The only thing that can be funnier than Eurovision songs, are the artists who sing them. Their reaction to the results tend to be either as cheesy as their song… or as strange as their song. We have found the top 10 funniest reactions to the results from different Eurovision artists over the past few years, and compiled them into a list of quotes that we can all squint at and struggle to decipher. I still don’t know whether we should blame the crazy atmosphere or the free champagne!
10. Dorians (Armenia, 2013)
Dorians were maybe a little bit too excited when they qualified for the final, considering the fact that they completely forget what Eurovision was all about. “YEAH BABY! BRING IT ON! THAT’S THE SH*T I’M TALKING ABOUT MAN! WOO! I think we qualified because people miss live music, real music, yino?” What? You think you qualified because the people who have just sat through an entire hour of Eurovision, A LIVE CONCERT, miss live music?! What do you think Eurovision is? Do you think that you’re the only artist that sang live? Wow. Well someone has clearly missed the whole concept of Eurovision.
9. PeR (Latvia, 2013)
We’re all so used to hearing singers tell us how happy they are with their position in the Contest, we forget about those unfortunate artists that didn’t make it to the final. PeR from Latvia definitely didn’t take the news well. “We thought that we’d at least earned a spot in the finals, probably last place but I don’t give a dam.” It’s good that they at least had confidence in their performance, even if Europe didn’t. Of course it would be Europe that’s at fault for them not qualifying, it had nothing to do with their performance or live vocals!
8. Eldar Qasimov (Azerbaijan, 2011)
We can all agree that Eldar Qasimov, 50% of Ell and Nikki, should stick to singing rather than TV presenting. But at least he tried to stay professional rather than divulge his opinions during the show, and waited until minutes after the show to share them. “You know, as the host of the show I couldn’t say who was my favourite. But now I can say that my favourite was SWEDEN!” Really Ell? Is that really true? Because the odds of you making that up now that Loreen has already won the show aren’t really in your favour.
7. Can Bonomo (Turkey, 2012)
Turkey’s Can Bonomo seemed to be a bit distracted after the Eurovision final to talk about Eurovision itself. He instead decided to talk about how much he loved Macedonia’s singer, Kaliopi. “This is the GODDESS of the Eurovision actually! The one thing that I am so happy about the Eurovision thing is that one of the candidates and the other thing is that I met her!” Despite not getting his grammar correct, and the overuse of the word “thing”, this seemed to be a nice enough message. But we would rather hear a few thoughts on “the Eurovision thing”, considering the fact that “the Eurovision thing” is the reason why he’s in Baku!
6. Cezar (Romania 2013)
Everything Cezar says and does is always a tad overly dramatic. After his Eurovision performance, he certainly kept up his reputation of confusing everyone by his total craziness, “I think that I offer everything, and I offer my soul. That’s why I say “you are my soul” because there is an exchange of energy between me and the audience.” On cloud Cezar, we think that means he’s pleased with his performance. Cezar clearly loves his fans, but I’m sure even they don’t understand what he means by “offering his soul” during his performance. If his entire song was an exchange of energy between him and the audience in the arena, maybe that was why everyone watching on TV was so confused by the total madness which was Cezar’s performance.
5. Cascada (Germany 2013)
It was bad enough that Cascada finished in 21st place at Eurovision, but it’s even worse when you realise that Natalie jinxed the whole thing as soon as she came offstage. “I’m like, BLLAAAHHHH! The audience are so cool tonight, you can’t even imagine. I made a tiny little mistake but I don’t think anyone noticed!” The irony speaks for itself really. I hate to break it to you Natalie, but I think a few people did notice your “tiny little mistake” considering you were voted the worst live vocals of 2013. Some may even say you were “like, BLLAAAHHHH!” both on the stage and off the stage thanks to those ridiculous stairs.
4. Gianluca Bezzina (Malta, 2013)
No matter how shocked you are when your country makes it to the Eurovision final, you always need to remember how to breathe. Something Gianluca from Malta clearly forgot to do when he spoke to a reporter after hearing the semi final results, “We are so happy to be here we are so happy to be one of the finalists we will actually get on the stage again and we will actually smile again on stage and we will actually smile to millions of people again. I’m so happy…exhilarated I.. I don’t have the wo- EUPHORIC! That’s the word actually! I’m euphoric! Haha!” Okay Gianluca, stop. Count to ten. Breathe. Now next time, try to speak a tad slower so we can make sense of what you are saying.
3. Marco Mengoni (Italy 2013)
It’s perfectly acceptable to have a celebratory drink when you find out you’ve been placed 7th in the Eurovision final. But maybe Marco should have waited until the press had cleared the greenroom before he started on the champagne, just so he wasn’t slurring his words when he spoke to a reporter. “YEAAHH! This was a… faannttaassttiiicc…experience… great, great, great experience…a BIIGGG community…EMOOOTIONAL community…” Um, what are you talking about? What community? Do you need a translator or coffee?
2. Jedward (Ireland, 2011 & 2012)
Did Jedward really get confused between Loreen and breakfast TV presenter Lorraine Kelly only minutes after Eurovision 2012? It seems so, considering they were yelling this at every nearby camera, “We’re so happy that Lorraine won the Eurovision this year in Azerbaijan! We had breakfast with Lorraine this morning at our Hotel! WE WERE BREATHING THE SAME AIR AS HER!” Well at least their happy with Sweden’s victory even if they are a bit confused about the name of the artist. They don’t seem to be bitter about a 19th place finish either. But come on, it’s Jedward. When are they ever not happy?
1. Andrius Pojavis (Lithuania, 2013)
When acts fail to finish in the top 20, they tend to smile gracefully and tell everyone that they are thankful just to make it past the semi-final. But not Andrius from Lithuania. After the Final in Malmö, he said to a reporter, “I wanted to be the eighth…eighth was my dream, you know? And what was I, twentiest? What’s the f*cking number twentiest?!” I don’t know. What is the number twentiest? I’ve certainly never heard of it. I don’t think anyone told him that he was supposed to pretend to be happy with 22nd place, even if he wasn’t really. No one likes a sore loser Andrius!
Katie Wilson contributed this story from the U.K. Follow her on Twitter at @katiewillfly and like our Facebook page to keep up with the latest Eurovision news and gossip.
If Cezar’s fans could – but must not – be suspected of subjectivity, what do you say about the public’s reaction to Cezar’s performance ?! I WAS THERE and they were shouting his name, applauding and cheering…They looked like perfectly understanding everything Cezar was singing, doing and showing on the scene. And the so called “craziness” and “madness” were perceived as spectacular, innovative and explosive ! Cezar was perfectly right to speak to the public as they were communicating with him. He indeed gave everything he could to make them justly receive his message. And the public confirmed it clearly.… Read more »
Charles, Germany did NOT deserve the placing that it got. If you haven’t noticed, the crowd in the Malmo arena and at Eurovision Village gave Cascada the biggest ovation than they gave anyone else that night. The jury is to blame for marking Germany 20th. Despite coming 16th in the average televote, they did NOT deserve to have come 21st. So go to your closet and pray for forgiveness for saying such a blasphemous thing!
Reactions in Eurovision get more credit than the actual musical performance … and when such happens you get to see the performers making a fool of themselves with all the excitment or dissapointment. And that is what these performers here did … with broken English or in some cases “no knowledge whatsoever” of English. If they can’t speak a proper sentence in English, why bother asking them their reaction? As for the Armenian guys: when they refer to “live performance” they weren’t talking bout vocals. It’s a band and not a solo artist. Bands are very very sensitive to the… Read more »
Bonnie Tyler’s squeal surely merited a mention…! And Dustin’s “Did we win?”
@Wiwi Bloggs – I have a transcript of Silvia’s temper tantrum in that news clip. Want me to email it to you?
Marco had made me die of laughter !! And personally, I must say that Andrius had a good place because I saw him NOT qualified !!!
Cascada’s vocals were fine. The issue was the bad timing and weirdly cropped song. It ended up sounding rushed and cramped.
Oh god, the Silvia Night thing. Screaming train wreck she was lol. I think she referred to the Dutch entrants as sluts, Wiwiblogs.. though I couldn’t tell over the insane screaming lol. Ahh Cezar.. so passionate for everything :’) Andrius’s was the funniest for me cause he’s really spaced out in that video!
*I should qualify what I just said… I only heard of Alyosha’s reaction from my friend, and I think it would probably be impossible to find the video proof now, given how long it’s been!
Andrius’s reaction was great, but you missed Alyosha’s reaction from 2010 where she was disappointed that Lena won, and thought that Russia’s placing was also “a shame,” though in that case it wasn’t clear whether she wanted them to place higher or lower. I have to sympathize with Andrius’s reaction, in that he got screwed over by the running order, which SVT chose!!!
Also, Silvia Night’s reaction from 2006!!!!!
Cezar is in my heart, I was at his concert one week ago, he sang to me… soul touching…. <3 Cezar
Cascada’s other tiny mistake was that Natalie was also slightly ahead of the music until the first chorus. It was a real shame…i love the song and personally think it’s one of Cascada’s best songs.
Glad Malta was in there. The best Malta-related reaction was outside the press center the night of semi final 2, when all the Maltese fans mobbed Gianluca, picked him up, and carried him around on their shoulders, singing “Tomorrow.”
lol how specific… wanting to place 8th.
I’m still laughing at Andrius. Much as I enjoyed his song, variety of costumes and eyebrow tricks, this was about the worst reaction I have ever seen to a low-placing. Too long in the green room with bottles of the good stuff, perhaps!
Cezar’s fans understand very well what he was saying by,,offering his soul”!The fans gave him their souls,too!Is just about love and sharing!
well JORDAN, the “tiny mistake” that we’re talking about is the first chorus part when she sings OFF-KEY…Being good vocally is a different thing as we have no questions for her for that, but my gawd!!! The fact that the song was being compared to EUPHORIA at the time and the way she sang the first chorus didn’t do her any favors at all!!! She clearly did not hear herself while singing the first chorus!!! I felt bad for her coz I love Cascada so much !!!(“Everytime We Touch” and “Miracle” are my faves of them!!!)
Cascada had the worst vocals of 2013? Bitch please… whoever voted should go to their closet and pray for forgiveness. Watch the amateur footage of Cascada performing live in the Malmo arena. Her voice sounded amazing. The TV performance made her voice sound not so good because of the reverbs didn’t translate on TV! And can someone please tell me what this “tiny” mistake was? -.-