Will the Riga Beaver be back in 2016?

Rigas Bebrs — the Riga Beaver — may not have made it past the audition stages for Latvia’s Supernova 2015, but he is still one of the biggest stars to emerge out of this year’s contest. His dancing, singing and all-around good humour have even led to a change.org petition calling on him to become a cultural symbol of Europe. He recently caught up with Ilze, our Latvia correspondent, to talk about his recent gig hyping up the crowd at the Supernova final.

You auditioned for Supernova, but didn’t make the cut. Could you describe the song that you wanted to sing at the contest?

I think that nowadays everyone who is not lazy is tossing with various phrases and using the same cliché lyrics in songs. I’m fed up with that and that is why I wrote something from the heart. In my song there is no place for plagiarism – it is a true nugget. The song is about how I am feeling my love for Riga. It surely is a fantastic song!

Beavers in Riga have a bad reputation and are known to destroy the city canal. Do you face prejudice because of this?

It is a myth that I am destroying the Riga canal. It is my home and I am just arranging it. People often misunderstand some things and then tend to do something that is illogical. And the jury – they are just human and often can not see a star in someone who is not human.

How did you become the mascot of Supernova? Could you describe your role and duties there?

I am not the mascot of the contest. I am an important figure of culture, a cultural activist, enthusiast and last but not least a symbol of the capital city. I am the Riga Beaver. No culture event or festival can possibly exist without me. That is why I was invited to this contest. As they say – “Where there is Riga Beaver there the culture is inhuman – it’s enormous”!

Is it difficult for you to cheer on the competitors who made it to the show instead of you?

You have probably misunderstood everything. Those times when I am on stage are workshops in which I teach people to enjoy the beaver joy.

At the Supernova auditions “Riga Beaver” performed a beaver-reggae. Do you also perform other genres?

Yes. I perform a lot of very different styles such as beaver-pop and beaver-metal and even classical folk music or beaver-folk.

Here’s how the #ltvsupernova beaver warmed up the #eurovision crowd

A video posted by wiwibloggs (@wiwibloggs) on

While cheering up the public on “Supernova” you performed various dance moves and tricks. Where did you learn all this?

It’s from my father. My father really loved ballet and always tried not to miss any show. He was sitting behind the pillar, not even watching, because that could affect his own, personal, special way of dancing, that nobody has ever seen (possibly because nobody could steal his genius choreography.

Why did a beaver make it to the “Supernova” stage and not some other animal?

It’s probably because I am the most beautiful and the most progressive one. And we all saw that nobody got hooked up on the horse!(Horseman was another hopeful for “Supernova”).

Would you like to go to the big Eurovision Song Contest in Vienna this year as a backing vocalist, dancer or entertainer?

I, as a creative soul, have my own modest ambition. In Vienna I would like to be as the symbol of European culture, but being a dancer is not a bad idea as well!

Will you take part in “Supernova” next year as well?

If I will not have become the symbol of European Culture by then, then definitely!

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10 years ago

#BeavertoESC #RigaBeaverforPresident #Riga2016

10 years ago

Charles, I understand you want the Eurovision Song Contest to rid themselves from the cheesefest joke reputation, and so do I. But if you’ve actually paid very close attention to the entire Supernova national final from Latvia this year, then you’ll know what the whole fuss is about.

10 years ago

Sorry to say this, but let’s get back to the music then.

10 years ago

Who the hell has time to pay attention to a guy dressed as a bear trying to sing and be an european symbol or whatever? Is everybody suffering from some form of boredom due to the fact that Eurovision IS about the music? Is everybody desperate to have some sort of pathetic joke to make the contest better? Do we need to sink so low and make ourselves look and sound ridiculous with this sort of characters? Wanting to be 16 forever is not gonna work in a long run …

10 years ago

Dammit Francheska, you beat me to it! #RigaBeaverforPresident

10 years ago

#RigaBeaverforPresident (I would not entirely be opposed to that for some reason)

10 years ago

During the Estonian final I saw a little spider on stage… you could write a story about that animal as well if you like.

10 years ago

I wanna marry the beaver. Can I? 😀

10 years ago

Riga Beaver deserves the attention he’s receiving.

Respect the Riga Beaver. I don’t see many of you folks trying to become a symbol of European Culture.

#LifeGoals lol

10 years ago

But I mean other articles are each about something else….

Okay let’s forget it 😉

10 years ago

Let me count, 4 articles since february 22. About one thing. Who else has 4 articles in 4 days?

10 years ago

Britney, there are 20 stories in the sidebar and only one has a beaver in it, so….no.

10 years ago

I think Riga Beaver is most discussed thing on wiwibloggs.

10 years ago

This is hilarious

10 years ago

Two beavers are better one, they are twice the fun. But one beaver is better than none….. Rigas Bebrs is the best new thing in the world 😀

10 years ago

God, I love the Riga Beaver; if he doesn’t announce the votes, I will not be thrilled with Latvia.

10 years ago

very capable “beaver”