The more Wiwi and Vebooboo listen to Kati Wolf, the more they fall in love with her. She’s got the vocals, she’s got the look, and if she plays her cards right we hope she’ll have a spot at the top of the leader board. Here’s what we thought of her first rehearsal:
Vebooboo: Hungary finally took the stage today and opened up its bid to become crowned the winner of ESC 2011. Kati wowed the audience with vocals that 100% matched her official video—unlike a lot of Eurovision contestants, she does not need any digital mastering! But again, just as with Poland and Croatia, the upbeat song was missing something in terms of choreography. Kati spends the whole song in the same place dancing alone, while three random hooded dancers perform random tricks in the background. This song is amazing and has such a strong and uplifting message. Vebooboo was disappointed to see its potential not unlocked with more explosive and dynamic choreography. Will Hungary make it to the Final? Vebooboo thinks so, but is starting to get worried that this could be a repeat disaster of Iceland 2005, when one of the song’s early frontrunners failed to qualify.
Wiwi: This lady can sing! Wiwi agrees with Vebooboo that the choreography seems lackluster. However, it’s important to remember that viewers at home won’t be aware of that. The cameras pan around and swoop down from the ceiling, and the directors of Eurovision will make this look better on TV than it does on stage. They even made Tom Dice’s act from 2010 look interesting! Plus Wiwi loves that the dancers are wearing LED lights on their costumes, and he respects Kati’s bold choice to wear 1980s turquoise. It really, really works with her song.
She can t sing and dance in same time .
After this day rehearsal Hungary will be flop in semifinal ( Kate Ryan this year with be Kati from Hungary and Stella from Norway). After first rehearsal Hungary flop 2 place on betting odds .