It’s only been just over a week since Serbia’s selection for Eurovision 2022. But the performance of the winning song, “In corpore sano” by Konstrakta, is already making waves throughout Europe.

After going viral on YouTube, trending at #1 in seven countries, the song is now spreading like wildfire on streaming platforms, TikTok, Twitter, and more.

Konstrakta’s “In corpore sano” goes viral across Europe

The Serbian singer’s performance in the first semi-final of national selection Pesma za Evroviziju 2022 got off to a viral start. Since then, the video has amassed over 9.2 million views – more than the entire population of Serbia.

While many of those views have likely come from Serbia, the video also went viral in other ex-Yugoslavian states, as well as in other regions of Europe.

According to, which tracks real-time viewing figures across different platforms, the song hit #1 on the “Trending” chart in Austria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, North Macedonia, Serbia and Switzerland, as well as #2 in Malta, Norway, and Sweden. Throughout the past week, the video also made appearances in the charts of Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, and Liechtenstein.

On 7 March, Konstrakta’s performance received 1.5 million views, placing the it as the 14th-most viewed video worldwide on YouTube that day.

Meanwhile, in the domestic Serbian charts, “In corpore sano” is dominating. It’s held the #1 spot on iTunes, Deezer and Spotify (Viral 50 and Top 50) since the final of the Serbian selection.

Song lyric site Genius shares weekly charts of the top-ten most searched songs on the platform. For the latest chart on 14 March, Konstrakta’s cryptic bi-lingual track occupied second place.

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TikTok virality

On TikTok, the “In corpore sano” sound has already appeared in over 8,000 videos, together amounting to over 100 million views. We can assume relatively few of those views are from outside of the Balkans, but the ‘viral quality’ is certainly there.

The most watched video on TikTok, from Lea Stankovic (a Serbian influencer with over half a million followers), is at 135,000 likes and counting.

@lastankovic Koliko puta dnevno perete ruke @caleofficial @andrijajo @annalazarevic ♬ In corpore sano – Konstrakta

Do you think going viral on social media can help Konstrakta in Turin? How well do you think “In corpore cano” will do at Eurovision 2022 in May? Sound off in the comments below!

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2 years ago

Has it really “gone” viral? Or is someone just telling us that it’s “gone” viral?

2 years ago
Reply to  Fatima

Over 10 million views on YouTube of this song at the national contest, in a country with under 7 million people, is already viral I would say. Add to that over 100 mln views of various TikTok videos, feature on Genius weekly charts, among top 10 youtube music trending in some neigboring countries and beyond (Austria is one)…. The song is ‘the talk’ in Serbia (trust me, I live here), even kids in kindergartens sing it in videos. So, yeah, I would say it’s gone pretty viral already. Greetings from Serbia!

2 years ago

Top 10 for sure, but win? I don’t think it will appeal to northern/western jury or televote. I can see the jury really hurt Serbia, because the jury tend to not be so kind to these artsy entries (just look at how they butchered Ukraine’s chances last year) the televote will give Serbia just enough points to enter top 10 in my opinion. It’s one of the more interesting entries this year, so I can understand it going viral, but again; too artsy to win.

2 years ago

An art piece! Multi-layered messages, full concept performance. Makes you work your brain to get it (unlike many other songs in this type of contest) and takes listening more than once (esp. the lyrics). Will definitely be an IQ test for ESC audiences and so let’s see how they score … My fav but then again I am from Serbia so can be biased 🙂

2 years ago

This song seems to critic the corona-measures. That is the basis of his success. Its awful!

2 years ago

A lady that is definitely deserving of all the attention.

So happy to see so many people puzzled by a piece of art, invested in analyzing it, finding clues. It’s what art is about. Also so happy this is happening at ESC. Looking forward to May!

2 years ago

This will win… mark my words

2 years ago

This song is dumb, not in an endearing or entertaining way. Feels like a joke act, up there with the turkey from Ireland

2 years ago
Reply to  Jack

People consider average shallow Eurovision songs as “real” music but the artistry of musician like Kate Bush, Björk, Peaches, Fever Ray, Konstrakta, PJ Harvey etc are “jokes”… Insane

2 years ago

It is looking like Serbia would have the full support of the Balkan countries and this time they really deserve it. If Hurricane managed to be in the top 10 televote, I expect this to finish in top 5 televote. I don’t know how the juries would react to In Corpore Sano, but from what I am seeing we are looking at one of the most viral songs this year.

2 years ago

I love it

2 years ago

Personally, very difficult to listen as the audio version. But nobody can deny that the performance is amazing. I mean, a lot of acts were amazing in the Serbian National Selection but how that song blew up just after the performance and not only in Serbia shows how different and striking this performance is. Again, Eurovision is not only about a song, it’s about an overall package and the fact that the song is going viral makes me happy cause it shows to Konstrakta (that never believed she could be understood and could represent her country) that people can be… Read more »

2 years ago

Kinda ironic of an anti-vaxxer to preach about health.

2 years ago
Reply to  BbDany

anti-vaxxer? are you okay? don’t spread BS please

2 years ago
Reply to  BbDany

She is NOT an anti-vaxxer! Jeez, get your facts right!

2 years ago
Reply to  BbDany

Justice for Djokovic, Australia 0 point , Serbia 12 pts.

2 years ago
Reply to  BbDany

Everyone in Serbia is vaccinated for 10 pathogens and vacations are mandatory for everyone. Saying that someone in Serbia is agents vaccines is ridiculous.

Olaf Yohansson
Olaf Yohansson
2 years ago

Masterpiece, Great? Hopefully we have professional juries who would probably give low points to this song because the lyrics are not meaningful; someone talks about health problems; is this a song?

2 years ago
Reply to  Olaf Yohansson

It is not a song, it is an intelligence test.

2 years ago
Reply to  Olaf Yohansson

Hopefully the professional jury is not guided by politics and agendas but by own integrity and expertise. In the latter case, I have no concerns over whatever they judge.

Yeah yeah fire
Yeah yeah fire
2 years ago
Reply to  Olaf Yohansson

At least she doesn’t have to tryhard to get a message out of something, unlike few others. Not everyone does songs specifically made for Eurovision and that’s ok

2 years ago
Reply to  Olaf Yohansson

Why do you think those lyrics are not meaningful and other songs are? You really think those words are less meaningful then – I’m not your toy you crazy boy or Just maybe Im crazy or Im running Im scared tonight? It’s just different and something we are not used to

2 years ago
Reply to  Olaf Yohansson

This is NOT a song for you… Lyrics are everything, and no she is NOT talking about health problems…For example, remember that fantastic movie “Hair” from 1979. which talks about rebelling against senseless war…Meghan Markle + healthy hear -> rebelling against someone judging the COLOR of her SKIN… Enlarged spleen-> well in English spleen is tied with anger (ever heard of “venting spleen”?). It takes a capacity to understand this song. Konstrakta did not win because she got votes from standard pool of ESC fans. She mobilized very broad spectrum of Serbian society, and not just Serbian, it had literally… Read more »

2 years ago

Every new look – something new! Incredibly! This is to shake human consciousness, not only about health, but about the fact that everyone must be their own master. Some “circles” will not like it, but ….Pure art!

2 years ago

It is awful

Yeah yeah fire
Yeah yeah fire
2 years ago
Reply to  Jay

Ok Jay, you can tell us ur fave song is from Sweden, it’s okay

2 years ago

This song reminds me of Kate Bush songs where the rewards are unveiled after multiple listens and it ultimately ends up a more satisfying listen than the disposable pop that litters ESC.
Unfortunately most viewers will only see and hear this once. It may fall into the trap of being classified as a joke entry as many of the instant reactors on YouTube have said about In Copore Sano.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jeep

Exactly, that’s giving me a depression… People consider average shallow Eurovision songs as “real” music but the artistry of musician like Kate Bush, Björk, Peaches, Fever Ray, Konstrakta, PJ Harvey etc are “jokes”… Insane

2 years ago

I need now Susan and her skills to tell me what this song is about. ??

Corpus sano, mens ?
Corpus sano, mens ?
2 years ago

I like the many layers of this song but what I like the most is that it makes one work to get it, makes us use the brain. Rare song does it at this type of contest. Our societies could be better if we all used our brains a bit more.

Eurovision fan
Eurovision fan
2 years ago

Some fans say it could end up like Portugal 2019. I would rather say that it will do how Iceland would have done in 2020. 😉

2 years ago
Reply to  Eurovision fan

The comparisons are completely pointless because those entries have nothing in common. Is it supposed do be a fun and light mood song like Iceland 2020? Then please explain the fun part because I can’t find it. I do find similarities with Portugal 2019 though. A song that relies on it’s message but sung in a foreign language that most viewers won’t understand, an “artistic” performance that just adds more confusion to the table (although much less confusing than whatever the hell Portugal tried to do in 2019). It will be a borderline qualifier at best. Weird stuff do well… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Ana

Some thoughts. – “Telemoveis” is still my favorite studio track of 2019, but not my favorite performance by a long shot. – Konstrakta and her team seem to have a stronger grasp of visual story telling including camera work. I have confidence in them. – Satire can use humor to evoke thought/ not the same as “fun” at all times. – Not everyone has to have the exact same interpretation to like, value, or vote for a song. -Different people will connect in different ways, and there will be appreciation and support for this song. – Some words on the… Read more »

2 years ago

I think the performance is a blast to watch, clearly a fantastic addition to this year’s line-up… but if I step away from the performance, I don’t think the song is that great (I almost want to mute the sound and focus only on the theatrics). I think this should qualify but no idea what the contest will do with it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Bella

I don’t wanna comment on whether a song is “great” or not because that’s fairly subjective. However, I think that the song is unpredictable and as such keeps one’s attention.

2 years ago

Haha this is brilliant. Love every second of it.

2 years ago

This is a masterpiece and must garner attention to receive as much televote it can. A sure Top-10 finisher.

2 years ago

Well deserved. This song IS a masterpiece, period.

2 years ago

Kontraska and In Corpore Sano is all reasons why I love Eurovision. Outstanding, unique and original

2 years ago
Reply to  Alex

That’s what as a Serb myself say exactly the same. If we sent Zorja or Sara, it would be boring, performances seen for about billion times.

2 years ago

Who would say that one of the catchiest songs in 2022 would be an alternative tune in Serbian and Latin with the most complex lyrical content of the competition? Gotta love Eurovision for that!

2 years ago

Lot of people say that this is a flat year. There are lots of amazing songs and Serbia is one of them! People is gonna love it in Italy, specially italians who have the same irony that balkan people. Even I should say that “in corpore sano” could be perfectly a winner song of Sanremo

Well done!

Last edited 2 years ago by Sebastian
Midnight Gold
Midnight Gold
2 years ago
Reply to  Sebastian

A large part of the fandom will always gravitate towards stuff like San Marino, Cyprus, Serbia, Azerbaijan or Moldova of 2021, hence all the “weak year” comments about the current line-up. Personally, if you take out “Zitti E Buoni”, my favorite entry of all-time, then 2022 is clear. I’d much rather have a contest full of what the likes of Serbia, Portugal, Lithuania or Iceland are serving this year.

2 years ago
Reply to  Midnight Gold

I think people regard whatever year they first starting watching as the definitive way the contest should always be.

Midnight Gold
Midnight Gold
2 years ago
Reply to  Jonas

Well, I’ve been following ESC since the late 2000’s so I can’t really say that works for myself, even though there are still some entries I will always listen to, such as Turkey 2008, France 2008, Estonia 2009, Bosnia-Herzegovina 2009, etc. Fully understand what you mean tho.

2 years ago

by far my favorite entry this year! so happy to see people are finally getting over their anger that sara or zorja didn’t win and recognizing in corpore sano for what it is: ART

2 years ago

I’m starting to have faith in this to qualify after all. At first I thought people won’t get the message, but I think the Serbian delegation as well as Konstrakta herself are trying hard to make it so that anyone can grasp the song’s meaning no matter where you’re from, despite the song remaining in its own language. It’s an arduous task, but definitely possible with good staging.

2 years ago

Why not? It’s different. It’s interesting. It stands out.
If they can find a way of getting the full message of the song across through the staging without losing what made this so impactful in the first place, it could be the best Serbian televote result since Željko.

Mr X
Mr X
2 years ago
Reply to  Briekimchi

I hope so. Konstrakta deserves it !

2 years ago

Such a good song! It is sad that Serbia will not win because of… Ukraine. This year Ukraine will win because, you know, support etc. But hey, we will listen this song online for a long time in the future 🙂 This is a REAL winner!

2 years ago

Still won’t be enough to push this through into the final. Likely bottom three in the semi-final.

2 years ago

I dont understand this song. 0/10

2 years ago
Reply to  2022

Then use your brain and try.

2 years ago

This is why I love Eurovision

Its a woman washing her hands for 3 minutes and it’s going to qualify for the final 100%, proper Eurovision is back!

2 years ago

I wouldnt mind if this wins…….

2 years ago

When you realize the song uses a heart beat as its base rhythm…:O

Ukraine stan
Ukraine stan
2 years ago
Reply to  ESCalator

It’s official, this should replace “staying alive” as the definitive CPR song

2 years ago

Biti zdrava, biti zdrava, biti biti zdrava!
It’s like a mantra!..

Biti zdrava
Biti zdrava
2 years ago
Reply to  Denis

I know right this song stuck in my head now

Ukraine stan
Ukraine stan
2 years ago

So glad serbia is trying something new, you can just tell that this is one of those songs that live forever.

Polegend Godnova
2 years ago

i see eurofans loving it more and more, every day there are new people joining the konstrakta cult. it’s been my winner since i first saw the performance !

2 years ago

This beat is everything. Well done Serbia.

2 years ago

I like it, I have this song in my Top 10. I like when songs remind me of the country they are representing and, when I think of Serbia, one of the first persons that comes to my mind is Marina Abrahamovic. Well, Konstrakta somehow reminds me of an Abrahamovic’s performance.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lorena

It actually is inspired by Marina Abramovic’s performance from the 70s I guess called “Art must be beautiful/Artist must be beautiful”

2 years ago
Reply to  Lorena

Your association is totally to the point! Konstrakta said in one interview that with repetitive hand washing she is referring to Marina Abramovi?’s performance Art must be beautiful, Artist must be beautiful. Personally I am huge fan of the song and the whole performance due to its many layers.

2 years ago

This beat is drava!

2 years ago
Reply to  Jo.

Ohhh is this intended ? Every day i discover a New layer of this song ! Such a gem

2 years ago
Reply to  Nicomro

dunno, but it’s a nice concept: from italy to serbia

2 years ago

I am glad she’s getting the attention she deserves.

2 years ago

Of topic sorry, but is it true that Italy will be performing 2 in the Grand final? Like rly?

2 years ago
Reply to  Tzs

Why i got “-“ lol – i just asked …

2 years ago
Reply to  Tzs

I think it was just a meme. As far as I know they’re doing the actual draw today.

2 years ago
Reply to  Karl

Yes, they are going to be 9 in the running order same like Sweden in 2016 if i am not mistaken 🙂

Campbell Grace
Campbell Grace
2 years ago
Reply to  Tzs

Fun fact:

Sweden performed 9th in 2016 and 2019.
UK performed 9th in 2018 and 2021.
Italy performed 9th in 2017 and now 2022.

One of those 3 countries have performed 9th since 2016, nobody else

Last edited 2 years ago by Campbell Grace
2 years ago
Reply to  Campbell Grace

I also realised that Frans and Lundvik performed 9 as u said but they also performed 10 in Melo final same like Cornelia and they both finished in 5 place – coincidence? Haha – Cornelia is going to be in top 5 for sure, Thank for info!

2 years ago

Ana (Konstrakta) ante portas! Veni, vidi, vici!

Roy Moreno
Roy Moreno
2 years ago

I’m still dreaming on the day Konstrakta winning Eurovision with this song!
I obviously know it’s probbaly not gonna happen, but she deserves this success and I strongly love this song! 😀

2 years ago
Reply to  Roy Moreno

I truly think it’s a strong contender for the win. Will everybody like and get it ? No. Is it a song that drives some people to grab their phone and vote ? Absolutely!

2 years ago

I love the fact that the riskiest entry of the year is sent by a country that is not the most progressive when it comes to the music scene. It is remarkable that so many people are embracing konstrakta. Bravo Serbia!

Last edited 2 years ago by Jack
2 years ago
Reply to  Jack

Serbia actually has quite nice and diverse music scene, but not too advertised. Another reason for us why Konstrakta’s win is important – to give that visibility

2 years ago

In corpore Putin #boycottSerbia

2 years ago
Reply to  STOP THE WAR

Hate spech, why Wiwi allow this

2 years ago
Reply to  PP77

Because it’s just a comment most of of us dislike but it’s nothing illegal nor is it hate speech. As you can clearly see, people don’t even support this person.

2 years ago
Reply to  STOP THE WAR

Serbia should definitely not have strong bounds with Russia. Agree

2 years ago
Reply to  STOP THE WAR

Check her live performance and you will see Ukrainian flag at the back screen,
Look her official video, and you will see that the upper part of her face is in blue color, while the rest is “yellowish”. It is also message of support to Ukraine

2 years ago

Not the biggest fan of the song but it is obviously deserving if it is that high in the charts!
Congratulations Serbia!

2 years ago

And I thought it was not in many people’s top 5… (I liked the song, though) Pleasant surprise, Serbia! Let’s go!

Last edited 2 years ago by Lily
2 years ago
Reply to  Lily

local success doesnt always mean other countries vote but she still very cool

2 years ago
Reply to  daledale

most other countries eurovision act doesnt even chart in their home country. konstrakta has achieved more than local success, and a lot more success than most songs have this year for sure

2 years ago

As it should. Best song of the year.
Bravo, Serbia!