Photo: EBU / Sarah-Louise Bennett

HaKokhav HaBa — Israel’s national selection for Eurovision 2024 — will start airing on the network Keshet 12 on Tuesday,  31 October.

Known to us abroad as “Rising Star” or “The Next Star for Eurovision 2024,” the show was originally set to be filmed three weeks ago. But when Hamas launched its attacks on Israel on 7 October, everything came to a pause — and updates are only now forthcoming.

As Euromix reports, filming started last week and the programme will start airing on 31 October — but only if the security situation allows for it. 

The show has been tweaked in several ways. Rather than having an audience present in the auditions, hitting buttons when they like an act, a focus group was used to determine 40% of the score.

This year’s judging panel consists of: Asaf Amdursky, Itay Levy, Keren Peles, Shiri Maimon, Ran Danker and Eden Hason. 

Staging a show during the current war has raised eyebrows at home and abroad. Some people say now is not the time to be celebrating anything. Yet others point out that Eurovision was founded to bring countries together. 

Keshet 12 has billed the show as a way to give the public a chance to focus on something else, if only for a moment. As Euromix explains, the hosts Assi Azzar and Rotem Sela appeared in an advert saying the following.

“After many weeks…we feel that the time has come to take a breath and take solace in something a little different. There is no doubt that of all the things in the world, music is the simplest and deepest way to connect and cheer us up, which is why we decided to progress the opening of the season of The Next Star for Eurovision.”

“This will not be a normal season opener. It will be adapted to the situation, but we are sure that a little music can only help. The Next Star for Eurovision begins the journey with small steps, at the end of which we will have an Israeli representative who will show the whole world who we are.”


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8 months ago

Arabs in Europe support and CELEBRATE the killing of Jews and you all are singing along with them. There is a word for that that starts with a N. I guess Europeans don’t ever really change.

8 months ago

What is this comparison with Russia? Do any of you have any brain? Were 1400 Russians murdered by Ukrainians one Saturday morning? Were 230 Russians kidnapped into Ukraine? Like how do you actually compare the 2 situations? I seriously ask you.

Eurovision fan
Eurovision fan
8 months ago
Reply to  Ana

Are you silly or what? Putin bombed the buildings where civilians live just like what Netanyahu is doing now. Both are breaking international law.

“Gaza is in complete blackout and isolation while heavy shelling continues. @UNRWA warns about the desperate situation of Gaza people without electricity, food, water. Far too many civilians, including children, have been killed. This is against International Humanitarian Law.” said high representative of EU for foreign affairs on his X account.

8 months ago

Under the circumstances i think Israel should go for internal selection and song for 2024.

Pro-Human Rights
Pro-Human Rights
8 months ago

Queer rights is human rights. Free Palestine from apartheid.

8 months ago

This situation reminds me of 2018 when Israel won and was given hosting rights. Many organisation pro Palestine were making campaigns to prevent countries from participating in Tel Aviv and asking artists to withdraw their entries. Nothing happened in the end.

8 months ago
Reply to  Pauly

Except hatari.

8 months ago
Reply to  BadWoolfGirl

And Madonna (even though she was an interval act instead of a participant).

Milica Jovanovic
Milica Jovanovic
8 months ago
Reply to  BadWoolfGirl

Those gutless wannabes had to wait until AFTER the voting was over to make a statement. As Pauly said, nothing happened!

8 months ago

I think they will opt for a ballad. It would be bizarre to go for a pop banger given the current circumstances. But then again there’s a long time until they pick a singer and record the song. Israel will not win, there is not much sympathy for Israel after what is happening in gaza. I do understand that voting is positive so yeah if Israelis and Jewish communities coordinate a massive vote for Israel, they could end up high in televoting but I still don’t think it will be enough for a victory like Ukraine. It also depends on… Read more »

8 months ago

As much as I support Israel in its fight against Hamas, I hope that’s not the clue for the victory to be served on the dish. It would ultimately kill the contest for good with three victories in less than 10 years due to sympathy votes of war (Jamala and Kalush Orchestra being the other two). It was interesting that, up until the most recent Hamas actions, I supported the idea of Israel and Palestine finding a diplomatic approach to the never-ending war in the Middle East. Now, however, I think Israel has to eliminate Hamas and Palestine from the… Read more »

8 months ago
Reply to  Devito

We don’t know how long this war will last by the time May 2024 comes around, whether it ends by then or continues. To be honest, regardless of what the odds say at this time (which I don’t think we should be checking at this time since we still don’t have the official list of participants yet), I don’t see Israel winning next year because the public animosity against the country is too strong. There are eurofans right now who are calling for Israel to be banned from Eurovision like Russia and I could see a scenario where the Israeli… Read more »

8 months ago
Reply to  Devito

You’re risking to be downvoted with your last sentence. Hamas should be taken down, but i don’t agree with taking the whole Palestinian populace with it, as pro-Israeli people as I am.

Polegend Godnova
8 months ago

may the region find peace and prosperity as soon as possible. i’m looking forward to this show.

8 months ago

It Is Sick That Western Nations Only Care If Wictims Are White People .

8 months ago
Reply to  Bejba

Jews are not just a white people. We come in different colors and shades.

8 months ago

If Israel Competes Russia Must Be Inwited Back . They Are Both Agresive Nations But Only One Of Them Wants To End A Whole Group Of People And Begin Religous War . Hint Its Not Rusia

Eurovision fan
Eurovision fan
8 months ago
Reply to  Bejba

At least Belarus. If we’ll have countries currently at war participating at least that we have 42 or 43 participants like before.

8 months ago
Reply to  Bejba

Russia cannot be invited back. They attacked an EBU member Ukraine and broke rules by using the national broadcaster as a propaganda machine. Also, none of the Eurovision participating countries want them back.

8 months ago
Reply to  Pauly

So, Azerbaijan and Turkey does the same against Armenia, Cyprus, Israel and Greece and they haen’t got suspended yet!

8 months ago
Reply to  Bejba

If only there was a reason for Israel to be aggressive, right? They just started bombing Gaza for absolutely NO reason. Like, did anyone did anything to them on the 7th of October? Seems like people don’t recall that. That’s very convenient to have such a selective memory and then to put the on whoever you want.

8 months ago
Reply to  Bejba

You’re so misinformed that it’s hard to read. Israel is a tiny democratic country surrounded by enemies on all sides and threatened by ISIS-like terror groups Hamas, Jihad, Hizballah and several others – all backed by Iran, all have clear goal to eliminate the Jews and the Jewish state in the name of Islam. The Palestinians as a whole support that violent strategy. Go ask them and see what they tell you – historically they rejected time and a time again any peace or compromise that have been offered to them. They teach their children to hate Jews and glorify… Read more »

8 months ago

If Enu Is Legitamite Organation Then Israel Must Be Permently Banned Because I Dont Want To Watch Israel Performer Anymore Every Year Who Takes Break From IDF And Kiling Inocents to PinkWash And Cry About Opresion On The ESC

8 months ago

Israel should be banned next year…

8 months ago
Reply to  Ella

well, you should be banned from posting stupid posts

8 months ago

As much as I adore Israel at Eurovision and the amount of effort they put into the contest in comparison to other countries, they shouldn’t participate in May. The EBU took a firm stance with Russia, and if they still hold the same values, Israel should be banned.

I won’t support Israel in May, or in any future Eurovision contest, and I hope Eurofans educate themselves on the confl*ct and do the same.

8 months ago
Reply to  Thallo

I kind of agree but also, Hamas ? Palestine

8 months ago
Reply to  Thallo

Completely tone deaf. How the hell are you comparing Russia to Israel? If anything, you should compare Israel to Ukraine.

8 months ago

I was against banning Russia, and whichever country, for any political reason. However, I do defend that if the EBU were just a tiny bit coherent, Israel would be out now. But of course not. Even if different countries threatened to withdraw, like what happened with Russia, they would surely keep them in. Absolute hypocrisy

Frisian esc
Frisian esc
8 months ago
Reply to  Hector

Did israel initiate this attack?

8 months ago
Reply to  Frisian esc

Yes!! Since 1950s when they occupied and oppressed Palestin-!!!!

8 months ago
Reply to  Teddi

Didn’t the UK cause the war between Israel and Palestine?

8 months ago
Reply to  Hector

Iranian backed Hamas attacked Israel, so if Iran were to enter they would be banned.

Ukraine and Israel were attacked, they are defending themselves, so allowed to compete.


8 months ago
Reply to  Hector

Iranian backed Ham ass attacked Israel, so if Iran were to enter they would be banned.
Ukraine and Israel were attacked, they are defending themselves, so allowed to compete.

8 months ago
Reply to  Azuro

So If You Abuse Animals And Leave Traped In A Cage For Years And Years And They Finally Bite You , Is The Animal The Agresor Or Is It You .

Chica Chanel
Chica Chanel
8 months ago
Reply to  Hector


Eurovision fan
Eurovision fan
8 months ago
Reply to  Hector

If EBU did it thousands of Israeli nationalists would appear in comments calling EBU antisemitic

Polegend Godnova
8 months ago
Reply to  Hector

typical chronically online person who doesn’t understand nuance. what russia did to ukraine was an unprovoked attack. what israel did was defend itself from a vile attack from a “country” whose government is internationally recognized terr0r organization.

8 months ago

I’m sorry, but killing over 7000 innocent people, targeting hospitals and not letting humanitarian aid come through into Palestine is, I would say, quite disproportionate and much more than simply “defend itself”. I do condemn the terrorism, yes, but use it as an excuse to carry such actions is atrocious

8 months ago
Reply to  Hector

It’s different though. Israel did not bomb an EBU member. It’s as if saying the UK should have been banned in 2003 for bombing Iraq.Hint: it wasn’t. The situation in the Middle East has been going on for ages so it is hypocritical to say Israel should be banned now. They’re still participating in EURO football matches so why the obsession with Eurovision? Last but not least, Azerbaijan annexed Artsakh, yet they’re still participating. my opinion is that Israel should participate whether we like it or not because they did not break any rules (any official rules anyway, I know… Read more »

Roy Moreno
Roy Moreno
8 months ago

Too many people can’t see the difference between Russia and Israel.
Heck, Ukraine themselves support Israel, how can you keep comparing Israel to Russia?
Russia went in just to take land.
Israel will go in to destroy a terror organization after it’s attack on civilians on October 7th, and that’s it, we’re back out.
Educate yourselves, learn the differences.
Even better – come visit Israel and see how Jews and Arabs from several religions coexist here peacefully.
Don’t stay in your bubble, come see the truth.

8 months ago
Reply to  Roy Moreno

But how many international laws have Israel broken? How come Palestinians only own 7% of their own territory? Why is your country so obsessed with building settlements in territories that never legaly belonged to it in the first place? Was the 27 % Israel got handed in 1948 not enough?

8 months ago
Reply to  Denis

7% of Palestinian territory? What territory are you talking about? There has never been a independent Palestinian state on which basis you could claim this %. For centuries, this area has been part of Ottoman Empire, then under the British rule. If you are talking about Mandatory Palestine under British rule, then you are following the many times disproved misinformation that all the land that was not Jewish-owned was automatically Palestinian or Arab owned. Most of the land in Mandatory Palestine was government owned, so it was neither Jewish nor Palestinian. Not to mention large part of it is uninhabitated… Read more »

8 months ago
Reply to  Roy Moreno

To protect themself? They invaded, occupied and oppressed Pal-stine since 1950s. What are you talking about? They have been fighting in Pal-stine for years and years, m_rdering people. H-mas are product of Israel’s long oppression and their actions. What do you expect? At some point people will start defending themselves.

8 months ago
Reply to  Roy Moreno

simply put, Ukraine supports Israel cuz USA

8 months ago

Oh and btw. In wiwiblogs some countries starting with P cannot be written. The word is banned. Anyway that country should be part of the EBU because of how we historically treated this country since the 1940s

Polegend Godnova
8 months ago
Reply to  Erik

only countries that exist are allowed in the comments 🙂

8 months ago

Israeli government said the war has just begun. Their invasion just started. Since when is an invasion defence?

No, this year they cannot participate. Maybe if they stop the war it would work. But right now it’s not possible same as for Russia.

Roy Moreno
Roy Moreno
8 months ago
Reply to  Erik

Can you give a different solution on how to deal with a terror organization?
With words? Hugs? Gifts?
When the war is over, Palestinians in Gaza will have a different regime, one that seeks peace.

Polegend Godnova
8 months ago
Reply to  Erik

just taking back territories that were theirs to begin with (they gained sinai and gaza back in the 60s by winning a war they hadn’t even started… and then gave sinai back to egypt in exchange for positive diplomatic relations). you don’t attack a country and then cry when you lose. that’s how wars work.

8 months ago

with all do respect, Russia and Azerbaijan invaded Ukraine and Armenia without any aggressive acts from these 2 countries. While Israel has declared war on Hamas after the terrible terror attack by Hamas on Israeli civilians, killing, raping, beheading, abusing and kidnapping 2000 thousands Israeli civilians. What would your country do if it happens at your doorstep? Israel cannot exist if it hadn’t gone to war against Hamas. Are you dear European friends ready to welcome millions of Israeli refugees in Europe? I don’t think so, even though half of the Israeli population hold EU passports. It’s easier criticising Israel… Read more »

Hello hi
Hello hi
8 months ago

The double standard of gays when it comes to politics

8 months ago
Reply to  Hello hi

Pinkwashing works wonders for Israel. Just look at how many gay Westerners flock to Tel Aviv for pride every summer.

Polegend Godnova
8 months ago
Reply to  Hello hi

what’s funnier to me is seeing online gays defend a place run by an islamic terr0r organization that wants them wiped off the face of earth and whose entire ideology goes against their beliefs. have some self respect lmao.

8 months ago

Did the IRA represent the entirety of Ireland? Did the ETA represent the entirety of the Basque Country? No, and Ham*s doesn’t represent the Palestinian people.

When oppression occurs, extremism happens. We cannot pick and choose who to support based on Western values. These online gays are supporting oppressed people who wish for freedom from aparthe*d and colonialism, nothing else.

8 months ago

will it have any money left for this after all the bombing in Gaza ?

8 months ago

What privilege Israel has invading Palestin- that Russia didn’t have when they invaded Ukraine? Russia got cancelled out immediately and Israel is not even being talked about. They need to be kicked out.

Frisian esc
Frisian esc
8 months ago
Reply to  Teddi

So tell me. What should israel have done when palestine attacked? Let them do their thing because the gays on wiwibloggs believe israel shouldn’t exist?

8 months ago
Reply to  Frisian esc

Israel occupied Pal-stine almost a decade ago. Let’s talk facts. Not just occupied but also oppressed, stole land, and fought! Israel has been doing very nasty things for years and years. This is a response. What do you think? At some point people will defend themselves.

Frisian esc
Frisian esc
8 months ago
Reply to  Teddi

And how many times has a two state solution been rejected or do you thinks jews should just be wiped out completely to.. Some other country where they will face anti semitusm and the world wants them gone?

8 months ago
Reply to  Frisian esc

You know they failed in the defense, leaving the gaza border unprotected and ignored all warnings!

8 months ago

If israel doesn’t get banned i’m gonna be pissed. Same with Azerbaijan. If israel do end up participating im hoping for a lot of booing in Sweden due to the large support of palestine there. All im seeing is double standards

Eurovision fan
Eurovision fan
8 months ago
Reply to  Shush

I’m more worried of possible demonstrations in Malmo during Eurovision week and Arabs spamming the comment section of every single ESC post on social media. There are lots of Arabs who live in Malmo and the security risk of Israeli delegation would be very high.

8 months ago
Reply to  Eurovision fan

And they would be justified. Maybe the israeli delegation will get a small taste of what Arabs and pales-inians have been objected to for several decades

8 months ago
Reply to  Shush

You do realise it is a song contest and should nòt involve politics?

8 months ago
Reply to  Jay

‘Should not involve politics’ bruh people are dying??? At this point its not a question abt politics and more about the fact that israel is literally committing war crimes. A country like this should not be welcomed in ANY entertainment event at all.

Hello hi
Hello hi
8 months ago

Breaking news official list based on new criteria by general public that Israel is removed from the contest along with Russia

Bosnia and Herzegovina
San Marino
Sweden (membership subject to ratification)
Vatican City

Soo exciting, keep politics in eurovision

Hello hi
Hello hi
8 months ago

We use the same principles then we should ban all NATO members and just have a select few competing

We’re Up in Space, Man!
We’re Up in Space, Man!
8 months ago

If Russia and Belarus were banned why not Israel or Azerbaijan for that matter?

8 months ago

Double standards…

The Voice of Reason
The Voice of Reason
8 months ago

In addition to Russia, I firmly believe that all other warring nations or nations with current political problems should not be allowed to participate. I believe that Israel should eventually not be allowed to participate until the Hamas situation is cleared up. However, more pressingly, I firmly believe Azerbaijan should be banned. The world turned a blind eye when 300,000 people had to flee their homes from the Artsakh region and Armenia has been treated extremely unfairly, barely given any coverage.

8 months ago

Artsakh is legally part of Azerbaijan and the Armenians must adapt to Azerbaijani rule, same with Russians in the Donbass and Crimea, and Albanians in Serbia, not seeking indepedence and separatism!

8 months ago

I’m expexting some national broadcasters to make a move and put pressure on UER to ban Israel like it was done for Russia. The first one I can think of is Iceland.
I’m always sad when we lose countries in the contest but we can’t accept this double standard anymore. Israel is causing way too much troubles here.
Whatever, if Israel still goes to ESC I don’t care if they have a great song. They won’t have my vote anymore…

We’re Up in Space, Man!
We’re Up in Space, Man!
8 months ago
Reply to  Tino


8 months ago
Reply to  Tino

Really? What countries?
Israel has always had 100% support by all Western countries, including Europe. I doubt any country will pressure organisations.

8 months ago
Reply to  Denis

Israel used to have 100% support from all Western countries, but now the tides are changing.

Look at the pro-P*lestinian protests all around Europe. The European people stand with P*lestine, but their governments don’t. I expect the broadcasters of Ireland, Iceland and the Scandi countries to issue a statement on banning Israel from Eurovision.

Nobody important
Nobody important
8 months ago

EBU should either allow Russia back or kick out both Israel and Azerbaijan. Enough with hypocrisy and double standards.

8 months ago

How kick Azerbaijan when they just recover their land?

8 months ago

ebu better get that anti-boo technology ready, cuz it will be needed

8 months ago

are people this “pressed” to even discuss politics here? I think twitter (or X) is the place for you. hiding behind an avatar is not courage.

8 months ago
Reply to  XOOOOD

anyway, I believe the episodes are already recorded (as in every previous edition), so it’s a matter of when they’ll air them.

8 months ago

Two more analytical comments of mine are awaiting for approval (thought that would happen actually). What I want to say in short is that both Israel and Azerbaijan deserve to be banned from the contest due to their recent actions since the same thing applied to Russia. If they are not, we are talking about double standards here.

The Voice of Reason
The Voice of Reason
8 months ago
Reply to  Thanos

Agreed. Not banning Israel at this time is INSANE dounle standards.

Eurovision fan
Eurovision fan
8 months ago

Apart from the fact that USA supports Israel, I don’t see any difference in what Pu*in is doing and what is PM of Israel doing. Both are breaking international law and for Israel even high representative of EU for foreign affairs admitted that. They’re delusional if they think that they can do Ukraine 2022, quite opposite if they will compete.

8 months ago
Reply to  Eurovision fan

USA can’t dictate their International rules to any country, they aren’t the Owners of the World or the World FBI. That job belongs to UN which unfortunatelly got biassed with UNSC veto of all their 5 permanent members.

8 months ago

I am generally against bans, cancel culture and in favour of free speech in a period when censorship is prevalent throughout the globe. I also like to believe that people are better than their governments (though this is getting hard to believe nowadays) . This is why I was never in favour of banning Russia, or any country from ESC, no matter their crimes and I constantly advocate in favour of more countries joining Eurovision. But since we all came to the conclusion that Russia has to be banned due to the invasion of Ukraine, it is more than fair… Read more »

The Voice of Reason
The Voice of Reason
8 months ago
Reply to  Thanos

Couldn’t agree with you more here. Especially want Azerbaijan should be gone since what they did to Armenia was horrrific.

8 months ago

Horrific? Azerbaijan like Ukraine have every right to recover their International recognized border and dictate their minorities what rules have to follow under their control! If not the Armenians must go back to their country or join in the large and powerful Armenian diaspora.

Frisian esc
Frisian esc
8 months ago
Reply to  Thanos

Wwll you guys are 50 years too late with banning israel in that case. It’s not like the war started this month and it’s not like there isn’t a specific reason crap is hitting the fan this specific time don’t you think? There are two parties in this war and BOTH sides are unwilling to work to a two state solution.

8 months ago
Reply to  Frisian esc

I am sorry but nothing justifies what they are doing right now. So no, there’s no specific reason for committing war crimes and for gradually kicking people out of their lands. Or was it perhaps justified when Russia chose to invade because of the bad treatment of the Russian minority by Ukraine and NATO’s expansionism? I don’t think so. And I do agree with you that they have been committing these crimes for almost 80 years now, so if you want the truth, I would have banned them earlier.

8 months ago
Reply to  Frisian esc

Sir this is no war it is an ethntic cleansing. Why a two state solution when the pal-stinian country was stolen by israel? Also, even if they are late, people are finally seeing the truth, better late than never

8 months ago
Reply to  Shush

“ethnic cleansing” yeah man, Filastin had 1M people in 1960, while it has 5-6M people nowadays

8 months ago

I can already hear the massive booing Israel will receive in Malmo 2024.

8 months ago
Reply to  Alex

And I hope we don’t have to hear any Eurofans saying ”the artist doesn’t deserve the booing”.

The crowds aren’t booing the artist, they’re booing the country.

8 months ago
Reply to  Thallo

But the artist is representing the country and they could take the booing personally.

ESC Hayden
ESC Hayden
8 months ago

Belarus was kicked out for breaking the rules. Russia was kicked out for an illegal invasion. Israel, on the other hand, is more complicated. While some are concerned about reports of civilian suffering in Gaza, Israel has widespread international support to “defend itself”. While this is the case, Israel aren’t going anywhere. Not saying this right, nor wrong. It’s just how it is.

The Voice of Reason
The Voice of Reason
8 months ago
Reply to  ESC Hayden

What about Azerbaijan?

8 months ago
Reply to  ESC Hayden

Belarus was also suspended for supporting Russia in the war.

But yes, there are double standards.

Circle of Light
Circle of Light
8 months ago

Glad to see Israel trying to find some light in all this darkness. I always look forward to this show

Sam dool
Sam dool
8 months ago

The nerve y’all have so casually reporting Israel, shame on you

Frisian esc
Frisian esc
8 months ago
Reply to  Sam dool

It’s eurovision news. What did you expect? A political analysis.

8 months ago
Reply to  Sam dool

They’re just stating facts — the show is taking place. It’s going to be the most talked-about issue of Eurovision 2024 if Israel goes, so it is relevant. Anyway, this is not exactly an incendiary or provocative post in any direction? Sort of like how every newspaper reports on Israel daily at the moment?

The Voice of Reason
The Voice of Reason
8 months ago
Reply to  Nadine

I wonder if this will cause Israel to win?

8 months ago

or The opposite, getting zero points regardless of song quality.

Polegend Godnova
8 months ago
Reply to  BadWoolfGirl

hate to break it to you, but in the real world here in the west most people just think that israel is defending itself from an attack. nobody with a brain sees it as a black and white situation like how russia unprovokedly attacked ukraine. i only see chronically online people on twitter and reddit calling to cancel israel…

8 months ago

I wasn’t saying I wanted Israel to get 0 points next year, I was only pointing out a possibility for what could happen to Israel next year.

8 months ago

More likely it will cause them to tank and crash. If they manage to qualify from semi it will be amazing

8 months ago
Reply to  Denis

If the semi finals are still televote only, there’s a chance the televote could blank Israel, regardless of quality.

8 months ago
Reply to  BadWoolfGirl

You can’t vote against a country. If s country has Israeli supporters and they chose to support it even if they are only 10%, Israel would come highest on the televote.