Israel Calling went big in 2022. Menora Mivtachim Arena — the host venue — gave the concert a real sense of scale. It felt more like a national final or mini Eurovision than a Eurovision pre-party.

Among the many highlights, we saw several countries making their first pre-party appearance ahead of Eurovision 2022. These included the artists from Armenia, Georgia, Israel, Moldova, Serbia, and Ukraine.

Ukraine’s Kalush Orchestra — who filmed their postcard in Jerusalem earlier this week — created a magical moment on stage. The Eurovision front-runners sang “Stefania”. But they also reminded the audience of Ukraine’s struggle and perseverance amid Russia’s bloody and unprovoked war.

In any case, we want to hear from you. Which act delivered the best live performance?

You can check out our entire playlist above and below. 

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2 years ago

with a better song michael ben david could win the contest, no doubt he was the best performer of the night

2 years ago
Reply to  Gili

He can still be in the top 10.. lets wait for the performance in turin

2 years ago

I think y’all need to apologize to Pia Maria lol

2 years ago
Reply to  Kosey

Yawn lol

2 years ago
Reply to  Kosey

It’s told, she still hasdn’t been fit from Covid-infection. Needs a lot of appologizes from the bashers.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kosey

Then just be a studio track singer then.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kosey

Vocals are still awful. And now, she will have a vocal teacher because… it’s an amazing performer. Sure Jan

Also, if she is sick, why is she destroying her throat like that? Where is the broadcaster when they have to protect their artists?

There is a light guiding my way
There is a light guiding my way
2 years ago

Ukraine for me. And I would’ve had the same opinion even if the war hadn’t happened. The song itself is simply THAT good, and they perform it at a top notch level. I’m also glad we had to see Igor there. Moldova are my ESC winners, and they delivered a great performance as well, but am I the only one who wishes Roman gives up that hoodie and sunglasses? Some outfit more representative for Moldavian tradition can be better maybe? I mean I’m aware Zdob si Zdub are unconventional performers, but it’s not like we have pure Moldavian folklore at… Read more »

2 years ago

the placard was given to Citi Zeni from someone in the audience and it said “Go Vegan” 🙂 how does it affect your opinion?

2 years ago

Also, aside from the beginning and the questions for Kalush Orchestra, I think she just vamped… no script would have that much swearing…

2 years ago

the placard was given to Citi Zeni from someone in the audience who wanted them to hold it up, and it said “Go Vegan” 🙂 How does it affect your opinion?

2 years ago

Participating in “Israel Calling” just to hold a little sign about Palestine in the end of the performance is like to feast in a steak house and then hold a little napkin that says “go vegan” on it. It’s just ridiculous. They got a sign from an audience about veganism.

There is a light guiding my way
There is a light guiding my way
2 years ago
Reply to  Ana

Oh well then everything’s ok, it doesn’t affect my opinion on them 🙂 I was mislead by the cameraman not showing a close-up of it, so that’s where my guess came from.

2 years ago

Unpopular opinion: Israel had the best performance of the night, Michael killed it with his vocals and choreography! Also, Armenia gave me chills.. her vocals were flawless

2 years ago

I really need to say this, but Croatia’s Mia really blew me away with that performance..
Wow, she was really good and with a reason I have this song in my Top 5.. I simply loved it..

2 years ago

Why is Albania nowhere to be seen in the odds? She’s always at the top of these polls and always gets really positive comments but Ronela seems to be forgotten about when talking about potential winners/who can do well. I know the bookies always underrate Albania but I find it quite strange this year

2 years ago
Reply to  Kredential

That’s because she is a good performer but “Macca baya” as a song is irritating for some.

2 years ago
Reply to  Bernard

Macca baya?

There is a light guiding my way
There is a light guiding my way
2 years ago
Reply to  Bernard

First of all, it’s “Ma kadale”. And ironically for me that’s the best part of the song, as at least it gives it some personality and a special flavour. But I’m not a fan of the rest of the song. I think that I’m probably just not into this style of music, it bores me a little. Another reason for me is the lyrics which lack any message and with those “toca-tocalo” it just feels like another conveyor type of pop full of cliches like randomly dropped Spanish word here and there, which makes me roll my eyes. For some… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Kredential

She is 4th in the odds of who’s predicted to qualify, so some people do have high expectations from her.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kredential

Maybe because her song is bad

2 years ago
Reply to  Kredential

Also Lithuania is very underrated in the odds!

2 years ago
Reply to  Kredential

Because most of the people voting for her in these polls are Albanians…

2 years ago

Maybe, but this will skyrocket in pools after rehearsals, I’m sure.

2 years ago

I’m not Albanian and always vote for her ???? I’m also not Serbian and vote for her all the time too

Nomo nomo
Nomo nomo
2 years ago

Loved Romania, Albania, really enjoyed Ireland. I know it wasn’t perfect but it’s so raw and real that’s kinda cute

2 years ago

Ukraine gives me chills. The song has become an anthem. It reminds me of the war and human suffering. I’m left in tears after listening to it. Slavs Ukraini from Armenia.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gaga

A song about wanting to marry a girl named Stephania and beg your mama for it is the anthem of the war and makes you cry? I’d understand Shadows of Forgotten ancestors but this one is so out of context, I feel like you were looking for a reason to cry

2 years ago
Reply to  okanial

I love when clueless people talk BS with full confidence. The song is not about any girl, Stefania is the mother and the whole song is only about her. Stop being a useless id*ot.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ana

Oh yeah okay then it completely fits to war. My bad. If stefania was the girl it wasnt about war but it makes it completely about war it being about his mother sure. All the rap gives completely that wibe

2 years ago
Reply to  okanial

It doesn’t actually need to be about war to be about war. There are millions of Stefanias in Ukraine, in danger.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ana

Thank you Anna for conveying the message of the song. Still everyone has it on repeat after the war. Don’t know who is thinking what, but the song gives me goosebumps. Will definitely vote for it 20 times from Armenia. We need to give our 12 points to Ukraine this year.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gaga

By ‘we’ who are you referring to? I like the song, too, but I like some other songs much more and I would instead vote for those.

2 years ago

I heard that it was even worse than Lidia Kopania with her Ylva and Linda bop.

2 years ago

you all acting like austria is not going to use the “tricks” in the contest, everybody will be a “good vocalist” this year, just like in 2021

2 years ago
Reply to  Jo.

Which tricks?

2 years ago
Reply to  Licko

pre-rec vocals

2 years ago
Reply to  Jo.

No one should care about Austria to begin with, the song is cheap and dated.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jo.

Also Bulgaria with Bones

2 years ago

Serbian singer is giving me winner vibes. She has such a comending presence, literally glues your eyes to her

Julius Caesar
Julius Caesar
2 years ago

in terms of performance i would say Serbia and Albania. Serbia is very unique and dark. Albania just wow… she rocked the stage all alone, so charismatic and also vocally in point.

2 years ago
Reply to  Julius Caesar

Excrements of an uncastrated male bovine animal.

Poland had the beat performance.

Nomo nomo
Nomo nomo
2 years ago
Reply to  Bernard

what are you smoking?

2 years ago

Why is no one talking about Emma’s performance? I think she was brilliant, hands down one of the best voices this year. I’m not a huge fan of the song, however it does sound better live!

2 years ago

I heard it on the “Israel Calling” Facebook page… but I don’t recommend the experience. It’s what you have seen and heard during the whole song.

2 years ago

Best ones for me> Serbia, Moldova, Lithuania

2 years ago
Reply to  pia

Serbia has no song, what are we talking about?

2 years ago
Reply to  Bernard

What’s the point of your comment haha

2 years ago
Reply to  Bernard

It has and it’s In corpore sano 😉

2 years ago

Funny how everyone is taking the live performances here as though they are final and as though the artists dont have time to improve lol. It is no lie that Pia Maria did not sound very good, however I feel like people have been way too rude for no particular reason. At the end of the day, even if she cant sing the song properly, with louder backing vocals, the performance in Turin can still be good. I do believe she can improve at least some until then though. There’s a whole month and this was her first actually LIVE… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Anoni

A whole month is a short period of time for a singer to manage something so big like ESC. And ESC staging will be 1000 times worse for her nerves than this pre party.

I know that song is popular in the fandom, but please, we’ve seen that thing before and we didn’t like the ending…

2 years ago
Reply to  Illi

Lmao, she isn’t even my favourite, I’m just saying its way too extreme to judge her based on one performance. I also never said she can improve so much so as to sing the song perfectly, but maybe enough that with loud backing vocals people would still like her performance. Brooke has shown us that you can indeed improve your vocals for a fairly short amount of time (still aren’t perfect but so much better than before). Anyway, I think Pia Maria’s biggest setback is her inexperience which can mean that even if she COULD sing well, her nerves would… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Anoni

But mate, with loud backing vocals that would be almost playback, people shouldn’t appreciate either. It’s like a musical scam.

LPS can sing their own song at least! Like Jeremie Makiese, Rosa Linn… who also are inexperienced singers.

2 years ago
Reply to  Illi

And I’m judging two performances: London which was playback and Israel.

2 years ago
Reply to  Illi

I don’t even know who y’all are talking about but 1 month is not enough for someone to learn how to sing.

2 years ago
Reply to  Bernard

Pia Maria.

2 years ago
Reply to  Anoni

Its pointless to judge songs based on preparties etc, in the end its only the live performance that decides the vote

2 years ago
Reply to  Anoni

It wasn’t “not very good”. It was terrible. There’s real chance that random girl on the street would sing it better.

2 years ago

I am glad that Croatia is finally appreciated and more and more positive comments, and some time ago she was not appreciated Mia is very good vocally and creates an atmosphere while singing

2 years ago
Reply to  Hrvatska

Absolutely, my favorite performance of the night.. She was soooooo good..

2 years ago

Can everyone at least be nice to the following countries? 🙁

– Austria
– Czech Republic
– France
– Germany
– Poland

Thank you in advance.

2 years ago
Reply to  beccaboo1212

Austria has got a garbage of a song, a recycled and worn-out formula of a cheap club tune which never becomes a hit without a heavy prepaid radioplay.

2 years ago
Reply to  beccaboo1212

But we can be rude with others, because that songs you don’t care about. Come on.

Frank Arthur
Frank Arthur
2 years ago

The best perform was … one ,:)

Im so fab
Im so fab
2 years ago

Unfortunately, Austria will be eliminated with this live performance. Lots of us expected it.

At least, Lithuania will now qualify more easily and my precious Croatia can do it, too!

Sir Stevia
Sir Stevia
2 years ago

I heard the full version, trust me you don’t want to hear it.

2 years ago

Why can’t the London party have a venue like that

Hannah Ellis
Hannah Ellis
2 years ago
Reply to  Fatima

London was a party not a concert and it was meant to be intimate. The acts were 1 metre away and many were sitting chatting to fans and taking selfies. A bigger venue isn’t better. Israel was a propaganda event and it had loads of technical problems and no meeting fans.

2 years ago
Reply to  Fatima

Because they don’t need to. Israel calling is a state funded event that promotes tourism and promotes positive view of Israel in general, so it tries to be bigger and better than any other event. Other countries do those parties just for fun, so they have no reason to spend all that money.

2 years ago

Poland first? Guys, not with that stage presence. When was the last time a guy standing like a tree achieved top 5? Never. Never happened and never will. Dude needs to buy a new personality to go with his great voice.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jamie

France last year did the same thing, the only difference was that she moved her hands every once in a while

2 years ago
Reply to  Jamie

Hmmm So what do you expect of him to do? Maybe he should learn SloMo choreograpy and dance singing along. Who knows, maybe Chanel can even borrow him one of her costumes… That would be spectacular, don’t you think?

2 years ago
Reply to  Kinga

Show emotion maybe?

2 years ago
Reply to  Jamie

I feel emotions during his performances.. But if it is not enough for you, maybe write him a personal message and ask him if he could cry in a particular moments?

2 years ago
Reply to  Jamie

Oh and maybe you’ve never heard of him but there is one man from Portugal called Salvador Sobral. Check his performance and result. You will be surprised.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jamie

Blanche was a statue on the stage and came 4th, just saying

mark dowd
mark dowd
2 years ago
Reply to  Jamie

The music and his stellar vocals will be enough for 90%…we don’t need fake emotion thank you.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jamie

He is going to ESC not EDC.

Nomo nomo
Nomo nomo
2 years ago
Reply to  Bernard


2 years ago
Reply to  Jamie

LOL The shade.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jamie

He was a good reminder for all that this is in fact a song contest not washing hands competition.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jamie

Arcade? Soldi?

2 years ago

not even close xd I’m pretty sure there’s -150 on some comment regarding Ukraine

2 years ago

I still have hope for Austria. I’m more concerned for France. Their performance was even worse imo. Their performances are always bad when the third girl is missing so maybe they will be better with her. My fave was Australia. His voice is amazing. Poland was great, too. Btw. I really liked the quality of Israel Calling. I wish every Eurovision party would be this good. Israel is a good host!

2 years ago
Reply to  Dominic

France were quite good during their NF and at the London preparty tbh? At Tel Aviv their in-ears monitors were not working and one girl was missing so I’m not that concerned for them

2 years ago
Reply to  Grft

In Amsterdam France was even worse although three ladies were on stage

2 years ago

It was a very enjoyable evening! There were some sound glitches that affected some performances, nothing serious fortunately, but this was a party, not a concert. I found Serbia, Moldova, Armenia and Ukraine very good. I have to admit I was really surprised by Australia since Sheldon lost his voice and he performed very well. Also we could notice that Vladana from Montenegro really struggled with her vocals. The Host was funny but sometimes she crossed the line a little bit. And yes Latvia got a great applause, but I still hate the song lyrics.

There is a light guiding my way
There is a light guiding my way
2 years ago
Reply to  Theo

Moldova, Armenia, Ukraine and Australia are all in my top 5 so I’m glad to see someone else is appreciating them all at the same time.

2 years ago

I’m gonna sound like a broken record for the next few weeks, but Moldova are KILLING it! I’ll be shocked if they don’t qualify!

2 years ago
Reply to  Emily

Really? Because personally i’m not a fan of the revamp. It’s now in the Bulgaria territory to me.

Sir Stevia
Sir Stevia
2 years ago
Reply to  Xxx

Pretty sure that is not the version they will be using in Torino.

Edmond Yamolo for ESC 2023
Edmond Yamolo for ESC 2023
2 years ago
Reply to  Sir Stevia

agreed. they will not use this revamp. but it will still be great! if they can get a train, this will qualify

2 years ago
Reply to  Emily

IKR, I’m surprised no one is talking about them, they are most likely qualifying because they know how to energise the crowd!

There is a light guiding my way
There is a light guiding my way
2 years ago
Reply to  Emily

OMG I’m so happy they finally get more of their deserved recognition cause their betting odds chance is a literal CRIME! Especially with Ukraine’s chances being up high there (I love both, don’t get me wrong), while Moldova’s message is just as relevant for current geopolitical situation and they need our support too. It would be better tho if you don’t stop on just comments, but, ya know, also vote for Moldova in May 😉 I can’t vote and am so darn frustrated about it! I personally never doubted their qualification, but in my opinion they deserve the top 5… Read more »

2 years ago

Poland first? Why is Poland always overrated like be realistic guys

2 years ago
Reply to  ESCxQueen

It’s mostly from polish fans supporting their singer. same goes for Serbia, on Eurovisionworld 95% of the votes were from locals. Although I’m not mad about it cause I kinda like Serbia’s entry.

2 years ago
Reply to  ESCxQueen

Poland is a top 5 material. We get it, you don’t like it. Stop crying about it in every post.

2 years ago
Reply to  ESCxQueen

And is it overrated according to who/what exactly? Betting odds? You?

2 years ago
Reply to  ESCxQueen

It’s mostly poles who vote for him, just like with Serbia who 95% of the votes in my Eurovisionworld were from serbians. I still like both songs tho.

2 years ago
Reply to  ESCxQueen

I’m happy for them. It’s good to see countries like Poland who don’t do very well at Eurovision being this high in the odds. Poland is Top 5 material and I hope they do well.

2 years ago
Reply to  ESCxQueen

Since when is Poland always overrated?

2 years ago
Reply to  ESCxQueen

Poland amazing.

2 years ago
Reply to  ESCxQueen

Only one song is overrated this year and it’s Italy. Leave Poland alone.

2 years ago

I don’t think the winner of Eurovision performed at Israel Calling. (Greece, Spain, Sweden, Italy and The Netherlands are possible winners to me).

However, Michael Ben David KILLED it. I’m rooting for him to qualify.

2 years ago
Reply to  Thallo

OMG same, Michael was AMAZING!

2 years ago
Reply to  Thallo

I would add UK to that list.

Roy Moreno
Roy Moreno
2 years ago
Reply to  Thallo

I believe it’s gonna be Sweden who win this year’s contest

2 years ago
Reply to  Thallo

Ukraine performed. So yes, we very likely saw the winner.

Eurovision fan
Eurovision fan
2 years ago
Reply to  Catriona

Ukraine can’t win. It’s ridiculous how you say jury won’t allow France to win, but don’t say anything about Ukraine. As if jury would give more than 100 points to that song… 😛

2 years ago

My opinion is that Michael’s performance was the best. His vocal abilities are insane, the choreography was great, he owns the stage! I was pleasantly surprised, I can’t stop watching his performance on YouTube again and again, I’m waiting to see what the performance on stage in Turin will look like..

2 years ago
Reply to  Yannis

YESSS! OMG, yay, Michael is less underrated now! He can PERFORM!

ESC Stan
ESC Stan
2 years ago

There are so many articles here where people have commented that “its a song contest”. One person commented that if the vocals are at least solid that’s okay. Now I’m hearing so much talk about the vocals. Which one is it? The song or the singer.

2 years ago
Reply to  ESC Stan

The whole package is important.

2 years ago
Reply to  ESC Stan

The importance of each aspect varies from person to person. For me, it’s primarily about the song (composition + lyrics + creativity + emotional impact), while the performance can elevate or decrease that score by 0.5-1.0 if really above or under expectation. The more the song is around the middle, the more likely is for its placement to go further up/down on my list, as middle rated songs tend to vary less in rating than outliers on top and bottom.

2 years ago
Reply to  ESC Stan

Both are important.
Song ofcourse is most important, but vocals have to be at least DECENT,
they don’t have to be super amazing, dont have to belt or hit the highest of notes
but can’t also be too bad to distract you from the song….

2 years ago
Reply to  ESC Stan

It’s a Eurovision Song Contest, so it’s about the song/singer and the vision/staging. With only 10 countries to get points, all factors need to be not bad.

2 years ago
Reply to  ESC Stan

Vocals, song, charisma and staging. And you know that.

ESC Stan
ESC Stan
2 years ago
Reply to  Illi

All I was saying, if you read the posts in other articles there have been post that literally state its the song alone. Of course its the whole package.

2 years ago
Reply to  ESC Stan

Eurovision is a SONG contest. If you have a running competition you only award the runners based on how soon they reach the finish sign, not on how well or badly their armpits smell.

2 years ago

Unpopular opinion, but I want Croatia to qualify

2 years ago
Reply to  lirjaan

I think that’s actually becoming very popular opinion! Dark horse!

2 years ago

Ok…this is a very interesting year for Eurovision. I think this is the first time that a lot of fan favorites are so terrible live and the underdogs are taking the spot. Maybe the best example is Mia from Croatia. I must say I was not a fan of this song when it came out cause in general I don’t like country/folksy vibe but those live performances… She’s such a fine singer. To sing like that in a very hard circumstances with extremely bad sound is really mindblowing. And I don’t know what they did with the musical arrangement but… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Eurofanvision

At least the fan favorites will do better in Turin.

2 years ago
Reply to  Eurofanvision

The Balkans will push her into the Q position, no need to worry.

2 years ago

After these performances, one is sure, Croatia is definitely qualifying this year. That was was spot on!

ESC Stan
ESC Stan
2 years ago
Reply to  Tedd

I will say I loved her but missed her hot backup dancer lol

2 years ago
Reply to  Tedd

She is the Artsvik of 2022. No one likes her song but everyone finds her personality likeable.

There is a light guiding my way
There is a light guiding my way
2 years ago
Reply to  Bernard

I do love her song from the beginning.

2 years ago

Certainly NOT Austria haha, Sis needs to find the notes and a key!

2 years ago
Reply to  Boozyfloozy99

That will change.

2 years ago
Reply to  beccaboo1212

She can’t sing. That won’t change.

2 years ago
Reply to  Catriona

Your hol* cant – go away itch

2 years ago
Reply to  Boozyfloozy99

It’s not about finding notes, she gets them roughly right. It’s just that she can only access them by screaming without natural control of her voice.

2 years ago


2 years ago

Putting these two in one sentence should be banned. Don’t you try this trick. Lithuania is great and Serbia has got no song to begin with.

2 years ago
Reply to  Bernard

So your only role here is to go around and bash ICS.. good for you..

2 years ago
Reply to  Bernard

I totally agree …. It a song contest.
Making butter or washing hands should not help when there is no song

2 years ago

Croatia for sure so much better without dancer

2 years ago

Austria and Armenia were the best 🙂

2 years ago

The level of hypocrisy shown on these boards is sometimes staggering. An inexperienced 18 year-old is pilloried for not quite hitting the mark vocally (although having seen it, it really wasn’t as bad as these boards would have you believe) and everyone proudly states that Eurovision is a singing competition where vocal ability is to be respected and to be rewarded.

And then Bulgaria delivers an outstanding vocal rock performance and suddenly it is the song that is the problem.

Which one is it people?

Mary gar
2 years ago
Reply to  Kosey

That’s easy.. It’s the combination.. A good song with a competent vocal performance and great stage presence.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kosey

Oh come on, there are so many songs in this competition that are incredibly bland but have a good singer singing them and suddenly the community is drooling over how good it is

2 years ago
Reply to  Kosey

It is the hyprocrisy that is bothersome. Pia did ok (I don’t think it is fair of you to write that she “slaughtered” her song). But if the community is going to destroy her because vocal ability is so important, then why is Bulgaria not topping the charts because he gave a very accomplished, professional vocal performance. The answer is “oh because the song is terrible”. What an unbelievable cop-out, and yes it is hypocritical in my opinion

2 years ago
Reply to  Kosey

Sorry but I find Bulgaria’s lyrics borderline cringeworthy. I’m sure people would like it much more if they were singing in bulgarian

2 years ago
Reply to  Dawid

Subjectively, I was never a fan of the ”If I can’t understand the language, it doesn’t matter” idea when it comes to the lyrics. I *always* translate them, and a cringeworthy lyrics in Bulgarian, Chinese, or Zulu are still the same cringeworthy lyrics. However, I think that objectively, when it comes to the general audiences who watch it only once, and don’t overthink it, this might indeed help.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kosey

Disagree, most people in the community value 5 above 2 all the time

2 years ago
Reply to  Kosey

I meant to say that there are a lot
of songs in group 5 which are very highly regarded only because of the vocal performance. It is a cop-out to call something a “terrible” song when there is no objective criteria on which to base that assessment.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kosey

I find it very interesting that you still put Blanche is category 3 and not category 4. Something tells me that you don’t actually like Austria’s song this year and so are just looking for an excuse to bash it?

2 years ago
Reply to  Kosey

I’m not sure, I think you might be letting your subjective like of City Lights cloud your objective assessment of Blanche’s vocal performance. City Lights was in my personal top 3 but I can recognize that her vocal performance was not very good, but my subjective love of the song meant that it still remained high in my list. I have the same feeling for Pia. My feeling is that you don’t have the same subjective love for it, and therefore you are being overly harsh about the vocal. Pia and Blanche’s vocal performance is on a similar level, but… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Kosey

This depends on where your source of enjoyment for a song comes from. If you get your enjoyment purely from the vocal aspects, I can understand some disappointment, but surely there was a reason you connected with the song in the first place beyond just the way a collection of vocal notes was presented to you? Those reasons still remain.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kosey

It really depends on how much the song itself is great, and to a what degree the vocal performance is flawed (Aria explained it really well). For example, even if both performances had *some* vocal issues, we can say that quoting Sennek’s vocals as a reason for NQ might be harsh, while Yuliya Samoylova’s performance couldn’t be saved even by a song like Arcade. In Austria 2022’s case, I’m the wrong person to ask. I was never a big fan of the song to begin with, and thought that the performance might be the selling point. So far, it doesn’t… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Colin

I don’t disagree with anything you write Colin. The problem here is the frankly preposterous idea that somehow a song has an objective set of criteria to denote “quality”. When we are talking about human emotion, there is no objective set of rules to define a song’s inherent quality. So everybody (including myself) is starting from a point of bias in terms of our individual assessment of a song’s quality. Which then brings me on to the thorny subject of the “live” presentation. Where I see the hypocrisy is the the valuing of the vocal ability. It seems that a… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Kosey

It is all indeed very individual. Both the song, and the live vocals have subjective parameters of ”quality”. There are objective parameters of BPM, chords, lyrics used on paper, the ability to be on key ect, but there are many of subjective ones too. For example, the singer either is or isn’t on key, but it’s a completely individual issue whether that detract from out enjoyment of the song or not. Of course, the more objective ”mistakes” there are, the more people will subjectively start feeling that they matter. Missing one note might not be important to some listeners, while… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Colin

Excellent, as always Colin, I could not agree with you more. Which is why some commentators’ reaction to Pia’s vocals make little objective sense to me. It is people’s self-awareness that bothers me most. All of this board is ultimately subjective yet it is surprising how many individuals consider it objective.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kosey

Thanky, Kosey. 🙂 The music is subjective in a lot of ways. Sure, professional jurors should get some objective parameters on which aspects to pay attention to, and to a what degree. But us as viewers must keep the benefit of being subjective, as long as we are still respectful. The emotional aspect of a vocal performance can be received in a different way by different people. For me, in general, of course that the objective ability to mostly hit all the chords matters, but it matters even more that the singer feels emotionally connected to the material they deliver.… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Kosey

Sorry but no. You need both. If you think vocals aren’t important, look at Roxen from last year. Studio version could be worldwise hit imo. Live was painful to watch.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dawid

I think context is all important. Perhaps there is an argument to say that the vocal needs to fit the song. Like I said above, if Pia made “moo” sounds for 3 minutes, it would detract from my enjoyment of the song, but vocal ability is not important to a song like “Halo”. A couple of years ago, I loved “Attention”, that song needed the right vocal ability and Ulrikke delivered it. Same with Mia Negovetic this year, Oprosti needed a better vocal performance. Halo doesn’t need the same vocal ability so I’m not that bothered if it isn’t perfect.… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Kosey

I’m sorry, but “everyone” does not proudly state that it is a singing contest. Only three days ago, over on the Sheldon Riley article, I was saying the exact opposite.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

You’re right, i mean majority. But judging by the swell of opinion, it is largely “everyone”

2 years ago
Reply to  Kosey

Because at the end you need both. E.g.. I would defend La Mia Cittá as a song till the end of times, but girl, that performance on the final was not it, period. And I recognise it openly.

2 years ago
Reply to  Nikki

It depends what you mean by “defend to the end of times”.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kosey

I mean that I do like it and that I’m also a big fan of Emma, just that. It was my favourite on 2014, song wise, but I recognise that the staging and the performance was a mess and I’m OK with the final result.

2 years ago
Reply to  Nikki

Yes, but specifically where does it remain in your personal list for that year? Taking into account all of the relevant factors? It’s fine to accept the result it actually achieves, but where does it sit on your personal list, all things considered?

2 years ago
Reply to  Kosey

Moldova 2018 says Hi.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kosey

Kosey you are right to call out this blatant and staggering hypocrisy. But it is an integral part of the fandom bubble and even politely pointing this out will get your comment minused, as no one likes to hear the truth.

2 years ago

Brooke, Ireland. Period.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jamie

Oh wow. This comment has an usual amount of down votes. I agree with you though! She was great and dancing! Big improvement!

2 years ago

Why is no one mentioning Stefan, his vocals are amazing and song itself is really uplifting.

2 years ago
Reply to  Nat

IKR, Stefan has great vocals!

2 years ago
Reply to  Nat

I agree. I think that it’s one of the best songs of the year. The vocals, the lyrics, and the composition are all top notch. Estonia is absolutely amazing this year!

Eurovision fan
Eurovision fan
2 years ago

Austria does not deserve to qualify with that live performance. She sounded as if she came to singing festival for children.

2 years ago
Reply to  Eurovision fan

Just watch. Pia will improve during rehearsals and neighboring country Germany will vote for Austria. 🙂

2 years ago
Reply to  Eurovision fan

Mate the song is a non-recyclable garbage, why discuss the vocals even 🙂

Eurovision fan
Eurovision fan
2 years ago

Latvia was one of the best, yet fans don’t vote for them just because they don’t like the song. Austria is in front of them, that tells enough.

2 years ago

2022 has been really underwhelming so far. Even the pre-party performances make me feel uninterested and that says a lot about their live performances. Just hope they don’t ruin it when they are in Italy.

2 years ago

i voted for serbia, armenia, and ukraine.
serbia because konstrakta is legendary and i will love anything she does, armenia because its the first time i’m seeing the song live and it matched my expectations, and ukraine honestly gave me winner vibes

2 years ago

It’s now clear that the only song that might win ESC that performed last night was Ukraine. They have a consistent vocal and presentation continues to improve. Poland and France showed they’re not winning song performances. Serbia improved the stage show but I don’t think 1st time viewers will get it, or like reading the English translation on the back.

Sir Stevia
Sir Stevia
2 years ago
Reply to  John

I think Sweden, Italy or Ukraine will win but others can do also. Still pretty open which is exciting!

Liam Lindsay
Liam Lindsay
2 years ago
Reply to  Sir Stevia

I will say that the UK will win

2 years ago
Reply to  John

As we don’t know yet what some countries have in plan for actual stage performance, its a little early to rule out Poland.

2 years ago
Reply to  John

Its a pre-party bruh. Its not going to be the same performance at ESC.

2 years ago

I was in the arena during the show, very close to the stage, and I think the best acts were Moldova, Latvia and Albania, and the worst ones were Croatia, Montenegro and Germany. Moldova had such good vibes and amazing stage presence, Latvia knows how to elevate a song with the live performance, and even though Ronela was alone on stage, it felt like she had all of the dancers from the Festivali I Kenges performance. Such energy. on the other hand, Croatia and Montenegro didn’t communicate with the audience at all while leaving and entering the stage, and it… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Kuchy

Croatia the worst… yeah no

2 years ago
Reply to  Kuchy

I mostly agree with you, but I vaguely remember Mia and Vladana saying thank you and being very sweet. Also Germany is always great, his energy is kinda chill Eminem:p

2 years ago

You have to love Europe’s hypocrisy when justifiably calling out Russia’s aggression yet ignoring I S R A E L’S crimes when they do the same thing.

The truth
2 years ago
Reply to  Jeep

Shh! Israel is never to be mentioned. Its crimes are not be broadcast. You’ll get the label of being an “anti-Semite” from the cancel culture.

2 years ago

Poland & Australia scream
Wayyyyy too much, sorry not my cup of team

2 years ago

My top 3 for the night:
1. Albania
2. Croatia
3. Armenia

2 years ago
Reply to  Licko

Balkan taste …. Hopefully Europe is much bigger