Donatan and Cleo—the fiery duo behind all those boobies in Copenhagen—have just dropped the song “Slavica”. It’s basically a less ethnic version of “My Slowianie/Slavic Girls” with the same chorus, but different verses—and it’s all drenched in R&B. If you didn’t think that Donatan and Cleo were master satirists before, prepare to be converted…
The first verse—”We’re complicated like a Rubik’s Cube/Surprising as a Matryoshka/Reliable like a kalashnikov/Warming as a vodka”—conflates several stereotypes that many people have about Eastern Europeans. Cleo and Donatan are Polish, the Rubik’s Cube was invented by a Hungarian, and Matryoshka dolls and “kalashnikovs” (AK-47s) originate from Russia. These identities are often fused together, resulting in inaccurate perceptions about actual Eastern European culture. It ain’t all the same, y’all!
As weird as this verse is, it has NOTHING on the music video which is basically all twerking. Half of the video shows the backup dancers twerking in very short shorts. We’re not even getting into the glow paint, which appears to be all that the ladies are wearing. Dear lord. It’s too much. It’s like Ke$ha’s “Your Love is My Drug” meets American gangsta rap meets Miley Cyrus meets, well, “Slavic Girls”. It’s intense, and you feel as confused as when you were watching Poland’s performance and thinking, “Maybe it is objectifying women after all…”
@TT2 and @Klaudia
I’m 1/2 Slavic, for goodness’ sake. I was discussing the stereotypes. Many people do not see the differences between the groups, and that is what I was talking about.
I thought journalists were supposed to be educated? guess not…
@ Klaudia. You are absolutely right, not once did the band refer to themselves as being Polish; they referred to themselves as being Slavic (a very broad spectrum) so whats so confusing about saying that the Slavs are commonly associated with the rubik’s cube, the Matryoshka, the AK or vodka?
u r sooo hypocrite. The majority of ameriacan video clips are full of sex, nudity, boobs, ect. so y other countries can’t use them huh? smfh
Ant btw the author of this article posses lack of knowledge about the slavs. Russians, polish, ukrainians and many many other countries are slavic. Doing some background reading will give you a better understanding of your topic….
go cleo…shake it!
I’m against using women as a sex object, but huh, this is hot.
As you should! 🙂
Cleo really doesn’t wanna twerk, does she?
How about we all play nice with each other and talk about “Slavica”? Please?
@Jordan, thanks for the clarification and the moral correction to my post. I will ensure that all future posts will be run past your fact checkers in advance. These conversations work so much better with someone like you correcting everyone’s comments. If you have any objections to other phrases I used please let me know and I’ll be sure to correct as soon as you inform me of what I should be saying.
The definition of the word “slut”.
a woman who has many casual sexual partners.
Do you have legitimate information about these women’s personal lives? I guess not…
@Jordan….according to your post I apparently don’t. So let met turn to the self appointed slut expert and have you tell me what it means.
David, do you want to talk about “moral outrage”? Let’s talk about Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Beyoncé, Jennifer Lopez, Madonna, Miley Cyrus, Britney Spears, Rihanna, ect. Their music videos make “Slavica” look like a G-Rated Walt Disney music video…
Do Russia and Belarus have any ‘moral outrage’ over this? Conchita seems mild in comparison.
Nebi, do you even know the definition of the word “slut”? I don’t think you do…
The first version was intriguing and enticing and edgy. This version is none of the three and is quite over the top. There is a big difference between traditional Slavic girls in traditional outfits looking very sexy with come to bed eyes and having a bunch of Slavic sluts shaking there arses in your face.
Super! Polish music governs
They are a great band. The best this year by far. Not the usual Eurovision one song band. The song I like the most is Z dziada-pradziada. Wicked hip hop singing.
I liked the first version more, with the folk part in it.
But I see what they are trying to do here: create a slavic imagery in a genre originated in America.
But have also a look at their new “Cicha Woda”. It’s great!
They also released a new single “Cicha Woda” a few weeks ago.
News about Tijana(FYR Macedonia),she’s got a new song with Vocal 5 🙂
And btw,what word describes Cleo?
Well at least she can say “Shake what mama gave you” ,i would be very surprised if her mama advised her to say this 🙂