Photo: Rai

After a week of Italian musical excellence, the 73rd annual Sanremo Music Festival concluded in the early hours of Sunday morning as Marco Mengoni emerged as the winner with his song Due Vite.

The five-hour show saw 28 artists artists such as Madame, Coma_Cose and Ultimo battle it out for the biggest prize in Italian music. 

But it was Eurovision 2013 superstar Marco Mengoni who secured the top spot in the rankings just as he had done all week in the rankings all week.

Marco Mengoni now has first refusal to represent Italy at Eurovision 2023. We’ll find out Marco’s decision during the Sanremo press conference on Sunday afternoon.

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Festival di Sanremo 2023: Night 5 results

The final night of Festival di Sanremo 2023 took place over two rounds. All 28 acts performed their songs once again. The public televote combined with the results from the four previous nights determine which five acts moved onto the superfinal.

In the superfinal, the voting was wiped clean. The winner was chosen by a combination of: 34% televoting, 33% press jury, 33% demiscopic jury.

  1. Marco Mengoni — “Due vite”
  2. Lazza — “Cenere”
  3. Mr. Rain — “Supereroi”
  4. Ultimo — “Alba”
  5. Tananai — “Tango”

    The rest of the acts finished in the following order during the first round:

  6. Giorgia — “Parole dette male”
  7. Madame — “Il bene ne male”
  8. Rosa Chemical — “Made In Italy”
  9. Elodie — “Due”
  10. Colapesce & Dimartino — “Splash”
  11. Modá — “Lasciami”
  12. Gianluca Grignani — “Quando ti manca il fiato”
  13. Coma_Cose — “L’addio”
  14. Ariete — “Mare di guai”
  15. LDA — “Se poi domani”
  16. Articolo 31 — “Un bel viaggio”
  17. Paola e Chiara — “Furore”
  18. Leo Gassmann — “Terzo cuore”
  19. Mara Sattei — “Duemilaminuti”
  20. Colla Zio — “Non mi va”
  21. I Cugini di Campagna — “Lettera 22”
  22. Gianmaria — “Mostro”
  23. Levante — “Vivo”
  24. Olly — “Polvere”
  25. Anna Oxa — “Sali”
  26. Will — “Stupido”
  27. Shari — “Egoista”
  28. Sethu — “Cause perse”

Are you happy to see Marco Mengoni win Sanremo 2023? Do you hope he accepts the ticket to Eurovision? Let us know in the comments section below.

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2 years ago

Justice for Shari

2 years ago

Hmmm… It was pretty obvious that he was gonna win. No hate to Marco, he has such an amazing voice. But the song isn’t revolutionary (I’m not telling it has to be, but it couldve been something different) I really don’t have anything against ballads. Another thing is, why were there no women in the superfinal? I get it – Ultimo and Mr.Rain and Tananai were all good, but Elodie, Madame, Giorgia and Paola & Chiara (ok maybe that’s bit of a stretch) were all right there! Elodie was my personal winner actually. And i wish they could’ve appreciated Splash… Read more »

2 years ago

Snooze fest. Yeah we all know Italy will be too 10 with this cliché of an Italian song.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dave

You can negative vote me as much as you like. You know it’s true. Italians will send their regurgitated ballads, end in the top 10 anyway, and complain they didn’t win.

When they sent something bold like Maneskin, Europe sent their mega love. But that was a one-off. We’re back to saccharine sweet heart wrenching poetic ballads again ugh.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dave

What about those countries who send “regurgitated” swedish produced pop/dance/raggaeton songs who didn’t make it to be selected for Melfest, so they are recycled for other singers and other countries?

2 years ago
Reply to  Dave

I guess Soldi was heart wrenching poetic ballad too?

2 years ago
Reply to  Sometimes

Or Zitti e buoni? Or La mia citta’? Or Occidentali’s karma? Or Madness of Love? Or L’amore e’ femmina? Or Non mi avete fatto niente?

2 years ago

The song is good IMO and Marco has a good voice and is sexy. I was just disappointed when I found out he is a bottom…Yuck

2 years ago
Reply to  James

Ok, now the new way to insult Marco Mengoni is to come here and write he is a bottom. Shame on you. My question is, can you give us the sources of such info?

2 years ago
Reply to  Vincenzo

I read it on Twitter and saw some Italian newspapers who found him on Grindr and took the screenshots

2 years ago
Reply to  James

Ok. So Twitter now is a source of reliable information. Come on. Just because somebody wrote it. Do you think it’s fair to come here and post personal details of a personal grindr profile on a website of total unrelated topic? Would you be happy if I saw a photo of yours on Grindr and then I go to write everywhere on each site you have a microscopic weewee? Come on. Stoo the crap.

2 years ago
Reply to  James

It’s funny you being disappointed by Mengoni being a bottom because you’re clearly not a top. By the way, it’s completely off topic, but people can write everything.

2 years ago

Good song, happy for him. But very sad for Madame to be placed 7th. Her song and performance were stunning <3. Also super happy for Lazza, great song.

2 years ago

He could have a ride in my cabin and I won’t blink once.

2 years ago
Reply to  Yeshoney

Are you a “Baywatch TV serie” type of lifeguard, like David Charvet, and you live in a cabin on a beach at Hawaii? If you are like this maybe Marco can consider you. If not, forget. He likes very handsome guys. 🙂

2 years ago

For those who don’t know Marco Mengoni, for those who know him but forgot his vocal skills, and for those who say Due Vite is a boring ballad that will never win Eurovision, just watch his performance on friday night, on the cover/duets evening, performing with the Kindgdom Choir “Let it be” from Beatles. If he decides to bring a soul style song, or sing in this way on the stage of Eurovision, I bet we can give him the crystal microphone now and skip Eurovision 2023 and concentrate on Eurovision 2024 in Italy.


2 years ago
Reply to  Vincenzo

Be quick to watch it because RAI will probably remove it from youtube in a couple of days.

2 years ago
Reply to  Vincenzo

“Boring ballad” is the 2023’s version of the “Broken sun” of 2022.

2 years ago
Reply to  Vincenzo

I recommend you check out the lineup from the Portuguese FdC, I think they’ve actually got the most interesting selection show this year, even surpassing big old Sanremo itself.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mbappe

I usually don’t watch the other national selections to avoid I follow in the same trap of many fans here, who dare to criticize the italian song selected in Sanremo and saying it is an undeserved candidate or any other song, or another singer has to go to Eurovision. Exceptionally l watched this year the streaming of Melodi Gran Prix from Norway. Did you ever see me going on the thread of Norway candidate to Eurovision to criticize the legitimate choice of Norwegians on the singer? Additionally this year she has italian origins so I am more than happy.

2 years ago
Reply to  Vincenzo

You don’t have to comment about it online if you don’t want to, but they’ve got some really nice stuff in there.

2 years ago
Reply to  Vincenzo

Very boring cover! Meanwhile Lazza with Cenere is 29 on Global Spotify!

2 years ago
Reply to  Vale

Very boring cover? I don’t answer you because you are Italian and I could be even more offensive.

2 years ago
Reply to  Vale

Tu di musica, di canto, di performance vocale, non ci capisci un accidente.

2 years ago
Reply to  Vincenzo

drink a chamomile!

2 years ago
Reply to  Vale

Bevo quel ca*zo che mi pare a me. Piantala di fare l’Italiano/a che va su un sito internazionale a sparlare di altri italiani. Vergognati. Non ha vinto il tuo artista preferito, non ce ne frega un ca*zo. Sfogati con lo psicologo.

2 years ago
Reply to  Vincenzo

Lol. You are hilarious. But in a cringy way! Take a rest! It will help your brain! Lol

2 years ago
Reply to  Vincenzo

Sei tu che dovresti piantarla, ti stai cimentando in un’inutile spasmodica difesa e il tuo atteggiamento è alquanto fascista perché intende delegittimare le critiche di altri italiani che in quanto tali dovrebbero incondizionatamente supportare la propria candidatura. Al netto dei giudizi su Mengoni, che ha senz’altro talento interpretativo, è evidente che esistano atteggiamenti culturali e criteri di stampo classista che guidano il voto delle giurie e soprattutto del pubblico, distorcendo i puri giudizi di merito. Negarlo è ostinatamente miope, ma non credo tu abbia la sensibilità per discuterne, visto che il massimo che sai dire è “loro sono professionisti, tu… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Vincenzo

It’s you who should stop it, you’re taking on a useless and spasmodic defense and your behaviour is fairly fascist as it aims to delegitimize criticism made by other Italians who are instead supposed to unconditionally support their entry as Italians. Regardless of the opinions on Mengoni, who undoubtedly has singing talent, it’s evident that there are classist attitudes and criteria guiding the juries’ vote and the public vote especially, distorting pure merit judgments. Denying it is stubbornly narrow-minded, but I doubt you have the ability to discuss it, since the best you can say is “they are professionals, you’re… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Vale

I definitely don’t care if Lazza is 1st, 20th, 40th or 60th in any chart. Probably you still have to understand that a song is not good only because it tops the charts. In such case there is absolutely no reason to organize a Festival. You just check, once per year, who was first in the chart and assign the Sanremo trophy. Same for Eurovision. The jury system in Festival di Sanremo is mixed. Televote stands for 34% only. Your lour Lazza, in the first part of the final, has been voted in the televote as one of the best… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Vincenzo

La giuria demoscopia NON è professionista per definizione. Sono rappresentanze campionarie di popolazione divise per demografia. La vecchia giuria d’onore/di qualità – che non a caso aiutò a far vincere Mahmood nel 2019 e che da allora fu abolita perché sia mai che Sanremo venga un po’ svecchiato – era la vera giuria di professionisti.

2 years ago
Reply to  Andrea

Aspettando che mi approvino il commento lungo che ho scritto in risposta, ti posso dire che se per svecchiare Sanremo dobbiamo far vincere cantanti RAP che parlano, non cantano, usando pesantemente l’autotune, ma anche no. Preferisco mille volte far vincere Mengoni, Elisa, Giorgia, ma pure Mahmood e Diodato. Per me uno con la voce e l’interpretazione di Mengoni può vincere anche tutti gli anni. Anche se recita le ricette di cucina (come faceva, scherzando, il buon Vittorio Gassman) o se mi legge l’elenco telefonico.

2 years ago
Reply to  Andrea

Dunque, fammi capire. Vale viene qui a scrivere che l’interpretazione di Let It Be è una boring ballad (sono 3 giorni che diverse persone stanno dando della boring ballad insistentemente a Due Vite). Insulta Marco Mengoni che ne ha dato una interpretazione vibrante con una estensione vocale pazzesca. Insulta i Beatles dicendo che Let It Be (uno dei pilasti della musica) è una boring ballad ed insulta il Kingdom Choir (un coro coi fiocchi, non il coro della parrocchia). Devo pensare che il Vale capisca di musica più che i componenti dei Kingdom Choir che hanno applaudito ed hanno avuto… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Vale

For info, Rosa Linn with Snap was the best performing artist in the charts but was in the high places of the top 10 in the final classification of. Eurovision. Not even in the top 5.

2 years ago
Reply to  Vale

So, while you comment the cover performance, you remind us the competing song from another artist is 29 on Spotify. Little logic for little brain.

2 years ago

He is so beautiful!

2 years ago

Apparently, he might choose another song to deliver at Eurovision; as he shared it RAI1 TV interview.

Daxo/ Day dreamer
Daxo/ Day dreamer
2 years ago
New performance post-Sanremo.
Highly recommended.

Daxo/ Day dreamer
Daxo/ Day dreamer
2 years ago

Lazza was looking weirdly happy and satisfied last night.

But then with a hindsight….

I also would if it was just the 2 of us left and Marco was top.

Who wouldn’t

2 years ago

Marco is such a likeable and lickable guy. Too bad he is a sub bottom

Daxo/ Day dreamer
Daxo/ Day dreamer
2 years ago
Reply to  Daniel

Why would that be bad

Séamus Mór
Séamus Mór
2 years ago
Reply to  Daniel

Hands off! I saw him first!

2 years ago
Reply to  Séamus Mór

He already has a longtime boyfriend. Don’t worry. I like that everybody says Italy is an homophobic country and Italians continue to vote gay singers (but also lesbians such as Madame). Weird way to be homophobic.

2 years ago
Reply to  Vincenzo

Who’s the boyfriend? 😀

2 years ago
Reply to  Bea

Nobody knows. Once I heard from a friend he like blond twinks. But years passed. He may be with someone else, now.

2 years ago
Reply to  Vincenzo

Madame got less than 4% of the televote. And was the highest woman. Far too low.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kevan1994

As I already voted, Madame probably (and I repeat, probably) had a lowest score on televote due to the fake covid certification thing.

2 years ago
Reply to  Daniel

You are a sub-human.

Daxo/ Day dreamer
Daxo/ Day dreamer
2 years ago
Reply to  Daniel

Weird comment.

2 years ago
Reply to  Daniel

Weird comment

2 years ago

I really like this one…Is it a winning song? Don’t know but most definitely top 10.

2 years ago

apparently he wont compete with due vite

2 years ago
Reply to  aiaia

In the Rai1 tv interview; he stated that he would start to decide to choose the entry for Eurovision; either Due Vite or another song with his team and probably Italian delegation.

2 years ago

We’re back to the days where the big 5 were also the big powers of the contest!

2 years ago

Impopular comment in 1, 2, 3… But… Why do Italy always hace to look/sound so heterosexual? I suppose It might be the Pope person’s influence

2 years ago
Reply to  Jonkonfui

emmmmm what????? did you see the festival??

2 years ago
Reply to  Fabrizio

Of course not… Listenining to 2 million people singing in Italian?.
Btw i m very drunk. I LOVE you Italy.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jonkonfui

But this Marco mengoni whatever song is a bit too intense

2 years ago
Reply to  Fabrizio

He obviously didn’t see what Rosa Chemical did to Fedez ?

2 years ago
Reply to  Bananasplit


2 years ago
Reply to  Jonkonfui

What exactly is wrong with looking/sounding heterosexual lmao? And did you look at Mahmood and Maneskin the last two years lol

2 years ago
Reply to  EProduc

That It is a pose. I LOVE heterosexuality btw. They are the BEST suckers.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jonkonfui

Sorry sorry sorry i am drunk didnt want to write this. Lets music unite ass all

2 years ago
Reply to  Jonkonfui

9 homophobic people around? And they like Eurovision? Ohhh yeah

2 years ago
Reply to  Jonkonfui

but he is homo

2 years ago

Another top 10 at Eurovision on the cards for Italy 🙂

2 years ago
Reply to  MartyMcCU

Hope that Mengoni and Italian delegation would choose another song because Marco Mengoni stated that he would start thinking about choosing the song for Eurovision tomorrow.
Depending on the other songs; Due Vite may not finish in top 10 at Eurovision final.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sam

So… They make you all watch this San Remo thingy… Like 2000 italian songs that you Will never listen again and then when they Pick one, they change It???

2 years ago
Reply to  Jonkonfui


2 years ago
Reply to  Sam

This fandom railed on Malta about changing their song after winning the national final last year, but it’s fine and dandy for Italy to change out their song? Nice double standards.

2 years ago
Reply to  BadWoolfGirl

Noi agree it is double standards, and seeing as he’s been before, it would have been nice if someone else would have been given the opportunity.

I guess the slight difference, is that MESC direct purpose is to select a song for eurovision and so it was very controversial to change the song after the public had paid to vote for the song and then it was changed. Unlike Sanremo where its just a sidenote to the contest that winner can choose to go to eurovision, and the public aren’t directly paying/voting for their eurovision entry.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kalla

See? That’s exactly what i wanted to say. You can’t really compare Italy and Malta. Sanremo’s rules say nothing about Eurovision and the winner is only *asked* after the contest whether they want to participate in esc. It’s an independent contest in its own right. They are allowed to change the artist or the song if they want to. Whereas MESC rules explicitly spell out the fact the winner goes to esc. And it is a national final curated for esc. So you can’t really say that there’s a double standard here.

2 years ago
Reply to  BadWoolfGirl

Mengoni’s song is really boring; it would be better to change for Marco otherwise maximum position would be around 15th for italy

2 years ago
Reply to  Sam

That’s what people said about Diodato in 2020 until ESC Shine A Light happened.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sam

That’s because you haven’t listened to the other EV entries… Oh dear my dear

2 years ago
Reply to  BadWoolfGirl

Sanremo is its own thing, and always has been. I don’t think the two things are the same. Marco would not be the first Sanremo winner representing Italy to change his song, it happened a lot before.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

Like this year’s Anna Oxa. She won Sanremo in 1989, along with Fausto Leali, with “Ti lasceró”, but went on to represent Italy with “Avrei voluto”…

2 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

And Nina Zilli too.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

Before 2013, Italy used to send their entries internal instead of any entry (not necessarily the winner) of Sanremo though. Still, I do agree about the whole “Sanremo is its own thing” part.

2 years ago
Reply to  GojoSatoru

Correction: Before 2015*
(In 2013, they just happened to send the Sanremo winner with the winning song, while it was just being selected internally)

Séamus Mór
Séamus Mór
2 years ago
Reply to  BadWoolfGirl

And it wouldn’t be the first time, they did it with Nina Zilli but I guess because they are in the “Big 5” they can get away with it. Rules are for the smaller countries.

2 years ago
Reply to  Séamus Mór

LOL, there’s no rule about that. Sanremo isn’t even a straight-up Eurovision national final, it is their own thing. The winner doesn’t have to go to Eurovision, and doesn’t have to go with that song either. Sanremo is older than ESC, so maybe they have the right to do as they please.

Séamus Mór
Séamus Mór
2 years ago
Reply to  MasterAl

Oh that’s right San Remo is a sacred cow that no one can say anything against.
I’ve watched it a few times, it’s a never ending snoozefest, yawn.

2 years ago
Reply to  Séamus Mór

If you don’t like it then just don’t watch it. Why the unnecessary rudeness?

Nick I
Nick I
2 years ago

A much more forgettable tune than L’essenziale and one of the weakest Italian entries in recent years (in my opinion) and don’t forget the song would still have to lose 45 seconds. That said, his voice and stage presence are great and I would be happy to hear him sing the telephone book. I just wish it was a stronger song.

2 years ago
Reply to  Nick I

I agree with you: then years later, I still don’t forget L’essenziale -it was such a beautiful entry! I don’t mean Due Vite is bad, but it’s pretty hard to follow and remember it later. I’m not sure it could be a top-5.

2 years ago
Reply to  ThePointsMan

L’essenziale was one of the best Italy’s song ever. Very emotional.
I like Du Vite, but i dont feel it as deeply…..

2 years ago

noy my favorite but i’m glad he gets another chance at eurovision ! just asking but am I the only one who really thought Ultimo would win ? I’m still speechless because of that performance…just wow.

2 years ago
Reply to  Leafar

Definitely in a minority I think.

2 years ago

Might have been my happiest night at Sanremo. My top five was the top five of the competition. Mr Rain had an awesome song that would be a little bit complicated to insert at eurovision (bcs of the children choir). Beautiful proposes from Tananai and Ultimo, that I love to hear but maybe were too “ballad” for ESC. Lazza and Mengoni were the best options. But as always, the best that Sanremo gives me is new artists to add to my playlist. I’ll stay tuned to new Lazza, Olly, Gianmaria, LDA and Ariete songs. PD: I need to know how… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Fabrizio

Yes, Fedez is pregnant.

2 years ago
Reply to  Daxo

More likely Rosa Chemical is pregnant, according to what I saw during the show 🙂

2 years ago
Reply to  Vincenzo

No like seriously I thought I was going mad when I saw that! He’s just so outrageous and out of pocket. Just trying to imagine what Chiara would’ve felt.

2 years ago

Last performance (live voice) one hour ago on the TV show Domenica In (always in Ariston Theatre).

2 years ago

Surprise: Marco might not sing “Due Vite” in Liverpool

2 years ago
Reply to  matt

Yes; in a TV interview (Rai1 News); he stated that he would start think about choosing either another song or Due Vite for Eurovision.

2 years ago

this is going to do very very well…are people being really down on this song?!? this guy is quite popular outside of Italy…and Italy always do well as their songs and the Italian language seem to have wide appeal–I bet the juries will reward this in spades

2 years ago

on the eurovision instant they made a post with marco saying yes and that he’ll compete with due vite

2 years ago
Reply to  Zach

No, in a TV interview; he stated that he would decide tomorrow whether Due Vite or another song would go for Eurovision.

2 years ago

y’all are really hateful lol

2 years ago
Reply to  Zach

They are only envious. The awful thing is that some of them are also Italians.

2 years ago

Mengoni’s Due Vite is a competent track and still easily one of the best in the current (quite weak) ESC lineup, but it really feels like the least exciting Italian entry in a long time, wouldn’t mind him replacing it with something else for Liverpool. Madame had a win-worthy entry IMO and only 7th place feels like a big injustice. Coma_Cose had the “sleeper hit” of the season for me, really beautiful track that also deserved much better than only 13th place. Elodie and Colapesce + DiMartino among my other highlights, also quite underrated in the end. Good to see… Read more »

2 years ago

This is a Classisk ESC ballaf. I gave herd it many tines before , it feels litle old. 2/10

2 years ago

I expext more impressive staging from Italian delegation because this nice song needs an impressive staging. Most of the time Italian delegation gave less focus on staging but this song would be great if it would be supported with nice staging.

2 years ago
Reply to  Frederick

Sanremo tradition is to don’t have excessive staging. Also because the stage at Sabremo is not that huge. So large props as in Eurovision are impossible.

2 years ago

Do you think he’ll send something yet unreleased or something from his recent album? I like Due Vite, but I prefer his uptempo songs more

2 years ago
Reply to  Bea

Is there any possibility to send his other songs for Eurovision? I have also some news about this.

2 years ago
Reply to  Bea

The song must not have been publicly released before 1st September. That’s the rule.

2 years ago

Does anyone know what happened to Zelensky being a guest, he was billed as a guest, but unless I missed it I never see him appear in person or on camera. All I saw was amadeus read a speech and then a Ukrainian performance.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kalla

There were a lot of complaints, much pressure from different sides in the political spectrum and Rai had to do a u-turn.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kalla

Zelensky was listed as guest via letter, he was never going to assist to the Ariston. Amadeus read a letter VZ made, but he made that too late (01:30).

2 years ago
Reply to  Fabrizio

Well what they advertised originally was that Zelensky would be a “guest”. They also mentioned a video. A letter is a very different thing indeed.

2 years ago

Marco Mengoni will go to Liverpool. He said he looks forward to go to Liverpool and have fun. Plus, he’s never been to Liverpool.

2 years ago
Reply to  Vincenzo

Will he bring Due Vite for the final or would he choose another song? I have seen some news about he is unsure about bringing Due Vite for Eurovision.

2 years ago
Reply to  Samuel

Unknow yet. During the TV show one hour ago he said he will decide. He will start to work on completing another album. Then he will start to think to Eurovision.

Séamus Mór
Séamus Mór
2 years ago
Reply to  Vincenzo

Believe me, he’s not missing much if he’s never been there, the Brits are right when they say “It’s grim up north”

2 years ago

I would like to see Italy some day going for a brighter and merrier song. I dont like It very much when they get so deep and intense.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jonkonfui

I like the deep and intense, that’s what italians are so good at, let them be…them.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sometimes

I let them be whatever they want to be but this song is so artificially intense and false.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jonkonfui

Something like Occidentali’s Karma or like Zitti e Buoni? I wonder.

2 years ago
Reply to  Nadors

No. Something more on the very gay Israel last year kind of thing.

2 years ago

It’s a strong ballad and it will probably do very well, although it’s kinda unimpressive for Italy, for which the bar is set quite high, and this song is pretty similar to the 2013/2016 entries.
Lazza would definitely be my choice.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jo.

Lazza or Madame…

2 years ago

Anyway Marco said that he is sure to go to eurovision, but he’s not sure he will bring due vite to the stage. We will see, but I’m very happy in any case

2 years ago
Reply to  Sos

So he can sing another song on the Eurovision stage; rather than Due vite?

2 years ago
Reply to  Thorsen

That’s right

2 years ago
Reply to  Sos

Wow really? I think he should go with Due Vite. I don’t want to be potentially disappointed if his Eurovision song is worse than Due Vite. I don’t like many songs in ESC so far, so even the slightest possibility of losing Due Vite which I know I love terrifies me

2 years ago
Reply to  Thanos

I agree

2 years ago
Reply to  Sos

That would be absolutely amazing, and really smart of the Italian delegation. His song “Ma Stasera” is great for example. A summer tune like that would be SO good in May in Eurovision!

2 years ago
Reply to  Daxo

I think Italian delegation should choose another song for him.

2 years ago
Reply to  Frederick

Well… Together with him hopefully lol

2 years ago
Reply to  Daxo

I didn’t know about his other songs but although I liked Due Vite, another song might be better from Marco.

2 years ago
Reply to  Frederick

Ma Stasera is great! It’s uneligible, sadly, as it was realeased 2 and a half months too soon.

2 years ago
Reply to  Daxo

So, when would Rai or Italian delegation announce whether the song would remain as the same or Marco would choose another song? The Eurovision instagram shared no information on this

2 years ago
Reply to  Sam

The deadline to submit the official entry once the artist is confirmed is later in the process. I think it’s usually in late March.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sos

C’mon accept that this is the entry of Italia…with this song, rather like it or not, he won all the festival. A big competitve festival with better songs IMO…Why he has to change it? It’s like to say that it is crap. Italians careless about the festival, just remember the problem with the staging and the cameras, and all the controversies. So they are not going to change it because the bubble of eurofans didn’t like it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ressay

Well… Why not? It’s been done before. Plus it would be great for Marco to release a brand new hit single in mid-March. Ppl would be listening to Due Vite now, then get amazed by a different tune. It would add a lot of value for the artist. A bit like Maneskin, who promoted I Wanna Be Your Slave together with Zitti e Buoni last year through WiwiBloggs. Suddenly people realised their music would sound great in either English or Italian. It showed a different side of them and more listeners started having a look at their previous catalogue. The… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Daxo

I agree, if he and Italian delegation can decide on another song which might be even in different genre; it would more stand out.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ressay

Problem is that he has to cut 1/4 of the song. And I am not sure i may will to do that. A shorter uptempo song would be better. But, seeing how he sang Let It Be on friday, my wet dream is that he brings something soul, where he can showcase his voice range, voice perfection and raspiness, when it’s needed. Fridsy the gospel choir Kingdom Choir was clapping hands to him and cheering at the end of the song.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ressay

I love Due Vite. I wrote it because I’m Italian and I saw this in tv last night

Séamus Mór
Séamus Mór
2 years ago
Reply to  Sos

He could squeal like a pig, I’d vote for that.

2 years ago

For those who find this song boring; remember Portugal’s entry in 2017. Was that song boring? Yes. But juries voted for this song with record number of points. My favorite was Lazza but if this song is boring; Salvador Sobral shouldnt have won with his boring entry as well.

2 years ago
Reply to  John

due vite and amar pelos dois are literally not the same type of song at all??

2 years ago
Reply to  John

Well said. I also said previously the same thing.

2 years ago
Reply to  John

Amar Pelos Dois had something special and transcendental to it, Due Vite is nice enough but it doesn’t belong in the same tier at all IMO.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mbappe

According to news, Marco Mengoni said that he is unsure about sending Due Vite for the Eurovision stage. So, if this is correct; the Italian delegation might choose another song for Marco Mengoni. I have seen some posts about it.

2 years ago
Reply to  John

Yes, but not all ballads are the same. Personally, I like Sobral’s song a lot better. He was a very deserving winner. Arcade and Mengoni’s song from 10 years ago are also quality. Mengoni should have been in the top 5 then. 2 Vite, though… I just don’t like it at all. Sorry.

2 years ago
Reply to  John

The main problem is that Italy has sent exactly the same type of song 3 times in 4 years. Fai Rumore (A masterpiece), Brividi and Due Vita. Amar Pelos Dois is not the same music from Portugal, and was a total emotional song with no a heavy production like Italians. Amar Pelos Dois was less pretentious that Due Vita.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ressay

Let’s be honest here. Due Vite is the odd one out in the list of EV ballad greats. Arcade, Fai Rumore, Amar Pelos Dois, Brividi are all way better quality than Due Vite. Even L’Essenziale is. Due Vite just isn’t up there. It’s not a kick-arse single, out of this world musically. It’s actually quite insipid. It totally lacks the wow factor.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ressay

If the song was amazing, we’d be supporting it regardless. Elisa’s song last year, which was runner up in Sanremo, would have been worth it. Perhaps even Irama’s ballad that he wrote for his grandma. Wonderful music there.

2 years ago

Congratulations Italia, even the public probably would not support this song. I think Mengoni himself should not expect many support from the voters because the audience even currently prefers the rest of the selected entries.
Still don’t know about the other countries’ song but this song would not be liked by the audience.

2 years ago

The song is one of the best RIGHT NOW in Eurovision 2023, but it wasn’t the best in San Remo…

He won just because of his popularity there, and his pretty face.

L’essenziale was MUCH BETTER…!!

2 years ago
Reply to  Eurotoxic

Yeah! I loved L’Essenziale. It’s been on my playlist ever since and I still listen to it. SO romantic.

2 years ago

Another boring ballad

2 years ago
Reply to  Marcin

Another boring stupid.

2 years ago
Reply to  Vincenzo

That’s so unnecessary.

2 years ago
Reply to  Marcin

Respect the opinion…

2 years ago

Did he accept to represent Italy in Eurovision? Hope that he would refuse; no one would vote for this song except for the Italians living in other European cities. We have heard songs like this about 1000 times before.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ricardo


ESC Lover
ESC Lover
2 years ago

Marco delivered the only solid song from all the countries which chose their entries so far.. i am devastated by the level of competition this year (Croatia, Latvia, Romania, Malta…). What is going on this year?

2 years ago
Reply to  ESC Lover

It’s just very early in the year. A lot of excellent songs tend to come out much closer to the deadline.

2 years ago

Juries might love nice ballads in Eurovision but I am afraid many young jury members will not vote for this ballad ? The song doesnt catch the attention.

2 years ago

so far this is the Best song and I’m sure it will do very well .

2 years ago
Reply to  Ffs

I am afraid it will not do well. Spain’s 2021 entry was also nice ballad but at the end, it finished at the botrom 5 position.

2 years ago
Reply to  Samuel

Spai didn’t have Benidorm festival or Sanremo, behind.

2 years ago

Marco Mengoni didn’t deserve to win. Although the chorus of the song is strong, the song overall is not groundbreaking. His interpretation lacked empathy and connection. He was worried to show the strength of his voice, but not his emotion. There were better songs: Cenere had an incredible sound and arrangement! Madame had a very good song, but I just think her eccessive use of autotune didn’t deserve a first place! Giorgia and Elodie had good songs, but not groundbreaking. Mengoni will never be an international start. He has not the quality to be that! The charts will show that.

2 years ago
Reply to  Vale

I agree; there were better songs.

2 years ago
Reply to  Vale

Italian believed he did deserve to win. And it was Sanremo. Not Vale’s National final.

2 years ago
Reply to  Vincenzo

‘Italians’? No, the ones who voted. Plus, we will see who will sell more (on Spotify and other platforms) and won’t be certainly him. Plus I am Italian and your constantly bickering towards other people is rather annoying! And FYI I love Mengoni’s songs like Mi Fiderò and Ma stasera. Due vite is just a pretentious and unauthentic show off! Get over it!

2 years ago
Reply to  Vale

Did you see the result of the general vote and the televote? He was first in all the votes. Televote, press jury and demoscopic jury. I was generic saying “italia” I agree. But he is not that far to the vote Måneskin got in 2021. It’s a ballad. You prefer uptempo songs? Ok. It’s a right you have to prefer whatever you like. But Due Vite is not a bad song. The only defect Due Vite has is that it doesn’t allow to Marco Mengoni to showcase the incredible vocal skills he has. If he could bring a song like… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Vale

I kind of agree, except Mengoni could in theory become an International star. Why not? A lot of people like his music. As for a comparison with other songs, I thought Madame’s and Elodie’s were better than Mengoni’s but I wasn’t that impressed with them either. Elodie’s was only marginally better and Giorgia’s was horrible (sorry). Talented singer but the song didn’t do her justice. Madame’s is ok. Better tune but not as good as her debut hit. Cenere: definitely better than Due Vite but again it feels a bit bland’ish and already heard (in my opinion at least). I… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Daxo

Made is Italy just a cliche song. Actually basic and with zero lyrics. Polvere is interesting, but no comparison with Cenere.

2 years ago
Reply to  Vale

Basic? The production and beat are top notch! Electro swing all’italiana is something very different from what’s currently on the radios and I’m here for it! The lyrics are all about gay wild sex LOOOL

2 years ago
Reply to  Vale

I disagree, he’s actually an international star…he’s not debuting, even at eurovision. Just the song may not like the majority of eurofans right now, but italians like the song or him and for that reason won.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ressay

International star? No! He tried to break into the Spanish music market. And unlike many Italian artists he was not be able to be successful to be famous there!

2 years ago
Reply to  Vale

Ok. You hate Mengoni. It’s clear, even though you like two songs. Do you know Marco Mengoni was the first italian to win the MTV European act in 2013? No, probably you don’t. So so you think one winning such award is not an international star? Then, we all know Marco Mengoni is not Måneskin. He has a psychological profile which is totally different than the one of Damiano, and probably not the same strenght or intention to become mainstream in Europe or abroad. But the voice he has, for God’s sake. He could easily sing together with a gospel… Read more »

2 years ago

And the female drama
… Sorry, but ladies but you didn’t have top5 songs. You don’t have to be in the final just because of your genre.

That is not feminism, it is called MANIPULATION.

2 years ago
Reply to  Eurotoxic

I am female and i agree,
men just had better songs this year in San Remo.
Madame was good, but just not as good as some others.

2 years ago
Reply to  Eurotoxic

I think that Madame, for example, has one of the best songs of the year and she had to be in the top 5. I also think that Ultimo and Tananai didn’t deserve it, they are here only because they have a big fandom in my opinion and I don’t think it’s correct

2 years ago
Reply to  Sos

Madame should have taken the covid vaccines ontime and don’t use a fake certification. That’s why, probably, most italians didn’t vote for her. The only deserving female artist there was Elodie for the catchiness of her songs and, for the voice and interpretation, Anna Oxa and Giorgia. Unfortunately both had weak songs. And Anna Oxa has done everything to compromise her image in the last years. Diffucult to recover it with one performance only and in a short time.

2 years ago
Reply to  Vincenzo

What happened with Anna Oxa?

2 years ago
Reply to  Eurotoxic

Read my previous comments. I already explained.

2 years ago
Reply to  Eurotoxic

Anna Oxa disappeared for many years. She was talking abour herself using the third singular person (she), not I. She started saying about some conspiracy plots against her and other bullshi and she stay far from television for years. If you disappear from television and you reapper, people may have forgotten you. And that’s what it happened. Additionally, she comes back with a dark song. She had to come back with something like “Senza pietà” to be more successful. Just the fact she was the only one who didn’t want to perform again the song in Domenica In yesterday afternoon,… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Vincenzo

Seems that Italians voted for the singers; not for the songs. Sanremo is a musical festival; not a contest where voters only vote on the basis of the singers’ image.

2 years ago
Reply to  Richard

Italians vote for the package. Anna Oxa is a famous singer that could win easily with that crazy voice of hers. But if you don’ come with the full package, you don’t win. Marco Mengoni moves you while he sings (sorry, either you are italian and you understand his lyrics and what he is talking about, or you cannot understand and vibe with him while listening to the song). He has a crazy vice. The best male voice in Italy. The problem is that he is slightly insecure and fragile emotionally. He just said that in the press conference. So… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Sos

I watched all 5 nights and can’t remember her song at ALL. I remember some of her outfits and her face but not the song.

2 years ago
Reply to  Eurotoxic

Whilst this top 5 deserved to be in Top 5 smh. The fact that all these 5 songs sounded EXACTLY the same with slight differences, but because they are sang by attractive generic italian tanned men everyone goes “ohhhhh wow what a masterpiece”.

Be serious, if countries like Greece had songs like “Due Vite”, you would all have them in the last place of the scoreboard

Stian F
Stian F
2 years ago

There is obviously no point in being a women in Italy, other than as decoration, next to a couple of old men… Sanremo is getting worse every year with this obsession with the male performers. At least the gay, androgynous and gender challanging males gets a lot of attention… But i would be so disappointed as a female performer in Italy… Their songs wasnt that bad this year!

2 years ago
Reply to  Stian F

Personally i believe that except for Madame, women were underwhelming and to some extent i agree with the top 5. Nobody more than me wants to vote for Elodie at Eurovision.
However, the female component in hosting is cringe and quite frankly sexist. I understand that the co-hosts are all women to give women the representation they deserve, but the message that comes through is “you are not enough to host on your own, so support the man while he does it and help him shine”.

2 years ago
Reply to  Stian F

Well, having said that, you may be partially right. But we have for the first time a female prime minister (unfortunately slightly fascist). I love those who thing they got a virtual sociology degree and start to make complex sociologic theories on anothrt country. Wiwibloggs ie becoming a cultural site. Love that.

Polegend Godnova
2 years ago
Reply to  Stian F

to be fair, the music industry is male-dominated pretty much everywhere. go on any country’s charts and you’ll mostly see men everywhere. sanremo’s results are like this because unlike other nfs, the songs are stuff italians would normally listen to by artists we’re already familiar with.

2 years ago
Reply to  Stian F

Girls and women in general are voting massively for hot guys. And they were plenty of them in SR. THEY are obsessed!

2 years ago

Didn’t he say he would like to return to Eurovision?

I hope he rejects Eurovision, the song will not do well in Eurovision. He’s handsome and talented but that’s all. I am surprised San Remo continues to have all-male winners.

2 years ago
Reply to  Alex

I hope so. The song is nice but will not do well in Eurovision.

2 years ago
Reply to  Alex

He will return to Eurovision

2 years ago
Reply to  Sos

Okay, so he should not expect high support from the public with this song. I respect to him but he should have known that this song is not so impressive

2 years ago
Reply to  Richard

Well he choose this song basically for Sanremo, not for Eurovision. He could change it. Anyway I love it.

Séamus Mór
Séamus Mór
2 years ago

He’s certainly very easy on the eye but beyond that I’m underwhelmed by the song.

2 years ago

Hope he will reject Eurovision, i like him but the song is not for ESC in my opinion. And he already been there like Lets bring new people

2 years ago
Reply to  Tomm

So if Loreen wins Melfest she has to give way to somebody else, just to know if you have a double standard. Strange, you didn’t say that when Mahmood (and rosekiller Blanco) won, too. Double standard.

2 years ago
Reply to  Vincenzo

Just asking for curiosity, why you mentioned Blanco as rosekiller? ?

Séamus Mór
Séamus Mór
2 years ago
Reply to  Richard

Did you not see his little hissy fit on stage? Talk about being childish.

2 years ago
Reply to  Richard

Because on the first night he wasn’t hearing his voice in the earpiece and could not stop the orchestra, so instead of rolling himself and kicking some crates with red roses (like it happens on the music video) he was kicking violently, grabbing and launching/throwing away, all around the stage, the crates thrashing the stage. The audience didn’t appreciate at all. Then Amadeus stepped onto the stage and tried the situation, but then he didn’t allow to Blanco to redo the performance.

2 years ago

Lazza is my winner

This is not Supermodel… The results are just because who he is.

2 years ago

A solid and safe choice for Italy! In my top 3 with Slovenia and Spain.