even heard his song!

6 years ago
Reply to  Paul

John Lundvik has written UK’s song if I understand correctly, so I’m not superexcited about his song 😀 They all sound as if they could have entered the contest 10-15 years ago. But who knows..

6 years ago
Reply to  Paul

He will only win if the jury has him 1st which I can see happening..

6 years ago

Seriously, people voting dolly style is a joke. Grow up or stop trolling 😛

6 years ago

I said I like Dolly Style the most and I predicted that they will go directly to final yesterday and I got 20 dislikes I guess ?

6 years ago
Reply to  Óliver

Well it didn’t happen still.

Charli Cheer Up
Charli Cheer Up
6 years ago
Reply to  Óliver

This is just audience poll where they won and let’s face it they’re popular since this is their 3rd Melfest participation but we’ll see if the crowd and viewers will get behind them tommorrow..

6 years ago

I suppose with seven songs that nobody feels particularly strong about, anything can happen!

6 years ago

Ugh me too. I strongly dislike Rebecka’s song.

6 years ago

Excuse me wHaT? Lmao, this is great. I love unexpected results.

6 years ago

Also how amazing is to have 3 Swedish songs in the Top 4 right.
Swedes going Swedish this week. I like it

6 years ago

I love how unpredictable this melfest is. That’s rare. It is weak in songs but at least the results are fun 🙂

6 years ago

Jon Henrik is currently the most beloved personality in Sweden so there is no way he’s not going straight to final, even if it is a weak entry. The name alone will carry him.

6 years ago
Reply to  Denis

???? You said many times before that he’s not a big name in Sweden, so what now?

6 years ago
Reply to  Denis

Beloved or not?:/