Ukraine Kalush Orchestra Eurovision 2022 winner
EBU / Corinne Cumming

The Eurovision 2022 season has come to an end, and speculation about Eurovision 2023 has already begun. On Saturday 14 May in Turin, Kalush Orchestra walked away with the crown, giving Ukraine its third Eurovision victory.

As part of the prize package, the Eurovision champion is offered first refusal to host the contest the following year. However, the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine leaves things up in the air. With no immediate end to conflict in sight, a number of countries have already offered to host Eurovision 2023. So, what would happen if Ukraine couldn’t host the contest?

Who will host Eurovision 2023? 


As is tradition, Ukrainian broadcaster Suspilne (UA:PBC) will be offered first refusal to host Eurovision 2023 after Kalush Orchestra’s historic win. At the winner’s press conference, Kalush frontman Oleh Psiuk told the world Ukraine is hopeful to stage next year’s show. 

Psiuk said: “Next year, Ukraine will be happy to host the Eurovision Song Contest, and indeed all of Europe, in the new, integrated, happy Ukraine. It is too soon to talk about our plans, but of course we will do everything possible to make the next Eurovision happen in the new, peaceful Ukraine.”

Meanwhile, Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky said he wants to see the contest staged in a Mariupol.

Zelensky said: “We will do our best to one day host the participants and guests of Eurovision in Ukrainian Mariupol. Free, peaceful, rebuilt! I am sure our victorious chord in the battle with the enemy is not far off.”

Mariupol is currently under siege by the Russian military and Donetsk separatists. The city’s mayor claims more than 21,000 civilians have died since the assault began. President Zelensky also suggests 95% of the city’s buildings have been destroyed.  

The Russian invasion of Ukraine will inevitably make for logistic difficulties. Hosting the contest comes with unique logistical challenges: on top of providing an arena to broadcast from, the host city must construct a stage, provide accommodation for thousands of guests including artists and delegations, and assure the security of all those involved. Even with hopes the conflict could conclude before the end of the year, it is likely much of Ukraine’s funding will likely be funnelled into rebuilding the nation’s infrastructure. 

Though some Western cities — including Lviv, near the Polish border — are considered safer than those in the East, concerns remain over direct travel restrictions and international security, which may ultimately hinder their ability to accommodate for Eurovision next year. 

United Kingdom

In previous years when the winning country has refused to host the following year, the second place nation has been offered the job. The first instance of this occurred in 1960, when 1959 runners-up United Kingdom stepped up to host the contest after winners The Netherlands declined due to expense. 

This year, the silver medal went to the UK’s Sam Ryder. If the runner-up pattern is to be following, Eurovision 2023 could be hosted by the Brits. 

The UK has hosted Eurovision more times than any other nation, with eight hostings across London, Edinburgh, Harrogate, Brighton and Birmingham. 

On BBC’s Sunday Morning, Business Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng was honoured by the possibility of a British city hosting the contest — but expressed confidence in the Ukrainian people to make Eurovision happen in their country next year.

Kwarteng said: “Of course it would be an honour for us to host [Eurovision] but I’m very clear that President Zelensky is fully confident that Ukraine will be able to host the contest next year, and I look forward to watching it there.”



La Vanguardia reports Spanish broadcaster Radiotelevisión Española (RTVE) has offered to host Eurovision 2023 in Spain.

María Eizaguirre, Communications Director at RTVE, said: “What has been offered is that, in the event that Ukraine could not host it, we offer ourselves as the headquarters, but the first objective is to help them in everything they need.”

Last week, Spain’s Head of Delegation Eva Mora said Spain would be prepared to host Eurovision 2023 in the event of Chanel’s victory. 

Mora told wiwibloggs: “We did the best Olympic Games in history and would make a great ESC 2023. Spain has all the tourist infrastructures and we are sure that the institutions would be involved. We already have a plan to host ESC 2023.”

Eva Mora is one of the masterminds behind Benidorm Fest 2022 — Spain’s highly successful and much talked-about Eurovision selection show. It set a TV ratings high for RTVE and was trending all over social media for weeks. Budding star Chanel won the selection, and ultimately went on to place third at Eurovision — bringing Spain its best Eurovision result since 1995. 


Poland has remained one of Ukraine’s closest allies during the war. As of 11 May, more than 3.2 million Ukrainian refugees have crossed the Polish border.

Plejada reports Chairperson of Telewizja Polska (TVP) Jacek Kurski has expressed interest in assisting Ukraine to host the contest, should they be unable to facilitate it solo. 

However, the broadcaster insisted matters would need to be discussed with government before making any promises.

Kurski said: “There is always a willingness to help, but there are also procedures that bind us as a State Treasury company, a public company, we are disciplined here, and therefore I cannot make promises except generally good will in this matter.”

A Poland-Ukraine collaboration could follow the same rules in place for an Australian victory. Should Australia ever win the contest, Special Broadcasting Service (SBS) will be given the chance to co-host the following year’s contest in a European city of their choice, in collaboration with another broadcaster. 

This proposed collaboration between UA:PBC and TVP could enable Ukrainian event organisers to travel more easily across the border during planning phases. 


Aftonbladet reports Swedish capital Stockholm, which itself is twinned with Ukrainian capital Kyiv, is prepared to host the contest.

Stockholm’s Finance Councillor Anna König Jerlmyr contacted the Ukrainian ambassador to Sweden with the offer ahead of Saturday night’s grand final, understanding the likelihood of Ukraine’s victory and potential difficulties hosting.

Jerlmyr said: “This is a way to continue to show support. We are used to arranging Eurovision and did it no later than 2016. With the experience that we feel was successful, we are happy to stand up.”

She added: “The question has begun to be asked about what will happen if Ukraine takes home the win on Saturday. We do not want people to hesitate to vote for their favorite if they have questions about whether it is possible to arrange a competition or not. So then we want Ukraine to know that they are welcome to arrange the competition in Stockholm if needed.”

Potential host venues in Stockholm include the Avicii Arena, which hosted of Eurovision 2000 and 2016, and the Friends Arena, which frequently hosts the Melodifestivalen final.


Immediately after its hosting of Eurovision 2022, Italian broadcaster Rai is throwing its hat back in the ring.

Stefano Coletta, Director of Rai 1, said: “Should a collective call be made for the edition in Ukraine, Rai will make available its know-how and the great experience it has shown in this edition.”

Mayor Stefano Lo Russo also offered Torino as a potential host, stating the city is ready to welcome Eurovision back next year should Ukraine be unable to accommodate the contest.

What do you think? Which country will host Eurovision 2023? Share your thoughts in the comment below.

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2 years ago

Ukraine, and if not, then Poland. Honestly, they are the closest to Ukrainians and I think Ukrainians would feel welcome and like at home.

2 years ago
Reply to  Loretta

But they are not at home… And Poland as a country is close to Ukraine, but I don’t think polish nation feels close to the ukrainian nation. Poles are helping because the situation requires that, not because they feel close to Ukrainians.

2 years ago

I feel for the Ukraine I really do but any idea of them hosting should be canned immediately. Even in the extremely unlikely event the war is over by 2023 – financially , structurally and spiritually it’s too much too soon and any expectation for them to do it is unfair and delusional. UK is the most logical option though Spain or Sweden would work too. This isn’t on the cards but I also think Yerevan would be a good option. They’re hosting JESC in December , they know what Ukraine’s going through and it would give them extra time… Read more »

2 years ago

Poland has already done MORE than enough for Ukraine, for real yall, stop being so greedy and let them have a break.. I think the U.K. as the runner up would be the best idea or if Spain is truly interested in hosting then why not let them do that, I’m sure they would do a great job.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ma?enaF

I don’t know why you are getting so angry about Poland being in the mix. This isn’t just speculation. People aren’t asking/begging Poland to host… Polish officials have reached out, and have made statements mentioning their desire to host the competition in collaboration with the Ukrainian Broadcaster. They extended the offer…. no one asked them to. Chill.

2 years ago

Well, Poland is not a bad idea – Junior Eurovision contests produced in Poland were of superb quality.

2 years ago

Back to Baku?

2 years ago
Reply to  stan

no. Azerbajin do not deserve to host , they’re cheats.

2 years ago

GB? is not schengen anymore. how can all ppl come in?

2 years ago
Reply to  moon

It was never schengen anyway.

William Clelland
2 years ago
Reply to  moon

What a stupid statement to make ??

2 years ago

UKRAINE – the branding as essentially been served on a platter if it gets hosted in the UK. Although I’d say us finishing second should be taken out the equation because hosting for that reason makes it feel like the UK is stealing Ukraine’s thunder. Instead it should be hosted here as a symbol of unity between our two countries in these times – and postcards should represent that.

2 years ago

The only two countries that would be able to do Eurovision perfectly are the United Kingdom and Sweden. The other big five, including Spain, wouldn’t do better than Italy.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lokito

I didn’t like the 1998 stage.

2 years ago

It’s funny how the italian media pointed Spain as the villain when some random spanish twitter account (I still can’t tell which one) said during the rehearsal that RAI’s organization wasn’t on point. The whole country claimed vendetta, the RAI comentator said during the show that Chanel was a JLo wannabe, and Italy was the only country that didn’t rewarded any ponts to Spain from the jury nor the televote. Well, looking at comments here, it seems like it was the general opinion across Europe after all. All truth must be faced: “SloMo” is a song rejected by Jennifer Lopez… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Wozzeck

Lol, this rant is so absurd it’s even funny. That only Italian commentator (there were other two) made quirky comments about mostly al the songs – just in Wogan’s style – and some of those got points in the end no matter what – his comments about Konstrakta were even worse and in the end Serbia got 7 points from Italy televote no matter what.

2 years ago

So the second placed country usually gets 1st dibs? That explains the mysterious extra mountain of points the UK were awarded by the EBU – contrary to the wishes of the 6 disallowed juries – which pushed them ahead of Spain.

2 years ago

Hell to the no to Italy hosting. 1 year was bad enough the sun was a big problem but what’s even worse the filming angles now that was a nightmare.

William Clelland
2 years ago
Reply to  Martin

Nah despite the sun not working I thought the stage and the staging were fantastic.I thought Italy produced a 1st class eurovision

2 years ago

Our minister said Ukraine will host, that they are not considering hosting outside of the country

2 years ago
Reply to  Mariia

Whether they can physically and safely do it is another question though, don’t you think?

2 years ago
Reply to  Emma

This is our mindset. If Kalush can not only travel in spite of war but do a good show and concerts Ukraine can find a way too. But I would do it together with Poland close to Ukrainian border not on our territory .

2 years ago
Reply to  Mariia

they are not considering hosting outside of the country”. Well, maybe they should consider facing the truth then…

2 years ago
Reply to  Heurve

Here is the truth. Ukraine is winning and more and more regions are free from russians every day. A few days ago they left Kharkiv. The west of Ukraine was not touched. Only missiles are the problem there. We can host on the west. I am in Kyiv and it is already relatively safe there

2 years ago
Reply to  Mariia

I agree that situation looks fairly optimistic but keep in mind that the final decision on the hosting must be made in summer. It’s not enough for the situation to be safe, but also stable enough to be fairly sure that contest in Kyiv (or Lviv or wherever) can go on.

Let’s hope for the best. I would love to see ESC 2023 in Ukraine (Sevastopol would be a great choice, if we’re optimists :)), I’m just not sure if it’s realistic.

2 years ago
Reply to  Samo

We will see. I would do it together with Poland on their territory if they agreed. But out president and politicians want to host it here. And I would love it to be in Donetsk if we could

2 years ago
Reply to  Mariia


2 years ago
Reply to  Mariia

Things can’t get worse or chronic (let’s hope not) and I think your government must, after all, prioritize the money you have (and the one the rest of Europe is giving you) in reconstructing basic infrastructure like hospitals, schools and so on before investing money in Eurovision.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mariia

Yes he can say that to give hope but the truth is different is it not? You still have to rebuild a country and all money should be spent on infrastructure, not on having a huge show.
You also must gurantee safety for all involved and that is not something that can be guaranteed.

2 years ago

Why not Strasburg? Right between France and Germany, 2 big five members, symbol of reconciliation… and next to the EU parliament.

2 years ago
Reply to  Heurve

germany and france were on 2 last places! and guess why? ok because of politics but nobody like them

2 years ago

as Ukrainian of course I want my country to host, it would bring a bit happiness and joy to many people in such horrible and dark times, but I do understand its probably impossible, war is not over and I’m not sure it will be over in near months And as mush I would want to esc back to my hometown Kyiv or other city, we can’t guarantee our guests safety, not now unfortunately, we have air raids in daily basis all over country, even western part of Ukraine is not safe place, Russians only tonight launched 8 missels on… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Bonny

I 100% agree. I mean, I’m totally biased as I’m from the UK, however I would love to us host, if Ukraine won they deserve to host (only if they can provide safety of course), otherwise I would like to see uk host with Ukraine, as it shows 2 countries uniting to host a glorious event to show how uk/ Ukraine respect one another. However, if this were to be done it would have to be done right, like both uk and Ukrainian hosts, interval acts from both countries, representation of one another’s culture etc… I think it would be… Read more »

The Voice of Reason
The Voice of Reason
2 years ago

Ukraine need to use the reconstruction money in more essential things. This will waste their money and the war might not be over by then. Also, it would still be a dangerous place for large amounts of citizens and tourists to gather even when the war is over due to the crumbling ruins. If the war is still going ahead, Putin could order a direct bombing of the arena. I don’t see how this is possible. Instead, the Ukrainian broadcasters and hosts should partner with another country’s broadcaster and host it in another country. Given the historical example, it’s only… Read more »

60 yearsESCfollower
60 yearsESCfollower
2 years ago

It does not matter where it is held, Ukraine will win again in 2023 even if they send a deaf-mute as entry. It is so blatantly political now. That is not ESC for me or for what it was created.

2 years ago

If Ukraine can’t, Belfast in Northern Ireland would be a great option jointed BBC and RTE production. Thankfully we’ve Peace on the Island of Ireland now.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jamie

The UK and Ireland cant agree border arrangements never mind anything else

2 years ago
Reply to  Jamie

Not for a long. Sinn Féin rulez ?

Evana Marie
Evana Marie
2 years ago

They should just have it in Australia lol. Nah, I know that’s not going to happen, even if we did win there’s the time difference. Just saying as I’m from Australia haha. It makes sense to have it in UK, seems likely that is where it will be.

2 years ago

Cyprus is the obvious and only option (:

2 years ago
Reply to  Marilena

Actually, there is a pool of 30 countries to choose from, if Ukraine can’t. Why should they pick Cyprus? Explain. If Ukraine can’t host, they will probably pick a Big Five country. I don’t know which country will pick, but it’s probably one of them. I can only guess. I guess that Ukraine themselves will select the host country (like Australia if they win), and to keep things simple, they’ll probably select UK, as they placed second and stepped in multiple times (they hosted eight times!). But I’m more than curious to know why they should pick Cyprus, they even… Read more »

2 years ago

They should host it in ukraine and ukraine can be the only participant and “win” again. No need to waste time money and effort of other countries on this pathetic pity olympics

2 years ago
Reply to  Whatever

I hope my country won’t participate in next year’s contest. There are better ways of spending money

2 years ago
Reply to  Jghtl

There wont be no eurosong next year but you are right about everything

2 years ago

A pan-european organisation of broadcasters is also contemplated, and in this case, Brussels as heart of Europe would perfectly fit.

2 years ago

For me personally, the United Kingdom is the only viable candidate should the situation in Ukraine prohibit Suspilne from holding the 2023 in their homeland. We came in at first place with the juries and were the runners-up overall, and have stepped in to host on behalf of another broadcaster four times previously; provided the BBC make a formal offer, I see no reason why the job of hosting would go to any other country with perhaps the exception of Poland or, at a push, Sweden (given SVT’s helping hand in 2017) Suspilne and the BBC would naturally share organization,… Read more »

2 years ago

I want a UK hosting but with NO Graham Norton for f***s sake!

2 years ago
Reply to  vetrina

haha, but he is pretty damn funny on the commentary

2 years ago
Reply to  vetrina

If it is the BBC it will probably be hosted by that deaf girl from Strictly that they are so obsessed with. It would be a total woke fest (ie no fun)

2 years ago
Reply to  vetrina

I doubt it’d be Graham anyway, as he’d have to spend over 3 hours each night dashing between the stage and the commentator’s booth! Terry Wogan only had the one show to juggle both roles at a contest that was generally smaller in scale, but there’s no way Graham would be able to do it with today’s ESC.

2 years ago
Reply to  UpinSpaceFan

He’s not the commentator for the semi-finals anyway, so there wouldn’t be much difference between now and 1998.

2 years ago

Anyone but Italy. They just hosted Eurovision and many people weren’t too pleased by them. Time for a new country. UK should host since they are the real winners excluding the sympathy votes.

2 years ago
Reply to  Yankee

Are most fans unhappy with the show? Seems a bit ungrateful and and unappreciative to me, is it mostly about the broken sun?

2 years ago
Reply to  HarpyDarper

That’s one thing I’ve heard people disliked. I also heard about Italian technical difficulties such as national juries not being able to be shown or heard during the finals.

2 years ago
Reply to  Yankee

That had nothing to do with Italy and was not their fault in any way.

2 years ago
Reply to  HarpyDarper

The show is one thing, but after attending the event in Turin I can say I’m really disappointed with the preparation of the city to welcome fans.

2 years ago
Reply to  Marek

You have been spoiled. The show is one thing, yes, it’s also the main thing. The only important thing. Rai and the city of Torino are under no obligation to lavish royal treatment on a privileged few. The contest is for the people at home watching on television.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

It’s not about any “royal treatment”. It’s about basics like public transport to and from the venue. Or screening of the live shows. A lot of people were walking around the city watching youtube transmission on their phones cause of eurovillage capacity limits and lack of alternatives. And don’t forget that the city of Turin placed a bid to host the event and won promising exactly those basics. Noone forced them to host it

2 years ago
Reply to  Marek

I’m sorry to have misunderstood you. I still think that the people who travel should be of little consideration when picking where the contest will be. The EBU should not be spending money to please holiday-makers… but yes, if the city of Torino promised something, then you should have gotten it. I’m sure politicians break promises all over the world, though.

2 years ago
Reply to  Marek

Can you elaborate please? I’ve not read any reports about fans over there, was the city/it’s residents happy to host this big event and welcome tourists? After all, they had the Olympics. Was there lots of lovely bunting everywhere and flowing infustructure?

2 years ago
Reply to  HarpyDarper

There was a Eurovision Village but not enough capacity, badly planned, huge queues, no crowd control. No other public Eurovision events anywhere in the city. Any location that was on the EuroClub venue list had no idea what was going on when you got there… It just seemed the city wasn’t expecting anybody to turn up. No information anywhere on the web… So there were just lots of people walking around who didn’t know where to go/what to do to watch it. Mind you I still think everybody found a way to have fun. Jonas is right, the event is… Read more »

2 years ago

The desperation from Spain to host is a little cringy in my opinion…

2 years ago
Reply to  Nathan
It is more your psychopathy with Spain...
2 years ago
Reply to  Nathan

I was thinking the same thing. It’s kind of like they think this is the closest they will ever get. Not to positive about their future entries, I guess.

2 years ago
Reply to  Alfie28

It’s more about the happiness of having such results after decades, the new responsables for Eurovision in TVE are changing how things work here and we are actually quite hopeful with having more good results in the following years…. Why didn’t you think the same about… Poland? Just asking

2 years ago
Reply to  Nathan

Until this year, the former responsible chiefs for Eurovision in Spain were not interested at all in either winning, much less hosting Eurovision. It’s Ukraine who can propose another country and well let’s not talk about jury removals giving less points to Spain and a bit more to the UK so that they got 2nd just by 7 points (: Would we love to host Eurovision some time? Of course, but we can wait. It’s funny how you fixate on Spain while Italy, Poland or Sweden have also postulated…. Do you have a trauma with Spain?

2 years ago

The UK because firstly they placed second, and secondly because it might be the cheapest option for those of us who’d want to go to Eurovision next year lol. Sweden would be a great option too because they’re always amazing at hosting but it’s a hell of an expensive country to go to and to be in

Jesper Hjellnes
Jesper Hjellnes
2 years ago
Reply to  Serafina

“Don’t complain, it’s even more expensive in Norway” 😀

Petra Mede, Eurovision 2013

2 years ago
Reply to  Serafina

You won’t be saying that if you end up having to go to London next year… and I say that as someone who’s lived in London and Stockholm.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sam

We should go to Lisbon then. One of the less expensive capitals, and it has beaches near by :))

Patrick Callaghan
Patrick Callaghan
2 years ago
Reply to  Serafina

It must be the UK in the event of Ukraine not hosting, but would it not be wonderful to see it in Marioupol?

2 years ago

Firstly, thank you to wiwiblogs for all the updates during esc2022. Very enjoyable as always.

Secondly, I do not wish to speculate on host countries without knowing deadline dates.

Daniel Twist
Daniel Twist
2 years ago

I think UK would be the obvious choice should Ukraine not be able to host.

Glasgow is the perfect city. The Hydro has hosted many big events MTV Awards, MOBOs even COP26.

Patrick Callaghan
Patrick Callaghan
2 years ago
Reply to  Daniel Twist

Or the O2 in London, 10 mins from my house ?

2 years ago

I hope the BBC do a joint host with Ukraine .

The ideal city in the UK to host would be Glasgow. Its just hosted COP26 and it has the Hydro Arena with the SEC next door as the press centre ready to go and the Riverside to act as a EuroVillage.

Im so fab
Im so fab
2 years ago

Italy: We want to host again!
Me: No

2 years ago
Reply to  Im so fab

Not just you, but everyone else.

2 years ago
Reply to  Alfie28

Not everyone else. I’d be happy to see them do it again. I don’t know why they would want to, though, when their efforts go totally unappreciated.

ete sech
ete sech
2 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

Bruh, for starters the postcards were awful!

2 years ago
Reply to  ete sech

I can’t agree.

2 years ago
Reply to  ete sech

Lol, it was the same concept of last year, only you had projections of the artists and not them projected in the little houses.

2 years ago
Reply to  Alfie28

Actually where do you take that from? The three shows flowed without any delay, some interval acts were magnificent (Diodato and Mika and Gigliola was super classy), the hosts were genuinely happy and didn’t make any awkward comment like it happened in the past, the turquoise carpet was held in a spectacular venue, the arena was friendly and singing along to every song, and the stage, despite differing from the first idea, worked perfectly for many performances and some shots from the waterfall looked truly stunning (even the delegations that were affected in the start have praised the work, like… Read more »

2 years ago

I think the UK is the obvious choice plus everyone traveling gets to see the new ABBA voyage experience.! but seriously we have seen Swedish productions/influenced productions for way too long I’m sure the BBC would give the show a new energy and aesthetic.. plus the UK in Ukraine could be used as a co branding logo UKraine I’m pretty sure though Ukraine would want to stage the show in London, although a great city alternative could be Liverpool or Manchester PS Just a footnote “Spain’s Head of Delegation Eva Mora Mora told wiwibloggs: “We did the best Olympic Games… Read more »

2 years ago

Spain changed the way Olympics ceremonies looked like. It was the best Olympics at the time. And it was undoubtedly and until today, the most spectacular lighting of the torch. I do agree the London ceremony was better.

2 years ago
Reply to  Aricdb

Muhammad Ali was the best lighting of the torch.

2 years ago

I feel like the UK would be a natural heir not just as the runner-up but also as a financially stable member of the Big 5. It just makes total sense.
Now I am wondering whether the hosts would be Ukrainian or British. As far as I know in the past, the hosting country would produce the show alone entirely. But I could imagine that UA:PBC and the BBC do a more joint production.

2 years ago
Reply to  Björn

Also, would be quite interesting to see the Ukrainian flag in the Eurovision heart with e.g. “London 2023” written below.

2 years ago
Reply to  Björn

Just put the European flag and problem solved or you think it will trigger the Brexiteers? Lol

2 years ago
Reply to  ThorBeta

There is no Europe flag. Ukraine is not in the EU. Yet.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

The flag of Council of Europe:
Which is the same with the flag of EU.
And yes Ukraine is member of the Council of Europe. UK too. Belarus never was and Russia was recently kicked out. Perfect match.

2 years ago
Reply to  ThorBeta

I know about the council, but I didn’t realize their flag was considered the European flag, the flag of Europe. I can admit when I’m wrong, which I am. Probably.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

The flag was first adopted by the CoE in 1955 and much later by the EU. It has obviously become popular as the flag of the EU but the design is meant to be the flag of whole Europe. So why not replacing the national flags for the 2023 edition of ESC as a symbol of European unity, once more after another war on the continent.

2 years ago
Reply to  Björn

I feel like two Ukrainian hosts and one British host would work quite well.
Or all Ukrainian if possible.

2 years ago

In hell with the rest of the Nazis

2 years ago
Reply to  Aaljen

I don’t think your house will cope with the demand sorry mate 😉

2 years ago
Reply to  my2p

He is russian which means he might not have a house, considering the fact they are stealing panties and socks in Ukraine

2 years ago
Reply to  Aaljen

Awe, do we have an angry Russian?

2 years ago

God, NO TO ITALY! Horrible host.

If Ukraine cannot host, go to UK. Ukraine/UK joint venture would be AWESOME.

2 years ago

I am not sure that Eurovision 2023 will be held in Mariupol or Lviv. Since there are no indoor arenas here. In addition, it will take a lot of money to build a new indoor arena

Jesse O'Rourke
Jesse O'Rourke
2 years ago

UK should host . End of

2 years ago

How about Ukraine and Germany hosting together? The winner and the looser of ESC 2022 hosting ESC 2023. Also Germany helped Ukraine a lot during war. 2nd choice would be UK hosting with UKraine. Both start with UK. UK won jury voting, so they deserve also recognition.

2 years ago

I’m hoping for a UK-Ukraine collaboration in a British city.
Have Graham Norton, Jamala and Timur Miroshnychenko host it. Celebrate European unity and Ukrainian culture.
Sweden is excellent at hosting it, but they did not too long ago and so did Ukraine. So it would be kind of perfect to give it to the BBC. I’m sure they will do a fantastic job.

2 years ago

It would obviously be heartwarming to see Ukraine hold next year’s contest on home soil, but I think there is too many complications with the horrendous situation they’re having to live in at the moment. Geographically, I would say Poland would be good, but (and no offense to any Polish people here whatsoever), but would that create an unfair bias of semi-final qualification? The same would apply to any other country that would have to qualify from a semi-final, as the likes of Sweden etc… I truly feel the most pragmatic solution would be for the it to be held… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Yorkie

Ooh, I like the idea of a eurovision logo that combines the colors and patterns of Ukraine and British flags.

2 years ago

Italy offering to host again, the audacity.

2 years ago
Reply to  CagardiB

I know! I thought to myself, “that’s a joke, right?”

2 years ago
Reply to  CagardiB

Maybe they want to redeem themselves from this year’s mess

2 years ago
Reply to  Serafina

What mess? The three shows flowed without any delay, some interval acts were magnificent (Diodato and Mika and Gigliola was super classy), the hosts were genuinely happy and didn’t make any awkward comment like it happened in the past, the turquoise carpet was held in a spectacular venue, the arena was friendly and singing along to every song, and the stage, despite differing from the first idea, worked perfectly for many performances and some shots from the waterfall looked truly stunning (even the delegations that were affected in the start have praised the work, like Denmark or Iceland). Was it… Read more »

2 years ago

If I should predict the c/o host for the ESC ….I would bet my money on the UK (big 5 country + runner up) ….or Spain (big 6 country and 3rd in the top 10). The hype in both countries is very high at the moment (because of their amazing and stunning acts) ….and, yeah, both would be great hosts. I doubt that Ukraine is able to host it next year even peace would be after summer 2022. Landmines, destroyed buildings ….nobody is able to fix that within 11 month. Look at my country Germany … we still find bombs… Read more »

Eurovision fan
Eurovision fan
2 years ago

Honestly I hope it will be Spain as Spain would have won probably won in normal circumstances.

2 years ago
Reply to  Eurovision fan

Dude, stop saying nonensense. Spain was third. The UK was second. Ukraine victory was fair. The rules and the numbers say what they say. Nos hacéis a todos los eurofans españoles un favor de mierda con vuestros dramitas de niñatas, acosando a otros países y actuando como si alguien nos debiera algo. Lo único que conseguís así son antipatías y menos puntos en próximos años.

2 years ago
Reply to  Wozzeck

Ukraine victory was fair but not deserved from an artistic point of view. His comment is actually right, the public gave more votes to Spain than the UK. If we imagine no war in Ukraine and 400 more votes were distributed, Spain would have gotten a bigger proportion of those hence winning since the difference with the UK was very short.

2 years ago
Reply to  Aricdb

But you can’t just assume that votes not going to Ukraine would automatically go to Spain. More people could have voted for Moldova, Serbia or Greece instead.

2 years ago
Reply to  Aricdb

What’s your idea of being/not being “artistic”? Flaunting silicon buttocks is the heights of art for you, right?

2 years ago
Reply to  Maria

Let us not forget about those “artistic” sexist lyrics.

2 years ago

Italy having the nerve to use the situation to get another chance

2 years ago

Host nowhere, live-on-tapes only. Why not after all ?
No annoying hosts presentators, no boring interval acts, no biased crowd in the arena. And money saving to send to Ukraine.

2 years ago
Reply to  Doris

This is the worst idea i’ve ever heard in my entire ESC journey. Maybe back in 2020 it would’ve been ok but in any other scenario? Absolutely not

2 years ago
Reply to  Doris

Just watch video clips then, how utterly boring

2 years ago

My two cents is that I would love for Sweden to host this again cause they’re the best at hosting IMO. Buuuut, if Ukraine is not able to host it, it would make the most sense for the UK to do it, they’re in the Big 5 and they came in second

2 years ago

Host in the UK
have three hosts from different countries (Get Petra back :-), a UK presenter, and a Ukrainian)
Have an interval act that is either Ukrainian, or a broad “Europe unites” theme

2 years ago
Reply to  TJCat

My thoughts exactly. Something co-organised by the BBC and Suspline but physically held in London or Manchester (or Cardiff! but that might be wishful thinking on my part…) feels like the best compromise. Purely from a production perspective, the BBC would do a pretty fantastic job.

2 years ago
Reply to  Rhys

London would be great, but I think Suspilne will most likely want to co-host with Poland or maybe Germany. TVP has done great job hosting 2 editions of JESC but ESC is a significant upscale, so ARD will probably be a safer option. It obviously depends on what the other broadcasters and EBU will say too.

2 years ago
Reply to  Rhys

Cardiff would be cool. about time Wales had its turn!

2 years ago
Reply to  TJCat

I’d love to see S4C taking part and sending a song in Welsh as they did in JESC.

2 years ago
Reply to  TJCat

It would be, but the Motorpoint Arena is very modest and like a high school gym in comparison to most typical venues (although I prefer going to gigs there rather that huge places) and the Principality Stadium could work (see Ryder Cup concert 2010), but probably too expensive and unlikely. We can dream! There are plans for a ritzy new arena in Cardiff Bay in a few years time

2 years ago

Please let’s settle on the UK from the get go. Trying to host in Ukraine could lead to many issues and even a sudden cancellation if things go very wrong.
We had enough with the 2020 cancellation. I’ve read an idea that the UK and Ukraine could co-organise in the UK as a host, but showing Ukraine culture and people living in the UK during the postcards, and even having hosts from both countries. That would be super cute.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gurl

Yes, you’re so right: We had enough with the shocking 2020 cancellation. We were already on lockdown so-believe it or not Rotterdam 2020 cancellation affected us emotionally. So Ukraine 2023? Thanks but no thanks.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gurl

I agree, a non-Big 5 host country would require many new rules, do both Ukraine and the host country (like Poland) get automatic qualification, making it 27 countries in the final?

2 years ago

Hey guys, can you please mention in your article that the rules of the contest state that the “Host Broadcaster”, i.e. the previous year’s winner, qualifies directly to next year’s final and that’s obviously Ukraine unless they withdraw from the competition.
People seem to be unaware of the rules and posting nonsense. Thanks 🙂

2 years ago
Reply to  ThorBeta

Unless they hand over the rights to another which could happen

2 years ago
Reply to  Denis

I don’t think they can hand over the rights to some other country themselves. They are the “Host Broadcaster” for 2023 unless they withdraw or EBU takes the rights away. I don’t think the latter will happen, so I expect that there is gonna be a co-host, that will be chosen by Suspilne and agreed with EBU.

Mary M.
Mary M.
2 years ago

I think the obvious choice would be the UK, if they want to do it, of course!

Mary M.
Mary M.
2 years ago
Reply to  Mary M.

Poland too, now that I think about it!

2 years ago
Reply to  Mary M.

Yes!!! It would be amazing to see Eurovision hosted by Poland. I’m sure they could do it really well.

Mary M.
Mary M.
2 years ago

They did very well with the junior, I would like to see it again 🙂

2 years ago

Poland is not interested. We can invite you after winning Eurovision. Ukraine has received the whole glory, but Poland is asked to pay and to organize their edition? lol, no thank you.

2 years ago
Reply to  Red

I agree. If Poland is to the host eurovision, it should be because they won the contest themselves.

2 years ago

San Marino should be the host next year.

2 years ago
Reply to  Colono

Valentina’s backyard??? Ahahaha