The Wiwi Jury — our in-house panel of music unprofessionals — continues to rate and review the 41 competing entries of Eurovision 2019. Next we head to Norway where the trio KEiiNO has “Spirit in the Sky”. Did the spirit move us? Read on to find out!

KEiiNO – “Spirit in the Sky”

“Spirit in the Sky” reviews

Oliver: This was my favourite in the national final and it shall take that spot in the main contest too. KEiiNO and “Spirit in the Sky” is everything that I have dreamed from Norway: a modern pop song enthused with Sami elements. Everything about this entry is perfect in my books — the verses, the pre-chorus, the chorus, joiking: everything. It is fantastically produced with excellent transitions between each section of the song and to top it all off, it is performed by three impeccable vocalists. What could be better?

Score: 10/10

Sebastian: With three strong, proven vocalists on stage, “Spirit in the Sky” seems like an obvious winning performance on paper. But there’s something not quite cohesive about this package. At times, the track feels too cluttered vocally, with too much of a disjoint between the two main vocalists. And while the inclusion of Sami is respectable and clever, it’s difficult to recreate the power that the Sami vocals have on the recorded track, almost sounding hollow on stage. As the old adage goes – two is a company, but three is a crowd.

Score: 5.5/10

Anthony: Although I’m delighted with Norway’s decision, the fact that KEiiNO struggled with the international juries is a cause for concern. I get that “Spirit in the Sky” is built on the Sami culture, but Fred’s joik solo sticks out like a sore thumb and could baffle casual Eurovision viewers. And they definitely need to sort out their staging as their Melodi Grand Prix version was woefully underwhelming.

Score: 9/10

Julian: This  year, I fear that Norway is a country that it is a favourite in the Eurovision bubble but nothing more — and that might lead into a non-qualifier. I really love the song and I get the hype which the song definitely deserves. “Spirit in the Sky” was the best decision Norway could make and I’m glad it represents its country. I just think that the hype won’t spread to enough people. Add more polar lights and less dancers and I really hope that Norway can reach a top position they deserve.

Score: 7.5/10

Tobias: “Spirit In The Sky” is typical Europop, cheesy but so damn catchy! That’s the beauty with this kind of genre and that’s what people tend to like in Eurovision and so do I. You only have three minutes to stand out and get people’s attention and you need to have something memorable and KEiiNO is not an exception. The joik and the chorus get stuck in your head immediately and that’s the essence to do well in Eurovision. I like the combo of having three so different singers who each, on an individual level, add some excitement and different texture to the song and keep my interest during the three minutes. I think this will do really well in Eurovision. Euro-pop has been reborn!

Score: 7/10

Luis: Norway brings the ultimate guilty pleasure of the year, and I’m here for it. “Spirit in the Sky” is an unashamed kitsch delight, a formulaic Euro-pop entry, and it’s fantastic that it’s made it to the Eurovision 2019 line up. KEiiNO’s proposal is an amazing throwback to the 2000s decade, where people went out there at Eurovision and when the quality of the song wasn’t the most important thing of the entry. “Spirit in the Sky” is a delicious hot mess, which hopefully will get the audience outside the Eurovision bubble drawn into the party and not put them off. PS: Get rid of the interpretative dancers, thank you.

Score: 7/10

In the Wiwi Jury we have 29 jurors but only have room for six reviews. The remaining scores are below:

Angus: 8.5/10

Antony: 9.5/10

Antranig: 10/10

Barnabas: 8/10

Bernardo: 6/10

Calvin: 7/10

Chris: 7.5/10

Deban: 7.5/10

Essi: 6/10

Florian: 6/10

Izhar: 9.5/10

Jack: 8.5/10

Jonathan: 7.5/10

Josh: 9/10

Kristin: 8.5/10

Lucy: 6/10

Lukas: 9.5/10

Mikhail: 4/10

Pablo: 8.5/10

Renske: 6.5/10

Robyn: 5.5/10

Ron: 8.5/10

William: 8.5/10

We have removed the highest and lowest scores prior to calculating the average. This is to remove outliers and potential bias. We have removed a low of 4 and a high of 10.

Wiwi Jury verdict: 7.7/10

What do you think of this song? Share your own score and review below!

See all our Eurovision 2019 reviews and rankings

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5 years ago

Came back here to read comments about Norway being a fan flop 😀

5 years ago
Reply to  Isjenrer

Haha same

5 years ago

Giving this song anything over 4/10 means that you are either really old-fashioned or simply under the influence of Eurovision fan bubble. I am 100% sure this song will not qualify.

5 years ago

Who’s with me on the fact that this is a well composed song, yes fun but also serious, catchy and unique? Raise your hands! 😀 LOVE IT!

5 years ago

Perfect for the early 90´s… too late now. Overrated.

5 years ago

What a good song! For the people, who like to listen to AUTOTUNE CRAP.

Stian F
Stian F
5 years ago

Norway seem to be one of the more dividing songs of the year… Just as with Iceland and Portugal. People either love it or hate it. But in most cases, Norway is not talked about as a potential winner… Still it gains lots of support both in fan polls, OGAE ratings and even preview shows… Everyone keeps talking about Netherlands, Switzerland, Italy, Iceland, Portugal or Russia as the winning candidates of the year.. But not Norway… Still it is up there in the polls just in the middle of these other mentioned favorites. There is NOTHING else like the Norwegian… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Stian F

Wow, great review! Agree on 99%
I’ve got too say something about “The song has to be catchy OR deeply emotional” – it can be both, and Norway this year is.

ESC 2019
5 years ago
Reply to  Stian F

8: its a copy…

5 years ago
Reply to  ESC 2019

A copy? Really. What about the British song as an example, it’s the kind of song you’ve already heard a thousands of times. The whole song! You are referring to a line in the chorus, which is a bit similar to last year’s Monsters. But doesn’t make it a copy, get a grip!

5 years ago
Reply to  Stian F

It certainly is one of the best this year, and deserves more praise! And a higher spot on the betting lists. A lot more unique than many of the other so called favorites, if it doesn’t win i hope it does well!

5 years ago

This is the fan favorite flop of the year. Mark my words.

5 years ago

“Rises” would not fit the rhythm line there. Many of famous songwriters like The Beatles, Ringo or others used the words in gramatically incorrect way in order to keep the rhythm. (such as using “don’t” instead of “doesn’t”, for example).

5 years ago

As I read your statement I thought about Sennek. How much work and effort she invested in her song writing process. She even travelled to America for it. The lyrics were great and musically she did something amazing too, at least musicians said so. But that’s how it is with Eurovision. I guess this song was a quick production, but they used ingrediants that Eurovision viewers love…

5 years ago
Reply to  Anita

yeah, what a pity – she took the wrong decision by performing amongst the crowd etc… My point is that a lot of work will at least be detectable when you read the lyrics of a song and analyse it musically.

5 years ago

This song is definitely not a 10/10 for me. Do people see this on the same level as Arcade, Euphoria, Fuego etc….? Nah man, this song is good in its own right, but not amazing.

5 years ago
Reply to  Aisling

Of course it’s not the same level as those songs mentioned by you. This masterpiece is better than all of them by miles.

5 years ago
Reply to  Veta

You do realise that the music is almost the exact same score as that of Finland’s monsters of 2018?

5 years ago
Reply to  mjefcfan

Yes I do, Finland was my winner last year, and it’s among the best songs in ESC history as well, though I didn’t connect with the message of Monsters THAT deep I connected with Spirit In The Sky this year.

5 years ago
Reply to  Aisling

the song was not great but the performance was. It ended up in second place but could just as easily have been the winner.

Euphoria is one of the festival’s best songs. Probably with Waterloo the winner that changed the contest.

Arcade is good and it’s emotional honesty reminds me of the German entry last year. That was undervalued before the shows but ended up 4th in the end. I hope Duncan will do a little better but still.

5 years ago

The “sun rise again” is an artistic license situation.

5 years ago

At first, I did not get the love for that song. But, in a sea of fake seriousness and “quality”, this is a diamond. Definitely top 10 for me.

5 years ago
Reply to  Makis

I think THIS is fake seriousness 🙂 Whilst e.g. Portugal is REAL seriousness and quality

5 years ago
Reply to  Makis

Quite boring when listening to that more than once actually. It’s nothing more than a pure popsong production like the radio’s ones… Please come on, honor other ones who deserve more attention and value from us such as Portugal for example!

5 years ago
Reply to  Kev'

How about loving both?

5 years ago
Reply to  Kev'

What a joke!

5 years ago

Robyn, “when the sun rise again” is perfectly grammatically correct. It’s called the subjunctive mood.

5 years ago
Reply to  Piikatschoo

It could be the subjunctive mood, but it is not used in that situation. We use it to express a condition which is doubtful or not factual with certain typical verbs. “Can” is not one of them.

5 years ago
Reply to  cestnick

That is often what I look for when I am deciding if I like a song – whether it is grammatically correct.

5 years ago

0% objectivity is the definition of your comment. An ordinary hater.

5 years ago

10/10 it must win the entire contest! It’s a masterpiece that has the whole package. The lyrics are one of the best of this year, every line carries so much meaning and at the same time they remain simple. I often cry at them. I think I will include it in my list of the best ESC songs all-time. Also, KEiiNO are one of the most implicated artists of all this year, if not the most. They try the hardest as they can to promote the song and make everybody understand and connect with it. The result of these efforts… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Veta

You silly girl…..:-)

5 years ago
Reply to  Veta

This literally won’t make it to the finals. Mark my words

Mark Dowd
Mark Dowd
5 years ago
Reply to  tonis

Some strange words being used here today.
What do you mean ” literally. “? Why not say “this won’t make it to the finals “?

Mark Dowd
Mark Dowd
5 years ago
Reply to  Veta

What’s an “implicated ” artist?

5 years ago
Reply to  Mark Dowd

I meant something like “the most devoted to all this Eurovision story happening to them, the ones who care the most”. Yeah it was a wrong word to use.

mark dowd
mark dowd
5 years ago
Reply to  Veta

OH, OK….thanks. Good to know that….I guess “involved” or “committed.” I agree. I love Norway!!

5 years ago

There is something about the 3 of them together that for me is very welcoming and pulls you towards liking them. Plus, the tune is catchy which is always helpful for the one-time viewers. Also, I grant you that some of the lyrics are a little basic in places, but actually the underlying message of the song is so nice. Who doesn’t want a spirit in the sky looking over them? I find it really uplifting!

5 years ago

10/10. I Love this song and group! Can’t wait to hear what they are working on in studio?

Aline Van Rossem
Aline Van Rossem
5 years ago

Nothing but love for this entry! A BIG FAT 10/10

ESC 2019
5 years ago

For a song who is a biG copy, 7.7 is tooo hight. I hope its not go to the final

5 years ago
Reply to  ESC 2019

You are trolling everywhere you can, don’t you?

5 years ago

I am from Norway. But i also try to be “objective” (even if subjective) about our own entries. I don’t think a song is good just because it’s our own, or cheer especially for it because it’s from Norway. A mistake I think many people do! We are actually TOO patriotic….I support songs, not countries. Nevertheless, I like the song. Around my 15th place. It’s a lot of good feelgood spirit. And their voices are amazing. How they blend, I think it’s a very joyous sound. And I love the yoik! It makes the song stand out, more distinctive and… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  MyName

How is this song more “made” for Eurovision than any other song sent to the competition? This is a group that started because they had a good chemistry last year, and added joik in pop music to get a different twist than regular pop music. I can’t wait to hear more from this group. The Eurovision competition is just the start!

5 years ago
Reply to  M&M

I guess what MyName means is that it has been written taking very much into account the elements that usually do well among eurovision fans. Basically, following the “love, love, peace, peace” rules

5 years ago
Reply to  Rimig

I don’t think there is any “peace” in this song. If anything, to me, the lyrics sound like there is an internal war going on. Talk of “demons” and “nothing being here” doesn’t sound so peaceful to me?

5 years ago
Reply to  Kosey

In the second verse they find peace and light.

5 years ago
Reply to  MyName

You say: “Of course, gays, lapps and women are all OK, but why make such a deal out of it. Esp. in the postcard to MGP it was just ALL too much! When they say they take part in ESC to raise this awareness, it’s just too much…” Sorry, I don’t know how are things with human rights going in Norway bcs I don’t live there, but I assume since for you it’s “too much”, you either trying to look away from some unpleasant parts of reality, either your country indeed is modern enough and for you it’s truly not… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Veta

A pure simple popsong resumes everything MyName ?

5 years ago
Reply to  Veta

Veta, you wrote such a thoughtful comment. I applaud you.

5 years ago
Reply to  Whisker

Who gets to decide what is contrived and what has meaning? Surely it is down to the listener to interpret the song and connect with it in a way that works for them? Of course, it is interesting to read the composer’s perspective, but still ultimately music is all about how it connects with the individual? So to call out an artist for writing contrived lyrics or for having a “message” is really insulting to those people for whom the lyrics mean something.

5 years ago
Reply to  Kosey

Well put Kosey.

5 years ago

I consider it a charming entry, but I fear it maybe won’t reach its potential, unless they have a good plan in mind. When I rewatch MGP’s performance, I feel something is missing. This was supposed to be fun and mystical. But the interactions between the singers are stiff, the spirits and the northern lights are barely there and the joik feels endless. Yet, there are a lot of strenghts to explore. The song is accessible, the voices blend well and the nordic culture is fascinating. I think they should be unashamedly folk about it and take the “Higher Ground”… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Sabrina

Yeah, I like it quite a lot. Another instance of a bigger score difference (2 points), but still not as high as 2.5. Seven is also quite a good score. For instance, I really like Austria and Denmark, my sevens. 🙂

5 years ago
Reply to  Colin

I believe Norway can provide one of the more entertaining moments of this Eurovision. I can see it getting a better grade from me after the rehearsals. Unless they insist with what they did in MGP, of course.

5 years ago
Reply to  Sabrina

“The joik feels endless”? Damn, it’s hilarious how different people’s perception might be! My mom wants more joik in the song, saying she feels the song lacks it.

5 years ago
Reply to  Veta

I can get why your mom feels that way, because the joik is what makes this entry one of a kind. And honestly, when I listen to the studio version, the joik feels just right to me. My issue is with the live performance. I would say they need a visual to pair with the joik. It’s the same way I feel about the “nothing holding me down” repetition in Australia’s entry. In both cases, I believe they could use staging to give it a purpose.

5 years ago

This is top 5 for me. There is something genuinely spiritual about this song, I always feel happier after I have listened to it, and that is no mean feat. Plus, they seem to be such nice people and have a strong dynamic between the three of them. All in all, a very accomplished effort which I think will do very well.

5 years ago

I came to the conclusion that people that don’t relate to the message of self-empowerment or empowering songs like this one are either insensitive, out-of-touch with social dynamics and inter-personal relationships, or bullies who just can’t stand the fact that their “victims” don’t take their bullying anymore and become the strong person they want to be.

5 years ago
Reply to  Whisker

… It’s not that deep man.

5 years ago
Reply to  Weißbrot

it’s a matter of perspective.

5 years ago
Reply to  Whisker

just because a song is about self empowerment doesn’t actually make it good.
And if disliking such a song makes someone a bully, then you need to step outside of your bedroom, leave your house and step out into the real world and stop being so sensitive.
I like the song by the way, but it’s not exactly about empowerment. But I got to say, your approach to life really got me triggered.

5 years ago
Reply to  Darren

Ok, I take it. It doesn’t apply to ALL people but to “some people”, it does.

5 years ago
Reply to  Whisker

Well, that is an obvious statement. Anything you might say will be applicable to someone. Still, not liking a song (or this particular song) has absolutely nothing to do with relating to a certain message. I could spend 3 minutes on a stage shouting “human rights!” and I will surely not condemn you for not enjoying it…

5 years ago
Reply to  Rimig

So you don’t read the same comments that I read.

5 years ago
Reply to  Whisker


5 years ago
Reply to  Whisker

There is poetry in this. If anyone has lost someone or something, or suffered a lot, or has a lack of confidence in themselves, I think they will get a lot from the metaphors in this song.

5 years ago
Reply to  Kosey

Probably your marbles?

keith mawson
keith mawson
5 years ago
Reply to  Whisker

Totally agree with that. 10/10 on my list. I don’t think they will win but top 10 at least

5 years ago

Poland moved up for me BIG TIME after I watched their performance in Madrid.

5 years ago

My KEiiNO darlings, I love them and I love them as an act. I was rooting for them at MGP and their victory is a personal victory to me. Spirit in the Sky is one of my favorites this year and I will definitely keep it on my playlist. Their take on self-empowerment is dynamic, full of hope, and I love the poetry of the lyrics. I live for the joik part. 10/10.

5 years ago

Congratulations! You are a nominee for the Worst-Taste-Of-The-Year Award!

5 years ago
Reply to  Laia

And you know nothing about good music i assume? No need to reply, i already know the answer. 😉

Roelof Meesters
Roelof Meesters
5 years ago

This is the light- hearted fun that a lot of people watch Eurovision for, I don’t know if this will do well with the juries, but I think that it could be a televote hit if stageds right, because the MGP staging was a mess. I love the mix of styles here and the joik bridge into the last chorus is just amazing. 10/10 and yes I do think this might not qualify but for now I’m guessing that it will.

5 years ago

Well I didn’t really listen to a lot of songs in 2000 cause i wasn’t very big then but I can tell this doesn’t sound not from 2010’s !! I don’t know what kinda songs do you guys listen but this would work great in any club today I’d reckon

5 years ago
Reply to  Kris

Great, I am not the only one.

5 years ago

While many say this song is Eurovision cut-out , my sister who didn’t know this was a Eurovision song hesrd me playing it and asked me to add this to her dance playlist. That’s a good omen. I absolutely loved the song on first listen , was a clear winner in Norway for me but since I have played it on loop so much , it seems to me like It may have run out of steam for me. But Eurovision viewers will have only 2 days to get addicted to the song and they will get addicted. Not so… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Kris

Lol, my autocorrect keeps changing JURIES to jurijus

5 years ago
Reply to  Kris

You should allow your device to run with the lions! 🙂

5 years ago
Reply to  Rimig

And ring with a roaring tone.

5 years ago
Reply to  Rimig


5 years ago
Reply to  Kris

The issue with the jury voting at MGP is that they announced only the 12 points, so it’s not possible to tell how many points they gave to Spirit in the Sky. IMO they must have gotten points from every jury.

5 years ago
Reply to  Whisker

Yeah , but it does tell that the jury was more in favor of D’sound than this

All Wei
All Wei
5 years ago
Reply to  Kris

Norway is in SF2 with Denmark and Sweden, so they might profit from neighbourvoting?

5 years ago
Reply to  All Wei

There is no doubt this will be Top 10 with televoters , but it might be bottom 5 with juries and the summation of the two makes it unpredicatable !! We don’t know if it will be 4th with televote or say 7th !

5 years ago

2. GRE (9.0)
5. AZE (9.0)
8. RUS (7.5)
9. NMC (7.5)
10. EST (7.0)
11. HUN (7.0)
12. ROM (7.0)
16. IRE (6.5)
17. ARM (6.5)
18. ALB (6.0)
20. AUT (6.0)
21. DEN (5.5)
22. NOR (5.5)
27. FIN (5.0)
29. BLR (5.0)
31. SER (4.5)
34. ISR (4.0)
35. GER (3.5)
36. MOL (3.5)
37. LIT (3.5)
39. LAT (2.5)
40. POL (2.5)
41. POR (2.0)

5 years ago

The Norwegian song is totally bipolar for me. It’s fun to listen to and to sing along after having a couple of beers, while I find it almost unbearable with 0% alcohol in my blood (what happens to be 99.99% of my time). It’s so cheesy but catchy at the same time! It should, however, last only 2 minutes, because when the joiking starts I wish I could rip my ears off of my head. It’s not at the bottom of my list because I give them some credit for the fun factor, but it did not manage to reach… Read more »

5 years ago

I like this entry. It’s so “eurovision “. And I think every year we have such a song and usually ends up quite high in the score board. So good luck Norway!

5 years ago

mark my words.. Norway won’t qualify

Cesar's salad
Cesar's salad
5 years ago

This song is an insult. A fart against the wind is more inspirational.

5 years ago

So overrated. Norway wont qualify.

La Signora
La Signora
5 years ago

I love this song 8/10

5 years ago

You guys used the wrong pic for KEiiNO again

Anthony Ko
5 years ago
Reply to  INAMOO

How is it wrong when the official Eurovision website used the exact same press photo?

5 years ago
Reply to  Anthony Ko

I demand a photo where Tom wears his wolf ears.

5 years ago
Reply to  Anthony Ko

My comment was a reference to the wrong photo that this website uploaded about KEiiNO in that other article, mind you.

5 years ago

The most bubble gum Eurovision fun friendly(gay) entry this year, that gonna fight at the final for the last 6 spots

5 years ago

Thanks for a happy Easter, Wiwi! Reviewing Albania and Norway was a joy! Both are in my Top 10. Greece also shifted two places up, entering my top 10 on ninth spot. Now I have only four of my top 10 still to review, including my top 2 winners.

5 years ago

This song is like a pack of Sami flavour crisps. It’s not a fancy food and when you eat a large amount of it you feel fat and guilty, but it tastes delicious and it’s alright if you eat it from time to time, it’s excellent at parties and hardly anybody dislikes it. 6.9/10

5 years ago

Europop of 2000’s. The worst song for me, it won’t qualify on ESC !!!2019!!!

5 years ago

NORWAY – Yes, this IS cheesy and taken directly from the Mans/Petra textbook! It’s very aware of that fact and thrives on it by being both a guilty pleasure and a real gem. If Tom, Alexandra and Fred weren’t as good performers, it probably wouldn’t work. It’s very ambitious and feeds the energy from the execution rather than the concept. But so far the trio has proven to be consistently reliable, with great chemistry on stage. They go all the way and simply have fun! It showcases Sami culture and language, while still being very marketable and friendly. I am… Read more »

5 years ago

Welcome to this year hyped entry by the old-fashioned fans. Every year we have one of this. You know fireworks, fans at full-power, divas, glimmer, key changes, cheesy lyrics and the most over the top and shabby stagings. Norway brings a lot of these things this year to appeal those fans. You can tell they are doing great as Norway is 4th in the OGAE voting and the wiwi jury gives it a 7.7/10! I don’t dislike this type of songs, they can be enjoyableand uplifting. “Spirit in the Sky” is not bad per se, a bit messy and over… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Héctor

I like the song. But you are right. The downside of it is that it’s too cheesy. And far too clearly MADE FOR ESC – NEVER a good thing! And it’s also (surprisingly) over-pretensious lyrically. They should rather treat this for what is is – a pure fun party song.

5 years ago
Reply to  MyName

I get your point, Una, but Eurovision has proven to not be as static as many thought. Happily, the ESC has evolved after a rather atrocious 2000’s (else, I would have stopped following it already some years ago), and for the last years more and more “high quality” songs has been sent. Of course, diversity is the key, and I am not saying that party songs and poweballads shouldn’t be welcome, but there is room for more than that. After all, it is a song contest and a good song does not need to fall into any of those categories.… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Rimig

I do agree that those factors are important. ESC would be unbearable if we had, for example, 41 dark, sad songs. Still, if you look at this last decade winners, with the exception of 2014 (freak element), 2016 (ethnic element) and 2018 (both party and freak), none of them fall into those categories. What they have in common is that they were all appealing and good (at least for a majority) songs (personally I might have wanted to take out “Only teardrops” and, most definitely, “Running scared”)

5 years ago
Reply to  Héctor

Norway 2019 = Finland 2018
Will maybe borderline qualifies but bottom 10 material in the final.

5 years ago
Reply to  Héctor

I don’t get all the people talking about “Spirit in the sky” as a PARTY song while I want to cry on it, rather than party.
This song is not only fireworks, it’s feelings also. Lots and lots of deep feelings. And it’s a great combination.

5 years ago

I mean it is a good song, but 7.7 is more inflated than Turkish economic growth statistics…

5 years ago
Reply to  NickC


5 years ago

The ultimate guilty pleasure of the year is between Montenegro and San Marino. Norway is simply good

5 years ago

I don’t know whether it’s meant to be taken seriously or not. I don’t think it’s fun enough to be a successful joke act and it’s a bit too silly to be taken completely seriously. As others have said, I do not think that this is going to match its Eurovision fandom hype with actual points from jurors or televoters. I can see this missing out on qualification to something a bit more solid, such as a Lithuania or Romania.

5 years ago
Reply to  Briekimchi

You stole words from my mouth!

5 years ago

This will have the unexpected success of Yodel it!
He-lo e loi-la

5 years ago
Reply to  romanian

Interesting observation. It IS a possibility.

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
5 years ago

Well it’s good to see Norway having fun with their entry. 🙂
There is more to the song than meets the eye at first, but I won’t bore you with the details. Just enjoy it, if you can.

5 years ago

Potential to be top five as long as they stay away from the goofiness that was portrayed in the music video. They’re vocals are spot on every time and they are fortunate that their verses and chorus are all earworms. Good job Norway from Texas.

5 years ago

Well, this is a grower for me. It’s fun, catchy and unpretentious. Alex’s pre-chorus part is great. I think they will do very well with the public, but not so much with the jury.

5 years ago
Reply to  Jo.

Mix of Yodel It with Higher Ground.