It was Argo’s second rehearsal, but due to sound issues, today was the first time we actually heard “Utopian Land” in all its glory. Vocals were strong, with little to no changes from the studio version. Although, cattier press room members suggested it was better when the sound was off.
Once again the performance is crammed with traditional Greek elements. Dressed in outfits that worshippers of Zeus might have worn, they dance Pontian jigs on a stage full of fiery orange sun-like symbols. The camera work is tighter, the dance moves slicker. The entry is divisive, but also diverting. While certain viewers may be alienated by the rap and ethnic elements, the fact that it’s sandwiched between throwaway dance numbers from Finland and Moldova may save it. As an added bonus, the hot dancer rips his shirt off at the end. The Greeks do spoil us!
Do you think Greece will make the final?
Greece: Second rehearsal at Eurovision 2016
Argo: Interview after first rehearsal
Greece’s press conference after first rehearsal
Greece reaction to first rehearsal
Read all of our Eurovision rehearsal reviews
Photo: (EBU)
INFE Greece wishes Good luck to this perfect performance with ARGO and our UTOPIAN LAND.
U re welcome Europeans!
I didn’t like the song at first but now I love it <3 that staging changed it all! It's a masterpiece <3
It seems like too many people dislike this song for it to do well. It may make the final, but I can’t see it doing all that well there.
I know people say the juries will bury this. However, Cyprus, Armenia, San Marino, Moldova and Azerbaijan are ALSO in this semi final. Juries from these counties won’t be son hostile to this song.
Prediction: it WILL make the final, and will finish in the BOTTOM 3.
You said it is sandwiched between two throwaway dance numbers yet BOTH of these songs are vastly superior to Greece’s entry.
Maybe you should write an article about how lucky Finland and Moldova are to be performing before and after this mess respectively.
The Greeks have excelled themselves and I see this as an improvement from 2014/15.
To the final for sure.
The Greeks are definitely back in the game. Well done.
They might do decent with the televote, but I think the juries might crash it
Very powerful, amazing!!!! I hope to see them in final!
I don’t like this…… At all.
Greek rap is not something I would ever listen to mainly coe I find Greek Language not suited for that type of music.
Also the drums on stage being featured in the choreograph with everyone making circles around the drummer……. Eurovison 2005 moment.
The tearing of the shirt doesn’t add to the meaning of the Utopian Land they seek…. It’s just gay votes and I don’t see the point of it.
It would be like Nina Kraljic flashing a boob at the choirs……..
Go Greece!! love them 🙂 they are great!!
good luck from israel
Amazing just amazing
IDT this makes it. I usually say a fun performance like this is a sure qualifier. But, this semi-final is stacked and this song is going early. Maybe if Croatia or Azerbaijan have a big failure on tuesday, it could slide into the final.
Hahahaha you re right!!! (; (;
This looks and feels like crap. If it qualifies it will mean Greece won’t need to make any effords in the future.
I didn’t like this song at all at first, but now I find my self singing it. A song I sometimes don’t like at all, but sometimes I do. But after seeing it at stage, Greece has lost me for now.
But I thing Eurovision is more interesting whith tones that many from northeurope nerver listen to. For that reason I might like to see it in the final.
REAL REALNESS Y’ALL!! (Please don’t ever stop using realness, I’m super used to it by now.)
This won’t qualify. Really really bad song
Pontic ethnic rap.Unique song and staging.
This will easily qualify.
“Pontiac realness” must be something related to a car engine 🙂
Leaving the abuse of “realness” aside, the correct adjective is “Pontic”.
Be careful with Greeks and toponyms, they can tear you to pieces for using Macedonia instead of FYROM, the same might apply to the Pont 😉
“Pontiac” realness? That’s a car brand…I think you mean PONTIC. LMAO!
Totally to the final guys.Amazing!
This will make it to the final 100%. This staging is one of the strongest I’ve seen yet.
I still don’t like the song and even though I’m from Greece, I think the performance is a hot mess. I would like to see my country in the Grand-Final but, objectively speaking this is in my bottom 3.
Sadly, totally basic
Another use of “REALNESS” in a title. Beyond a joke at this point.
Love it and love the Greeks. Such states like the UK, Armenia, Greece, Italy and Israel have something to show. They are always interesting.
still a nice song but the performance came over a little weird. maybe it is because of the camera angle and not the TV-view, but somehow it doesnt fully convince…
“cattier press room”
Pot calling the kettle black?
this is such an ethnic masterpiece, i hope this is the winner 🙂 🙂 🙂
Amazing rehearsal and energy on stage
Greece is officialy the dark horse of the contest this year
Greece is sure in the final!!
With no doubt one of the best rehearsals!
Argo,see you in Grand final!