Every spring up to three million visitors take to the streets and canals of Venice for the famed Carnival of Venice. Wearing feathered headdresses, flowing capes and, most importantly bejeweled masks, they enjoy a giant masquerade party. This year’s theme is “the world’s most delicious festival.” For Eurofans, that will likely be true. That’s because Elhaida Dani, the Albania’s singer for the Eurovision Song Contest 2015, is set to perform! No word yet on whether we’ll actually see her face…

Carnival of Venice

On 12 February, Elhaida will perform in the Grand Teatro di Piazza San Marco. It’s the focal point of the festival, and home to the annual “fancy dress contest”. It’s free entrance, so if you’re near Venice you have no excuses…


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Mario Vision of Gay Love
Mario Vision of Gay Love
9 years ago

She has beautiful song <3 🙂
With a great per4mance she can qualify 4 sure to the grand ball finale of Vienna! 🙂
I couldn't really recognize her now as her face looked different to me when i saw her per4ming on Albanian Festivali Kenges Grand Prix..
Like the same happened with Amber of Malta that she seemed different to my eyes as well.. 🙂
I wondered who are these girls..?? I really couldn't figure out who is who..! 😛 😉