Malta’s Thea Garrett is a talented singer. But she seriously needs a new stylist and stage producer. As in Malta’s national final, her hair remains Kool-Aid colored red, and once again she’s joined on stage by a male dancer dressed as a frightening bird. She’s singing “My Dream,” and apparently her dream involves being eaten by this rabid bird of pray. If she performed the club mix of this song with those wings flapping behind her, you might mistake her for a drag queen at Carnival!
I know Malta didn’t pass the semi-final even though it was really good and quite original! You know what Malta should do? They should make song entries more original like entering with a different genre of music for a change! I don’t have anything against Malta or anything but have you ever considered like entering with rock songs? They always end up in a good place in the eurovision like Lordi. And probably tomorrow manGa (Turkey) would make a great job as well. I know I’m definitely voting for them tomorrow and so are a lot of people i know.… Read more »
I don´t know who you think you are, but our song is a very good song and so is the entertainment on stage. I agree with “anonomous”. The seagull has a meaning and sorry to break the news to you, but Thea´s hair is what makes her unique and in no way do you have the right to critisize the uniqueness and beauty of Thea! Good luck Thea for tonight, may the Europeans not vote for their neighbours but for the true best songs!
let me tell you something (who posts this) .. as if you dont know this song is called “MY DREAM” and the bird you are mentioning has a NAME! its name is “seagull” 🙂 a seagull represents that whatever the weather is : rainy,stormy,sunny whatever.. the seagull is always full of life.. thea had a young difficult life as she was getting bullied and some people used to stop her from singing and saying “you’ll never make it” but she fights againts those people!!!! and as you can see she made it through and her dream is happening!! now the… Read more »
i like the song well done malta one of the best song
i like theas hair style and the bird is not scary probably you r ….