Since December 4, we’ve been asking you to vote for your favourites in our poll, “Who should win Festivali i Këngës 54?” You shouted loud and clear. After counting 1,375 votes, we can now reveal that, according to our fan poll, Besa Krasniqi should just make it over the line with her song “Liroje zemrën” and sing at Eurovision 2016.
Three acts have emerged as potential winners. Besa Krasniqi leads the way with “Liroje zemrën”, earning 291 votes, or around 21% of all those cast. Flaka Krelani follows with her song “S’je për mua”. She earned 165 votes or 12% of the vote. Just 13 votes behind her was Revolt Klan with “Dashurinë s’e gjejmë dotë”. They received 152 votes or 11%.
Interestingly, Besa and Flaka also finished first and second with the Wiwi Jury, our in-house panel of musical unprofessionals.
Do you agree that this is a three-horse race between Besa Krasniqi, Flaka Krelani and Revolt Klan?
Besa Krasniqi — “Liroje zemrën”
Flaka Krelani — “S’je për mua”
Revolt Klan — “S’je për mua”
Fan Poll Prediction: Festivali i Këngës 54
1. Besa Krasniqi – Liroje zemrën 21.16% (291 votes)
8. Nilsa Hysi – Asaj 4.07% (56 votes)
9. Florent Abrashi – Të ndjek ç’do hap 4% (55 votes)
11. Jozefina Simoni – Një det me ty 2.55% (35 votes)
15. Erga Halilaj – Monolog 1.96% (27 votes)
16. Egzon Pireci – Triumf 1.6% (22 votes)
18. Klajdi Musabelliu – Ndodh edhe kështu 1.53% (21 votes)
19. Dilan Reka – Buzëqesh 1.31% (18 votes)
= Genc Tukiçi – Sa të dashuroj 0.58% (8 votes)
25. Kozma Dushi – Një kafe 0.44% (6 votes)
26. Renis Gjoka – Ato që s’ti them dotë 0.29% (4 votes)
Who do you want to see come out on top? Who do you think actually will? Let us know!
Besa is my favorite, but I don’t think she will win, sadly. I hope it isn’t Flaka.
Well, Revolt Klan didn’t even end up qualifying in the end so no third place for them :v
For some unknown reason there were 11 qualifiers instead of the 9 from each SF they announced before – is there a reason?
From the finalists, I think the winner will either be Flaka Krelani, Enxhi Nasufi, Eneda Tarifa, Klodian Kacani & Rezarta Smaja or Teuta Kurti, with Nilsa Hysi and Sigi Bastri not far behind. I would also say Erga Halilaj and Dilan Reka are the dark horses.
Eneda Tarifa
Flaka Krelani
Besa Krasniqi
Enxhi Nasufi
And Nilsa Hysi
Are the best and the best which one will win it is ok.
And should be the winner of Eurovision.If one of them don’t win Eurovision sucks.
No Quentin, some Wiwi fan polls are deservingly wrong with the final result.
If FiK’s jury could vote the same as we did, it’d be cool..
sounds good