Mihai Traistariu, the Romanian singer who took Europe by storm with his Eurovision hit “Tornero” back in 2006, has teased a return to the international stage with a striking transformation and what he calls a “god-like” figure. 

Although he hasn’t released any music since February, when he abandoned his plans to take part in Selectia Nationala because he felt that he couldn’t beat Paula Seling & Ovi, the “Tornero” singer has been hard at work all year long and is now teasing a new album, entitled “Change”. He’s also been hard at work at the gym, and his fans on Facebook can track his progress closely by admiring the self-proclaimed Selfie King‘s miriad of images posted directly from the gym or even from his bedroom.

Mihai Traistariu Change

Today, Mihai Traistariu teased an image reminiscent of the “Terminator” films, which could also hint at Mihai being remodelled as a new Arnold Schwarzenegger. Consider us intrigued! (And a little bit amused, too.) Moreover, in recent TV appearances, the singer has been promising to shed not only pounds, but also his “good boy image” and replace it with a naughty one, going as far as to reveal that one of his new tracks on the album is entitled [gasp!] “You’re a Sucker”.

The timing of his transformation could not be better for him Eurovision-wise. Romanian broadcaster TVR is yet to reveals plans for Selectia Nationala 2015, but Moldova is inviting foreign artists to submit songs for the national selection O melodie pentru Europa, which means that Mihai, who considers himself a bit of an outcast on the Romanian music scene, can finally try for the contest in the neighbouring country, where he feels he enjoys more popularity.

Until he makes up his mind, let’s feast our eyes on Mihai’s latest gym selfie:

Mihai Traistariu gym

Photos: facebook.com/Mihai.Traistariu

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Szabo Kristof
Szabo Kristof
10 years ago

Amazing news! I can’t wait for him to show up again on the big screens 😀