Spanish eurofans are determined to avoid the shame they felt last year when Spain’s Carolina Casado read out the Spanish voting results at Eurovision. Surely you remenber that Carolina awarded “oitpoints” to Romania. Her mistake and thick Spanish accent sparked ridicule and anger from viewers. The hashtag #oitpoints flooded the Internet, and the issue even reached Parliament. In case you forgot…


This Sunday at 20:30 CET Ruth Lorenzo’s followers will try to make the hashtag #RuthLorenzoPointsESC trend on Twitter to pressure RTVE, the Spanish broadcaster, to avoid another #oitpoints disaster.


Ruth, who grew up in the United States and now splits her time between Spain and the United Kingdom, would do an amazing job. She’s got the language skills and she’s got the look. But does she have your support? Would you like to see her reading out the votes in Vienna?

#oitpoints recap

Please note: The 20:00 CET mentioned in this video should be 20:30 CET! Apologies. 


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10 years ago

I don’t have a problem if people have accents. Are we so intolerant? I didn’t notice “oit points”. So many words are mispronounced during ESC. Who cares?
What a shame Ruth didn’t announce the points last year then there would have been no “oit point” drama and we could have been spared from listening to the dreadful “Dancing in the Rain” song.

10 years ago

The spokespersons make the effort to speak in English when it’s not their mothertongue, I think people should be tolerant. Carolina may have made a pronunciation mistake, but most of the spokespersons in Eurovision do. It looks even more stupid and dreadful when they try to engage in an endless fake flattering speech (“What a wonderrrful show, it was sooooo great, you are amaaazing”, etc.). At least Carolina didn’t do this. She remained professional and did her job: give the points! I think they are making this story bigger than it is… I like Ruth Lorenzo, but Carolina did nothing… Read more »

10 years ago

There have been a string of spokespeople who have been dodgy. People slurring their words, people slouching in chairs, people performing completely unfunny jokes, others who just there to promote themselves and the vote presentation is a side note. I am saying Carolina Casado is by any means dodgy and I do not place her in this category. You have to give people some leeway; English is a foreign language to these people and you cannot expect them to be completely knowledgeable. Carolina appeared engaging and beautiful. In comparison to the famed Spanish spokesperson Belen or the lady who kept… Read more »

Álex, from Spain
Álex, from Spain
10 years ago

I think that all the Spanish TV hosts and journalists are now afraid to be chosen to announce the points, because the responsibility is bigger, as everybody is going to be watching if he/she is going to have any mistake. For sure, Ruth will be chosen. She is the only one who has the guts to do it.

10 years ago

I loved her and I think faults as the one Lena made in 2013 by giving 17 or 18 points to Norway are worser :S

10 years ago

To the contrary, I have been amused by their #oitpoints and I wanna hear them again. Some people take the ESC too seriously, so chill out! 🙂

10 years ago

I think the “oit” points should be something we embrace as spaniards haha! I would love to see Carolina back! #bringbackoitpoints

10 years ago

That would be great! Ruth would be an amazing spokesperson for Spain 😀

10 years ago

The whole oitpoints thing was funny and cute and all, and it seems Carolina took it with good humor, so kudos to her… but people making of fun of other people’s accent or their less than perfect english always infuriates me, maybe you should try to speak in perfect spanish to see if it’s that funny.

That being said, of course I would love Ruth to deliver the points.

please read it
please read it
10 years ago

I must say that im from spain from Extremadura from a small town im 16 and i now how to say eight point sincero i was a baby please dont judge all the spanish people like she, its true that if you talk spanish its to dificult to speak english but normaly hoy finish talking well. About the ruth Lorenzo i hope it i hope she announce the votes. From Extremadura

10 years ago

Well, actually she isn’t the worst. She was bad, but usually the English accent of the presenters from countries as e.g. Ukraine is way worse ( eight point go to.. 12 point go to and others). In all the Eurovision 2014 for me the award of worst english accent goes to Dilara Kazimova. I really thought she was speaking a foreign language.

Bogdan Honciuc
10 years ago

I loved her thick Spanish accent. And I loved her #oitpoints even more.

(That being said, I wouldn’t mind seeing Ruth presenting the Spanish votes either!)

10 years ago

I thought she said “Our eight points” and I didn’t even see this as being a mistake.

10 years ago

It wasn’t that much of a disaster last year. The whole thing got blown out of proportion because someone mispronounced a word. It’s not like she pretended to shave like the other dude. Mistakes happen, just let it go people.

10 years ago

That would be great.
There are a few artists from last year I want them to give the #points ,like Waylon & Ilse, Aram Mp3, Mariya Yaremchuck, Cleo & Donatan and of course Valentina Monetta.
Btw,,check my top 6 of Esc 2015

10 years ago

People are WAY too hard on the Spanish spokeswoman from last year; it’s rather clear that she waited too long, and the teleprompter had already moved to “huit,” which is pronounced something like “oit” when read with a Spanish accent.

10 years ago

The whole oitpoints was completely overblown and other presenters have pronounced things even worse, such as Pilou saying “Belaroosh” or many saying “wotes” instead of votes.

10 years ago

She didn’t grow up in america, she moved there when she was 12 and moved back to Spain at 16 🙂 and i would love her to represent the points