European broadcasters have condemned Russia’s participation in the Eurovision Song Contest 2022 and asked the European Broadcasting Union to exclude it from the next edition in Turin.

Now Finland’s state broadcaster YLE has gone a step further, saying that it will withdraw from the contest if Russia is allowed to participate. 

Ville Vilén, the director of the broadcaster’s Creative Content and Media Unit, said it would be hypocritical to share the stage with a country that has invaded another.

“Russia’s attack on Ukraine is contrary to all the values ​​that Yle and other European broadcasters represent. Yle always defends Western democracy, the rule of law, freedom of expression and human dignity. Yle cannot take part in an event where Russia, which has blatantly attacked these values, can use one of Europe’s best-known brands to advance its own interests. I hope that the EBU will act in accordance with its values ​​here.”

Yle sought clarification of the EBU position on Thursday and received the same canned response as other broadcasters — that the Eurovision Song Contest is a non-political cultural event. As ever, the EBU told YLE that it’s “monitoring developments.”

As we told you earlier, the head of Sweden’s state broadcaster SVT was the first to call on the EBU to rethink its position.

On Thursday Hanna Stjärne said:

“I understand the idea of ​​Eurovision as an apolitical event. However, the situation in Europe is very serious because of the Russian invasion. We have demanded that the EBU change its position.”

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3 years ago

Actions speak volumes, thank you Yle!

3 years ago

well, germans keep on doing NORDSTREAM business with russia. what a HyPOCRTICIAL nation!

Izzy Lamb
3 years ago

Every minute the EBU takes to “monitor the situation”, the worse they look. Ban Russia.

3 years ago

Aha, so banning Russia so they can play victim afterwards? How about keeping the door open and letting them withdraw themselves, showing that they understand what they’ve done, or in “worst” (cause it can be best) case, let them send an entry and have entire Europe boo and diss them (sad for the artist, but I really don’t think ANY would attend anyway). By saying they need to be banned straight away, you’re all acting hysterically and playing 1D chess. Come on, you can do better. Have patience, keep the door open to them (cause we need them to the… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  benizakura

I agree about being careful. No act of aggression towards Russia is encouraged or needed. WE NEED PEACE! But pausing Russia on ESC is a necessary move due to situation their whole country in now in. The broadcaster isn’t banned from the EBU, and there’s still room for negotiations when the crisis (hopefully) ends. #NoWar #PeaceToEurope

Lawrence Gibb
Lawrence Gibb
3 years ago
Reply to  Colin

Putin has no intention of negotiating unless he gets the regime in Kyiv that he wants. Nevertheless the ban is another important statement by the international community excluding the Putin regime from world events. For far too long the democratic world has given him the benefit of the doubt. He will fall because Russia will be isolated and Russians do not want a return to the Soviet Union or the Russian Empire. When democratic rule is restored to both Russia and Ukraine they can return.

3 years ago

Russia is OUT officially!! #RussiaGoodbye

3 years ago
Reply to  ThorBeta

Is there any source?

Purple Mask
Purple Mask
3 years ago

BBC News just announced that the EBU has excluded Russia from the Eurovision Song Contest

Cookie Nation
Cookie Nation
3 years ago

If you want to put pressure on TVE to follow YLE, AVOTROS and others, you can use this form: El Defensor de la Audiencia. Quejas y Sugerencias – Web Oficial – Only official languages in Spain are allowed so you can copy and paste this: “Me pongo en contacto con este organismo para solicitar que RTVE, al igual que están haciendo la mayoría de las televisiones europeas, manifieste a la Unión Europea de Radiodifusión su disconformidad con que la Federación Rusa participe en en Festival de Eurovisión 2022. Incluso si el festival es manifiestamente apolítico, los acontecimientos de las… Read more »

3 years ago

UK, speak up now!

3 years ago

Germany is still buying gas from Russia. Even today they did. Thats why they need Russia on the SWIFT network. Incredible. …no comment

3 years ago

I still cannot believe that EBU is considering letting several other participants (and counting) being absent rather than banning Russia.
BUT, if that happens, and if EBU doesn’t react, I urge Wiwibloggs to include ALL of the winning entries from potentially withdrawn countries in their April reviews and act like this is the official line-up. I also urge them to completely ignore the Russian entry, if they are cynical enough to even send one. It’s a small gesture, but would be highly appreciated.

3 years ago

Faschist biased Finland. Nazi heritage. Fake care, important wannabeeeeee.

3 years ago
Reply to  gigi

The only nazi is the one that started a pointless war yesterday.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jamie

U have no knowledge to judge u r just superficial leftist gay, sun flowers blah blah…..

3 years ago
Reply to  gigi

Can we seriously ban gigi . Trolling, using slanderous terms and being disrespectful.

por no estar
por no estar
3 years ago
Reply to  gigi

lmao sunflowers hahaha

ESC Stan
ESC Stan
3 years ago
Reply to  gigi

You’re a walker.

3 years ago

Finland is doing right! Russia should be banned, and If the ratings/viewing figures is really important for EBU, then they can switch Russia with Turkey for 2023 contest

3 years ago

EVERY country needs to do this! Come on EBU, if you dont want to ban Russia do a contest with Russia only.

3 years ago

I support Russia’s ban. But I need to ask one thing – Where were this delegations when Armenia and Azerbaijan atacked each other?

3 years ago
Reply to  Ivan

I think it’s the magnitude of invading an entire country and the economic effects on the continent. But I agree that they also should have been given a break.

3 years ago
Reply to  Ivan

I was thinking the same but I guess its a two way street with them, this situation on the other hand is one side heavy

3 years ago

I hope all other participating countries do the same!!! So, EBU it’s up to you!!!!

3 years ago

The EBU will see sense. I hope.

3 years ago

Good on Finland – they stick to their principles!

3 years ago

I hope my country(Armenia) does the same thing cup we all know its the right thing to do

3 years ago

What do we think the EBU’s ‘real’ motivation for keeping Russia in? Viewing figures?

3 years ago
Reply to  HarpyDarper


3 years ago
Reply to  HarpyDarper

I think the real reason is not selfish, just ignorance. They are television people, not even the ones with imagination – the ones who sit behind desks and hold board meetings. They’re not the UN, they’re not politicans, they’re not civil servants, they’re not army generals. They’re just overpaid pretenders who never trained for this situation.

3 years ago

It is a disgrace and lack of leadership that the members of the EBU and not the EBU itself are taking action.

3 years ago

Apparently selling Gucci loafers to oligarchs is more of a priority than hitting back at Putin’: Fury as Italian PM demands luxury goods are exempt from Russia sanctions as EU nations are accused of ‘disgracing themselves’ over economic reprisals. – Whaaaattt???? Italia???? R U CRAZY???

3 years ago

I totally agree with you Finland I hope that Ireland will do the same

3 years ago

This is a good way to show our support to Ukraine. Dear Ukrainians, stay strong!!! We all pray for you! <3 <3
Also, Wiwibloggs, can you please make an article of the countries who are against Russia participating this year? There are more countries joining the protest.

3 years ago

Where was Finland last year when Israel was bombing Gaza?

The truth
The truth
3 years ago
Reply to  Jeep

Do you notice that any comment made about Israel is downvoted. Wiwi showed me how politically biased it is when it and most commentators claim not to let politics into such competitions. I made a similar comment as yours which was completely censored and butchered.

3 years ago

So the french broadcaster asked EBU to reconsider, right? Any news about the other Big 5? I must really assume that their words have the most say and I sincerely hope that Germany, the UK or the others will follow the French and most of all the Finnish example. Pressure on the EBU needs to be high!

3 years ago
Reply to  Siminski

Is there a link to the statement or comment by the french broadcaster?

3 years ago
Reply to  Esc

Sorry, apparently I am an idiot. For some reason I mistook the Swedish broadcaster for the French. So it’s time ALL Big 5 countries finally started applying pressure as well.

Cookie Nation
Cookie Nation
3 years ago
Reply to  Siminski

The others are Spain and most notably Italy. Nothing from TVE yet but we are starting a campaign writing to the spectator´s ombudsman and to the political groups who are represented on TVE´s board.

3 years ago
Reply to  Siminski

Big mammas and pappas . Fake democracu of europe. Everyone foes and behaves like boss says. German boss. Germany should have never be united again. The way howthey control nato and every eu and mon eu state is disgrace! Disgusting!

3 years ago

The EBU does not have a choice here, they must ban Russia or the entire contest is compromised. This whole mess makes them look worse and worse by the minute.

somebody I used to know
somebody I used to know
3 years ago

Although I’m totally against the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian aggressor state, I believe that the ban of Russia would depend on several factors. Firstly, we must not forget that the Russian PEOPLE are not the Russian Government, and that most of them do not agree with the totalitarian regime that is creating the war in Ukraine. The solution for this whole conflict would be for the Russian people to make a revolution from the inside and stop this evil dictatorship, even though that seems like something almost utopic to do at the moment. With this said, if the… Read more »

3 years ago

While I get what you’re saying, I don’t see any way in which any artist could be solely for the Russian People and not the state. The Broadcaster is, after all, from the government. Therefore I am sorry to say that there is no way other than excluding from Russia from ESC without the EBU not giving a flying fudge about their own values.

somebody I used to know
somebody I used to know
3 years ago
Reply to  Siminski

Yeah, you are probably right and I’m normally against the participation of Russia this year, except for that hypothetical case that I mention on the main comment I wrote and also on another one here below, that is extremely hard to happen.

3 years ago

Yeah, as I said I get your point. You also didn’t receive a downvote from me, I just wanted to give my two cents on how I don’t see that scenario being a possibility.

Vava Hu
Vava Hu
3 years ago
Reply to  Siminski

Yes, especially when Ukraine & Russia are in the same semi.
But anyway, EBU will probably announce Russia’s disqualification soon because almost half of the countries will withdraw if Russia stay

somebody I used to know
somebody I used to know
3 years ago

I know I’ll be downvoted for this comment, however know that I’m stating to be completely saddened by what’s happening to Ukraine and really outraged by the evil actions of the Russian regime. Apart from that, I’m starting that, in this situation, I’m normally against the participation of Russia on this year’s ESC, except for the case that I mentioned on this comment – that is, if the representative is a voice of the people and not of the government.

3 years ago

You spoke my words. For me the best solution would be to allow Russia to participate but having no artist that would agree to represent the country.
I also think that the only solution to avoid a global blood bath without letting down Ukraine is to see Russian making a riot in their own countries. But how many people would die in this case too?… What a terrible mess

Last edited 3 years ago by WannaEatMySpaghetti
somebody I used to know
somebody I used to know
3 years ago

exactly, it is the way to go but it’s hard to make something out of nothing without suffering from people. But there’s hope! Me, as a Portuguese, believe in a peaceful revolution, like the one that my people did in 1974 to take down the authoritarian regime of more than 50 years and to stop the evil war on the African ex-colonies. The people, joined with the military, operated the revolution on such a plan that the government had no option but to surrender. I hope that someday we can see something similar happening in Russia.

3 years ago

It’s time then for PEOPLE of Russia to take the situation on their hands because their leaders are staining the Russian flag with the blood of innocent people. Nobody should be allowed to carry the Russian flag in a peaceful democratic event as long as their leaders are waving the flag in a violent and hateful campaign against the core values of modern Europe.

3 years ago

Finland is doing everything right this year

por no estar
por no estar
3 years ago

Hope other countries follow this example

3 years ago

Kudos to Finland! The norwegian delegation were just on the news and from what he said, norway will probably do the same quite soon. I expect all the northern countries will. He said that russia will probably be banned

3 years ago

No, we want to see The Rasmus in Turin. They are clear winners of UMK and my childhood fav group.

3 years ago
Reply to  Guest2022

I would also really love to see The Rasmus in Turin, and I’m hoping that we don’t have to go this far, but right now we need to stand up with Ukraine.

3 years ago
Reply to  Guest2022

No. They can wait. I think WAR takes precedence.

Cookie Nation
Cookie Nation
3 years ago
Reply to  Guest2022

I also want The Rasmus in Turin but if many countries take the stance it´s Russia who wont be in this year. Me and my friends are writing massively to TVE.

Campbell Grace
Campbell Grace
3 years ago

Iceland has also now called for Russia to be removed. That’s 9 broadcasters.

Wiwibloggs you should have an entire article that is dedicated to the countries calling for removal. It’ll be interesting to see how many are willing to speak out.

Last edited 3 years ago by Campbell Grace
3 years ago

Hoping my country speaks up, being one of the big 5, thank you Finland and all the other countries who are speaking up. C’mon BBC, say something

3 years ago

Estonia has just joined the protest. The 8th broadcaster, waiting for more.

3 years ago

I was standing by EBU’s side, but I don’t want other countries to withdraw from Eurovision, that would be unfair for the artists that have put and invested a lot for participating and trying to go to ESC. Russia’s broadcaster should withdraw from the contest this year.

3 years ago
Reply to  Ellen

I think the artists will survive a year. They did after covid. Human rights are more important than ESC

3 years ago
Reply to  JSU12

LOL, which is why no one cared about human rights when they visited Israel who were busy bombing Palestine..

3 years ago

I mean, first UMK gives us the best NF this year. Then they just flash us the biggest pair of balls we’ve seen from any broadcaster. Finland – you’re making us proud, we salute your courage. And this comes from a country whose geography couldn’t be more sensible. And if the EBU maintains the decision to be an alien to what’s happening, as they did in the past, then the ESC should really evaluate its future and actually think about its end. The limit is here, I can’t watch Ukraine being dismantled with the most dramatic humaniatarian costs Europe has… Read more »

3 years ago

Russia, have some decency and get out of Eurovision, olympics, Champions League, World Cup, Expo, and anything that requires your interaction with the rest of us. Get out of our lives. Get out.

3 years ago
Reply to  NickC

A little too late for decency.

3 years ago
Reply to  Xxx

You are absolutely right.

3 years ago
Reply to  NickC

No, they don’t deserve the right to show any signs of decency. We will kick them out until they start respecting human rights.

Roelof M
Roelof M
3 years ago

Now THIS is solidarity! I respect every broadcaster/ artist standing up against Russia in this, but this action from Finland is honestly fantastic and I hope more countries will follow suit.

3 years ago
Reply to  Roelof M

Can’t see Latvia and Lithuania will participate as well – they are more concentrated to give any help to Ukraine rather to think about Eurovision

3 years ago

On the topic of this issue and attendance of international audience, PLEASE DONATE TO SUPPORT UKRAINE. THERE ARE VARIOUS OF LEGIBLE ORGANISATIONS, ONE OF THEM IS – they have been working with Ukrainian army since 2014. On thursday alone a little country of Lithuania donated over 2mil euros!
(sorry if this post is against rules, but it’s worth to get banned for)

3 years ago
Reply to  Eglutt

Small nation of less than 2 millions Latvia already donated 1 million euros
Latvia and Lithuania is example of how united we must be against barbaric actions of Russia

3 years ago

It’s important to note that Finland was once under Russian rule, and is celebrating its 105th independence anniversary from Moscow this year so its broadcaster going the extra mile makes a whole lot of sense.

3 years ago
Reply to  James

No. More that this act of aggression is a reminder to never take anything for granted, especially for an independence that people have long fought for.

And I did the math on how long Finland has been independent, courtesy of the 2017 contest in Kyiv.

3 years ago
Reply to  James

It’s interesting, but I don’t think important. Finland would be doing this anyway.

Ukraine stan
Ukraine stan
3 years ago

I’m a bigger and bigger fan of the Finnish delegation. First they make a nf that f-cks immensely and now they do this absolute king move. paljon kunnioitusta, suomi!

John Moynahan
John Moynahan
3 years ago

Somehow, i think that Russia won’t be appearing in Torino. No matter what they send and however “great” the song may be, juries from around Europe would totally blank them a la Sergey Lazarov in 2016 when 21 juries gave them 0 pts. I think the result would be even worse if they attended this year. Europe would speak loud and clear and a guaranteed non-qualification would result. The Italian broadcaster would have to blot out the jeering from the live audience. All in all, i just can’t see Russia attending. Europe will have its voice regardless of Russia’s potential… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  John Moynahan

they would be booed even harsher than teenage twins they sent in 2014

3 years ago

One step at a time. i see Russia being banned/suspended from this union in the short term, just needs time and action based on these unfortunate events resulting in a mandated suspension. Belarus faced the same consequences , Russia’s actions will result in their isolation.

just an esc fan
just an esc fan
3 years ago

Any broadcaster who stays silent and chooses to ignore the disgusting behavior of Russia is adding to this problem. We need Russia out and the only way of doing it (at least as I see it) is by threatening EBU that out counties will withdraw.

Praying that at least my country’s broadcaster (Greece) will follow the example of Finland and Estonia, but I doubt it.

3 years ago

Unfortunately I doubt my country (Ireland) or the BBC for that matter will follow in the example of Finland and Estonia. I hope i’ll be proven wrong but I feel like they typically avoiding making statements.

3 years ago
Reply to  Esc

@Esc have you messaged RTE? I have on Instagram and Facebook (I do not have Twitter) in the hopes they will hopefully follow suit of other broadcasters and make a statement.

3 years ago
Reply to  Sarah

I have but I didn’t do it on facebook, i’ll go do that now.

3 years ago

I also hope that our broadcaster (TRM) will follow their example. If Ukraine falls, Moldova is at high risk of being the next country that might be invaded.

3 years ago

my country’s broadcaster needed a kick from an influential producer. Still took couple of hours after his public complaint (to be fair, LRT could have the talks privatelly at that point).

TL;DR: push poweful people to make powerful statements. Broadcaster listens to them

3 years ago

YLE and Finland have “balls as big as the moon” – my deep respect for that statement. I wish our german broadcaster (NDR) would have done the same because it is a “BIG 5” country …. but “I’m sorry Germany, you have no balls – you have a pussy”. I’m allowed to say that because I’m german.

3 years ago

Seeing how we are opening our eyes and changing what is wrong, can we, please, stop with that bal*s and pus*y bs?
I can’t remember which comedian said it but unlike bal*s, a pus*sy can take a beating! Stop inadvertently calling your mothers weak. They did something your fathers never could.

Last edited 3 years ago by willchrisiam
3 years ago
Reply to  willchrisiam

He was Trevor Noah and he was absolutely right. I was bothered with this comment as well.

3 years ago
Reply to  Renly

I remember a female comedian saying it but I might be wrong.

3 years ago
Reply to  willchrisiam

I just googled it. It was Betty White!
“Why do people say, ‘Grow some balls’? Balls are weak and sensitive.
If you really wanna get tough, grow a vagina. Those things really take a pounding!”
I really miss that wonderful lady…

3 years ago
Reply to  willchrisiam

Yes. I hate seeing how often this is still used.

3 years ago

LRT (Lithuania) asked for Russia to be banned yesterday. Was one of the first to question Russia’s participation. I don’t see anywhere mentioned that. Monika Liu participation was also questioned after EBU response, but that would simply remove any critics for oppressors.
European broadcasters should support Ukraine even financially – they will be hardly able to afford their contester (god, please let them survive)

Last edited 3 years ago by Eglutt
3 years ago
Reply to  Eglutt

This is still a developing story. And Wiwibloggs is not the only Eurovision website that reports ESC related news as there are several others where one can go to. Not every one can cover every news, especially as most of these websites are run by fans who juggles between reporting ESC news and their lives outside of the bubble.

3 years ago
Reply to  James

true i wasn’t complaining about Wiwi staff, esp. when our broadcaster translates 1/3 of articles to english. That was just an input – a provided information

Radoslav Tsanev
Radoslav Tsanev
3 years ago

Now that the recent events became even more bloodthristier, it seems as if Eurovision 2022 is on its way to be cancelled literally.

3 years ago

FULL RESPECT! I Just wrote to the croatian television to make a statement what they think about it and will they join Finland, Sweden, Estland, Lithuania, Latvia and Norway with there petition against the russian participation!

3 years ago

Well done, Finland

3 years ago

I think we should be prepared for a limited ESC this year! With no Nordic countries, no Baltic countries, no Benelux countries, no Spain and Portugal. Leaving only big 5, some Balkan countries and Armenia/Azerbiajan/Georgia and Russia
Let’s hope it don¨t come to that, cause so far it rather looks like they are willing to sacrifice the contest than Russia..

Cookie Nation
Cookie Nation
3 years ago
Reply to  Denis

Spain is Big 5 too but unluckilyTVE has not said a word about it yet.