Sweden’s Loreen stormed to victory last year in Baku and now it’s time to choose her successor. The bookies have their favorites—you can check out the latest odds here—but who do you want to see walk away with the microphone-shaped trophy at ESC 2013? Here’s your chance to let us know. You can watch all 26 Eurovision finalists on Wiwi’s contestants page, and then vote in our poll below. You can vote for as many contestants as you like, but you can only vote ONE time. Be sure to check the box next to every act you want to support before submitting your votes. Voting ends on May 17 at 17:00 CET—just ahead of the Grand Final on May 18. (UPDATE: VIEW THE RESULTS NOW!)
It’s up to you, Europe! Start voting now! Please note: Contestants who were eliminated in the semi-finals will be removed when we present our results. We’ve been running this poll since March 29, so obviously some of y’all voted for people who have now been eliminated!
[polldaddy poll=”6999223″]You can read our song reviews on the Wiwi Jury page, and can read the lyrics to this year’s entries on our contestants page.
Azerbaijan performed on a very high level! Farid deserves to be in the top-3.
Farid from Azerbaijan is one of the best 2013 year performers. His voice is very beautiful and he enchantes from the very first minute!
Dina is the best!!! She has a best vocal!!! Vote for Russia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
vote for Dina, she is the best!!!
CEZAR He said ” I represent not only Romania but all those who believe in me ” I believe in him He is great person and to me this matter a lot Romania’s entry is spectacular and his voice and technique I am nobody to speak about I cannot vote since I live in the USA 🙁 I am Greek
oh oh oh oh go malta we love your song
2 Fabio (May 17, 2013 @ 04:19:04)
I am sorry, but what a copy/pasted songs name, that use Azerbaijan?
if you have not any reasons, so please not trolling here!
thank you.
Gor from Armenia?? I mean Dorians!!!!!))))))
except my country romania i would love to see germany or italy win it.
Maltaaa the best <3
here Azerbaijan 2683votes and Romania2541 votes!!!!!!!!!!!
David,i really miss their smiles..
Mark,Iceland was really,really good..
Almost every country will say that their singer has the best voce 🙂
Serbia’s in 3rd place here. I think that shows they have a good chance of winning!!!
Oh wait…
People vote for ROMANIA….best song and voice in the competition. The music is so cool and it’s different. That is what the Eurovision is about. It is a mixture of a few different cultures!!!
My support goes to Eyþór for Iceland.
Best vocal in the competition, best song quality, and not to mention coolest looking guy in Europe 😉
His raw talent on stage is the only thing needed to capture the audience, no smoke, no flickering little lights, just Eyþór and his powerful voice.
AGAIN!!!!!!!JUST like last year problem of Romanian singer!SABOTAGE??? CESAR had to take out the earpiece at 0:32 resulting in the song not syncing with the music.But he sings and sings on three voices-ophera,dub step,pop!!!An amazing countertenor!!!his technique is impeccable.Singing in countetenor is one of the hardest thing ever and I never thought it is even possible to sing it this way like CESAR does.I never spent any credit for voting but this guy deserves my vote in the final and I will vote.12 points from Spain,for this AMAZING MAN!!!
Denmark, Azerbaijan, Norway and Russia will be 1st-4th.
Cezar and Zlata are the best voices in the competition. Good luck both!
You go girl!
Moje 3 again! 🙂 by results i can see there is a silent protest.
So show your character and what kind of people you are!?????You know nothing,JUST TO OFFEND!!!iT’S not your favourite good, but please don’t offend!!!There’s a lot of work!!!CeSar you’re the Best and you know it!!!You are a WINNER!!!GO ROMANIA!!!!!!!!!
Romania is the best!!!!Love Cezarrr! <3
Finland ……. an easy way to win votes because of a cheap imitation of Madonna and Britney …… makes me sad …..
me to i think malta should win but when it comes to the final it wont get the votes that the song deserves we all know why . hope it will be a difrant story this year just hope . good luck malta and rest of europe
Yes, Anouk is one of Loreen’s big favourites! I just saw her video, really impressive. The song birds keeps on haunting me in a positive way.
“See who suddenly stood behind us!! LOREEN:) We asked her if she had a favourite this year. She answered that Anouk was her favourite. When we asked about what place she believed Anouk will take, she said that she already had a place in her heart. Wasn’t that a sweet response? #Loreen #superchargedesc #Anouk”
Source: statigr.am
I hope UK will win but I’m afraid we won’t. Good luck Holland!
i think this year malta should win
Loreen has good taste! Watch this:
Netherlands: you really deserve it to win!!!!!!!!!!!!
BONNIE TYLER? We believe in you Bonnie! What does everyone else think of the United Kingdom’s song? 🙂
I think ‘Birds’ is like a breath of fresh air for the Eurovision Song Contest! Denmark has a nice song but for me it’s just too predictable ………
Romania is terrible and I don’t like Malta and Denmark either. The Netherlands is the best!!
My favorite besides my Loving Malta 🙂 is definitely Marco Mengoni Italy some excellent quality romantic passionate music indeed. for those who understand the italian languge know what i mean.
Watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPDYbuaXlA8
This should win. It’ll be a victory for Eurovision..
Behind every representative is hard work!!!!Speak only good it’s boring-NO ARTIST IS SO CONTROVERSIAL that CAESAR !!!So THANKS you advertasing is advertasing!Publicity is GOOD!!!SOME ARE FRUSTRATED!!!Sing like him if you Can!!!IS A GENIUS!!!A VOICE UNIQUE!!!INCREDIBLE SHOW!!!CULTURE MUSIC WITH ORIGINAL AND UNIQUE STYLE!!!Evoulve!!!
Georgia on my mind 🙂
And I was a strong supporter of Zlata before last night. But Georgia, even better.
Farid <3
Stunnig performance!
Don’t tell me Azerbaijan is going to win again……
Romania sucks! 🙂 Cezar does too! 😉 The Netherlands, Norway (or Denmark) and Azerbaijan deserve top 3!
Rumania and The Voice the best,unique amazing voice!!!!love tambien Azerbaijan!!
Azeraijan’s song is stickier than 3 seconds glue and the best thing really is the guy in the glass box…
Ever since the safora entry few years back it is going down the hill (the fact they won once means only that the quality of the competition is going down as well).
My all support goes to Farid. My all love goes to Anouk ) Go Azerbaijan! Go the Netherlands! From US.
I don’t get why people like Azerbaijan so much, it’s just a copy/paste of what they’ve always done. Why do Europe keep dumping their music down?
And Norway is just boring. The girl is cute and has a good voice, but the song is just a clubtrack with the one-liner “The world belongs to me”
Well, my favorite performance of the contest so far was Lithuania, so I’m going with them. They should win.
But SVT gave them 2nd draw, so they probably won’t do well. Dammit, SVT. No good
Gawwwwwd. Yes cezar is good, thevsong sucks!!! Its a SONG contest!!! Margaret is special, the song is edgy + fierce + haunting + addictive + unique. Emmelie has a unique voice, and the song is a masterpiece, but i love edgier songs. And I’d like gianluca for my doctor, i like that hes so cheerful. But the song is cheeeeeeeeeesy. I swear this should not be top 15. Sanmarino is robbed. Azerbaijan aint bad but last yr was tons better. I think its that the azeris always support their song no matter what. And ireland….. cheap cheap cheap dance track.… Read more »
Anouk. No brainer.
But then again, i know it will be Emmelie or Margaret, which l don’t object either
Malta has to win this year.. !
well done europe you voted for the doctor 🙂 from malta very nice happy song hope he will win pls vote for him on satarday
iam so happy that malta made it to the final i voted for you and i will vote for you again on satarday you deserve to win this year such a lovely eurovision sing a long song it makes you feel happy