Hovi Star talks a lot and we love to listen. But in all of our conversations the Israeli singer hasn’t given us a clue about his performance in the upcoming Eurovision Song Contest. Now, with rehearsals just a few days away, he has spoken with Israeli newspaper Israel Hayom, revealing the scale of his ambitions.

Hovi’s original plan was to have 20 drones flying over him and above the audience — just like in his glossy video for “Made of Stars”. He secured the financial resources, only to learn that SVT couldn’t get approval because of safety issues. So he hit the drawing board and came up with something equally fabulous — but he’s not ready to show his glorious hand just yet.

Instead the 29-year-old singer revealed that he will have pyro — 16,000 euros worth to be exact. Hovi, who sings that we are made of stars, won’t need to melt all of his silver shards, as the pyro will be covered with the help of a few sponsorships, and by IBA and Keshet Broadcasting (the broadcaster of “The Next Star for Eurovision 2016”).

And what will he wear on stage?

Hovi will go for a very expensive outfit that he designed and which he promises will look amazing.

Many have suggested that he cut his asymmetrical hair, which features a dramatic side-part that swoops to the right, but he loves it the way it is and says that he knows exactly how to make it sit perfectly. After all, he does his own hair and even has a diploma in hairdressing! At this point locals go into their hair salon asking for the “Hovi Star” cut, he says.

Speaking to Israeli news website Ynet, he said that he wants to reach the Top 10 in the final.

“The goal is to aim for the highest, a victory will be a sweet surprise, but I want to represent the country with dignity and that’s what matters to me.”

“It’s only us and Poland that have ballads, so we will stand out. My ballad is organic, while all the other songs are electronic and uptempo songs.”


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8 years ago

Go hovi you are the winner!!

Pollaski 2: Electric Boogaloo
Pollaski 2: Electric Boogaloo
8 years ago

How cool would it be to have DRONES THAT SHOT FIREWORKS.

A+ 10/10 Douze points from everyone

8 years ago

Hovi is my winner this year … Hovi has a fantastic song and he is charismatic , i watched his interviews and i couldn’t stop laughing … i love hovi and i will vote for him for sure!!

8 years ago

thanks for your answer, can u consider voting for Hovi as well 🙂 ?
i think he really deserve a place in the final, his song come with a really strong massage especially after what eh been true at the russian air port
kisses from tel aviv 🙂

8 years ago


no i’m from the Netherlands, but i support Ira Losco this year, and she’ll definitely get my vote, maybe 2 votes for Malta and 1 vote for Czech Republic 🙂

8 years ago

Nicky91 thanks again!! are you from Malta? Ira losco Is also great!!
She and hovi are best friends 🙂 i wish them a lot of luck 🙂

8 years ago


Hovi is your next golden boy 🙂

and just to say this, he was awesome at Malta Eurovision Party, especially in a group performance with Gabriela, Ira and Sanja singing Come Together by the beatles 🙂

John Fow-tan
John Fow-tan
8 years ago

Disappointed he doesn’t wear a dress.

8 years ago


8 years ago

Hovi good luck, hope his live performance and staging will be amazing

8 years ago

Hovi is the best vocalist singer this year!!

8 years ago

Hovi just dream

8 years ago

The Russian song is the cheeses one so get real please!!
Hovi you are the best!!

8 years ago

I don’t like pyros at eurovision. They are loud, dangerous and smokes the whole stage and arena

8 years ago

hot damn, that drones idea would’ve been amazing. SVT should’ve tried their best to accommodate that instead of slashing the idea altogether. 🙁

i don’t know how 16,000 euros worth of fireworks look like but i hope it won’t be too much to take in. his song is emotional and from the sound of it, his staging idea kinda ventures into cheeseland. 🙁

8 years ago

@I say this
HHHHHHHH let him do his big show, his a DIVO 🙂 🙂
Hovi again i love u, i know u from israel and i know u are a very good and kind person i know how u treat and take care your grandmother for example… so do whatever you want to do its a once in a life time show and i know u will do your best with or without anything because your voice is perfect and your song amazing!!

I say this
I say this
8 years ago

Is this necessary ? C’mon Hovi please all you need to do is to deliver the beautiful message of your strong song no need for stage decoration save the money millions of people are starving all over the world don’t be so greedy and selfish as spending so much money in one night for 3 minutes on stage song comes from heart not stage and decoration.

8 years ago

I just want the simple performance of Hovi. I fear those pyros may cost him final (i want him to qualify!)

8 years ago

actually from male ballads with strong voices it is only Hovi and Michal. 20 drones was interesting idea, it’s so damn hard to control ’em and avoid collision. drones can drop something or to take footage. maybe he wanted to drop nice presents to the crowd? too bad we won’t know it. pyro… now I predict someone will scratch his plans and will introduce a volcano on stage to be the greatest 🙂 do you hear that faint squeaking noise from the far east? what would it cost to order a volcano and the earthquake with magnitude at least 5-6… Read more »

8 years ago

Hovi you are my winner this year!!!
loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee you bitch!! 🙂

8 years ago

@Ben, Vasilije: That’s a damn good Web site, http://esc.gerbear.com/sorter2016.htm Nothing better than to put 2 contenders head-to-head, each and every time, to determine which one you like the best, and it narrows it all down to which one you like THE best. I have yet to finish my 3rd and final evaluation of all the contenders (I’ve done all the audio and lyrics, all on 5 criteria; now I’m doing the music videos, also based on 5 criteria); but given the scores I’ve already given the contenders for their songs (which I will not add up until I’m finished with… Read more »

8 years ago

thanks from israel , yes hovi is perfect in live , you are right!! watch this video please:
good night 🙂

8 years ago

16,000 euros is a lot of money to just throw at the pyro effects, to be honest I think the song would be better without all of that – the song is quite organic whereas a load of fireworks would almost destroy the atmospheric nature of it all. I’m such it will be a great show for the crowd though, Hovi’s live vocal is brilliant 🙂

8 years ago

this is only your opinion!! i think that hovi have one of the best current beautiful song!! ….. and i do not think that hovi is favorite of wiwiblogs… the favorites are Russia, Spain and France that every day wiwiblogs writhing about those countries. Hovi is a roil model and bring with his personality and with song a great massage to all the people in the world especially the young people.

8 years ago

All this money invested… Not every contestant can afford something like this. Let the songs and talent do the talking.
Still better idea than drones tho. Drones flying above people could have been dangerous!

8 years ago

I just cannot take to his song, what happened to him in Russia was truely horrible and degrading but song wise he is just too cliché for me. €16,000 worth of fireworks will only cover up the fact that the song is quite boring.
Hovi seems like a nice guy though, so I hope he enjoys the experience. Wiwibloggs seem to love him anyway. Everyday there seems to be a new Hovi related article…but maybe I’m wrong 🙂 enjoy the music!

8 years ago

@Frenkc I think he meant only two ballads in his semi final, because indeed only Poland and Israel have ballads in the second one.

Having 20 drones flying around inside the arena was an impractical idea anyway, good thing that wasn’t allowed! Not as crazy as being naked with wolves on stage though…

8 years ago

@Vasilije Ojdani?

Thank you so much for the link! It predicted my top 42 correctly!

8 years ago

Hovi i love you bitch – your song is Amazing and your voice is perfect… i’m sorry about what hOppend to u in Russia, you should fight homophobia because you have the real power to do so!! AND WE ALL MADE OF STARS LOVE U

8 years ago

And Czech Republic.

8 years ago

I’m not the biggest fan of pyros, unless they’re used in a subtle way.

8 years ago

He will do well 🙂

8 years ago

I hope that the live performance and the staging will be amazing!

8 years ago

“It’s only us and Poland that have ballads”
Hovi have you heard Macedonia, Australia and Ukraine’s song? x)

8 years ago

HOVI my love , i wish u the best of luck and you are the real star of the eurovision !!!
best song, best voice. best personality !! 🙂

Vasilije Ojdani?
Vasilije Ojdani?
8 years ago

@ Ben Rafter: It’s called Gerbear Eurovision 2016 Sorting Tool


Ben Rafter
Ben Rafter
8 years ago

I know this has nothing to do with this article, but can anyone give me a link to the website that predicts your top 43? It is like this: it gives you 2 countries and you hit off the one you like more. It keeps going like that until it gives you your top. So does anyone have the link?